114. Exhibition

The autioner that had reffed to himself as captain hook spanked her ass and turned to the audience. "well now folks, as you can see she's willing and ready, let the biding begin at $10,000." he pointed his pirate hook at the man in the diamond section that had raised his auction paddle first. "$30,000" he screamed out the amount like no one would be able to challenge the amount.

Another man wearing a slimfit suit raised his paddle "$50,000" Before he could lower his action paddle, a man wearing nothing but a thong called out a number $70,000, and another who had come with his wife bid at $100,000 amid protests from his wife who wanted him to announce a bigger figure.

The rest of the spectators who were not interested in what was being auctioned kept laughing and applauding the bidders, this was obviously a game to these wealthy people who had a lot of idle money sleeping in their bank accounts.