
"Kacchan, I can take care of myself!" I was pretty much yelling at him but he won't put me down. He is currently carrying me over his shoulder and why? The doctor put me on bed rest until further notice, long story short I over exhausted myself again and this time I was in the middle of a fight when I collapsed. Every other time I've collapsed I was either at the office or at my apartment, so this time I ended up on the news and there were several interviews from our coworkers talking about how often I would pass out from overworking.

"Damn Nerd, can't even take care of himself so now I have to be a fucking baby sitter," I heard Kacchan grumbling, Kacchan on the other hand was just put on medical restrictions so the Hero Commission put him on me to make sure I actually rested. End result, they got us both out of their hair while they tried to deal with the press.

"Kacchan, put me down!" I yelled and he just continued to ignore me or so I thought.

"Nerd, it's for you," Kacchan held up his now ringing phone. How does he know it's for me if he hasn't answered it yet?

I took the phone and saw Mom's contact information so I answered it. "Hello?" It's really hard to sound normal when Kacchan's shoulder is digging into my stomach but I don't think I did too bad.

"Why do you sound like you're hurt?" Mom's panicked voice filled my ears and I had to try and explain that it was because Kacchan was carrying me over his shoulders and why.

"Thank goodness Katsuki is there to take care of you. I would have insisted on following you to the city if it weren't for him!" She was sobbing over the phone and I really have to wonder why Mom has so little faith in me.

"Even if he is taking care of me, there really isn't a reason why he has to carry me over his shoulder like this!" I tried to defend myself and I heard my mother snort. Are you actually serious right now? "How was that funny?" I demanded but it was Kacchan that answered.

"Because we are talking about you, dumbass. If I had tried to wait for you we would still be at the office now instead of almost back at the apartment," is it bad that I could pretty much hear him rolling his eyes while he talked? Another reason my mom didn't try to move in with me was because I agreed to be roommates with Kacchan. It was also the only reason that Aunty and Uncle paid for our moving expenses and helped us get started, otherwise there was no way that he would have agreed to move in with me.

"I'll leave you in Katsuki's care for now but I've already told him to call me if you are being difficult and I would be on the next bullet train to drag you home until you are required to go back to work!" Mom threatened before saying goodbye and hanging up.

"Traitor," I grumbled but I don't really know if I mean Mom or Kacchan at the moment.

"You're on extreme medical leave, so until I say so you better make yourself comfortable," Kacchan ignored my grumbling and before I knew it he had us in the front lobby of our apartment building.

"I really can walk just fine on my own!" I tried to struggle again only for Kacchan to ignore me.

It wasn't until one of our neighbors ran up, a small kid who usually would hide around the corner whenever he saw us, holding out a notebook and pen that anyone said anything to me aside from Kacchan. "Can I please have your autograph?" He was so quiet I almost didn't hear him but I smiled and took the notebook and pen telling Kacchan to hold still a minute.

"If you took care of yourself in the first place I wouldn't be carrying you like this," he answered but he did stop long enough for me to give the kid an autograph, crazier still the kid ran around and I heard him asking for Kacchan's autograph too. I know that deep down he loves his fans just as much as I do but most of them are too afraid to ask him for his signature in case it might upset him. Talk about overthinking things. I also happen to know that he likes his younger fans the most because they are brave enough to even ask.

"Hey kid, don't be like this idiot and actually take care of yourself. If you can do that then villains will have a harder time of ever hurting you," Kacchan gave the kid a bit of advice and I couldn't help being indignant.

"It would be easier to take care of myself if I had more help, you know? Is it really that hard to do a charity event every now and again?" I demanded and I heard him snort. As heroes we are required to do so many such events and Kacchan managers to go the bare minimum and usually only in the spring or autumn.

"With my quirk? With how you keep bringing up those long runs like a 5 or 10k? You know my quirk won't allow that," I heard his answer and the kid is still close by listening to us.

"You don't have to run! You could easily help organize the event or even set up a question and answer booth for participants. No one said you had to run," I crossed my arms but that only ended up letting my face hit his very hard, muscular back so I quickly uncrossed them to prevent it from happening again.

