181. Clear Nightmare.

Unlike what had become the norm of her waking up from the terrifying Nightmare all scared, this time Luna's eyes shot wide open upon seeing Megan's clear face in the dream.

On the night of Herbert's murder, she had recieved a message from Megan right before the fireworks to meet her inside the house. When she got there, she heard a thud and a sharp pain as she fell to the floor and blacked out.

Her senses had returned for a few seconds, she saw dancing flames and a woman standing behind them. The woman turned around to stare at her, a wicked smile never leaving her face.

As the dream became clearer, she saw her sister Megan. Her eyes closed once again as the woman walked away leaving her behind to burn to death.

Since she had suspected all along that Megan was involved all she needed now was to find her accomplice and hence expose Herbert's murderers.