chapter 19

The ship landed at turkey,Sonia told bejag and the other soldiers to attack from the skies,then Sonia win wey and sai attack the mehmetcik with their blaster,they didn't see the blast coming because they were invincible,win punched the ground earth quake happen,then they entered the president chamber,but before they was there,zyna have already took of ghazan he was down,Sonia and the rest attack him,he told the mehmetcik and his troops to attack them, Sonia told wey lead your team I got this,Sonia blasted him,he waved,Sonia kicked out his weapon, and kicked him,zyna brought out a sword, Sonia brought hers too they fought,valiently to save Turkish empire, wey and win we're down,the soldiers from the ships came to help their colleagues they baksted all of them,it was quite a fight,for the AJA they invaded Philadelphia and take out the tyrant there, then the head of the AJA said we cover more ground if we split off,we must take down all oppressors on the country,they Iran soldiers continued there quest and it was a huge task for them saving the whole city except Ankara, this work is very strong they attack using bow,sword and shield and deflectiive bomb,zyna almost took out Sonia when wey and win blasted him, win punched the ground earth quake happen, and wey speed slash him,he was down,because he was an alien he wasn't down for the count,for the remaining soldiers from California, they already took down all the mehmetcik and zyna troops then they arrested them and they won the war,he radio the city, the Turkish empire has been collected and the troops have been imprisoned, the president will return to his post and everything will be fine,as from now the Turkish empire will continue will now be friends of Iran now,the boarders will be open to import and export goods,and children will be free go pursue their destiny there way the civil war as ended .the AJA soldiers we're happy they did it, the mehmetcik,helped them imprisoned the troops and Turkey was finally out of civil war,the president thank Sonia for her bravery and turned are to his top highest Ranking generals,the remaining soldiers went back to the city alongside win wey and sai, wet reclaimed his commander while win and sai got married and they have kids, what kind of experience are they going to face again

To be continued