Stranger's Tender Care

As Than and Achara stepped into Nil's room, a tableau unfolded – Stranger and Nil, hands entwined, locked in a silent exchange. Achara, ever the playful spirit, couldn't resist a light-hearted remark."Hmm...hmm, I think we've stumbled upon an inconvenient moment."Nil, feeling a tinge of awkwardness, quickly reassured, "No, Achara, you're right on time. I had a slight pain in my hand, so I asked him to lend his support. Stranger, say something."Stranger, with a chuckle, responded, "Yes, I was simply offering my assistance."Than, displaying genuine concern, suggested, "If your hand hurts, P.Kao, let me hold it. You must be tired."A flicker of jealousy crossed Stranger's expression as he retorted, "No need, Than, I can manage."Achara, breaking into laughter, remarked, "You two are quite something. But honestly, I love seeing you together. By the way, I've brought breakfast, and Than brought flowers and fruits."Stranger, intrigued, asked, "Achara, is it Bangladeshi food?"Achara, casting a glance at her brother, replied, "Yes, brother. I may not be as knowledgeable as you, but I know a bit about P.Nil, and I know he loves Bangladeshi food. However, no restaurant was open this morning, so I improvised from an online recipe."Nil, appreciative, said, "That's so thoughtful, Achara. Give it to me; I can't wait."Achara handed Nil a bowl of Khichdi. After tasting it, Nil couldn't help but make a face. Achara inquired, "How is it, P.Nil?"Nil grinned and replied, "Umm, it's very tasty. But, Achara, I'm sorry you went through so much trouble because of me."Achara smiled, responding with genuine warmth, "There's no trouble, and I'm always happy to do anything for you."Observing Nil's expression, Stranger felt a strange emotion and asked, "Nil, let me have a spoon."However, Nil resisted, stating, "No, no, I will eat it alone." Despite Nil's protest, Stranger managed to have a bite, and his reaction mirrored Nil's. Before Stranger could speak, Nil held his hand. Achara intervened again, "P.Nil, enjoy your breakfast. Brother, you stay here; I and Than will check with the doctor about P.Nil."With a simple acknowledgment, Stranger watched as Than and Achara left for the doctor. Turning his attention back to Nil, Stranger remarked, "It's a bit undercooked and salty. You shouldn't eat it. Why didn't you let me tell Achara?"Nil explained, "Stranger, she woke up early to make it for me because she knows I love it. How could I hurt her feelings?"Understanding Nil's sentiment, Stranger asked, "What will you eat now? I can't let you eat this."Nil replied, "I won't eat it. You eat it."Stranger hesitated, "No, I can't."Nil pleaded, "Please, Stranger, for me. I'm not well."Stranger relented, saying, "Fine. But what will you give me in return?"Nil playfully responded, "I will kiss you for each bite."After sealing the deal, Stranger began eating, and for each spoonful, Nil planted a gentle kiss on his cheek. The playful exchange continued until the last bite, prompting Nil to remark, "You cheater, you're eating so slowly."Stranger, with a lowered gaze, admitted, "How do you know? I always eat like this."Nil teased, "Oh really? In your meetings, you practically inhale a whole bowl."Stranger retorted, "It doesn't matter. As long as you keep your promise and fulfill it."The banter continued until the last bite, where Stranger was due for the final promised kiss.A sudden rustle of footsteps caught Nil's attention, prompting him to swiftly retrieve the empty bowl from Stranger. Achara entered the room, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the consumed meal."I'll make it for you every day," she declared with genuine delight, unknowingly causing a momentary unease for both Nil and Stranger.Than, the harbinger of news, delivered a hopeful announcement. "We spoke to the doctor, and he said we could take Nil home in a week."Stranger's face radiated joy at the prospect, but the reunion was not without its interruptions. Uncle Tham and Merry arrived, expressing their genuine concern for Nil's well-being. Uncle Tham, after a brief inquiry, excused himself to the café, leaving Merry in the comforting company of Nil.Amidst this, Shian beckoned Stranger for a meeting. Reluctant to leave Nil's side, Stranger sought to delegate the responsibility. However, Achara insisted on a moment of self-care for Stranger. Nil, in agreement, convinced Stranger with a plea and a promise."Okay...okay, I am going, but please take care of this little cranky baby. I will come as soon as possible," Stranger acquiesced, eliciting laughter from everyone. As he made his departure, Nil, with wide eyes, held onto Stranger's hands."Strangerrr, please come soon," pleaded Nil.Stranger, reciprocating the sentiment, tightened his grip and reassured, "I will, Nil."In Stranger's absence, Merry couldn't help but remark on the evident love between the two."Oooo, Nil, you're very lucky to have him," she exclaimed.With a shy smile, Nil agreed, "Yeah, I am."Merry, seizing the opportunity, playfully sought a similar connection. "Can you please find me someone like him?"Achara, with a knowing smile, chimed in, "It's not possible because around the