Seven Days

In confusion, Fuka looked down at the two blades that had blocked his finishing blow. As his eyes ran up the two swords, leading to its owner, it was Raidon.

"They're mine, Fuka." Raidon stated, looking dead behind the eyes.

With a disgusted look on his face, Fuka went to elbow Raidon. Utilising his quick reactions, Raidon withdrew his swords and lunged out of the way.

"You're always a pain in my arse." Fuka stated, resting his zweihänder on his shoulder.

"Stupid kids always need an adult to look after them." Raidon responded.

Fuka smiled and pointed at Makoto, "What's the deal with this one then?"

"He's mine to kill. They all are. If you have a problem, speak to Mishiira."

Upon hearing what Raidon said, Makoto interrupted, "Raidon. Who the hell is this guy?"

"You be quiet!" Raidon demanded.

"Who the hell--"

Before Makoto could finish his sentence, Raidon launched one of his swords straight into Makoto's right shoulder.

"You speak again, the next one will go in between your eyes." Raidon uttered in anger.

"You're boring." Fuka said jokily, "Why don't we just kill him now?"

With his hand around his shoulder, Makoto stared into Raidon's eyes. There was no sign of fear, just vengeance.

"Makoto, make your way to the cave in seven days. Make sure you treasure your loved ones before you come... because it'll be the last time you see them."

"One request." Makoto said.

"What is it?" Asked Raidon.

"I know Daisuke is the main person you want. I also know that you don't want to fight him until he's reached his potential. He has plans with Hōkai with regards to his training... at the cave... I request that during that time he is left alone?"

"Hmmmm... training at the cave?" Raidon pondered for a moment.


"Yes. I accept. If that is what it'll take to get him ready."


Raidon began to walk off, but suddenly stopped in his tracks, "but one last thing, Makoto. If you do not show... you can say goodbye to the whole village."

Raidon carried on walking away. Fuka, who had not yet followed, turned towards Makoto.

"The gods watched over you today, Makoto. Count yourself lucky."

Fuka then followed in the direction of Raidon, before Makoto called out.

"Hey! What about his sword?" Makoto held onto the sword which was through his shoulder, and pulled it out, grunting in pain.

"Bring it with you when you see Raidon." Fuka then left in pursuit of Raidon.

Makoto held out Raidon's sword in front of him, staring at it. Scanning the blade up and down as he thought about the countless lives it has been responsible for taking.

As he turned the sword around to look at its handle, he saw the Deadly Seven's mark on the bottom. With a look of disgust, he threw the sword into a tree ten meters away.

"So, that's what we are up against?" Hōkai asked as he opened the door and looked out.

"At least he has promised not to bother you and Daisuke."

"Why didn't you block his sword?"

"What do you mean?"

"When he threw it at you. You could have easily blocked it, but you didn't. Why?"

"I knew that eventually him and I would fight. I need his expectation to be lowered as much as possible, so I can catch him off guard."

"And was a sword through the shoulder worth it?"

"We will have to see."

Makoto took off his wooden clogs and sat at the tree he threw Raidon's sword at. He crossed his legs, closed his eyes, and started to meditate.

From behind Hōkai, both Sakutarō and Kotoba peaked through the door.

"Hōkai-Sensei, can we speak to you?" Sakutarō asked.

Hōkai nodded and walked inside. As Hōkai closed the door behind him, Sakutarō looked past to see if Makoto was still sitting at the tree.

"Makoto is going to fight Raidon in seven days?" Sakutarō asked, sadness looming over his eyes.

"Yes." Hōkai replied bluntly.

"Do you think he can win?"

Hōkai crossed his arms and sighed, "No. Not unless Makoto ends it quickly. Which won't happen."

"How can you say that?!"

Hōkai did not respond.

"How can you say that?!" Sakutarō repeated.

"You asked me a question, Sakutarō. All I did was answer."

"You hardly even thought about it. Makoto used to be part of the real Deadly Seven. Surely his experience can change how the fight goes?"

"The original Deadly Seven were strictly Samurai, with the intention of keeping peace. These new lot have incorporated fighting styles that are alien to our land. Take that Fuka as an example, when have you seen a sword like that before? That's no Samurai or Japanese blade."

"Makoto isn't going to fight Fuka. He's going to fight Raidon!"

"And Raidon is a dual-sword user. Not only does he seem very efficient in his skills, I was told that his Tokihanatsu Summon informs him of a person's strength and potential. His confidence in beating Makoto doesn't come from delusion."

"So what? What now? We just wait for Makoto to die?"

"No. He will prepare. A Samurai does not run away. Makoto will fight till his last breath."

"Send Daisuke with him."

"No. I don't want either of you telling Daisuke about this. He needs to focus on himself. There isn't time for him to be worrying about anyone else."

Sakutarō and Kotoba stood there silently.

"Do you both understand?" Hōkai asked.

In response, Sakutarō and Kotoba nodded.