Sakutarō sees Daisuke in Action

"Your objective is simple. Steal food. Don't get caught. If you do... the owner you've stolen from can carry out the punishment they desire for thievery."

"I don't think I'm ready for something like this, Daisuke."

"Use your brain. You must have some of your father's intellect."

Sakutarō looked around. Trying to find a stall which seemed easy to take from. Daisuke grabbed an empty chair from a nearby stall and sat down. He tilted his hat forward and closed his eyes.

"Wake me up once you've brought some food." Daisuke said before taking a nap.

Sakutarō started to walk. He was so nervous that he could see his heart beating through his chest from his peripheral. He didn't want to seem suspicious, so he tried to look like he was actually deciding what food looked best to buy.

"Daisuke didn't say what kind of food to get. Which means... I could just take an apple." Sakutarō said to himself. He turned around and approached a fruit stall.

"Yes little Master, can I help you anything?" The old worker asked.

"Erm... have you... got any red apples? I can see you have green ones, but I want a red one."

"Oh, a picky one aren't you!" The worker joked. As he turned to the side, pointing to another stall which may have red apples, Sakutarō quickly placed one of the apples into his pocket.

"Okay, arigatō gozaimasu!" Sakutarō made his way speedily back to Daisuke.

"Here." Sakutarō said, cheerfully holding out his hand with the apple inside it.

"Ahh, I didn't even get to doze off. So wait... you stole an apple?"

"Yes. You didn't say anything specific. So, I took an apple."

"Hmm... I guess there are some brain cells in that head."

Just as they were speaking, a middleaged man approached them.

"Oi! You! Samurai! The boy of yours stole that apple from the stall back there."

"Here." Daisuke flipped a coin at the man. "Now it has been paid for."

"I don't think so. I'm gonna need that hand of his."

Daisuke placed his hand on Sakutarō's shoulder and ushered him behind his back. After doing so, he placed his hand on his katana.

"It has been paid for. The right has been paid." Daisuke stated, trying to resolve the issue.

The man pulled a knife from within his jacket.

"If it's not going to be his hand... I guess it'll have to be yours." The man, who stood alone, was then accompanied by a friend.

"Aren't you Samurai meant to be loyal and principled? What makes you think you can evade the rules and the law here?" The second man exclaimed, pulling a pistol from his waist.

"What makes you think we need a Samurai when we have these?" The second man continued, waving his pistol in the air.

Sakutarō, holding firmly onto the back of Daisuke's waist, heard him whisper something as he flicked his katana an inch out of it's scabbard. Before he knew it, a large furry beast brushed past him. He screamed in shock. A wolf had attacked the man with the gun, tearing away at his arm.

As his friend with the knife attempted to pick up the pistol, Daisuke spun me off him and sliced through the man's wrist. He wailed in horror at the sight of his hand on the floor. Daisuke then ducked down, pivoting 360 as he swept the man by the ankle. He then placed the tip of his katana on the man's neck.

"The apple has been paid for. Next time, don't bring a gun to a sword fight."

The wolf stood atop the second man. Daisuke looked at Sakutarō.

"It's okay. He belongs to me. Let's go."

Daisuke picked Sakutarō up and swung his around his back. He then placed his katana back into his scabbard. Looking back, Sakutarō tried to look at the wolf.

"Where is it?" Sakutarō asked, unable to see the wolf.

"Don't worry, he's fine. I know where he is."

"Where did you find him?"

"That's a long story."

"Well, what's his name?"



"We don't need to mention what happened to your father. The training I do with you is separate to what he does with you. Is that clear?"


"When he makes you sweep him, stand to his side, facing the opposite way to him. Use your leg to kick the back of his knees, and push his upper body back. It is a very easy and effective method. It doesn't require an insane amount of strength."

"Back of the knees... and push back..."

"That's it."

As the arrived at the house, Daisuke lowered Sakutarō off his back.

"Tōsō. We're back." Daisuke called out.

As Tōsō came out of the house, he approached his son.

"So, Sakutarō, how was your work with Daisuke?"

"It was fine. A lot scarier than I thought."

"Scary?! Well, that does seem eventful. Daisuke, would you like to join inside for some tea?"

Daisuke cut his eye at Tōsō.

"Please... Tōsō... do not get ahead of yourself." Daisuke remarked with hostility. "The only reason I have been civil with you is because of the boy."

Sakutarō interjected, "Daisuke... father... let's forget this. Please. You were both friends before. What's happened in the past --"

Tōsō cut him off, "Sakutarō... stop. Go inside."

Daisuke and Tōsō remained staring at each other. Nothing could separate them. Not even a blink. Sakutarō strolled inside, but tried to watch them through a window.

"Daisuke... I don't blame you for being distant with me for all these years. But are you forgetting that I also lost the person I loved."

"A Samurai cannot taste the shame of defeat. You promised to keep them alive. You failed! You lost!" The aggression in Daisuke's voice sent shivers down Sakutarō's spine. Genji, would could hear the conversation, went beside his brother for comfort.

"You're right, Daisuke. I failed. What should I have done? Killed myself, and leave my sons behind to be alone? Raised by who?"

"I would have died with them. Look me in my eyes and tell me that isn't true."

Tōsō couldn't respond. Because, he knew Daisuke was right.

"Maybe one day, Tōsō. One day I'll be able to look past it."

Tōsō nodded. He then made his way back into the house as Daisuke made his way up the path.

"I thought you two were going to fight." Sakutarō said.

"So did I."