Whispers of Retribution

Three weeks had flown by in a blur, yet for Nil and Stranger, each passing day seemed to deepen the bond between them. Their love, once budding, now flourished with an intensity that neither could have foreseen. Amidst this blossoming romance, Nil found solace in the steady progress of his shooting endeavors, while Stranger meticulously crafted his songs, each note a testament to his passion.Though Stranger remained skeptical of matters divine, Nil's unwavering faith led them to temples, where they sought moments of tranquility amidst the chaos of their lives. For a time, happiness enveloped them like a warm embrace, and together they reveled in the joy of their shared journey.Yet, as the adage goes, happiness is often fleeting. Despite their love and companionship, Nil and Stranger found themselves on the precipice of an unforeseen challenge, their lives intertwined with the unpredictable threads of fate.Stranger called Nil and asked him to meet with him in the restaurant at 5:00 pm. Nil agreed to come. So in excitement, Stranger comes before time.Seated in the quiet confines of the hotel, Stranger patiently awaited, his thoughts wandering through the labyrinth of time. Unexpectedly, Lava materialized, a sudden burst of energy disrupting the tranquility. Without preamble, she took her place beside him, clasping Stranger's hand in a gesture laden with remorse. A poignant apology flowed from her lips, seeking forgiveness for a past tainted. The Stranger, transformed by the passage of time, found it within himself to grant absolution, restoring her to her former position.As the delicate threads of reconciliation wove their intricate pattern, the entrance of Nil added a new dimension to the unfolding drama. A silent witness to the scene, a storm of envy brewed within him. Observing Lava's hand intertwined with Stranger's, an unsettling desire for retribution welled up, casting shadows over the delicate tapestry of forgiveness.Summoning composure, Nil approached Stranger and, with a seemingly casual demeanor, planted a kiss on his cheek. In an apologetic tone, he murmured, "Darling, I regret my tardiness. I hope you can forgive the delay."Stranger, taken aback by Nil's unexpected gesture, chose to maintain a stoic silence, masking his astonishment with a restrained smile. Lava, sensing the tension, contemplated a discreet exit, "I believe it's time for me to depart."Nil, his jealousy simmering beneath the surface, responded coldly, "You've realized it too late, Ms. Lava. Now, please..."As Lava retreated, Nil released his grip on Stranger's arm. Seizing the opportunity, Nil informed Stranger of his imminent visit to the restroom."Ahh, Strangerrr, I need to use the washroom," Nil declared, without awaiting a response, and hurried after Lava. Intrigued by the unfolding events, Stranger discreetly followed, hoping to decipher Nil's intentions.At the precipice of a potential threat, Stranger observed Nil retrieving a knife. A surge of fear compelled Stranger to silently beseech divine intervention. As Nil approached Lava, he seized her hand, leading her to a desolate corner of the hotel.Holding the knife against Lava's neck, Nil issued a stern warning, his possessiveness for Stranger laid bare. "Keep silent and heed my words. I don't know if you understand my words, but if you encroach upon our space, I won't hesitate to end you. Maintain a distance from my boyfriend – one meter, no, make it ten meters. Cross the line, and I won't think twice about ending you. Your beauty won't save you."Stranger, a silent witness to the possessive display, concealed his emotions, reaching the table before Nil to preserve the facade of ignorance. On the other side, Lava, concealing her intentions with a villainous smile, whispered to herself, "I will tally every sorrow you've inflicted. Payback awaits, Nilll..."''You'll be remorse soon...!''