The Sunset Showdown

The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a bronze hue across the landscape. As Makoto rode his horse his mind solely focused on his impending confrontation.

The path to Ryūdendo Cave stretched out before him, each hoofbeat reminding him of the hundreds of battles he had fought and won. Every victory, every scar, had led him to this moment. His objective was clear: Raidon must not leave the battle alive.

As the cave entrance became visible in the far distance, Makoto's sharp eyes caught sight of a figure seated on the ground, legs crossed in calm meditation.

Confusion flickered in his mind; it was Raidon, yet they had not reached the designated battleground. He reined in his horse and dismounted, his wooden clogs crunching on the gravel.

"Raidon," Makoto called out, his voice steady yet questioning. "Why are you not at the cave?"