Villainous Intentions

"Enantiodromia," A kid no older than fifteen was cackling so hard it hurt just to watch. "And I just hit you with my quirk! I was planning on working WITH heroes but somehow this is so much better!"

"Hey, Midobro. What does Enantiodro something or other mean?" Kirishima asked and Deku just smiled while shrugging. We both know exactly what it means but like hell we are going to tell a hero wanna be. Police came and took him away and paperwork was filed accordingly but no one gave much thought about the quirk anymore. After all Deku and I were acting just like normal and it's not like there is anything they should be concerned about. Right?

Wrong. Enantiodromia is a word that means to make something it's opposite. Like hot becomes cold, wet becomes dry, a hero becomes a villain. Deku and I caught sight of each other and grinned before turning away again before we were caught. It took what felt like forever but eventually we were all released to go and since it was Friday, Deku and I were going home. Well as far as they knew anyway.

Once it looked like we lost everyone we made a run for the slums. A particular bar to be precise, we ran for the roof across the street and kept watch. I don't know how the pros keep "losing" the League of Villains. I mean they end up back in the same bar over and over again.

We watched and saw the blood girl and the guy with blue flames walk around back and I have to wonder if the teleporter guy was on strike because they would have never been found if he used his quirk all the time.

Several hours went by and our phones vibrated to show a special news bulletin: The heroes in training Dynamight and Deku are under the effects of a dangerous quirk, making them do things they would otherwise never do. Be on the lookout and call for any nearby hero or police station to report them if you see them. The quirk; Enantiodromia, is described to have been able to turn them from heroes into villains. DO NOT ENGAGE WITH THEM ALONE!

We chuckled reading the report but we ended up putting our phones on airplane mode so that they wouldn't even alert us to emergency news. The fact that we both had around fifty missed calls and hundreds of text messages, well we ignored that too. It didn't take the heroes all that long to get the villain from earlier to confess, he probably couldn't help himself and was bragging but it's too late now anyway.

As any good villain would know, you either have to have a good relationship with a rival villain or take them out and since All-For-One wants us dead already, well it's time to take out the trash. But I'm bored out of my ever loving mind. The lights were on and it was clear that everyone was up and present at the moment and as much as we would love to take them out head on, we aren't fucking stupid.

Speaking of fucking...

"Oi, Deku?" I hissed and he looked over, easily just as bored as I was. The villains had dragged in some nobody villain and were currently torturing them because they gave away plans to the heroes and it wasn't anything that we didn't know already.

"Want to fuck? I'm bored and horny," I motioned at the stairwell here on the roof and I swear his eyes lit up a toxic neon green. Instead of answering he jumped up and grabbed my hand before basically dragging me to the door. We found it locked but it was easy to break with my quirk and when we were inside we destroyed the camera's too before locking the inner door and blocking the outer one.

"Blow me, I didn't bring any lube and it's going to fucking hurt if I go in dry," he hissed, his pants coming undone and I easily got on my knees and took him in. His hands tangled in my hair, he didn't bother to warn me when he was about to cum and I didn't mind. The fact that he didn't let me go afterwards told me that he had zero intention of walking away now and I like what I'm doing now.

"Fuck, Kacchan, you're good with that mouth of yours," he mumbled, pulling me closer and he came again. I moaned at the compliment, but after only a minute or so he pushed me away.

"We'll come back to that. My turn," he demanded and I was pushed onto my back, my pants pulled down and he took me in his mouth. He shoved two of his fingers into my mouth and I did what he wanted and sucked. It wasn't until he made me cum that he pulled his fingers out but then he pushed them into my ass, rough. It didn't hurt but it was sudden and he didn't give me time to adjust so when he pulled them back out again only to thrust them back in again it was just like the first time all over again. The noises I made echoed around us, making it all the more erotic until his fingers hit something that shook all of me, but instead of checking to see if I was alright he attacked it mercilessly, all while deep throating me and I just couldn't take it anymore.

I came.

He cleaned me up eagerly, tasting me, the cum dripping from his chin as he licked at his lips only turned me on more when he pulled away.

"I'm going in now," he warned and I barely nodded before he pushed in, my whole body bucking at the invasion but he didn't let me go, instead he held me close, tilted my hips, pulled out and thrusted again.

"AHHH! YES!" I screamed and he used the hand behind my head to pull me into a kiss, thrusting his tongue into my mouth, swallowing my screams.

