Why Sensei?

"Ahh! Deku! FUCK!" I quietly moaned out still in my own world when I finally came. I took a few breaths to calm down before cleaning up my mess. I've been so pint up lately that I couldn't even be in the same room as him without making an ass of myself.

I turn around and sit down on the toilet and try to calm myself down. "I'm such a fucking ass," I groaned while rubbing at my face. How can I even start to think about Deku on top of me when I won't even let him near me?

It took a while but I finally relaxed enough to leave the stall and wash my hands and then my face. Breathe Katsuki, only a few more hours in the same room with him and then you can run back to either your room to hide or Kiri's to simp over the green eyed angel.

What the hell would I do without Kiri? He barged into my room while I was VERY busy with nothing but a vibrator. I really wish we could have pretended that day never happened. Now he wants to share his feelings all the damn time. I get it, he has a thing for Icyhot. I really didn't need to know that.

I looked up and after making sure there was no evidence about what I just did, left the restroom only to find Aizawa Sensei standing outside, he nearly gave me a heart attack.

"Hurry up, I'm about to assign homework and you need to be there this time," he sounded tired but for some reason I have a very bad feeling. I follow him to class and he assigns the homework. What the hell?

Aizawa Sensei stands in front of everyone and he is actually smiling. "Tonight's homework is to write about your favorite hero and the one thing that you hate about them." The grin on his face just grew as he looked around the class and I swear that his eyes locked on mine for more than a second before he added, "It is to be a partnered assignment and I will be picking your partners. So everyone listen carefully to who you are being assigned to," I stopped listening. My bad feeling is growing.

I listen to the names he rattled off; "Todoroki and Kirishima, Uraraka and Tsu, Kaminari and Shinso, Bakugo and Midoriya," did I hear that right? Did I actually hear that right? I turned my head a little and saw Deku, his normally tan features were now very white and his eyes were wide open. Of course he hates this, I have been nothing but an ass to him for a long time.

"Now," Aizawa Sensei grabbed all of our attention again, still wearing that sinister smile. "The project is due on Monday and since today is Friday, no other homework. BUT" He cut off the cheers from my classmates before going on. "But there will be no extensions and yes grammar and spelling will be graded. I am also ending class now so that you all have time to go to the library to collect whatever research materials you'll need."

Why in the fuck is this actually happening?

"Bakugo and Midoriya stay after class," Aizawa Sensei demanded before dismissing everyone else.

When everyone was finally gone and it was just Deku and I standing at his desk waiting he smiled at us making me wonder what in the actual fuck I did to piss him off this time? Whatever it was, I am truly sorry.

"So after last week's incident," he glared at me and I looked away. Ah, that, I might have exploded in the gym while fighting with Deku. It might have been the kind of explosion that may have sort of blown an actual hole in the UA security system and we were on lockdown for three days while they fixed it. BUT to be fair putting that in one of the gym walls? Not the smartest idea in the world.

"You both are not only going to do the assignment," he smiled at me and I felt a cold chill go up and down my spine. "You are going to be living together. Bakugo you are going to be staying in Midoriya's room until Monday, you have exactly two hours to get all of your things out of your room and into Midoriya's. Then I will be there to get the room key. When they are done with repairs you will both be moving into Bakugo's room, they are taking the room next to it and combining the two. No, I will not listen to any more arguments." He interrupted me before I could actually say anything.

"You two have caused the school more in damages and in negative publicity than either of you could hope to repay. As a result you will finish out your final year of UA as roommates. If you two even have so much as one fight in there you will both be expelled. Do I make myself clear?" I slowly nodded my head, knowing that Deku was doing the same. I really fucked up this time. I will see myself in Kiri's room a lot in the near future.

"Oh and one more thing," I looked up only to see that creepy ass smile again. "Neither of you are allowed in any other student's rooms until I give you specific permission to be. Do I make myself understood."

"For fucks sake we understand, we fucked up. I fucked up but is this really how you're-"

"Yes, this is exactly how I'm going to deal with it. Now I expect you both to leave and get that room empty before the contractors show up." He not only cut me off but he dismissed us with a wave of his hand.

We were slowly walking back to the dorms, both lost in thought when I just started screaming, "WHY IN THE FUCK?" It made Deku jump but he quickly relaxed when that was all I yelled.

After several minutes, I take a deep breath and just let it out. "Deku," I closed my eyes trying to will myself, to say what I needed to say while he was listening. "Will you help me get my shit?" I couldn't do it. Fuck it! I'm a coward and I fucking know it!

