How in the fuck did this even happen? I'm stuck in a room, no doors, no windows, only walls, floor and ceiling. I've been over every inch of it and there isn't an opening anywhere. Not even a button on the fucked up instructions on the wall. The only things in the room? A bed with everything you could ever want to do in bed and then there was Deku.
Deku and I were in a quirk accident and we suddenly appeared in this white room with no way out but one. It's been three and a half days now and other than water, vitamins and crackers appearing every now and again nothing, we can't even use our quirks here!
I look up at the words on the wall again, the instructions that have my gay panic spiralling out of control. "You can not leave this room until you have sex." I could easily see there were a couple asterisk-like notes in small print next to it but I can't focus on that right now. We are stuck unless we fuck.
Deku however was sitting on the bed looking like he was just told that he was going to die in the next hour and he couldn't resist or others would get hurt instead. Is the thought of sleeping with me that fucking bad? This should be heaven, a dream come true, instead it looks like the man of my dreams wants nothing to do with me.
I look up at the words again and try to focus on the little notes. The first one said the green eyed one had to top. Thoughts of Deku braced over me with my arms around his shoulders clouded my mind and oh fuck. I'm so fucking hard right now it hurts. I need to get rid of it but there is only so many fucking times I can go to the bathroom without Deku noticing, if he hasn't already.
I take a couple deep breaths and try to focus on the second note; he has to cum inside of my ass! I am running my hands through my hair again trying not to pull it out, while I am trying to force the thoughts out of my head. Maybe if I top we can leave and my heart won't shatter nearly so badly? I look up at the note again before stripping off my shirt.
Fuck it, it's got to be worth a try, right?
"Kacchan! What are you doing?" I knocked Deku over ignoring his protest while stripped out of my clothes.
"What the fuck do you think I'm doing? We can't stay in here forever," I growled, my excitement was getting to me but at the same time I was losing focus. Deku is under me and he looks terrified, that made me go soft. Fucking damn it!
"Kacchan! Wait! Stop, it says that I have to be the one on top!" He pushed me over and the next thing I know is my pants are around my ankles and Deku was holding himself up over me. He looked up and looked at the first note before looking back at me again. His eyes, why do they have to look so defeated?
"Why-?" I couldn't finish my question, what right do I have to ask him why he looked so sad? He mistook my question though and started muttering about quirk dynamics and how such things could work out.
I just groaned while covering my face with an arm. I mean even in a situation like this he still doesn't want to sleep with me. "You must truly hate me," I sighed trying to make my tears go away while I still could. Before he could see them.
"I don't hate you," I blinked in surprise at his answer before removing my arm so I could look at him. "Kacchan I love you, but I know that this isn't what you want. I'm just a useless Deku who can't do anything right while you're Kacchan. You're so amazing at everything, how could I even think about being with you?"
He had stopped looking at me almost as soon as I moved my arm out of the way but I couldn't even begin to understand what he just said. I mean... He loves me? Me?
"If you love me then kiss me," I demanded and I waited for him to get over his shock before he actually leaned down and kissed me. It was slow and sweet, his lips were soft, his hands gently pulling me closer and I couldn't stop myself from wrapping my arms around him and opening my mouth inviting him in. He took it, his tongue caressed my own while we lost ourselves to the feel of each other's bodies.
I slowly slid my hands up his shirt before he tore himself away just to fling it on the floor next to my clothes and dive back into another kiss. I don't know what changed to make him so hungry but I am loving it. His hands had trapped my wrists above my head and when he pulled away from the kiss, my body was doing anything to get closer to him.
He was straddling my hips still wearing his fucking pants while I am just panting from under him. "If we weren't here you would have exploded by now," Deku commented and I blinked several times trying to understand why it felt like I was just hit with a bucket of cold water by his words.
"Fuck this!" I hissed only for him to flinch and I rolled us over so that I was on top and I pulled my pants off the rest of the way and took his off too, leaving us completely naked. I looked him up and down only to see him trying to hide. I don't want that.
"Look at me," I whispered and when he finally did I very slowly crawled back onto the bed again. My eyes never left his as I kissed right above his knee and I slowly made my way up his inner thigh. He moaned and gasped but never protested, never once tried to push me away. Our eyes locked on each other's while I made my way up his body, my hands sliding smoothly along his skin as the noises that he made set me on fire.
I pulled away just enough to smirk at him and say, "Damn." Before I kissed his thigh again, grazing my teeth along his skin as I did. His face was so red but he closed his eyes, his whole body stretching into me trying to get closer.
"Look at me or I will stop," I warned, hoping that he wanted this as much as I did. His body froze and he pushed himself back down and opened his eyes. Fuck he looked so horny right now I have to hold myself back for a few seconds and take deep breaths to calm down.
"I'll go first, then you'll know what to do. Got it?" I waited for him to respond and when he nodded I smiled. "Good, don't look away."
I bent down and while keeping eye contact I took his head into my mouth making his body jerk towards me again but this time Deku kept his eyes trained on me even though I know that he wanted to close his eyes and enjoy the blowjob but he watched just like I told him too.