"Can't have anyone looking for what caused the noise," he smirked at me when he finally let me go, while I was out of breath. He bit into my neck, kissing, sucking leaving hickeys anywhere he could reach and I couldn't get enough.

"I'm going to cum!" I hissed only for him to pull all the way out and take me in his mouth, the shock of the wet heat was more than I could take and I could feel him swallowing my release. When he pulled away this time he was smirking at me evilly.

"I set an alarm for midnight, I'm keeping you until then," he warned before thrusting back in again, my whole body spasming at the rough pleasure.

"Fuck yeah," I moaned before pulling him back in, his tongue was much better against mine.



Fuck! I'm not ready yet. Looking at Deku, neither is he. He quickly turned off the alarm but kept lifting me into the air before slamming me back down on his cock. "HAAAAAH!" I moaned out, breathless and my throat raw, I wasn't making much noise so he had been enjoying listening to me. I'm about to cum and he knows it, a few more good thrust and he lifted me all the way up and brought me to his mouth so he could swallow whatever he could get. Once he was done, I was panting but I didn't argue or complain when he got up and laid me back down. He pushed in, this time far more slowly before seeming to change his mind and pulling out a bit before putting my ankles over his shoulders and thrusting again.

My back arched, I tried to push myself against him more but I just couldn't and he knows it. He didn't pull back out and instead grinded against me and after a few moments I felt him doing something with my dick but when I looked down he was putting something on me.

"Shh, I'm not wasting time cleaning up. I'll fill you all the way up later," he grumbled when he saw me about to argue. He was putting a condom on me and I saw a second one that he then laid on my stomach before slamming into me again and again, grinding with each thrust, my hips were tilted and pulled in exactly the right ways building me up again before suddenly nothing.

"WHAT. THE. FUCK?" I demanded only to see him opening the condom and putting it on real quick.

"I told you, I will fill you, later. All the way," he smirked at me and I couldn't help nervously swallowing my spit at the images that flashed in my mind from that demanding threat. I nodded meekly and he thrusted in again and thanks to the lube on the condom it was both much smoother and faster.

"FUCK!" I screamed out, I could hear him chuckling, enjoying the show while my body shook uncontrollably. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Every nerve in my body seemed to be on full blast and I couldn't warn him about cumming this time but even if I did I doubt he would have noticed any better. His hands were leaving bruises on my hips and lower back just from holding me and I'm pretty sure I burned him pretty bad thanks to my quirk going off as we orgasmed together. We laid there for several minutes, panting.

"Fuck, when we kill all the fuckers we should just find a bed. I don't think I can give that up," I grumbled, halfway to myself and half hoping he would agree.

"Yes," He giggled before pulling out and taking off the condoms and helping me up. "Are you able to fight?"

"With that kind of reward waiting for me? Fuck yeah I am," I grinned at him only for him to kiss me before leading us back out onto the rooftop. The lights in the bar were almost all off, leaving only one left and it looks like the handjob from hell was arguing with someone with tubes hooked up to his face. Great, the two we really want to kill are still up but they look like they aren't paying any attention to their surroundings. Fantastic. The sooner they are dead the sooner I can get laid. Again.

We slid down the building careful not to create any noise and as sore as I am, I am moving around just fine. The thought of Deku fucking me without worrying about alarms is too fucking tempting, these fuckers need to die.

We made our way to the backdoor and found the circuit breaker and it looks like they have a lot of issues with their power. Each switch was clearly marked for each room. We exchanged a grin and carefully flipped each breaker, only leaving the one in the main room where All-For-One and Handyman were talking. Then we slowly made our way through the building and we managed to find the teleporter quickly. It looked like he noticed the power was off immediately and he came to look right after we got out of the way.

I reached out and set off a tiny explosion right at the base of his neck where his collar was usually protecting him but nothing was there now. He dropped and within seconds there was a bleeding man laying on the floor, his eyes wide open as he stared off into nothing. That was really anticlimactic if you ask me. We quickly moved him before he could leave too big of a puddle but we didn't bother to clean it up either. This is the League of Villains headquarter so whatever.

We snuck down the hall and found the blood bitch and she was yelling to the smoke bastard that the T.V. was still off. Deku snuck in and quickly powered his quirk up in just his fingers and snapped her neck and we left her there on her bed.

