The Black Market [2]

As one would expect from the underground world, it was filled with numerous people of different races walking around the dark streets.

Stalls and shop buildings lined the streets, selling items that were hard to come by legally.

The black market was a place where the laws of the surface held no meaning.

There was no law here to protect buyers and sellers; anything could happen if one wished.

But to prevent chaos and bloodbaths, some unspoken rules were in place that everyone abided by.


The strong are always above the weak.

Just like in the world of adventurers, the strong had more advantages and were favored over the weak.


Be civil.

Do not cause a bloodbath unless you have a good reason.

And lastly:

Do not oppose The Council of Nightfall unless you wish to die.

These three unspoken rules were the only things you had to follow when visiting the black market.