I hummed enjoying the feel of complete control as he filled my mouth, it won't be long before he cums by the way his body is flexing and shuddering under me. He was fighting so hard not to close his eyes I decided to show how much I was enjoying it, moaning and slurping all the while his body flexing and jerking trying to get closer and when Deku started crying out I braced myself for it but when his cum actually shot into my mouth, all I could do was swallow and that only made him react more.
"Kacchan?" Deku whimpered when I pulled away, I wiped at my mouth trying to make sure I swallowed it all. I hummed letting him know I was listening and when I looked down at him he was flushed and lightly panting but he looked so determined it made me freeze for a moment. Fuck he looks hot.
"I want to try it," he rolled us over and I couldn't help yelping at the sudden movement but the moment he was above me again he started attacking my body with kisses. He went so much farther than I did, going up and down both of my thighs and as far up as my pecs making me moan and gasp with each kiss and nibble. I could see that he was leaving a couple hickeys on me but I couldn't bring myself to care. Each touch sends waves of pleasure through me.
"Let me at least have this," I heard him murmur before he took me in his mouth. The hot wet feel of his tongue wrapping around me made it hard to think.
What felt like a long time went by before I couldn't take it anymore. "I'm going to cum!" I tried to warn him but he just took more of me in his mouth and I couldn't just lay there anymore, my fingers tangled in his hair I pulled him down more. He didn't even gag, he just took me in swallowing around me and when I came he swallowed that too.
I lay there panting unsure of how to even catch my breath but Deku didn't stop there. Once he was done cleaning me up he grabbed some lube and started applying it to my ass and then his dick too. My whole body was trembling with excitement and when he took me in his mouth again I couldn't stop the moan from ringing out of me, his fingers sliding in and stretching my ass at the same time.
I was close to cuming again when he pulled away and when I looked down he was lining himself up and he gently pushed in, making my back arch while I tried not to split open. He was big, how is he even sliding in like that? There wasn't much resistance at all, just a lot of pressure.
When he was all the way inside he wrapped an arm around me pulling me closer before he kissed me. I let go of the pillow that I had at some point started tearing up and clung to him, scratching up his back while I tried to hold him to me. He started thrusting and I couldn't keep quiet anymore, I cursed and begged but he stayed silent as he gently rocked into me. Then he slipped a little and found a very tender spot that had me leaving more scratches up his back. He was losing his rhythm and with how he kept hammering into that one spot all I could do was beg for more.
I came, I came hitting him in the chest but I don't think he even noticed because a thrust or two later he slammed into me and stayed there his voice all but echoing around us as he came.
It took a few moments before he could pull out or really move at all and I saw him take off a condom and I couldn't help laughing a little. He flinched at the sound and I can't blame him but I pulled him in for another kiss anyway.
"Izuku there was a second condition on the wall," I pointed and he looked up to see it. He tried to apologize but we were both spent and I am not in the mood to complain.
"Shh, we can do it again later. As many times as you want, here, in our dorm, or at home. As much as you want," I yawned and cuddled him closer to me. "Sleep now, we'll try again later." He was so tense but the moment I started cuddling into him he melted into my arms.
I don't know how long we slept but I felt well rested and we ate our vitamins and crackers and drank some water. We laughed and talked for a little while but when I gently pulled him back towards the bed to cuddle he got the wrong idea.
"Right, you don't want to stay in here any longer than you have to." He looked so disappointed it hurt me. Like how in the fuck does that even work?
"Izuku," I waited for him to look back at me and he was quick to hear the sound of his actual name being used. "The rest of the world can wait a few minutes while we cuddle a little. Sex was great, but I want more than just that." Fuck I sound sappy, but the look of pure joy on Deku's face was more than worth it. We laid in each other's arms and just talked for a while. Laughing at nothing and anything at the same time, he started kissing me and I relaxed in his arms as he used his to caress me.
The sex was sweet and slow and when he came this time the message on the wall turned into a timer. "You have 3 minutes until ejected from the room." FUCK! We rushed and got dressed as quick as we could and when we were finally dressed and ready the timer showed ten seconds left.
"Come to my room tonight, it's soundproof." I smiled at him and his widened before he nodded in agreement and then there was a buzzer-like noise and we were dropped through a trap door and we fell onto the sidewalk outside of UA's gates, right where we were when we were trapped in the first place.
"FUCKING HELL!" I cursed a bunch more while groaning at my aching body. Deku offered me a hand up and I took it limping from where I think I did more than just bruise my knee.
I tried to put weight on it and a string of curses a mile long came out when my knee gave in. "Deku, my knee is fucked up!" I was basically growling again and pissed as hell. Just why did I have to go from content and happy to pain just like that?
Deku helped support my weight and we quickly rushed inside the gates and towards Recovery Girl's office. She looked at my knee and before sighing, kissed it and handed me some candy. She looked Deku over as well before kissing one of his wrist and giving him some candy too. Turns out I really fucked up my knee, she was able to heal it but I am exhausted. Deku and I fell asleep before she could even turn around to lecture us.
