211. Happy place.

Two years had passed since the ordeal and since then the happiness at the Robinson household kept increasing day by day.

Two new members had been welcomed into the household, one being Karla St. Patrick and Moana Robinson who was just one year old.

"How are you pregnant again, you just gave birth to Moana like yesterday." Luna asked Anna who in response told her that since she and Arthur had renewed their vows the man couldn't keep his hands off her.

The two ladies laughed as they watched their four children play together near the floral gardens.

"Am glad that you accepted to move in here, after what happened we needed each other." Anna massaged Luna's hand.

"Me too, we are family afterall." Luna's thoughts run to the day Stella asked Nate and Luna to move to the Robinson family home.

Although he had hesitated, Nate had finally agreed because he was immobile and Luna was pregnant. Besides Arthur was more than persistent on the issue.