"Of course Kacchan, I'll go unlock my dorm room and I'll be right up." Deku smiled happy that I wasn't taking my frustrations out on him.

Fuck the thought of me taking my frustrations out on him alone made me want to hide in my room. Screaming out his name begging for more while my nails scratched up his back.

I tried to shake the image out of my head before taking the elevator to my room and I quickly found all the items that Deku can NEVER find and put them in a lockbox. I quickly started boxing as much of my shit as I could and when Deku arrived I just had him start carrying boxes to his room while I kept packing.

When Deku left again was when Kiri decided to walk in and he froze when he saw that half of my room was literally in packing boxes.

"What happened, Bakubro? Are they kicking you out of the dorms?" The way Kiri froze up reminded me that he was actually my friend and not an extra. I motioned for him to close the door and when he did I told him everything. When I was done there was a knock on the door and he answered it to find Deku.

"Midobro! Bakubro just told me, how do you feel about all of this?" He asked and his big puppy eyes were in full effect while he did it too. Damn, does he actually know that Deku has a soft spot for him? Cause who can resist those eyes?

"I'm fine, but I know Kacchan already hates it. I'll try not to get in his way when I can help it," Deku sighed before picking up more boxes and leaving again.

Kiri closed the door, "WHAT THE FUCK! I thought you were trying to fix your friendship? Why does he sound like it's a funeral?" He demanded and I just let out a groan.

"At best he is upset that he is losing his own room and at worst he is finally holding all the shit I did to him growing up against me. I'm doomed." I quickly packed the last box and with Kiri's help started carrying them down to the second floor and my new temporary room.

When the three of us were done Kiri left so that I could get "situated" he gave me a glare that said I better not fuck this up before closing the door behind him.

"Well..." Deku started not really sure what to say or do.

"Might as well keep my crap in boxes, I'll have to move again on Monday anyway." I let out a sigh, maybe if I try not to make a big deal out of it we can actually get somewhere?

"I'm sorry Kacchan, this is all my fault. If I didn't make you mad-"

"No. I'm not so weak that you need to protect my feelings or some bullshit. This is just as much if not more, my fault. It was my explosion wasn't it?" I cut him off to ask, I can't help glaring at him though. Why is this so fucking hard?

"Look, we are both 18, we should be able to get along. Right?" I try again, maybe if I show that I am willing he will relax?

"Nothing could make me happier," the way his whole face lit up made my heart flutter in my chest. Why do I have to be in love with the most perfect man? Just why?

We set my boxes to the side and out of the way and Deku even asked if I would be okay with sharing the bed instead of getting the futon out, I smiled and agreed thinking yes finally some leeway. Then I noticed that my shit was just in the way of the futon shelf and that after all this time the bell rang. Wait bell?

Deku went and answered the door, "Yes, Sensei?" I let out a sigh and took out my room key before walking over and handing it to him only to walk away again. I can't let him know how much this is getting to me. I can't, I can't, I can't.

"Midoriya could I ask you to step out of the room for a moment so that I can have a word with Bakugo?" I could feel my blood freeze at Sensei's word's. What the hell did I do now? I've been quiet and except for that one scream which wasn't actually directed at anyone I haven't lashed out at all. So for god's sake what the hell did I do now?

I was left in the room with Aizawa Sensei and when he closed the door I could feel the familiar feeling of the walls closing in again. Deep breaths, don't panic.

"Bakugo, I expect that you two WILL start to get along and work together. So for now on any future projects I assign you two will be working together. Any trips you are expecting to take will be denied unless Midoriya is with you. And if I find out that you threatened or bullied him in any way-"

"Might as well expell me now, I used to bully him in middle school." I cut him off and just confessed, might as well get this over with.

"What?" He looked at me strangely and I explained about our past. I left a lot of things out but he got the gist. I was a right asshole.

"If..." He paused for a moment and cleared his throat. "If what you're saying is true," I stood up and he stopped talking. I opened the door and motioned Deku inside and closed the door behind him and then I repeated myself.

"KACCHAN! You were never THAT bad!" Deku tried to argue and I just gave him a look that spoke for me; are you fucking serious right now?

"But Kacchan!" I raised an eyebrow at him waiting for him to argue but he didn't have an argument. He couldn't deny what I had said because it was the truth. It was the past but that didn't make it any less true.

