146. False accusation.

It was 5:00am in the morning, the white haired young woman who had barely slept that night stared at the white ceiling. She turned to her right for the hundredth time and let out a loud sigh.

The information Teresa had sprung on her had left her restless, she couldn't remember how time had passed by so fast.

'No wonder the boy's condition worsened, he saw something that night.'

Luna drew back the covers and sat on the bed, she wondered how she was going to approach the situation. It was her obligation to inform the boy's parents however that would mean that Teresa would loose her job and furthermore, if the situation was handled poorly, Romeo may never disclose what he knew.

"It is best that I keep my mouth shut for now but I have to find a way of getting Romeo to confide in me." Luna mumbled as she stretched.