009. Rejected feelings

As she perused through the consultation requests from her clients, Luna could barely focus. She exhaled deeply and leaned on the back rest of her office chair, The weather was beautiful so she turned around to appreciate the city view which always calmed her nerves.

"Rowena" She called for the new secretary that was assigned to her that morning at her dismay, she wanted to choose one herself after thorough vetting however Don protested claiming to be the only one in charge of employing workers at Euphoria.

"Yes ma'am" She rushed to her side, she was a beautiful but looked somewhat insecure

"Burn some incense, I need to calm my tense nerves."

Rowena pushed her round plastic rimmed glasses closer to her eyes before dashing to get the incense burner.

Her mind was preoccupied with what Shay had told her the previous day, she got up and handed a client consultation form to Rowena

"Call that client and set up a meeting." She ordered before grabbing her car keys and walking out of the door of the tarot house.

Earlier Shay had been kind enough to give her information regarding the hospital her former secretary's mother was getting treatment.

"Just let it be Luna, call him if you're curious but am sure he's ok." She said nonchalantly laying her tarot cards on the table

"You said that the only way to leave this place is if you're dead, an worried about him and there is informationI need him to verify. "

Luna suspected that Timothy's disappearance could be related to her stabbing incident.

Shay gasped and pulled her aside and whispered so Rowena whose ears appeared to have elogated like those of an elf couldn't hear a thing.

"Are you trying to get me killed? you don't just spew hearsay unnecessary, please I don't remember saying shit"

She looked truly terrified.

Luna was glad to be stepping away from work because she would never hear the end of her nagging.

The hospital Timothy's mom was supposed to be in was one of the most expensive in the country, she questioned how he was able to afford the bills given that his mom was in a comatose state.

She asked the receptionist to direct her to the room of the patient she was looking for and to her displeasure she denied her request claiming that she couldn't share the patient's information to a stranger

After bribing her a hefty sum the receptionist checked through the records and confirmed that the patient in question had been transferred out of the country.

"What! when was that?"Luna asked impatiently because according to the receptionist, the said patient was transferred despite the doctor's warning that she was unstable.

"About amonth ago." She asked while pressing the keyboard buttons.

Her intuition kept bugging her 'Timothy knows something about the former host's death, this is too much of a coincidence. If only I can find out his whereabouts.' She gently tugged her hair as she asked the receptionist if she knew where the sick woman was transferred to, however to her dismay she didn't.

She needed to atleast confirm that he was alive, then all she had to do was keep searching for him.

"Who checked her out?" Luna impatiently thumped on the reception desk with her hand

The receptionist gave her a simple glance and shifted her gaze back to her computer until she gave her more dollars.

"Timothy Turner although, i have to say that he looked all nervous like he had seen a ghost."

The knot in her stomach loosened 'Atleast he was alive, I'll keep calling his number and searching for him.' A slight hint of a smile crossed her pinched lips as she hurriedly walked out of the hospital

She dialed Logan's number while fixing her red lipstick using the rear view mirror .

"Hey sugar" she spoke with excitement the moment he picked forgetting that she was Luna Grey and not Ariel


"Are you there?" She checked the phone to see if the call had been cut

"Sugar? Are you teasing me right now? Did my dead wife ask you to call me that?" Logan nervously pressed her for answers

Luna shut her eyes and inhaled. 'shoot!' A little voice chimed at the back of her mind, she always let her guard down when she was with him probably because she still adored him.

"Arh! You've caught me, what I forgort to tell you was that she kind of gave me a few pointers here and there about how to win you over." She lied through her teeth hoping he buys the lie.

"You're kidding right, stop playing games,, you know am married and I love my wife dearly. These games you're playing won't make me leave her." The words were bullets that went straight for her heart.

Lately she had been doing her best to seduce Logan. She cooked his favorite meals, wore provocative clothes furthermore she listened to his nagging complaints about his family especially his brother but he kept dotting on his wife.

To him Megan was a perfect woman, probably because she was pregnant, he barely complained about her something that mesmerized her because knowing Megan she was good for nothing, so why was he holding her in high regard?.


"Am starting to develop strong feelings of love towards you, let's take this to another level" She had said to him over a candle light dinner they were having at the rooftop garden one night prior to this conversation. It was the first sane place she had seen at Euphoria.

His frozen face suddenly contorted meanness "Am never going to leave my wife for you. We talked about this before you lost you're memory. This is just a casual thing nothing more."

His response shattered her heart but what was she expecting? He had a baby on the way and perhaps he didn't want a broken family.

'But am you're wife!' Her inner voice wanted to scream out loud. She wiped a tear that rolled down her cheek with a napkin an act that melted his heart.

He rested his hand over hers " It's not that I don't love you, I like what we have and so did you before your ordeal. You have really changed Luna and you're starting to ask for the impossible." He broke her heart even more but why was she anticipating to win him over easily? This was not going to be a walk in the park, she was just testing the waters nevertheless it hurt.


"Are you there?" He asked after a few awkward minutes of silence.

"Iam, well I called to apologize about ruining our dinner with my sentimental feelings. It wasn't that deep." She lied blatantly

"That puts me at ease because I was thinking about not seeing you for a while. I love my wife and I don't want to lead you on. I can't have two wives." His voice was assertive

'Ofcourse that's a given, you already have a wife, me and not that murderer Megan.' Her inner voice recited.

"Baby who are you talking to? I've been waiting forever I need you to massage my feet." Luna heard Megan command him right before he hangup abruptly without saying goodbye.