057. Spare the rod

The elderly Mrs Robinson was steadily recovering, It had been a few days of lodging at the hospital, her grand children ensured that she remained comfortable and tried to lift her spirits in vain, after the events that had occurred during the reading of her son's last will and testament, a deep frown expressing worry continued to remain on her haggard face.

She wasn't suprised that her daughter inlaw never bothered to check on her condition not even a phone call from her however she was grateful that all her grandchildren took turns in taking care of her.

"Atleast he raised them to be good humans." She raised her palms to the cieling as she thanked the heavens for that.

Confusion mingled with mild growing anxiety on the chilly morning of the day after she was discharged, the elder woman was dispirited when her grandsons never showed up for breakfast with no excuse whatsoever.