
"So as I'm sure you all saw. Problem child got hit by a quirk," Aizawa Sensei groaned already rubbing the bridge of his nose in irritation. "Again." Of course fucking Deku got hit by a quirk. When isn't he diving to try and protect some extra or whatever? Yeah we're heroes in training but honestly would it hurt him to try and kick the villain's ass first?

"Anyway the villain's quirk takes the strongest emotion that he feels for one person and reverses it on them. The effect will last for three days," I snorted interrupting him.

"Hide All Might, he'll kill him," I grumble waving it off like it was nothing. Who the fuck else could it be? Aunty?

"Actually I have already seen Young Midoriya. Accidentally of course because we had thought the same thing but he is the same as before with me." All Might answered getting my interest.

"All Might, we both know that he worships the ground you walk on?" I raise an eyebrow at him, confused.

"It appears not, Young Bakugo or at least that there is someone else he has stronger feelings for. As a result he doesn't seem to know who or what emotion it could possibly be. Before I had arrived his mother was sitting with him so it isn't her either." Now I'm really fucking confused. Who in the actual fuck?

Aizawa Sensei continued from there, "As a result we have decided to let him back into class and of course the dorms with pro heroes watching of course to make sure no one gets hurt."

"So that's why there are so many heroes in the dorms right now." The half and half bastard stated, as if we need the summary but Aizawa nodded anyway as if it were a question instead.

We were all called into the dorm common area for the announcement and once they made sure everyone was accounted for they brought in a blindfolded Deku. I roll my eyes at their ridiculousness but I'm honestly interested. Who could Deku like more than All Might?

Their dramatic asses made a big show of making sure all the heroes were ready before taking off the blindfold and Deku very slowly opened his eyes. Blinking several times before his eyes rested on me.

"Kacchan!" He ran dodging and avoiding all the so called pros and tackled me in a hug making me grunt at the impact. "I love you Kacchan!" He then snuggled into my neck hugging me tight.

"Wait Midoriya loves Bakugo? But if it's the opposite then..." Kaminari trailed off and everyone stared open mouthed.

"Midoriya can feel hate?" Sero's voice was hollow. I couldn't breathe! Deku hates me? But I thought... I thought we were actually making progress on us? On working together? I mean I know we still aren't really friends but I thought maybe, someday.

"You hate me?" I asked it like it was a fucking question, but the answer was latched on tight as he told me over and over again that he loved me.

"Kacchan listen to me!" He whined, pouting as he did. "I love you," he crooned cuddling me even more.

"Bro..." Kirishima started but I just glared at him. I don't need or want his pity and I sure as fuck don't need the whole class knowing that I was in love with him. Especially not right now.

"Dear All Might!" Aizawa Sensei whispered and I looked up to see the shocked looks on everyone's faces. Pros and students alike were gaping at the greenette as if realizing for the first time that Deku is only human.

"Deku, what do you love about me then?" My voice sounded hollow to my own ears. Fuck did I just out myself in front of everyone?

He smiled up at me before clearly saying, "The way you look at me and only me!" And my heart seemed to drop to the pit of my stomach. How? I thought I had been doing a good job of hiding it! I thought I had managed to stop myself from staring at him. But...

"I see," I stood there wishing the floor would just open up and swallow me whole. "It's almost the middle of the night. We should all be going to bed." I turned, somehow untangling myself from Deku only for him to latch onto my back.

"Kacchan? Can I stay with you tonight? Please?" I could just imagine him looking up his big eyes wide and teary while he begged.

"Do what you want," I sighed only for him to pick me up like a bride and start cheering.

"Midoriya! I must remind you that this is school property!" Iida shouted trying to get the green bean's attention.

"Yeah, I know. So?" Deku stopped, looking back in confusion at his friend. At least he didn't hate me that much? I hope. Wait is there even hope for me? The place where my heart should have been felt hollow. Like I was missing my very soul. Deku hates me more than he worships All Might.

Deku truly hates me.

No one seemed to be able to explain what Iida meant so Deku just shrugged it off and carried me to the elevator, and I didn't bother to even try to fight him.

"Deku? Why?" I couldn't help asking again once we were alone in the elevator, trying not to choke on the words or really even just air for that matter.

"Why what? Why do I love you? I already answered that silly," he laughed holding me close. I numbly unlocked my door only just now realizing that we were standing in front of it.