This is almost too easy, I mean how did they give us so much trouble before?

No matter how much we looked we couldn't find the villain with blue fire so we gave up and made our way to the bar, the room with All-For-One and Handyman.

Handyman was whining at the bar about Smokey taking too long and that he wanted something sweet to eat while All-For-One was chuckling reassuring him that he would get exactly what he desired.

I rolled my eyes, I mean how does the Itchy bastard not see that All-For-One was manipulating him? It's kind of obvious. It's WAY worse than how Nezu does his students. Stupidly so.

All-For-One turned and walked towards the front door while Handyman put his head down, Deku and I exchanged looks and I made my way to the fucker with his head down and when Deku was right behind All-For-One he fully charged his quirk, aiming for the base of the bastards skull, breaking his neck while I set off an extra large explosion on the Hand bastard's neck.

They are dead. This was really too easy, I mean the only person who got away happened to be Icyhot's brother. What are the chances of that? I joined Deku and just to be safe we dismembered All-For-One using our quirks and brought him over piece by piece and used the Hand guys quirk on him, turns out his quirk didn't stop working after he died. Convenient. Once there wasn't a piece left of him he just took the whole fucking hand with us and used it on the rest of their team before I blew up two of his fingers on his remaining hand and I cut off two fingers of a plasic glove and put it on the hand we still had so that no one else could do the same and put the hand in a box to take with us.

It's gross as hell, but far too useful to just let it go to waste. It won't last for long I'm sure but there are a few villains and vigilantes that I can think of that need to go.

The League of Villains are no more.

We looked around a bit and found some cash, that is useful, and of course some alcohol... I raised an eyebrow at Deku holding up some kind of expensive sweet wine and he nodded so I took the bottle with us. We slipped out like we were never there in the first place. The only evidence at all was the pool of blood from three of the four of them and the hand with two missing fingers.

I used a phone that I found in the blood bitch's room and took a picture of the bloody hand sending it too Eraserhead's phone with the caption: We took care of your problem. Leave us alone. I saw when he read the message and he responded back demanding to know who this was and who the hand belonged to and I took another picture of the bar; Look familiar? The League is dead, well except for one anyway. He got lucky.

Then I wiped the phone down and we snuck out again and climbed back up to the roof before running across rooftops, not bothering to stay and watch the shit show that was going to be heroes showing up out of nowhere. We found the hideout with all the Nomus and just nope. They aren't even really alive so fuck that shit. We went through them all leaving nothing but a bit of ash behind until we found someone alive and working on one of them.

He wasn't even fun to torture. He spilled everything the moment he saw me use the hand to turn one of his creations into ash and we were able to find out that this was all but two of them. He was even nice enough to tell us where those two were. He showed us the files on their "research", everything, even where any and all backup files were. He was really too useful.

"Thank you, you can die now," Deku smiled at him and the guy started going hysterical before I used the hand on him.

"Geeze, who wants to run a whole criminal organization when all your lackeys are going to spill at the first sign of being caught?" I grumbled and Deku agreed.

"Who needs an organization? I only need one good partner, preferably one good at giving head," he grinned at me and I pointed out that we were still in the villain lab.

"Let's find somewhere more comfortable then?" I suggested, smirking back at him. All the files and everything remotely related to the league of villains was now nothing more than dust along with a few other unwanted people, and I want a shower. Now.

"The best place to hide is the last place anyone would look for us," he nodded, his smirk refusing to leave his face and memories of the stairwell were at the forefront of my mind.

"They wouldn't look where we would usually be but they would have searched our homes by now. So that leaves the dorms," I answered and he smiled even more.

"I knew I fell in love with you for a reason," he laughed before pulling me into a kiss that took my breath away.

"Time for that shower," I grabbed his arm and pulled him in the direction of the school. Thanks to our "tip" all the heroes in the area were at the bar trying to figure out what happened and by who so the coast was clear and it was easy to sneak back onto campus and quickly take a shower. We did block the doorway just to be safe and Deku didn't wait until our shower was done.

"With pecs like those who needs breasts?" He asked, making me frown before he started playing with my nipples and I no longer find his words disagreeable. Nope.

"I have lube in the top drawer," I tell him, but pull him into my arms before hopping up, his strong arms supporting me immediately.

