Raidon and Co.

In the cavernous hall, Raidon's voice cut through the echoey room, his words dripping with cold efficiency as he presented Tōsō's lifeless body to the leader of the organization. The leader, a shadowy figure seated upon a crude wooden throne, regarded the scene with a steely gaze, his expression betraying no hint of emotion.

"Here." Said Raidon.

The leader stood up, his two bodyguards remaining motionless by his side.

"Where's Daisuke?" the leader demanded, his voice a low rumble that reverberated through the vast chamber.

"He wasn't there," Raidon replied calmly, though a flicker of uncertainty danced across his partners face at the lie Raidon just told.

"Besides, even if he was in the village, Fuka's Dragon could've caused even more unwanted commotion."

The leader's lips curled into a sardonic smile as he looked at Fuka with a piercing gaze. "Yes, that was stupid, Fuka. A Dragon does bring unnecessary attention," he mused, his tone laced with amusement.

Fuka bristled at the veiled criticism, his hand instinctively reaching for the zweihänder strapped to his back. "You tell us who to kill, we kill them," he retorted defiantly. "You never said it had to be cute or pretty."

The leader's smile widened, a silent acknowledgment of Fuka's brazen confidence.

"Go," he commanded, his dismissal hanging heavy in the air.

As Raidon and Fuka made their exit, they retreated to the tranquil gardens outside, seeking solace in the embrace of nature after the tense encounter. Fuka, ever eager for action, wasted no time in pressing Raidon for their next assignment.

"When should we head out again?" he inquired eagerly, his eyes alight with anticipation.

Raidon's response was measured, his gaze distant as he contemplated their next move. "It's already been an eventful day," he remarked, a hint of weariness creeping into his voice. "But if you're itching for more bloodshed..."

Fuka's grin widened at the prospect, his fingers drumming eagerly against the hilt of his sword. "Killing is what gets my blood pumping," he declared with a fierce intensity.

Raidon's expression darkened at the admission, his gaze boring into Fuka with a steely resolve. "Enjoy your life while you can," he warned, his voice a low growl. "Because when the time comes, I will be the one to kill you."

Fuka's laughter rang out through the stillness of the garden, a harsh sound that echoed off the stone walls. "Why do you hate me so much?" he taunted, his eyes glinting with malicious amusement. "Why bother having me as your partner if you hate me?"

Raidon's response was swift and cutting, his words laced with barely concealed contempt. "I have you as my partner because you're efficient," he retorted, his voice tinged with bitterness. "But make no mistake, I despise what you stand for."

Fuka's smile widened into a smirk, his eyes gleaming with a cruel light. "Who says they're innocent?" he countered, his words a chilling reminder of his ruthless nature.

But Raidon remained unmoved, his gaze cold and unyielding. "You destroy entire villages, murdering women and children without remorse," he accused, his voice heavy with condemnation. "That is something I can never tolerate."

Fuka's laughter echoed through the garden once more, a hollow sound that sent shivers down Raidon's spine. "Try getting some pussy, maybe it will cheer you up. You're lacking some of mother natures juices. Believe me, it'll finally turn you into a man," he mocked, his words a twisted reflection of his depraved mindset.

As Fuka's laughter faded into the night, Raidon spat at the floor besides Fuka's feet.

Fuka's twisted origins were shrouded in mystery, his parentage a dark enigma that few dared to delve into. From a young age, he had exhibited a disturbing penchant for violence, leaving a trail of bloodshed in his wake that belied his tender years.

By the age of ten, Fuka had already committed unspeakable atrocities, his innocent facade masking a soul as black as night. Two foster families had met their untimely demise at his hands, their deaths a grim testament to his insatiable thirst for retribution.

His desire to become a Samurai was not born of a noble calling to serve and protect, but rather a twisted yearning for the legal right to kill without consequence. With each passing year, his tally of kills grew ever higher, his name whispered in hushed tones by those who dared to speak of him at all.

It was no surprise, then, that Fuka's spirit was inexorably drawn to the most fearsome creature known to man: the Dragon. A creature of untold power and ferocity, it was said that none had ever dared to tame such a beast at the Ryūdendō cave; yet Fuka's connection to it was undeniable.

When the government came calling, offering him the opportunity to indulge his bloodlust in exchange for wealth and power, Fuka wasted no time in accepting their offer. But his allegiance came with a condition: the women he claimed as his spoils of war were to be of his own choosing, taken from villages he raided with ruthless efficiency.

And so Fuka's reign of terror continued unabated, his thirst for blood matched only by his insatiable lust for power. With each passing day, he grew ever more feared and reviled, a shadowy figure lurking in the darkness, ready to strike at a moment's notice. And as the fires of his ambition burned ever brighter, none dared to stand in his way, for to do so was to court certain death at the hands of one of the deadliest Samurai the world had ever known.

Raidon, having been partnered with Fuka, was a decision made with the intention of holding Fuka's unpredictable nature back. Their partnership is a bond between calm calculation and mere monstrosity. The more they worked together, the more Fuka respected Raidon's strength and intellect. On a few occasions, Fuka had the urge to fight Raidon, wanting to kill him out of ego. However, knowing that Raidon's Eagle informs him of an individuals' power and potential, he was certain that Raidon had already planned a counter for him.

"I'm going to sleep." Raidon stated, walking away.

"Raidon... why did you lie about Daisuke?" Fuka asked, intrigued.

"Because I want to kill him when the time is right. Where's the fun in killing someone with such potential before they've blossomed?"