"That's not what you were asking me to do last week, Deku. I was put on this medical restriction because of the heat advisory, no one needs me sweating more than absolutely necessary right now. It's dangerous," he huffed and to be fair he is right. I was trying to just get him to run but that's only because I know he would love it.

"Then what about a fall run? They do these charity events when it gets cold too, you know?" I tried again and he froze for a moment.

"I could probably do that," I heard him whisper and then I got an idea for him to participate in a SWIMMING race, it would be just like a 5k only in the water!

"Shut up Deku, I will think about it but right now I'm not supposed to be outside of the AC without a damned good reason. So for the love of All Might please shut up," Kacchan barked at me and I saw the kid racing for his dad, showing him the notebook that we both just signed.

"Fine," I answered before hearing a ding and the elevator opened. Everyone came out before Kacchan carried me in. "How long are you going to carry me?" I grumbled and then without warning he dropped me.

I could hear him grumbling about me being ungrateful and a few other choice curses but he didn't bother to speak up. I stood up and was about to give him a piece of my mind when the doors opened showing our floor. I let my mouth snap shut and instead I walked to our door and unlocked it, not bothering to look back at Kacchan before going inside.

If he wants to be a dick then fine. That doesn't mean that I have to deal with it though. I then proceeded to go to my room and slam the door. It wasn't until after a hot shower and going to the kitchen for a piece of cheesecake (ignoring Kacchan who was in the living room) that I decided to just go to bed and after getting ready I buried myself in my sheets that I was able to relax again.


Dear All Might, what did I do? Did I really throw such a childish tantrum just because Kacchan was a little stubborn? I mean he wasn't even mean about it or rough, all things considered he was really gentle. I have to apologize but somehow it feels like I've lost if I do. Why was I even angry in the first place?

I take a deep breath and leave my room. I need to eat real food and it's not like I can hide in my room the whole time. Maybe if I cook breakfast he won't be too angry? I pulled out some eggs to make scrambled eggs, one of the few things I can cook without Kacchan complaining.

I already had the food on the plates and was pulling the toast out of the toaster when Kacchan came in rubbing at his face. "Hmm, you cooked," Kacchan's voice was all gruff, still full of sleep. I just put the plate in front of him before I turned and grabbed the butter and jelly from the fridge.

It wasn't until after we finished our food that Kacchan announced that we were cleaning house today. Figures that we are told to rest and instead we work on the apartment. I just smiled though and agreed, it's been a while and besides, we're not going anywhere for a while anyway.

It was hours later when Kacchan decided that we were actually done and I collapsed on the couch, "Thank All Might!" It needed to be done but Kacchan can be a little much when we are cleaning. As it is I'm already drooping and I barely feel awake at all.

"I'm ordering chinese, I'm not cooking after all that," Kacchan grumbled and I nodded my head happily while he picked up his phone to order. His voice is so smooth and sweet like rich honey when he is just casually talking like this. I lean back and close my eyes just listening to the melody.

The deep bass smoothing over my nerves as I leaned back, no longer paying attention. When was the last time I felt this relaxed? For that matter, when was the last time I slept so well? To be fair I slept pretty poorly last night but it was still tons better than what it has been for a while now. Maybe I really was overworking myself? I cuddled into my pillow letting out a small yawn before letting myself fall asleep again.


"Deku, time to wake up," I heard Kacchan's sweet voice but I don't want to listen, I'm still so very tired. "Deku I need you to get off of me, the delivery guy is here." I was startled awake to find Kacchan under me, laying on the couch and I could feel myself heating up at the closeness. He however just looked at me and reached up to feel my forehead with the back of his hand before he pulled me back down again. After a minute I felt a lot better and there was a knock at the door.

I let Kacchan up and he answered the door and paid the guy. I don't even remember telling Kacchan what I wanted but knowing him he either already knew and just ordered it or refused to order it and got me something extra painfully spicy. I haven't told him that I actually like spicy food, but a part of me is afraid that he won't buy it anymore if I do.

Kacchan came back and set the food on the coffee table and it wasn't long before we were not only eating but also watching a movie. This isn't so bad. Neither of us bothered to turn on a light so as it got darker outside it was getting darker inside. My favorite part of the movie was coming up, the part where All Might jumps into action scaring the villains and making it easier to deal with them. Just a few seconds now...

