062. Keep the enemy closer

Turning her body around in one go to face her waiting guest, Megan smiled warmly at the white haired young woman who wore a blank expression on her face as she watched her sister make a complete about-face like she had not been torturing people a few seconds ago. Just like in the old days Megan would Steel her money from the piggy bank and when she was asked about it she would cry and swear that she had never stolen in her life. What was new about this situation was that she was making dangerous threats to show authority, Megan had become very cruel, she didn't flinch before hurting people. Luna wondered what their poor mother would think if she saw this side of her first born daughter.

One thing Luna had decided to do was to swallow and bottle up all her emotions especially those of empathy because she was dealing with a callous person, it was the only route to get in the cunning woman's good graces.