"I see you two are going to be even more of a headache than I originally knew. If I would have known that before I would have expelled you," Aizawa Sensei groaned, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "But as is, you have both grown and now that I actually know of your past I can say that I should have done this your first year. Not waiting until now." He gave us more directions and how now we couldn't even go to the store unless we both went. We were to be attached to the hip more or less.

If only he knew just how much I would love for that to be true. He finally left and I laid down on Deku's bed. I saw Deku just standing there and I moved over by the wall and patted the bed next to me, he barely waited two seconds before laying down next to me. It didn't take long before sleep clouded my mind and I let it take me away.


I woke up to find Deku still sleeping next to me but now somehow I was curled around him, holding him in his sleep and my head was even on his chest. When did his arm wrap around me? Should I try to get up? Should I pretend that I'm still asleep? What the fuck should I actually do?

"Kacchan?" Deku whimpered next to my ear and I lifted my head to look at him. His eyes were open but he didn't really look like he was awake, he couldn't have been more than half awake at best. "Kacchan, love me? Please?" I swear I stopped breathing but like hell I was going to miss this kind of opportunity.

"What do you mean Deku?" I whisper almost afraid that I will wake him up and end whatever he was actually asking for.

"I love you, will you let me love you?" He asked and he seemed to be more awake now but still not fully.

"Yes, if that's what you want then yes." I answered and he gently pulled me in and kissed me on the lips.

It was sweet and gentle and everything I ever wanted. He slowly turned us over so that my head was on the pillow before he deepened the kiss. His tongue lightly prodded at my lips before I opened them letting him in. If he wants me not even Satan could keep me away.

I rested my hands on his hips and before I knew it the kiss was turning heated, he is definitely awake now, but he isn't even trying to stop. More like he is refusing to stop, which works just fine for me.

"Deku?" I gasped finally breaking free enough to breathe only for him to start kissing down my neck, sending more pleasure through me than I thought was possible from a few kisses.

I heard him hum letting me know that he was listening and I had to ask, "Do you really want me? After everything I did?"

He pulled away and looked at me for a long time before he bent down and gave me a slow deep kiss, stealing my breath away while I tried to hold him down to me. He pulled away just enough to be out of my reach before answering, "yes."

It was all I needed, "Then I'm yours." I gently tugged on hips pulling him closer and he slid his tongue back into my mouth. Before he pulled away again and this time he actually got off of the bed.

"I think you need to lose your clothes now?" That was a question but at the same time it sounded like a demand. Somehow he managed to make it still my choice but he was very clear about what he wanted.

I took off my clothes, laying there naked I watched him stare at me, memorizing every angle and curve before he, also now naked, pinned me down and all but dominated my tongue.

By the time he let me go I was panting and it was hard to see straight, but he made his way down my neck again and this time he didn't stop at the collarbone. He kept going, kissing, licking sucking and biting as he went he was turning me on so hard and fast that I was already as hard as a rock

"Kacchan~" he whispered and I looked down to see him at my hips. It took too long before I realized that he was gently rubbing me and massaging my body as he went. In fact the only reason I noticed at all was because he spilled some lube before cleaning it up again. He put a lot on me before himself and then he started slowly prodding at me.

"Fuck Deku, just put it in!" I barely stopped myself from screaming but to be fair it's not like I haven't used vibrators in the past. So long as he is gentle I don't really need all of this prep and it is going way to slow for me anyway.

"Are you sure Kacchan~?" The way he said that had me pause and I looked down just in time to see him put me in his mouth, and he slid me all the way in. I felt all of my muscles straining at that. He has no gag reflex, NO FUCKING GAG REFLEX! He took me all in going up and down and it took until I was almost ready to cum and he put two fingers in at once.

"AH!" I jerked at the sudden movement, I have no idea what Deku dreamed about to put him in this kind of mood but fuck it. I'll take it all. He pulled his magic fingers away before he lined himself up and slowly pushed in. Every fiber of my being felt like it was splitting, how is he so big? He pulled out a little before sinking even more inside of me. I heard him grunt at the same time I felt him hit the back of me.

It took a while before he started pulling out and the whimpers escaping my throat were anything but innocent.

"Izuku?" I begged my nails scratching up his back until he would push back in again. It was slow for a little while. He would push in and then wait before pulling out again. I was near tears when suddenly he stopped, he started smoothly thrusting and even my moans turned into soft murmurs of I love you.

Deku took it slow, his mouth finding mine as we made slow sweet love when he finally grunted and froze, trying to keep from cumming. Why? Doesn't he understand that I want him? That I need him more than I need to breathe?

