chapter 14

He was buried honourably and Sonia was made the new chief of police in their head quarter, few months ago she had a baby,they are twins,two boys,eleven years later,the children have age and she was preparing to go to Rome,because zyna and his troops have invaded and take Rome for their own, the city needs help said Sonia, shaw said you wanted to do this for revenge,she said this not about revenge,it about saving the world from this threat,Shaw said I accept, you and the remaining of your team should go,she left her son with commander shaw she fold him to take care of them, and teach them how to become officers,because they will need back up to attack,and so that they can save guide California, Shaw said we are proud of you the kids hugged their mom and they left to Rome, Sonia Power speed ,deza power clone,bejag power listening and eye sight from far,and Leo power flight, they all went to the city of Philadelphia in alcehir located in Turkey to stop zyna and save the people of Turkey

Sonia told bejag to view the city for him,they couldn't find him,then they wore their sight glasses,then they saw drux who was part of zyna squad, then he called his soldiers to attack the five of them and bring them go the palaace,they blasted them,their soldier's are good in sword fighting,so Sonia told the group to use their special ability to fight them,they killed the soldiers and saved the people drux took for slave but drux escape,so they left Philadelphia Philadelphia

Hoping to capture other cities near Philadelphia, Sonia told the others that getting to the Governor of Turkey, to sack his advicers and help in bringing Turkey from the war,the governor of Philadelphia did not know anything about the war spreading so far in the other cities in Turkey it a matter of time before it reach Philadelphia

As for the twins win and way they had time to go to squad school after there JSS class,they were already at fifteen years then then.they also started there own adventure there.

Will the heroes able to save the city and get to the Turkish president find out next on life after sorrow chapter 15.