I pick up my phone and text Aizawa Sensei;

Dynamight: Can I just not?

Eraserhead: ...

Eraserhead: I'm sorry Bakugo. Let's just take this one day at a time? Tomorrow is Thursday so it's not like you have the whole week.

Dynamight: ... Fine.

I turn off my phone and plug it into the wall charger and Deku and I get ready for bed. He ran out to get his things from his own room and I had literally just sat down now in a pair of sweats and black tank. I usually sleep topless but... Well not tonight. Not after finding out that Deku actually hates me.

I guess I should have seen this coming though. How could I have ever thought he would just forgive me? I was the lowest of the low going so far as to tell him to take a swan dive off the roof.

"Kacchan!" Deku came running in and jumped on me, cuddling into my side. I just let out a sigh thankful that our internship didn't start until 11 tomorrow. I'm going to need the extra time to sleep, just to get to sleep.


I had tossed and turned most of the night. If it wasn't for Deku cradling me and humming a sweet tune I probably would never have slept at all. But then again if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have been in that state to start with, not that I could honestly blame him.

We managed to get up and get ready for the day; some light training, a shower, breakfast in fact if not for him telling me he loves me over and over I would have thought it was all a dream. But...

"I love you Kacchan! You're so amazing," I flinched at the words. Hearing those words for all these years I had believed them. It has been so hard lately with all the guilt but I still did. Now I don't. If I'm so amazing then why does Deku hate me?

We took the bus to the hero office we were interning at, together, go figure. And changed in their changing room just like every week. The only difference was that when we came out Deku was latched onto my arm.

The pro we were shadowing today came up laughing, I think his hero name was Woody or some shit. A completely forgettable extra. "I heard Deku was in a quirk accident. What kind of quirk did this to him?"

I just groaned and flipped him off but Deku started chiding me. It wasn't until then that the half and half arrived, because of course he has to be here, that Deku stopped and actually picked me up and set me back down on the other side of him.

Umm what? What just happened?

I must have had the same what the fuck face as fucking Woody who was just staring at Deku. I set off a small explosion snapping him back out of it and unfortunately getting the half's attention again.

"Good morning Midoriya, Bakugo. How has the quirk been?" Todoroki asked his face completely straight and I just groaned already done with it all.

"Kacchan and 'I'," I looked back up at hearing the emphasis that Deku put into the one word, curious. "Are doing great! Thanks for asking."

"That's good, are you ready for today? Yesterday we were all separate but today I think we are supposed to all be together. It should be interesting." Why is Deku friends with this guy? Even his voice is bland. Would it kill him to show an expression? Any expression at all?

"Great! Kacchan and 'I' can stay together!" Deku did it again and this time I noticed him actually glaring at the half and half bastard.

"Wait! What the actual fuck is going on here?" I glared at both of them only for Deku to latch back onto my arm, all smiles again.

"I'm just happy we can stay together Kacchan!" His smile is blinding, fuck the sun his smile could light up the world with ease.

I look away and at the pro still watching us, "Oi you see this shit too right? What the fuck is going on?" He held up his hands in surrender after nodding in answer. So it's not all in my head at least.

"Kacchan-" I put a hand over his mouth.

"No, Icyhot. What the actual fuck is going on here?" I glared at him and it didn't escape my notice that Deku was glaring daggers at him as well.

He shrugged as if it weren't a big deal before answering, "I think he is jealous. I told him once that I had a small crush on you." My jaw dropped and so did the pro's. Deku's eyes flashed threateningly but he remained quiet, my hand still on his mouth.

"WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF BULL SHIT IS THAT?" I lost it but Deku looked happy now hugging me from behind while I shook the bastard with one hand and setting off explosions in the other.

"Relax, I already know that you don't feel the same and I'm perfectly okay with that." That didn't help in the least, so I dropped him and took several large steps away. I'm not getting locked up in the dorms again because this bastard wants to play at being a fucking comedian and I said as much.

"I love you Kacchan!" Deku was on cloud nine snuggling into my back.

"Is today over yet?" I groaned, I'm already just done with it all.

"Nope just starting and it's looking to be eventful at the very least," I groan at his blatant joy before we follow him around. Deku finally letting me go while we were on patrol and I watched him sign autographs and pose for pictures he even managed to rope me into several, Icyhot too. Deku seems strangely happy around him for some reason now but occasionally I could still see him glaring at him before his smile returned and we went about the day.