"Boo," Kacchan whispered in my ear and tickled my sides making me jump high in the air before I landed in his lap but he didn't let me go, his tickles having me writhing in his lap.

"KACCHAN! STOP PLEASE!" I cried out but he was just giving me that smirk of his before he doubled down. No! Why? I rolled off the couch and crashed on the floor and that's when he decided to have mercy on me. I lay there groaning at the slight pain but when I looked up I could see him still chuckling and I froze a moment just to enjoy the view.

I don't know what got into him but I like it. I could almost forget that we are working adults and that we were just goofing off on the weekend or something.

"Come on Nerd, you look like you're about to pass out again," he reached down offering me his hands and I took it without hesitating. Seriously a part of me wants to ask about why he is being so nice but what if that makes him stop? I like this playful and sweet Kacchan.

He helped me back onto the couch but instead of letting me go like I thought he would, he pulled me against him and laid back down so that I was laying on top of him again.

What is going on? I feel like my brain is fried or something, why is... I looked up in time to see him relaxing, his arm still around me. I don't know what's going on but for now I think I'll just enjoy it. I snuggled back into his chest pretending to watch the movie again but it wasn't long before I just closed my eyes and enjoyed the feel of us pressed together.


I woke up exactly where I fell asleep, on top of Kacchan still on the couch only right now he is asleep. He still has an arm wrapped around me and I really don't want to get up. Can I just pretend to still be asleep? Would that be so terrible?

I close my eyes again and just cuddle the man I've been in love with for almost my entire life now. I don't want to get up.

"Hmm?" Kacchan groaned slightly, stretching, waking up when he found me still on top of him. Guess I can't pretend to still be asleep after all. I yawned, before trying to hug him closer and I felt his arm that was wrapped around me tighten as I adjusted. The TV was playing in the background, it looked like some low budget thriller but I didn't recognize it.

"What are you watching?" I asked instead, pretending this was all completely normal, maybe if I do he won't get mad and knock me off.

He looked up at the TV and then the clock, "I was watching the new Dynamight special they were doing the highlights of my hero profile but looks like I fell asleep before they ever got to the fucking point." His grumbling was muffled in places while he ran a hand over his face, as if that would help wake him up.

"Damn, I must have been more tired than I thought. I don't remember half the broadcast," he grumbled some more but otherwise he stayed relaxed under me. He looked around for a bit until he saw the remote and grabbed it before settling back down, still under me, and changed the channel. Am I dreaming right now? He is fully aware that I am on him, in fact he had me move a bit because his arm was going numb but he hasn't once tried to get me off of him.

"You're thinking too hard, I can almost smell smoke," Kacchan chuckled, relaxing as he found a music channel and turned the volume down. "What's it about?"

Dang it, now he really will knock me off. "I was just thinking how nice this is. I don't think we have been this comfortable since we were four." Why did I answer? I didn't mean to!

"Huh?" He looked down and actually took in what position we were in and from the looks of it he was surprised too. "When did this happen?" He doesn't realize he pulled me on top of him before we fell asleep? Or did he maybe forget?

I shrugged and just waited, he seemed to think about it for a minute but then he relaxed again and just picked up his phone and started browsing. I did the same, now freely cuddling into his chest I scrolled through the feed on my phone. I am immediately reminded how I passed out during the fight and the fact that the reason was not a quirk like I thought it was. It was exhaustion and the different news outlets were reallying tearing into the Hero Association for obviously overworking me and most likely many other heroes as well.

I found out that they are now under an intensive internal review, checking rest days and vacation time and how they were setting plans into place to prevent it from happening ever again to any hero.

"If it wasn't for your stunt they never would have approved my medical leave," I almost jumped at Kacchan's words but when I looked at him I saw him looking at the same article I was. "The last two years they denied it and last year there was an accident that if it wasn't for the denied slip they were going to try and charge me for the damages. Thanks to that though, they have been breathing down my neck for every little thing."

"That's fucked up," I narrowed my eyes beyond pissed at the moment.