"Good, I'll use that later. I remember telling you that I'm going to fill you," I felt him press against my entrance while lining up and he used the stall wall for support to thrust in so hard and rough it hurt.

"Fuck no! That fucking hurts!" I hissed, already pushing him away. He frowned but pulled out anyway before he fingered my ass and found out how tight I was.

"Looks like we worked harder than I thought. That's okay, I can make you feel good again," he skipped the towel and pulled me out of the bathroom and to the bed before tossing me on it and climbing up to join me. "A small blowjob, that lube you mentioned," he smirked as he pulled out the lube, not bothering to wait until he was done talking. "And I want to hear you screaming my name."

The cap to the lube clicked open and he slathered it on thick before using his fingers to push it into me. The last thing I remember was screaming out his name while riding him and he didn't bother to wait before rolling us over and thrusting in, making my whole world disappear.


"Ugh, what happened?" I groaned, trying to rub at my face but my arm was trapped under something. I forced my eyes open to find Deku on top of me and something large and hard in my ass.

"WHAT IN THE FUCK?"I demanded ignoring the headache that throbbed in my head at the noise. Deku started awake and looked around and when he started to get up, still very confused, I grabbed him crying out, trying to make him hold still.

"Don't fucking move, it hurts," I hissed at him and when I finally let him go he looked around but didn't move his hips at all.

"Kacchan? I'm, I'm, I'm-" Deku was starting to stutter and I can't blame him. How in the fuck did we end up like this?

"Considering you're still in my ass, we obviously had sex. I don't remember shit and you definitely don't so a quirk must have been involved," I listed off trying my damndest to ignore how fucking raw I feel at the moment. "You were either really fucking good in bed or shitty," I added, grumbling and I saw him frown at that.

I saw him look around and find some lube and I can't believe he is keeping a straight face doing all of this. It was really feeling good too so I said as much.

"I guess you were really fucking good then," I moaned when he was able to pull out a little and right after I said that he grinned.

"Want to find out for sure? We're already like this," he pointed out and fuck it. Why not?

"Fuck me," I moaned and he quickly thrusted in and I found out just how sensitive I actually am at the moment. The moment I told him I was going to cum he pulled away and swallowed my mess before thrusting back in again. My whole body was a mess, shaking and trembling at each and every touch, our screams mingled together whenever our tongues weren't and when he did finally cum, I couldn't get enough of it.

His cock throbbed inside of me, my ass trying to milk him dry with how hard my body clenched around him.

"I'm not done," he warned and instead of answering I thrusted my tongue into his mouth, pulling him closer.



I don't know what all happened for us to wake up like that but after we finally made it to the shower I was barely walking, I was limping so bad. We must have had a lot of sex before we woke up too because it took forever to clean me out and then Deku couldn't bring himself to pull out in time once in the shower so we were there for even longer.

Now that we are dressed, he helped me out of our room, that for some reason was barricaded? From the inside? And to the elevator before frying some eggs for us. Why the dorms were silent at this time of day I have no fucking idea. Once the eggs were done he helped me to the couch before going back upstairs and finding our phones and bringing them back again.

I saw all the missed calls and mountains of text messages and decided to skip all of that. I found Aizawa Sensei's number and dialed, putting it on speakerphone.

"Bakugo?" He answered immediately.

"What the fuck happened to us and why isn't anyone at the dorms?" I groaned and Deku agreed, letting him know that we were together.

"You don't know?" He asked, his voice guarded and I rolled my eyes but when I tried to sit up better I hissed at the discomfort in my back.

"No, I'm asking for my health," I answered sarcastically but then went on, "I feel like I've been run over by a steamroller." I am not telling him we had sex. Nope, none of his fucking bussiness. "And generally feeling like shit. The last thing I remember was us fighting a villain and the whole class was working together," I summed it up for him.

"Oh, and there was someone there training to become a police officer as well I think but it gets really blurry after that," Deku added before helping me to get more comfortable.

"Where are you two now?" He asked, he still doesn't sound like he believes us but whatever.

"The common area of the dorms, sitting on the couch. We woke up in my room," I answered, not caring about how he took that. It didn't take long for not only Aizawa Sensei but EVERYBODY else to arrive and Recovery Girl examined us thoroughly, surprising me with the fact that Deku who had been acting like he was just fine all morning was just as sore as I was, in similar places. I think I can guess that we took turns last night then, at least before we woke up.

