026. Try hypnosis

Awoken by the sound of barking loud thunder, Luna's head jerked up as the recollection of the vivid nightmare she had sprung out from came flashing back in her mind like a horror movie.

"Who the fuck was that?" In this particular episode, among the dancing demon shadows was one that had a human form. "Am partly certain that someone was there although the dreams are still vague."Luna pushed her torso from the bed.

It was around 2am in the night, thunder was furious rumblings outside, the sky was pitch black with no stars or moon. One could easily tell that it was about to rain cats and dogs.

She reached for the remote control and automatically shut the window that was gushing in the cold wind.

Sitting with a frown because she was clearly perturbed by the repetitive night mare, the ringing phone startled her, she picked up immediately on checking the caller ID.

"Luna?I didn't think you would pick. Is it that nightmare again?" His deep voice was glazed with genuine concern for her.


Days ago when she called Nate to come over after the night after the Roman themed party, he had suggested that he spends the night because she looked too terrified to be alone.

In the deep hours of the night, he had heard her shrieking like she was under attack.

Nate who was sleeping in the guest bedroom made a mad dash to her bedroom, what he saw when he entered horrified him.

The young woman was clearly trying to escape from a horrible nightmare but was still trapped in it. Rushing to her side, he took her by the shoulders and vehemently jolted her.

"Luna! Wake up, it's just a night mare." Nathan's strong voice snapped her out of it.

She wrung her arms around his body into a tight embrace, it appeared as though she was holding on for her dear life.

"Shhhhh, there there"Nate soothed her back to sleep. She slept like a baby in his mascular arms, It had been a while since had a peaceful night without the help of a sleeping pill.

The following morning when the sun was just about to bloom, the sweet aroma that had diffused throughout the entire penthouse had woken her up.

Luna sniffed and smiled as she jumped out of bed and followed the smell of deliciousness.

"Is that becon?" She asked the man who hadn't noticed her presence yet, Luna had been standing by the door for a few seconds taking in the stunning sight of Nate making breakfast.

Startled, he silently nodded, turned in her direction and grinned. She could see his sexy dimples from where she stood, if permitted she could just watch him smile the whole day.

"I hope you made enough to feed an entire army because boy oh boy am I starving." Luna strolled and sat on a stool by the kitchen island.

"Am not sure if it can feed an army but it's enough to satisfy a hungry wolf." Nate jested as he plated the food.

She laughed at his simple joke as she licked her lips the food looked as good as its fragrance.

"Here you go." Nate gently slid her a plate that had a heap of bacon, fried eggs, toast and tomato slices.

"Yummy! Oh my God, am good but you're a better cook. It's delicious." Luna covered her full mouth.

He cast her a short glance with a tiny frown, he wanted to ask her about her night mare however to didn't want to seem like a busybody.

"I've been having them for a while now. Since I rose from the dead." She lied blatantly because she couldn't tell him that her nightmare was from her past life.

Nodding his head because her plight was quite understandable. "Is it about the stabbing incident?" Nate folded his arms

and watched her gobble the food.

"Do you see anything that could catalyze the investigation because right now it looks like a cold case, unless we find some pretty damning evidence like you recovering you're memory." Nate rubbed an eyebrow while leaning forward on the counter space.

Luna sighed softly and let him know that she thinks she saw someone else but she wasn't sure because it was too vague "It could be a mere shadow, honestly I don't know if am just hallucinating.

Nate cocked his head and raised his eyebrows with his lips curved in a quizzed smile "shadows?what shadows Luna?" He inquired with full suspension.

She tightly shut her eyes like a secretary caught in the act of looking through her boss's file "uhm, well just scary shadows or demons" Luna opened her eyes and shifted them from him to her plate, she felt terrible that she was lying to him yet he was trying to help.

Drumming the kitchen island with his fingers as he deliberated on the situation Nate suddenly perked up "

There could be a way for you to get your memory back, but only if you're up to it."

Luna gently dropped the full fork back onto the plate, she was ready to do anything as long as she could confirm her suspicions.

"What's that? What do I have to do?" Her eager eyes were wide open beaming with full anticipation

"Have you heard of hypnosis therapy?" Nate stared at her with narrow lidded eyes " You're put in a dream like state while the therapist walks you back and through that particular incident." He nodded his head while scanning her face for a reaction.

"I mean I've heard of it but I don't particularly know anyone that has been through it, however am willing to give it a shot." Luna's expression was a mixture of desperation and hope.

"I'll sent up an appointment with a good therapist, she's one of the best." Nate assured her before choosing to change the topic to a lighter one

"Now let's move on to more important things, I need you to foresee into my future. I've been having alot of funny premonitions of late." Nate had a grin plastered on his face.

Luna laughed softly because she was aware that he was trying to uplift her mood although he had chosen the wrong topic.

Their attention was drawn to the electric door lock beep, that was when Logan walked in with a ragged appearance.


"Luna? Are you there?" Nathan worridly asked when he didn't hear a response from her.

She deeply exhaled "Nate, have you booked my appointment with the therapist yet?"Luna wiped cold sweat from her forehead.

"So it's that repeatitive nightmare, I was going to tell you tomorrow but since you asked, the answer is yes. She's expecting to see you tomorrow at noon." Nate's voice sounded warm and calm.

She remembered she had to be present when Herbert Robinson's will is being read

"Am fully occupied tomorrow, I don't think I can make it."

"You know what I'll send you her number so you can call her clinic yourself, I think that's better." Suggested Nate

"Yeah, sure and Nate? Could you please accompany me,I don't think I'll be able to go through with it on my own, the beginning is always the hardest." Luna requested shakily as she crossed her fingers tightly