"Izu~" I started but he froze again, I could see him visibly shaking while he tried to control himself. When it seemed like he was back in control I tried again. "Izu, I'm yours now. You can have me anytime you want. Just bring me to bed and I'm yours." I whisper kissing on him still trying not to cum myself. I want us to cum together, harder than I thought it would be.

"So we can do it again? Later?" Deku grunted still holding himself together and I nodded before pulling him in for a kiss. He slid forward and he was no longer thrusting near as smooth as before, but now he was dragging us both to our end. The way our bodies wrapped around each other, how our lips locked together like we were starving and how his eyes seemed to light up in the dark before I couldn't take it anymore. I threw my head back on the pillow and came, only for Deku to thrust more wildly and I was following him. The way he filled me, left me wanting more and he could honestly keep going for all I minded.

"Kacchan!" He grunted this time slamming as hard as he could into me and I was begging for more. I felt him twitch inside of me when he had finally pulled out and I curled up next to him where he collasped and now his arms were safely around me and fuck it. Deku is mine.

I pulled him close and gently leaned in, when he didn't pull away I closed the gap between our lips. Our arms safely holding each other, our lips and tongues melding together, we lay there, and I couldn't want anything else more than for this moment to last forever.


The weekend went by fast Deku and I presented our project with little to no fuss. We had spent all but our meals in the bedroom and even cleaned everything up and got Deku's things boxed up for us to move after school today.

Class was quiet and Deku and I did what we could to keep it that way. Neither of us wanted to come out yet but our squads already knew we were gay. We really didn't want our friends to find out that we already started sleeping together. But then again, I really don't like it when I can't touch him.

It's now time for heroics and All Might was standing next to both of us, confused. We haven't said one thing to each other but we were still standing next to each other. It didn't take the class long, thanks to Kirishima, to find out that we were being forced to stick together but even with the half and half telling All Might that, he could tell that we really weren't upset by it at all.

Figures the only person to figure it out is completely lost on the subject. He knows something is going on but he doesn't understand what.

It was now mine and Deku's turn to spar. We destroyed the arena, again, but we never went overboard. We pulled back our punches like we should have done in the first place and the match ended in a draw. I didn't get angry, Deku didn't cower, and we walked off the arena side by side until we were standing next to All Might, waiting for our assessment.

The class was shocked, even Kiri couldn't believe what happened but it didn't take long for Kami and Sero to set off my temper again which only served to relax everyone again. We were dismissed for the day and Deku and I were sent ahead to quickly get done moving.

By the time the rest of the class got there we already had most of our things set up and between mine and Deku's All Might merch it really looked like we worshipped the man. Maybe we do, but the fuck if I care or not.

When we finished moving in Deku told me that he was having a friend come over to upgrade us and not to get mad. What the hell does that mean?

I found out what that meant. Oh my dear god, I just might like this extra. I think he said her name was Mei? She soundproofed the room, then she installed a blackout system to prevent any calls, text, video or audio to be transmitted out whenever it was active. She installed so many cool things and when I saw the bathroom that the contractors put in for us, I was not impressed until I saw what she did to the bathroom.

I like her, and apparently she liked us. Like she REALLY likes us together. She didn't even ask, she just knew. She made sure to upgrade more than just the security. Beds have shocks? Well our's does now.

Then when she was finally gone, Deku and I did our homework and went downstairs to eat with everyone. It wasn't until we were back in our room that I saw the fingerprint scanner. Like for real? Deku entered my fingerprint and when we were inside he locked the door before he started stripping his clothes off.

"Kacchan~" he purred and I couldn't take my clothes off fast enough. "Who's a good boy?"

"I am, Daddy," I moaned, hoping it was the right answer. I don't really get the whole Daddy kink but Deku is all for it and I am more than willing.

"That's right baby, you are." He trapped me against the door and kissed me before picking me up and I wrapped my legs around his sinful hips. "I'm going to show you just how good." I think I almost came at at his words, that was so fucking hot I can barely take it.

He carried me to the bed and we started making slow tender love. The way he thrusted into me, his hands on my hips while he carefully explored my body. More than once he would find my sensitive places and once he did he would shower it in attention, leaving me screaming in pleasure.

"Kacchan," he warned but then he found a place that had my whole body moving all on it's own before he cut off my screams with his tongue in my mouth. When we both had rode out our orgasms I lay there panting, how could I really do anything else? He just rocked my world, my body was practically humming with pleasure even now.