When it was finally over I nearly collapsed at the work desk we are still in the office, it was really just a fold out table and a few chairs for us to use while we intern there and we filled out our paperwork for the day for the last hour of our shifts. This was most days, it wasn't all high stakes and big battles in fact most of it wasn't but strangely, I'm okay with that.

When we were finally done we changed and Deku and I make our way to the bus stop only to notice after we get there that Icyhot is still with us.

"What happened to your ride?" I ask suspiciously. He somehow always had a taxi or something and usually managed to get Deku to ride back with him leaving me in fucking peace.

"Well now you know about my crush so Midoriya isn't trying to keep me away from you anymore." I stared at him and blinked several times before taking Deku and lifting him up and PUTTING him down between us.

"No. No. Fucking no. I'm not dealing with this shit!" The bus arrived and I got on with a very happy Deku who was now somehow holding onto my arm like he won something.

It's already dark when we get back and Deku skips next to me still holding my hand. He doesn't even fucking care that I'm just walking. I put my hand on the door to open it before it hit me, I turned around and face Icyhot.

"Wait just a fucking minute, what do you mean Deku was trying to keep you away from me?"

"Just what I said. I confessed that I liked you during a Deku Squad activity night and ever since he has conveniently found ways or reasons to keep me away from you." He shrugged as if it didn't really bother him, like what the fuck?

"And you were just okay with that? I don't think you understand what having a crush means," somehow my own words relieved a lot of tension in my back.

"Oh well, it's been a while since that happened."

"Oi Deku?" His head snapped up, his happy smile still in place as he waited for me to continue. "Is all this true? And when did it happen?"

"It's all true Kacchan! It happened right after you were rescued after summer camp our first year of UA." He snuggled into my chest looking up into my eyes.

"How long have you had a crush on me?"

He smiled but thought about it for a while before smiling, "It was the day of the sludge attack! I remember thinking about how strong and amazing you were because I didn't have to deal with it for nearly so long and I felt like I was dying. But you were fighting him so hard." The smile on his face dropped and I felt his fingers dig into me and a shiver ran through him. "I was attacked by the same villain earlier that day. All Might saved me too." I saw tears forming in his eyes before he hugged me crying louder and apologising again and again.

"Why are you-?"

"Because it was all my fault! If it wasn't for me All Might would have already had the villain at the police station and you would never have been attacked! It's all my fault the villain got away!" He cried harder hugging me tight. "I don't deserve your friendship. I'll never deserve your affection, I don't know why I dream about it. I have no idea why I can't just accept that." He started rambling and I cut him off before he started talking about OFA, Icyhot is still with us after all.

"Deku! Calm down. Do I look mad?" I asked trying to keep my voice soft.

"Yes!" And he started bawling again and Icyhot actually started fucking laughing.

"Shut the fuck up Daddy Issues!" I fumed before turning back to Deku and taking deep breaths.

"Deku?" I waited and he looked up, his eyes were like fucking faucets I swear! "I need you to calm down now. You know when I'm actually mad, so answer me. Do I look angry to you?" I waited searching his eyes and watched as he calmed down; his eyes brightened, he sniffled before wiping away his tears and shook his head no before his eyes finally stopped spilling the seemingly endless fluid.

"Good, I know that the quirk you were hit with effects a lot of what you are doing and saying," I saw his eyes darken a little as if he were angry but he listened to me anyway. "But I will try, emphasis on the word try, not to do anything you wouldn't want. So if there is a God I need you to stop crying so much. If you want to talk about it after it wears off I'll listen. Okay?" Dear All Might, I can't with this sappy shit! But I have too because I can't deal with his tears for too long. I just might actually blow up the next person to make him cry, even if it is me.

"Okay Kacchan!" He smiled back at me again.

"Hmm, maybe you're right Bakugo. Maybe it's Midoriya that I've had a crush on this whole time?" Todoroki spoke up and I just REALLY want to kill him. Deku on the other hand actually jumped and latched onto me somehow still staying been the two of us.

I open the door, "I'm done with this fucking shit. I'm going to bed."

"Kacchan! Can I-?"