After what felt like forever and Recovery Girl verifying that we were no longer under the effects of a quirk, I couldn't take it anymore. "What the fuck happened last night!?!" I demanded, the pain in my lower back spasmed when I yelled and I fell over crippled. Deku was quick to help me up and I could only glare at him but I couldn't bring myself to tell him not to touch me. Not when all I want is to be back in bed and safely cuddled in his arms again. I'm not that much of a hypocrite.

He helped me back to the couch and it didn't take a rocket scientist to see that he was in pain too, but he didn't make me yell at him to sit down, he sat next to me, close enough for me to lean on and thanks to his arms supporting me I was already doing just that.

I looked up glaring at Aizawa Sensei and Recovery Girl, who remained silent exchanging looks between them. It took a while but they seemed to agree to tell us and shooed everyone else away but in the end it was decided that Deku and I needed to go to Recovery Girl's office for more tests and they would explain there. All Might ended up having to help us up, spitting up blood from the short burst of activity and in the end Aizawa Sensei used his capture scarf to tie us together and carry us there because we were going too slow.

I didn't bother to put up a fight and it was obvious that Deku was just as exhausted as I was because he passed out before I did. The motion of being rocked, rough as it was, was too much for us to fight anymore.


"Boys," Recovery Girl woke us up and how soft and sad her voice was did not sit well with me. This woman makes grown ass men cry without giving a damn. If she sounds like this, then who in the fuck died?

I had to fight to wake up and then it was only after a couple glasses of water and being helped into a sitting position before I could actually focus and when I looked around I saw Deku just as dazed as I felt and we were both in hospital gowns.

A flash of fear at what they probably found evidence of, crossed my mind and I could feel the heat in my face growing hotter and hotter.

Please, God no.

"Why are we in hospital gowns? We were wearing clothes? Weren't we?" I asked, now even more confused. Did I dream all of that?

"I examined you and when neither of you woke up I got written permission from your parents to conduct more personal tests," she didn't look either of us in the eye and instead sat down in her chair. "Were either of you sexually active before all of this? Before yesterday?"

"No," Deku and I answered at the same time and it's only when she looked up that I followed her line of sight to see the lie detector detective standing there. Well fuck.

"They are telling the truth," he nodded, not looking at either of us either.

"What is going on?" I demanded, my stomach sinking at how solemn they were at the moment.

"Bakugo, Midoriya, neither of you are virgins anymore," she said the words and the whole room went dead silent.

"No, shut the fuck up. I'm not listening to this," I looked around before finding my clothes and I tossed Deku his too. "Go the fuck away I'm getting dressed and then I'm leaving!" I threw a pillow at Recovery Girl and she just sighed before leaving, the detective having left the moment he confirmed that we were telling the truth. Thank God they didn't ask more questions because fuck no, okay, l I'm not answering any more than that.

I know right now that they think we were either raped or forced into doing something we didn't actually consent to but I would rather not think about any of that. Not with how happy we were before they all showed up.

This time around Deku seemed to be in just as bad a shape as I am so we were using each other to stand steady. We left the office and I refused to answer any of their fucking questions, we made our way back to the dorms and into my room. Too exhausted to deal with anyone else we crashed on my bed.

We just noped the whole fucking world.


"Kacchan? Should we tell them?" He asked, half asleep still.

"None of their fucking business," I growled, my throat still feels raw but to be fair, Deku had me screaming for hours and that was only from what we actually remember.

"Do you regret it? I mean, this morning," he asked and I forced myself to turn to face him more. I could see his water eyes but he didn't hide from me and that alone is a relief. I reached up and caressed his cheek, careful not to startle him and when he relaxed into my touch I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his, slow, gentle, yearning. In less than a second he was not just returning the affection but leading it, pulling me closer, opening his lips for me and slipping his tongue to meet mine when I let him inside.

Full minutes passed by as I let myself get lost in the moment and Deku was just as bad. It wasn't until we pulled away for air that either of us even tried.

"I regret waiting so long but not this morning," I whispered, his eyes widened almost as much as his smile did and he dived in for another breathtaking kiss. It was probably hours later that we cuddled together and picked up our phones to figure out what all happened during the time that we have no memory. All the news alerts with our names on them certainly didn't help either but we just cuddled into each other's arms and caught up on the crazy that was the weekend. The biggest red flag I saw was the fact that they found a bloody hand and several pools of blood and ash in an old abandoned bar but no one seems to know anything but the weirdest thing of all was that it seems so familiar to me.

