013. Lucky charm

Confusion clouded her thoughts because according to the information she had received from Nate, Logan was ment to be on on a business trip at the moment.

Luna was in utter disbelief when he demanded that she tells him the reason as to why she didn't let him know that the deal would go south.

'He must be infuriated because he had lost a huge some of money.' Luna wanted to comfort him but made a momentous decision to stay put.

she thanked her lucky stars that the odds were in her favor since she had predicted right.

She simply cast him a glance expressing her disinterest and shifted her eyes back to her phone.

"Are you mad at me for something am not aware of? "His stance changed abruptly from agitated to calm as he walked to join her on the soft couch.

She was sleeping on the couch in her pajama short set and was almost retiring to bed when he had walked in like a mad man.

She let out a pronounced sigh, ignoring him was not going to work because he kept nagging her about what her issue with him was.

It was all just a strategy to ghost him alittle so that he could long for her. It had been just a a few hours and he was already ranting like a lunatic.

"You didn't request for a consultation" Her tone sounded unbothered when she spoke.

He was taken back by both her tone and her statement itself.

"Excuse me? What do you mean? Since when do I do that?" Logan stared at her with his bulging moist eyes

She wondered why his words were coated with fear, 'What is he so afraid of?'

He stood up in combat mode like a preditor getting ready for a kill

"Is this about Nate? Are you cheating on me with him. I know that he likes you Luna, I've known this whole time but it didn't irk me because you never gave him the time of day however lately you guys are meeting up quite often and its it's bugging me?"

Her nerves were bubbling under her calm exterior, the nerve of this man that was married accusing her of cheating on him.

Luna laughed hysterically and spoke to him coldly "Why do you care though, you clearly told me that you love your wife, it's evident that you adore her more than me. So I'll date whom ever I please as a matter of the fact I think that we should revise this situationship."

He hurridly closed his eyes like a scared little child and took a deep breath " Am sorry. For whatever it is that I have done to get you mad like this, I apologize." He's jet black eyes brimmed with tears and he suddenly hugged her taking her by suprise.

She didn't want want to push him any further

Just incase he decided to shut her out completely. Lucky for her he was obsessed with something about her. 'What was that though?'

The answer to her burning question was in the statement he blurted out.

"You're my lucky charm,Luna. After I met you everything fell into its rightfully place. I can't live without you. I love you magic" She could feel his sincerity.

She warmly smiled and pretended to be pleased with his confession but at the back of her mind she was battling with emotions of disappointment and anger.

'Does this mean that myself as Ariel was never enough for him.' It didn't make sense because they had shared a beautiful love story together.

She believed that the previous host must have charmed him somehow because her husband was gullible.

He easily trusted those around him, however that didn't matter because she now had a second chance to make things right.

"How can you love us both?" A wave of painful emotions overwhelmed her as she asked 'you're not aware that she killed me.' She hugged him tighter to her.

Carefully Maneuvering, he admitted that he couldn't leave Megan because she threatened to harm herself if he did.

"She's pregnant with my baby, I don't want anything to harm her." He concluded by assuring her that once she had the baby he would leave her then.

She believed him because she didn't detect any lies coming from him, however she also knew that there was no way Megan was going to let him go easily.

'I need to find a way of getting closer to Megan, however she didn't know how she was going to do that, besides there terrible unplanned encouter earlier was going to make the situation even more complex.

She checked her message inbox hoping that Raki had sent her some information on Megan but it was still empty.

"Are you expecting an important call? You've been obsessed with your phone since I got here." Logan voiced out his insecurity hoping she wasn't still carrying some resentment towards him

"A..a..client, am expecting a call from her." She stammered and lied blatantly.

He suggested that it was the role of her secretary to follow up on clients

"Is she failing at her duties?" He asked since he had recommended her. She wondered why, since he was a very busy man.

It's like he read her mind so he spoke nonchalantly "It's because I care, that's why I recommend one of the best." Almost bragging while he shrugged like it was no big deal to him

She was grateful that he was attentive even to the little things that Don and she herself could easily handle.

As they cuddled that night after having three good rounds of love making she wondered whether Megan suspected that he was unfaithful because he was now spending alot of time away from her.

"Aren't you afraid that you're wife could become suspicious of you if you keep spending more nights here." Luna spoke indifferent about whether Megan found out or not.

Logan informed her that she doesn't know that he was back in the country.

"I came here straight from the airport because I couldn't get a hold of you. Don't do that again by the way."

She propped a hand under her head and stared at him suspiciously.

"I thought you were furious because you lost a great sum of money? Wasn't it a loan?"

His eyes flickered with a hint of discomfort, she was sure he didn't want to talk about it but surprisingly he told her that he hasn't scored a loan.

Luna believed him because in the past no bank wanted to loan him money on orders of his brother who had threatened to withdraw the King's group's partnership with them.

"My company is now the best performing subsidy of Kings group, plus there is more from where that money came from." He spoke with confidence.

'What's the source of his money?' She observed his sleeping face that was most times hard to read.