"Do what you want! I'll leave it open if you want to eat first or whatever but I'm not staying up!" I cut him off. I've had way more than my daily limit of people for the day. I am done.

"I'm not hungry but thank you!" Deku hugged my arm and actually pulled me to the elevator, leading me. Fuck it, I'm too tired for this shit.


"Kacchan?" I feel as he runs his fingers through my hair and his soft words pulled at my mind. "Kacchan, I truly do love you. I don't know why I didn't know it before now. Please don't leave me." I let out a groan, I can't even get a break while trying to sleep? This is just cruel.

The whole night he spent it running his fingers through my hair which felt amazing if I'm honest but he wouldn't stop talking and telling me everything he loved about me. Which would be amazing if any of it were true. But it's not, Deku hates me. There was a few times that I told him to shut the fuck up but ultimately it really didn't do anything.

When I walked into class early the next morning with Deku again, surprise, attached to my arm, even Aizawa Sensei looked sorry for me. Then again he could have just saw the very deep and dark eye bags I had from mister chaty Kathy over here.

That's right Deku hates me.

"I love you Kacchan!" He giggled cuddling into my side. I'm going to fucking die. Class went by just like any day and at the end Aizawa told me to wait after class.

When everyone else was gone and Deku was firmly latched onto my arm again I waited to hear whatever it was he has to say.

"Midoriya, could you stand out into the hall for a few minutes? He'll be out shortly," Deku nodded, frowning but went out into the hall and Aizawa Sensei closed the door.

"Bakugo, I know this is hard but-"

"You don't know shit!" I seethed.

He looked at me sadly and let out a sigh, "has he tried to force himself on you?"

"Have you not noticed the way he grabs my arm as if he was fucking attached to it?" I grumble at him, rolling my eyes.

"Bakugo that's not what I meant..."

"Then what-? WHAT THE LITERAL FUCK!?!" I set off several explosions in surprise.

"I take that as a no then. Good," he let out a sigh of relief.

"You don't know shit. Deku wouldn't hurt me. Not like that and sure as fuck not on purpose." I was grumbling but then added, "No matter how much he hates me."

I turned to the door ready to leave when Aizawa decided to try and comfort me again, "Bakugo I know it's hard to find out that someone you see as a friend could ever hate-"

"I DON'T!" I feel my shoulders slump and I turned back to Aizawa who looked like he was losing his patience and went on. "I knew we weren't friends. Not after what I've done but I hoped we could be one day. I don't want to be his friend though, I want so much more than that."

I blinked several times trying to keep the tears back, "I know I'm disgusting. A freak but it is what it is. Don't judge me when-" I broke off, Aizawa Sensei's arms around me in a loose hug.

"There is nothing wrong with being in love. My husband and I are quiet happy together and I'm sure you can be one day too. You are not alone." Sensei waited, letting me just cry.

"You don't understand. I deserve this," I angrily wiped my tears away. "I deserve every second of this pain. You don't know what I did to him. Stay out of it," I push him away, not really putting any effort into it but it worked just the same.

"Can I go now?" My hand was on the doorknob again and I saw him nod. He still looked confused but he let it go, he let me go and I finished another day of blissful hell.


"Kacchan! Can we go to see a movie today? Our first real date!" Deku was skipping next to me as I walked from my door to the elevator. This is going to be a very long day.

We walked into the common area and everyone froze their looks of pity were not lost on me which only pissed me off more. We were in the kitchen when I came to a decision.

"Deku," we were alone but I still kept my voice low. He looked up eager to hear whatever it is that I had to say, breaking my heart a little more. "I know the quirk is controlling you to some extent but," I took a deep breath. "This is the last day. I am going to pretend just for today that it's real. You can forget it all when it's over but at least let me have this?" I barely blinked before Deku launched himself at me and held me tight in a hug.

"I'll never forget loving you Kacchan," he snuggled into me and I caved. I held him to me before finally pulling myself together and giving him a smile.

"Now about that date?"


We walked back into the dorms that night laughing about the movie. At first we had seen the new All Might movie but even with All Might winning it was still a sad ending because his girlfriend died. So we went out to dinner and decided to watch a romantic comedy after.

"And then he said, 'To be or not to be was never really a good question!" Deku mimicked the villain and we bust out laughing again. I'm clutching at my side actually crying at this point.