"Kacchan?" Deku asked slowly trailing his fingers up and down my abs, fuck that feels good. I hum letting him know I was listening. "How would you feel about telling everyone about us?" He sounded so timid, as if he was afraid I was either going to explode or shatter.

I open my eyes and find him hyper focused on my pecs and I slowly lifted his chin so that he would look me in the eyes. When he finally did, I smiled and gave him a soft kiss.

"Nothing could make me happier," I whispered and he all but tackled me. That was the right answer, yes nothing else could have been more correct. He set off at least another two full orgasms before we passed out for the night.

When we woke up we had to quickly shower and get ready for school and we only had time to grab a piece of fruit before running to class. Okay by no means were we going to be late but the concept of our attendance and habits demanded we do it

Once we were comfortable in the still empty classroom I turned around and saw Deku was nervous. "Hey, you don't have to do anything you don't want to. Understand?"

"Just what if?" I shook my head and he trailed off. "You're right Kacchan. Thanks." I smiled and heard the door open and I turned back around in my seat to find our classmates coming in, most half asleep still and going to their seats.

Class went on like normal, study material, discussions and heroics. Hell even lunch went by with almost no incidents. When the final bell rang most of the class was chatting about their work studies and how well they thought they had been going when the fucking copycat bastard walked in.

"Would you look at that? The class A beast has behaved for not only the weekend but two full days of classes as well," he snickered to some more extras from class B. I felt the hair on the back of my neck raise but the bastard is fucking asking for it. Has been asking for it for a long time now. Deku can have him.

I simply continued to put my things back in my bag and when I turned I saw Deku already standing next to me, his bag crammed with his things from the day, very unlike him. Maybe I should be worried for the creep? Nah.

"Come on class A beast, don't you have anything to say? Or have you been tamed?" He laughed at his own joke but I just smiled.

"Tamed," I answered calmly before standing up. He froze in his laughter, very confused.

"So you admit that you're a beast now?" He demanded and out of the corner of my eye I saw him reaching for me. I jerked out of the way, the fuck I was going to just let him copy my quirk, it is fucking dangerous on a good day.

But I was pulled out of the way and Deku was standing between the two of us. His quirk zapped around him in warning.

"Got a problem Monamoa?" He asked his usually sweet voice flat and anyone could see the glare he was giving the class B fucker.

"What is with you? Is he your boyfriend now or something?" He scoffed and his friends started laughing.

"Yes, got a problem with that?" Deku made sure that there was no possible way for anyone to have misheard that. Everyone in the classroom froze whether they were from class A or B. No one made a sound and I couldn't help trying to hide my grin at the looks on all of their stupid faces.

"Wait, did you just..?" The copycat started to ask but Deku had already turned back to me and laced his fingers through mine, making me smile.

"Come on Kacchan. We'll miss the movie if we don't hurry," he gave me that amazing smile of his and I couldn't help chuckling and following him out, effectively ignoring everyone as we did.

We made it to the dorms just in time for our favorite show to start the opening credits and we quickly changed while they were playing. Once we were both comfortable we cracked the bedroom door so that anyone could either see in or hear what was happening and cuddled together. Might as well, I sure as fuck don't want to hide my love for him and since he is okay with everyone knowing...

Deku was all but asleep cuddled up on me, he was even nuzzling into my neck when I let out a yawn, sleepy from the long day of training. My arms wrapped around him while I cradled him and we fell asleep.


"You owe me 20 bucks," I woke up hearing Aizawa Sensei saying. I stretched a little but when I felt Deku still in my arms I curled back around him.

"How did you know? Everything I had clearly stated that Midoriya would end up with the Todoroki boy and Bakugo if he ever started dating would go out with Kirishima." Was that principal Nezu? I couldn't help the frown on my face, I mean just ew, Kiri is a good friend but there is no fucking way in hell.

"I have my ways, just like you have yours," our fucking creepy ass teacher answered. Fuck this.

"Would you two go the fuck away? Showing up in a students dorm room while they are sleeping is fucking creepy as hell!" I yelled at them before I tightened my grip on my boyfriend. I wanted to kick them out properly but Deku was snuggling into my chest and it was just too cute.

"I take it I don't need to remind you that even though you share a dorm room, there is to be no funny business?" I heard Aizawa Sensei all but threaten.