world, he's the only piece."Than, offering a candid insight, added, "Actually, he is."Nil, teasingly looking at Merry, suggested, "But, Merry, why look outside when there might be someone inside you? Like Techno..."Merry dismissed the idea, citing Techno's apparent indifference. Achara stepped in to shed light on a different perspective."It doesn't mean he doesn't hear you. The thing is, he cares about you."The conversation subtly shifted, and Merry made a connection between Than and Techno. With a beautiful smile, Achara acknowledged the observation."You can take it as such," she affirmed.Than, seizing the moment, teased Nil about his recent date, earning quick protests from Achara and Merry, who urged him not to dig up memories from this particular location."It's okay, guys," Nil reassured them. "But I must thank you, Achara. You're much younger than me and Stranger, but a thousand times more sensible than us. Thank you for doing this for us."Achara, deflecting the gratitude, responded with sisterly devotion. "You don't need to thank me. I am your sister, so it was my duty to reunite you both."With gratitude expressed and emotions captured in a series of selfies, Stranger, on the other hand, found himself back at the office, navigating through the demands of two meetings.Inquiring about Lava's whereabouts, Stranger directed the question to Shian, who shared an unsettling revelation."From yesterday, she seemed different. I asked her, but she refused. Today I called her, and she mentioned some health issues preventing her from attending," explained Shian.Stranger rolled his eyes in apparent frustration. Shian, shifting the focus, inquired about Nil."Kaooo, how's Nil?" he asked.A genuine smile graced Stranger's face as he replied, "He's much better now."Returning to the hospital, Stranger found a crowd surrounding Nil's room. Wanting to give Nil some space, Stranger stood by but soon contemplated stepping out. However, Nil, engrossed in his activities, reached out to hold Stranger's hand, silently requesting his presence. As the room gradually cleared, Stranger reclined on the bed, Nil finding comfort with his head resting on Stranger's chest, both enveloped in a quiet moment.A sudden interruption came as Achara, with a soft tone, informed Stranger, "Brother, that inspector came to meet with you."As Stranger prepared to leave, Nil tightly gripped his hand, reluctant to let go. Comfortably, Stranger adjusted Nil's head on the pillow and stepped outside to address the inspector. The news delivered was chilling – an attempt on Nil's life by a professional, evident from the bullet extracted, one used by skilled or contract killers.Stranger, grappling with the revelation, expressed his astonishment, "Professional killer... no, Nil doesn't even know anyone in this city. That means..."The police continued, shedding light on the assailant's intentions and the potential severity of the situation. Stranger, overwhelmed, kept his head lowered. The inspector pressed further, seeking assurance about Nil's lack of enemies."(Keeping his eyes lowered) I don't have," replied Stranger.With a sigh, the inspector concluded, "Okay, fine. If we learn anything, we'll inform you." Stranger acknowledged with a subdued "hmm," and the police departed from the hospital.The weight of this revelation settled heavily on Stranger as he returned to the room, where Nil lay sleeping. Days passed in shock, and on the fifth day, a nurse approached Stranger with a request to tend to Nil's needs."Sir, I changed Nil sir's bandage. Now he needs to wipe his whole body with a wet cloth for better comfort and sleep," the nurse explained.Accepting the responsibility, Stranger entered the room with a small bucket and a white towel, locking the door for privacy. Nil, questioning the situation, received no verbal response. Stranger proceeded to undress Nil gently, prompting Nil's playful remark."Can't you wait? I mean, you can see my condition, and..."Interrupting him with a finger on his lips, Stranger kissed the finger, murmuring, "You really talk a lot."Nil, captivated, observed as Stranger continued the process. Fully undressed, Nil lay exposed, save for the bandage around his neck. Stranger, seated beside him, soaked the towel and started the intimate act of cleansing. Nil, attempting to mask his own heightened pulse, engaged in banter.Stranger, pulling him closer, acknowledged, "Stranger, as I remember, you told me you don't want a single wall between us, not even shame. And today, you're shying."With a smile, Stranger softly removed Nil's trousers. As Nil lay fully nude, only the bandage remained, creating an unspoken connection between them. Stranger, mindful of Nil's vulnerability, began the task of wiping his body, each touch resonating with unspoken emotions.Having completed the task of caring for Nil, Stranger gently informed him, "Nil, it's done. Now you can sleep."Nil, keeping his eyes closed, embraced Stranger tightly, and in a slightly hoarse tone, he expressed, "Stranger, I want to stay this way for a while longer."Stranger, exhaling a deep sigh, hesitated, "But, Nil."With a plea in his voice, Nil implored, "(Closing his eyes) Please..."