201. Human trials

King's group realesed a statement since Roman was the president's personal assistant. In the press release it was clearly stated that Roman harbored a grudge against the CEO of King's law firm and therefore he had acted solely on his own.

Ofcourse for those that knew what was actually going on, knew that it was bullshit because Roman never did anything without Logan knowledge.

Luna told Nate that there was place she wanted to go and therefore she wanted to be discharged.

Her tone was sober enough for him to know that there was no room for opposition. He paged the doctor who came and suggested that it would have been better if she had spent the night but since she hell bent on leaving she could as long as she went straight home to rest.

To Nate's surprise, Anna was waiting in the parking lot. They entered the car and nomatter how many times he asked about where they were going the women remained silent.