155. Protect the secret.

The man kept to his word, he updated her on his progress with getting to board members to rally behind him. According to Logan even some of the board members that seemed to be on Arthur's side had secretly called him expressing their desire to see him become the next president.

In all honesty, Logan was the better candidate of the two men. He commanded respect, was confident, had better leadership skills, hardworking and above all resilient.

He had solely resuscitated the ailing King's pharmaceuticals to become the most profitable of a King's group subsidiaries something the board members doubted Arthur could do.

In just a day, he had accumulated more than enough support to make him president. However, Luna had told him not to relax until the final day.

When the news landed in Stella's ears that some of the board members that were on her side were quickly switching sides to Logan's, she called them and they picked out of respect for her.