Threads of Silence

In the dimly lit room, Techno and Nil engaged in a candid conversation about Marry. The air was charged with uncertainty as Techno, seated in a chair, struggled to articulate his feelings. Nil, reclining on the bed, studied Techno with an astute gaze.Nil, adopting a light tone, probed, "Techno, don't you sense something special for Marry? Can't you feel it?"Techno, unable to meet Nil's gaze, remained silent, his head bowed in contemplation.Undeterred, Nil persisted, "Techno, let your heart speak. If there's nothing, your silence wouldn't be this profound. Lay it all out, and don't deceive yourself."Techno, grappling with his emotions, admitted, "Nil, I'm torn. She's still so young. I fear she won't understand.""But," Nil interjected, only to be interrupted by the sudden entrance of Achara and Than into the room. Achara, with a solemn bow, revealed, "P. Nil, my brother is aware of everything between me and Than. What should we do now?"Surprised, Nil questioned Achara, "What is this about? And what did Stranger find out?"Exchange glances between Achara and Than preceded Than's nervous confession, "Sorry, Nil. I neglected to inform you earlier. I proposed to Achara, and she accepted. I hadn't found the right moment to disclose everything."Nil sighed, lowered his head, and with a resigned smile, wished them well, "I'm happy for both of you. However, the way this news reached Stranger isn't ideal. Don't worry; I'll talk to Stranger about it."Overwhelmed with gratitude, Achara and Than embraced Nil. Achara, emotionally, expressed, "Thank you, P. Nil."Nil grinned, teasingly remarking, "Ah, thanking your brother in such a manner? Is that how it goes?"Observing the scene, Techno smiled, reminiscing about days gone by. Nil, catching his gaze, inquired, "Should I extend the invitation?"With a smile, Techno accepted the unspoken invitation, joining the embrace of camaraderie and shared moments.As Stranger made his way toward the room, the hushed tones of conversation reached his ears. Passing the nurse's common room, he overheard a discussion about himself and Nil. The source, a nurse who had witnessed an uncomfortable situation between them before, was enthusiastically sharing details with a colleague."You won't believe it, Kao Neptune is incredibly attractive," the first nurse remarked.The second nurse, seemingly uninterested, responded, "Yeah, I know, there's not much to say about that."With a provocative tone, the first nurse continued, "But you didn't see what I saw today. He never posts shirtless pictures, but I caught a glimpse of his exposed smooth chest. His lips were swollen, hair disheveled. He looked hot, a bit of a mess."Intrigued, the second nurse probed, "And then what?"Stranger, feeling compelled to intervene, muttered to himself, "I have to put a stop to this," and decisively entered the room.Upon his arrival, the first nurse halted her chatter and lowered her head, sensing his disapproval. Stranger fixed a stern gaze on the second nurse, who promptly fled the room. Addressing the remaining nurse with a firm tone, he remarked, "What kind of nurse are you? It's the responsibility of nurses to safeguard the privacy of their patients. What you're doing is a blatant violation of patient confidentiality."Bowing her head in trepidation, she quivered as she began to speak.''Forgive me, Kao sir. I made a mistake, and it will never happen again.''In response, Stranger extracted his checkbook from his pocket, swiftly inscribing the sum of 1 lakh baht in her name. Though the nurse hesitated to accept, he placed the check assertively on the table beside them, issuing a stern warning.''Forget everything that you saw, and no one will be worse than me if you discuss this with anyone else.''As he started to depart, putting some distance between them, he pivoted back to address the nurse.''And the injection that you came to give to Nil, come and administer it.''In the room, Nil inquired of Achara, "Achara, where's your brother?"Achara, responding with palpable tension, conveyed, "He was right behind us when we arrived."Nil, eagerly anticipating Stranger's arrival, cast his gaze expectantly at the door.Finally, the door swung open, admitting Stranger into the room. Nil's face lit up with joy at the sight of him. However, Stranger wasted no time and immediately directed Techno to escort Than out for tea. In protest, Than began to voice his objection."Butttt, P. Kao," he started.Stranger fixed him with a sharp look and queried in a slightly raised voice, "P. Kaooo, whattt?"Nil and Achara subtly gestured to Than to silence himself. Yielding to their unspoken request, Than lowered his eyelashes, offered a smirk, and casually remarked, "P. Kaoo, I was saying, I think I should have a cup of tea. Techno, let's gooo."Exiting the room with Techno, Than turned to him and inquired, "What do you think, Techno? Will P. Kao agree with me and Achara's relationship?"Techno, with a hand on his neck, responded, "I don't know those things!! All I know is that Nil is inside, and he will take care of everything."Than smiled and suggested, "Umm, I think you're right. What do we do now?"Techno chuckled and advised, "What else can I do? Let's go and have tea."Meanwhile, within the room, Stranger settled at a table, folding his hands as he turned his attention to Achara."Achara, since when has this been going on?"Achara, trembling with fear, cast a wary glance at Nil.As Stranger's wrath unfolded in the room, Nil couldn't escape a twinge of fear that gripped him. Witnessing Achara's trembling silence, Stranger, in a fit of frustration, directed his anger towards Nil."What're you looking at, Nil? Talk to me only," he demanded, his voice escalating in intensity.Achara, nodding nervously, remained gripped by fear. In response, Nil, raising his own tone slightly, appealed to Stranger, "Stranger, what are you doing? She's scared."Stranger, unmoved, retorted in a harsh tone, "It's our family matter; don't get caught up in it."The words struck a chord within Nil, and his eyes welled with a reddish hue as he lowered his head. However, Achara, summoning courage, raised her head to defend Nil."Brother, why are you talking to him like this? He's not to blame for all this," she implored.Stranger, about to respond, was interrupted by Nil, who raised his head with wide eyes and pleaded with Achara, "Achara, don't tell your brother anything. He's right; who am I? I have no right to interfere in his family matters."Achara lapsed into silence, and Stranger, adopting a softer tone, descended from the table and addressed Nil, "Nil, you know I didn't mean that. I just wanted to talk openly with my sister."However, by the time Nil raised his head, tears streaming down his face, and smiled at Achara, she was taken aback. Nil subtly signaled for her to leave, silently wishing her luck. Achara, understanding the unspoken communication, quietly fled from the room. Glancing back a moment later, Stranger realized Achara was gone. It dawned on him that Nil had orchestrated this, deliberately separating him from Achara. The weight of realization settled, leaving Stranger in a contemplative silence.