We responded to our idiots. Me through the Baku Squad GC, I did not pick the name, and Deku through the class GC and I simply sent a thumbs up showing that I was also there. Of course everyone started attacking us with their questions but Deku and I shut them down.

Deku: I'm sorry. I have a really bad headache and I don't remember anything after getting hit by the quirk. I don't even remember leaving the crime scene.

Dynamight: Lucky. I don't even remember finishing the fight. What the fuck happened?


No one was willing to answer, that or no one had any answers. I can't help rolling my eyes at all of the fucking bullshit. They were so worried but they couldn't be bothered to answer our questions at all.

Dynamight: Fuck you too. I'm going back to sleep so leave me the fuck alone. And Glasses I don't fucking care about my language. Get over it.

I grumbled some choice curses under my breath but left it at that. Deku was also frowning at his phone.

Deku: I'm going to bed too. Maybe my headache will go away. Good night everyone.

Several answered, obviously happy with the change of subject but I just cursed more under my breath. I cuddled my lover and relaxed in his arms. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what the hell will happen, for when it actually happens.


Three days later we were sitting in class and Aizawa Sensei was making some kind of announcement when it felt like my head was bashed in from the side. I jumped out of my seat and hung my head out the open window to hurl. Images of blood and ash flooding my mind so that I couldn't even hear myself think. I could only see and hear memories of the weekend and it wasn't until I was dry heaving that I noticed Deku next to me in the same state.

"They're dead," Deku cried and I lurched toward the window again just in time for more bile to come out. The fact that we were on the third floor meant nothing to me at the moment and I doubt I would care any other time either. I killed people. Lots of people. Villains sure, but they are still people.

"Who?" Aizawa Sensei asked, making me jump from the shock but Deku was the one hurling at the moment.

"So many villains, why? Why would we-?" Deku sobbed and I just felt so dizzy and hot all at the same time. I had to slowly sit down on the floor, not trusting myself to try and go back to my seat.

"Bakubro?" I barely heard his voice at all but when I looked up I saw Kirishima standing in front of me and I just watched when he reached out and wiped my face, not noticing why until his hand came away wet. I'm fucking crying.

I fumbled, frantically trying to get back to the window before I dry heaved again, I don't think I even have water left anymore, what little I had was probably used up by my tears.

"We killed them," I barely whispered when Aizawa Sensei finally managed to pull us out of the window and I was facing him. "I killed people. So many villains. I'm a murder-," I sobbed, not expecting my voice to break but I couldn't bring myself to say it again and it was so low that I doubt anyone but Aizawa Sensei knew what I said and he probably had to read my lips just to figure it out.

His eyes widened and we were quickly dragged out of the classroom and to Hound Dog's office. Aizawa Sensei didn't leave us alone, while we waited for Hound Dog to get back from God only knows where. Deku and I just sobbed, hiccuping when it felt like we couldn't breathe at all and when Hound Dog did arrive he was very confused.

"They seem to remember what happened last weekend. Something about killing villains," he tried to supply for us and it really didn't help. Not really.

Horror then quickly replaced my shock when a thought came to mind. "I still have his fucking hand!" No one was able to get much else from us after that. Deku and I had our backs to each other but we never left each other's side. What else could we do? I mean really? We murdered people together, we planned their execution and the only person who was lucky enough to get away was Icyhot's brother. How many people did we kill? Would we even be considered innocent because of the quirk? Why did we have to remember?

I mean our first time having sex was in a gross ass stairwell and then we murdered people, IN A FUCKING HURRY, just so we could fuck again faster. What kind of person could do something so wrong?

"Why?" I croaked out and Deku sobbed in answer, no words actually coming out. It wasn't until All Might turned our heads towards him while he kneeled in front of us that I could really see anything at all.

"That quirk, was called Enantiodromia, the villain who used it on you said that he turned you into your opposite and he chose to see what you would do as villains instead of heroes," All Might spoke slowly, clearly looking me in the eye before looking at Deku before returning again and again. "Nothing that happened while you were under its effects was your fault. Not one drop of blood. Do you hear me?"

I broke, tears streaming freely, he hugged us and we clung to him, sobbing so hard it hurt. But he never let us go. Our hero never let us go.