"Yep sure, no clowns, no jokes and sure as fuck none of Dunce Face's pranks," I scoffed only to hear Deku's giggles from my chest. The two ended up leaving when they seemed to remember that they were not only talking about me but also Deku. It took everything I had not to roll my eyes and when they left Deku jumped up and closed and locked the door. He hit a bunch of buttons and when a small red light blinked with a warning alarm I walked over to see what it was.

"Here it is," Deku picked a wall tac out of the wall and crushed it, that was not a tac, at least none of my tacs have computer parts inside of them. He opened a window and threw the pieces out. and hit some buttons by the door again, this time the light showed green instead of red.

"Uh, what was that?" I was more than a little confused.

"Oh, sometimes Aizawa Sensei will put mics on our things to get an idea about what we are doing and what we are planning. Most of the time I just leave them alone and sometimes I'll even feed it bad info. It's fun to see him confused after the fact. Don't worry though, I have either broken or moved them since we have been together. I want you all to myself," the way he grinned at me made me forget all about how fucking creepy out teacher was and reminded me just how fucking hot my lover is.

He led me gently to our bed and slowly kissed me pulling off my muscle shirt in the process.

"I always want you, I hate staying away." I was trying to be sincere but I couldn't help the moan that escaped me when he found the sweet spot on my neck.

"Then don't stay away," he answered and before I knew it we were both naked and he was taking my body to heaven again.


The next day in class everyone was silent and it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why. Even without the confrontation with the copycat they would have been silent. I was currently sporting a few red, angry hickeys and they were easily visible for everyone to see, and considering Deku and I didn't even bother to come out for dinner last night. Well...

We were in the middle of English with Present Mic when Midnight came in and grabbed Aizawa Sensei by his sleeping bag in the corner. "WHEN THE FUCK WERE YOU GOING TO TELL ME?" She was screaming and I'm not even confused. What else could she be talking about but Deku and I?

The class watched in horror as she shook our uncaring teacher and through her demands for answers the class was able to figure out quite easily that, yep, I was right. When she was done she dropped him and Present Mic was the only one to check on him before she turned her attention back to us.

She nearly ran to my desk and started prodding me for answers. But I just rolled my eyes and ignored her while I fixed my notes for class. She then decided that Deku was the easier target.




That was a very bad idea.

"So I hear that you collared yourself a wild one?" She purred trying to get some answers in her excitement. She had started releasing her quirk and I was getting light headed. Shit what pheromone/hormone bullshit is she dumping into my system.

"Back off," was all Deku answered with and I turned my head a little to smile at him but he looked so angry. Why? What didn't I see?

"Deku?" I asked confused and I swear my head got even more dizzy. Shit she needs to stop dumping her quirk all over the fucking place! I was about to tell her exactly that when Deku snapped his pencil and the room practically froze.

My head is killing me, I reach up to try and cradle it but I started falling out of my chair. To prevent myself from falling I stood up and when I turned grinning back at Deku I saw everyone's eyes on me. What is wrong? Why is everyone looking at me?

I looked down at myself but I didn't really see anything wrong so I shrugged it off. I looked at Deku before I actually sat back down and saw that she is basically putting her boobs in his face.

"Oh hell no bitch," I mumbled before I grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the room and slammed the door once she was gone. I went back to my desk but the way Deku was looking at me was just so cute. How could I stay away? So instead I curled up in his lap and snuggled into his neck, why am I so sleepy?


I woke up to Recovery Girl poking at me. "About time you woke up, her quirk really did a number on you. I thought for a moment that we were going to have to pry you two apart." I'm so confused, what the fuck is she even talking about.

"What are you even talking about?" I yawned, cuddling back into Deku's arms and closing my eyes.

"Just about how you controlled yourself enough to kick her out instead of attacking her for being too close to your supposed boyfriend."

"Supposed?" I was even more confused. How exactly is it supposed? I'm pretty sure we have held hands in front of our class and we practically told everyone that yeah we are dating.

"Mmm, I don't care enough to verify and for all I know you two could have a bet or challenge or something that you are hiding from the rest of us." She shrugged before getting back in her chair and typing things on the computer. I just shrugged and cuddled back into Deku's arms not caring in the least if she believed me or not.

When Deku finally woke up I started kissing him, gentle and sweet and apparently ticklish. His giggles are a sweet melody just for me, drifted lazily in the air around us.

It wasn't until he pulled my chin into a slow open mouth kiss, his tongue tangled with mine before we pulled away gasping for air, my head is still so fuzzy but that didn't keep me from cuddling Deku.

"Mine," I heard Deku whisper and I cuddled into his arms, content. I can get used to this.