"Dear All Might I'm going to die!" I choked still laughing leaning on Deku who was leaning against me too. I'm pretty sure the only reason either of us were standing was because we were holding each other up.

"Dude the world is going to end. Bakugo is actually laughing!" I heard Kaminari whisper but I really don't fucking care at the moment.

I decided to ignore him and quote the next line that was by the hero, "Mm, 'That's not the point! It's supposed to be all dramatic and romantic and' pfft" I couldn't keep it up and dissolved into my laughter, tears freely flowing down my face.

"Kacchan! You ruined it!" Deku tried to whine but his giggles just made it adorable. I was gasping for air as we made our way to the kitchen. I know I need a drink before bed and as much as I wanted hot chocolate I didn't trust myself to not burn myself so water it is.

"Kacchan! Kacchan! 'With great power comes even greater commitment!" He clutched at his sides trying to hold in his laughter for me to finish the quote.

"Commitment? I think you mean responsibility."

"No it's commitment. Fucking bastards won't let you have a single day off once they know!" Deku and I looked at each other for a split second before erupting into another laughing fit. I was leaning against a counter in the kitchen still not trusting myself to even get a cup down yet when I noticed the extras by the door but I kept ignoring them. I only had a few hours left. I'm not wasting them.

I let my tears of joy slide down my face as I hit the counter trying to gain some kind of control over my body but it didn't help.

"Fuck! It hurts, my sides hurt. How the fuck do we stop laughing?" I asked trying to be serious but it didn't help. Deku walked up still giggling and pulled me into a sweet kiss.

"I love you Kacchan," his smile was still so big and there were still traces of giggles left in his voice but mine came to a screeching halt. He hasn't kissed me this whole time. Why did he now? Did he actually grow to hate me more during our date?

I let out a sigh and making sure to keep my voice low enough that none of the extras could hear me I responded, "I wish you always could." I gave him a soft smile he pulled me into a hug.

He yawned, "Kacchan I know it's early still but I'm so tired. Can we just lay down for a little while? Please?"

My heart was breaking, I glanced at the clock and saw that it was almost 9 now. My time is almost up, but I swallow the bitter taste of dread and smile anyway. "Sure, we can put in The Rise of All Might and fall asleep too it like when we were brats?" His smile was so big I could have gone blind. Such a short time for me to enjoy it directed at me. Too short.

The extras disappeared when we turned to leave forgetting all about getting a glass of water before making our way to the elevator. I saw Kirishima and he gave me a sad smile before mouthing, 'Come to my room if you want later.' When Deku leaves me I'm probably going to do exactly that.

Deku and I go up to my room and I set the movie up, half an hour to go. Deku was cuddled on top of me and before I knew what was happening he turned and kissed me. It was gentle at first his lips still sweet from the lemon ice cream we had on the way back from the movies. But he grew hungrier, more demanding and I let him have me.

"Kacchan, I love you." His whispers made my heart ache. He removed my shirt and the his own with it, giving me a peek at the alarm clock. 9:48 I don't want this to end.

"I love you Izuku. I wish you would always love me," I kissed him again, opening my mouth and he took the opening that I gave him, his tongue found mine, taking control he pulled me to him.

My time with him will end at 9:53, so until then I'll let him do whatever he wants. "I love you," I whisper and he unbuttoned my pants before taking them off of me. I'm not too worried about what was happening after all what could really happen in two minutes?

"Kacchan I want you," Deku moaned kissing on my neck and biting on my ear.

"If you still want me at 10 you can have me," I answer him. I know I can't take his virginity with him under the control of a quirk. As much as I want to give him mine...

He bit my neck, not to hard but it got my attention. He let it go before kissing down my chest and abs sometimes leaving light bites as he went. When he got to the hem of my boxers he stopped and looked at the clock frowned and licked his way slowly back up to my neck.

"Are you sure it's okay? At 10 I mean," Deku whispered nibbling on my ear earning the moans coming from my throat.

"Yes. I love you Izuku," I whimpered knowing that time was nearly up. He pulled me in for another kiss before pulling away suddenly. I could almost hear my heart shattering as he did.

"Kacchan?" Deku asked slightly confused, he froze where he was.

"It's okay, you can leave it you want." I tried to look away but all I could see was the clock; 9:53 and I watched as the number changed over to 9:54. My time was up.