"Ha! And no one believes that you actually curse," he chuckled, more than amused but he didn't argue with what I said, he knows it's messed up. What he doesn't know is what I'll do to correct it. We stayed like this for a long time and before long I was done messaging people who owed me favors and there was a breaking news alert on my phone making me smile. I knew I could count on them.

"As it turns out the hero Deku isn't the only one to be unabashedly abused by the association! Reports are coming in all over but we have recently acquired proof just how much the pro hero Dynamight has been not only abused but quite frankly tortured!" The news anchor announced and I could feel when Kacchan's eyes left the TV and stared at me but I ignored it and instead pretended to be interested in the report.

"That's right! Multiple instances of not vacation time but medical leave was actually denied to the hero and after looking into it we were able to find a paper trail that leads directly to the director of the hero association. The memo reads that; He will either do his job or we will void his hero license. End quote. After this came to light we were able to find several instances not only for Dynamight but several heroes who are beloved by the public. There was even a memo related to the hero Deku; So long as he thinks it will help someone he will do it so just make up an excuse. He won't even ask for overtime pay. End quote."

And THAT pissed me off. How many endless missions have I gone on that actually amounted to nothing? How many sleepless WEEKS have I suffered just so they could save a little money? I texted my contact again this time to dig up all the unpaid hours of not only me but any other hero and it wasn't long before that was being broadcasted on the TV too. I try to hide the smirk on my face but I know Kacchan saw it.

"Good job, Nerd," he praised me under his breath but I couldn't help snuggling into him again. This rare show of affection was starting to make me giddy but he pretended not to notice.

"Now that you royally fucked with the association, do you want to fuck?" Kacchan asked and my head snapped up, not expecting that at all.

"You mean?" I held my breath not trusting my ears at all. Did I hear wrong? Did I hear right!?!

"You heard me, Nerd. I'm fucking horny," Kacchan chuckled and I jumped up and picked him up, expecting him to get mad but instead he laughed. "Should have told me you were interested long before now. We could have been taking out our frustrations a lot sooner." He directed me to his room and I all but ran there.


"Fuck Deku," Kacchan groaned, waking me up the next morning. I looked up to see him sitting up and stretching gingerly but even with all the love bites covering his body he doesn't seem to be that sore. Memories of him riding me flashing through my mind and I stretched a little, arching my back as I did.

"If I knew you were so fucking thirsty," I heard him grumbling under his breath but when I rolled closer to him he simply laid back into my arms.

"Should I rub your back? Legs? Or maybe your butt?" I asked, surprised to hear my voice rasping but not nearly as surprised as Kacchan, his whole body seemed to shake at just the words.

"Yes," he answered without specifying anything and I felt myself smile as I started rubbing and touching anywhere I could reach.

My phone dinged, making me frown but Kacchan picked it up for me and read the messages out loud so I didn't have to stop.

Mom: Toshinori is taking care of both Katsuki and your unpaid work time and general lawsuits. If you need anything let him know.

All Might: Do you or Young Bakugo have a lover? The lawyer wants to know.

"I'm telling him that we are lovers. Unless you don't want me to?" Kacchan looked over his shoulder and I kissed him.

"Yes," I answered and I felt his muscles relax as my hands continued to explore his body. He sent the message and my phone rang making us both groan but Kacchan answered it and put it on speakerphone.

"Hello," I smiled before planting kisses on my lover's neck.

"My boy, I am next to your extremely excited mother and I need to know if you were serious or not." All Might asked, trying to make himself heard over my mom's squealing in the background.

"Yes, I'm serious," I smiled and continued my silent attention only for Kacchan to moan out when I couldn't resist biting his neck.

"Deku, sleep," he crooned, giving me a sneaky smirk as he did. "You can do more after we get some sleep," his already sleepy voice only made it sound worse, as if he didn't know I was on the phone. I never knew Kacchan was so sly.

"Kacchan," I started as if I was trying to warn him but that only made Kacchan more excited.

"Fine, one more time. Then sleep," he hung up the phone before kissing me.

"Naughty," I grinned into the kiss, not caring how All Might was probably having a melt down right now.

"I was good long enough and I ended up being a dick most of the time instead of getting dicked," Kacchan grumbled and I laughed.

"I can fix that for you," I purred the words, climbing on top of him as I did.