"But Kacchan I don't want to leave," I saw him tearing up and very slowly wrapped my arms around him.

"The quirk was reversing your strongest emotion towards that person Deku. I understand, I deserve your hate." I didn't want to let him go but I could feel tears coming to my eyes.

"Kacchan the one thing I hate more than anything in the world is how you won't look at me and try to leave me behind. I love you Kacchan. More than anything or anyone else." He looked up and very hesitantly closed the short distance between our lips bringing us into a kiss.

"I love you Kacchan. I always have," he pushed me back and slowly kissed me letting one hand explore my chest and abs while the other he tangled his fingers in my hair. He pulled away for a second a small smile on his face, "I still want you and it's 10?"

"Yes," I breathed the word out and his lips were on mine again. It didn't take long for us to build up our momentum back to where we were before the quirk ended but now he was pulling my boxers off.

"Wait! There is lube in nightstand," Deku smiled pulling me into another kiss his tongue dancing with mine before he pulled away enough to reach for the drawer.

Completely naked, I studied the man above me; the way his muscles seemed to glide effortlessly under his skin, the way his breathing hitched when he looked down and saw me under him, his eyes seemingly glowing an almost neon green as he let his excitement get to him.

"I love you," I whisper almost dazed that this is actually happening. He was liberal with the lube coating himself, his strong hand slipping with the lube almost dripping off of his fingers. Then he started spreading the substance on me, it was a little cool to the touch but Deku rubbed and massaged it in, the friction creating a pleasant warmth with it.

"I love you," he answered while pushing a finger in and my body arched towards him at the soothing contact. It didn't take long for him to add a finger and with two he did more than just push and pull in and out. He stretched and scissored me pulling moan after moan from me. It was when he pushed a fourth finger in that I whimpered but he fixed that by taking my hard and throbbing cock into his mouth.

I was moaning so loud that if it wasn't for UA sound proofing the rooms I would be worried and thankfully I knew the door was locked. He didn't let me go even after I was arching towards him.

"Deku! I'm-!" I couldn't finish, Deku had pushed himself all the way down my cock and hummed and I couldn't take it anymore; I came. My fingers tangled in his hair, he sucked and licked me clean until I could only lay there, my hands let him go and landed at my sides on the bed.

When he was satisfied he let me slide out of his mouth and he wiped what little dribbled out the corner of his mouth back up again.

"Kacchan? Can I still? It's not too late to change your mind," he seemed so calm, he was still nervous I could see that in the way his eyes darted from my face back down my stomach only to go back up to my eyes again.

"If you want me, have me. I love you," I was still panting but I meant every word. All Might help me if I wake up and this is all just a dream!

"I want you, I love you and I need you." His lips found mine again for just a few moments before he pulled back and lifted my hips a little. He carefully lined up and gently pushed in. It was so much, I had to tell him to stop a few times just to let me adjust before he continued.

"Izuku?" I whimpered, he was finally all the way in and he was staying stone still and well I was not comfortable like this.

"Shh, if I move right now it will be over. Just a minute," I felt him shaking even while he held me still. I counted trying to wait and made it to 68 before he slowly pulled out again. He carefully pushed back in and this time he didn't freeze, he just slowly went in and out, his breathing forcibly controlled and his fingers were definitely leaving at least small bruises on my hips but it all felt so amazing I just didn't care.

"Izu!" I scratched up his back the noises he makes were really too much. "I'm close!" I couldn't keep my voice down, every little movement every little touch sending me closer and closer to nirvana.

Something changed, it was like a snap. One moment he was moving evenly, slowly and the next he started going faster and faster. He pulled away getting frustrated but somehow my ankles were moved up to his neck and his thrust were going so much deeper, it was almost painful. Almost.

"I'M-!" I was writhing under him and he seemed to shift just a little and when he thrusted in I screamed. "RIGHT THERE!" He adjusted himself and slammed back in exactly where it felt best. It didn't take long, a handful of thrust max, before I came and only another two or three before he slammed in and kept pushing. I felt him pulse inside of me as he came.

When we could finally move again he pulled out and pulled me into his arms holding me tight and close to him. "I love you Kacchan."

I chuckled a little and turned enough to kiss him, "I love you so much Deku. Stay? Please? Don't let me think this was all just a dream?" He nodded in response, we fell asleep in each other's arms.


The next morning I woke up sore but comfortably wrapped up in Deku's arms. Last night really happened! He must have noticed my movements because he opened his eyes and sleepily pulled me closer, snuggling into me as he did.

"I love you Kacchan," he murmured and I kissed him effectively waking him up. We kissed and cuddled for a while and he helped me to the shower so we could get clean. When we were dressed and I opened a window to help air out my room we stripped the bed and put on new bed sheets and put the old into my hamper. We snuggled for a little while until we heard a little chime indicating that my phone had a message.

I picked it up and opened it only to see the class chat exploding.

Red Riot: Has anyone heard from either of them yet? The quirk should have worn off by now.

Chargezuma: No but did you hear the way Bakugo was laughing last night? It was like an angel's.

Cellophane: Dude are crushing on Bakugo now? You know he will kill you.

Pinky: Babe chill. Anyway we already know that he has something for a certain brainwasher.

Ingenium: You know this is the class chat correct?"

Uravity: Yeah this isn't your group chat.

Cellophane: So?

Pinky: And?

Red Riot: Bro

Chargezuma: I don't understand how that matters. Has anyone seen them this morning?

Froppy: Uh. No not yet. *Kero*

Tailman: Even in text?

Tsykuyami: Even in text she is a lightness in the dark.

Shoto: I know I'm not the first to find things out but are you two dating?

Froppy: Yes.

Tsykuyami: Yes.

Shoto: I see okay. So has anyone seen Bakugo or Deku? Last I knew the quirk should have worn off last night but

Dynamight: This is Midoriya I borrowed Kacchan's phone. I can't find mine.

Dynamight: Anyway, we are fine. We are probably going to spend the day talking so don't wait for us. ☺️

Red Riot: Bakubro doesn't use emojis. It must be Midobro...

Chargezuma: Wait what is the to talk about? Why you hate him?

Cellophane: Dude!

Ingenium: We should all respect our classmate's privacy!

Pinky: ...

Chargezuma: ...

Cellophane: ...

Red Riot: ...

Tsykuyami: ...

Froppy: ...

Uravity: ...

Tailman: Do you know our classmate's?

Sugar man: Obviously not. I'm making cupcakes.

Anima: 🍵

Creati: 🍵

Can't Stop Twinkling: ✨🍵✨

Inviable Girl: ...

Tentacole: ...

Earphone Jack: Like that's going to happen.


Red Riot: Bakubro! Are you okay? You didn't... You know?

Dynamight: Kiri?

Red Riot: Oh don't worry about it Midobro!

Dynamight: Shitty Hair it is me... Shut the fuck up and I might tell you later.

Red Riot: You got it bro!

Red Riot: Wait you called me Kiri!

Dynamight leaves the chat.

Pinky invites Dynamight to the chat.

Pinky: Oh no you don't! Answers!

Dynamight: Hey it's Midoriya again! We need to talk so I'm turning his phone off for a while. See you all later! ☺️

I laughed at what all Deku typed on my phone. I didn't actually touch my phone through the whole conversation. Deku just knows me so well.

"I love you," I whisper cuddling him in my arms.

"I love you too but I would like to know what Kiri was talking about?" He looked at me confused and I laughed and told him that I was planning on going there after he left me and why.

"You really thought I hated you?" He asked nuzzling into my neck. I hummed in response.

"You have no idea how happy I am that you don't," I kissed on his earlobe. Somehow we didn't leave any noticable marks at least not ones that a tank top couldn't cover.

"Kacchan be my boyfriend?" He asked leaning into my gentle touch.

I laughed a little, "Yes." And our lips came together again.


We spent the morning cuddling and watching movies in the peace that was my room and didn't leave until lunch time. Deku grabbed my hand leading the way and I could only smile and follow. Our classmates of course didn't take this silently but we ignored them. When lunch was done we went up and did our laundry and other weekend chores before I took him out to dinner. A real date and we walked and talked in the park getting more ice cream before returning to the dorms.

"Kacchan I love you," he gave me a light sweet kiss before we walked up the steps.

"I love you too, nerd." The way he smiled at me lit up the world and he pushed the door open and we found All Might and Aizawa Sensei standing in the middle of the common area trying to get answers from the extras and I just shrugged, they didn't see us come in so we just made our way to the elevator and went back to my room for the night.