I woke up to Aizawa Sensei voice deadly low as he questioned Recovery Girl on what the fuck happened to us.
"I can only tell you about their injuries, not where they have been. Both had minor fall injuries, Bakugo had sprained and twisted his knee and it was bruised while Midoriya had sprained a wrist. I have no idea where they were but they were already exhausted when they got here. They passed out before I could even lecture them on being careful. They were dehydrated and hungry but they couldn't even stay awake to finish the candy I gave them. Otherwise they only had a few scratches and bruises," Recovery Girl sounded pissed. I opened my eyes to see the privacy curtain closed and Deku laying next to me, holding my hand. Recovery Girl however was not done talking.
"Whatever did happen though has affected them both considerably." I felt a chill run up my spine, what the fuck does that mean?
"What do you mean?" Aizawa Sensei said his voice was cautious and I don't blame him. I mean what the hell is she talking about?
"They can't be separated. I've tried, All Might tried, their parents have tried. Nobody can get them to let go, they are currently holding hands." Oh... That's all? I turned, no longer interested in their conversation and cuddled into Deku's chest. He groaned but just draped his free arm around me holding me close and I let out a sigh.
I was already comfortable when I heard the curtain get ripped open but that didn't stop me from pulling him closer and rubbing my face against his chest before falling asleep again.
This time when I woke up Deku's arms were still around me and mine were around him. Hmm, I can get used to this. Deku was already half awake playing with my hair and when I snuggled into him he started to apologize when I stopped him with a light kiss.
"Don't, I like it." I sighed and looking into his eyes I could see his happiness threatening to spill out. He continued to run his fingers through my hair. Several minutes passed when I heard the door open but neither of us tried to jump away or hide. I mean what is the point? Haven't I spent too long already avoiding him, hurting him? I'm done, so long as he wants me by his side I will be here.
The curtain was pulled open again, showing All Might standing there.
"You're awake! I've been so worried since you vanished at the school gates a week ago. What happened?" All Might was excited but nervous but I could only really smile at him sleepily, blinking a few times.
So Deku answered, "We were trapped by a quirk, we have been stuck in a white room trying to figure a way back out again. We've only had crackers and vitamins this whole time, is there anything to eat?" I nodded in agreement, still unwilling to let Deku go and he seemed to be of the same mindset because he stopped playing with my hair and just held me.
"I feel like my stomach is trying to eat itself," I grumbled in agreement and All Might jumped up saying he would be right back before running out the door again.
It didn't take long before he came back with Lunch Rush, Recovery Girl, Aizawa Sensei and Nezu. There were a flurry of questions but they didn't get anything else out of us aside from what we already told All Might. Thanks to Lunch Rush we were finally given meals and we ate everything along with drinking a couple cartons of milk before sleepily leaning against each other again.
"You seem pretty close considering you were only stuck in a room for a few days," Aizawa Sensei raised an eyebrow at us, almost accusing us of something, but I'm too tired to actually be able to understand what.
"So tired," I mumbled, closing my eyes. Something isn't right, we shouldn't be this tired right? I felt Deku pull me back into his arms and I let him, relaxing until everything was gone again, I fell back to sleep.
When I woke up this time Deku was already awake and talking to Recovery Girl and All Might, they were still trying to figure out what happened.
"We don't fucking know. One moment we were arguing outside the UA gates and the next we were in a white room. No warning, no clues, it just happened." I grumbled curses about them waking me up but when I opened my eyes I could also see Aizawa Sensei in the room just listening.
"I'm just glad you're both alright. You two gave us quite the scare, Young Bakugo, Young Midoriya." I nodded and shrugged content that at least All Might understood what I was saying. I mean I really don't fucking know how any of it happened.
Deku started playing with my hair again and I just laid my head in his lap ignoring how the room went silent. I let out a yawn but otherwise I stayed quiet, just listening to Deku hum quietly to himself while he played with my hair.
"What exactly are you two doing?" Aizawa Sensei asked and I opened my eyes just enough to look up at him.
"Resting, I think? No one has really told us why we are still here but since you are heroes you must have a good reason." Damn another yawn came out while I was talking and Deku was already laying back down again so I moved my head up to his chest and he twisted his fingers in my hair again.
"Mmm, just like when we were brats. Aunty's probably cooking dinner," I mumbled only to hear Deku laugh again.
"Yeah and then Mom would use her quirk to make dinner fly through the air," I could hear the smile in his voice as we took turns talking about growing up. Nothing of consequence of course, just little daily things. Like the dancing dinners or how we would take our naps together, what kind of snacks we would have. I could believe we were four again.
"Kacchan! It's time to get up now. Mommy is making spicy curry today, remember?" I sit up wiping my eyes before looking at Izuku.
"Izuchan, I don't smell anything yet. You're too early!" I whined before yawning and smiling at my best friend. I started tickling him and ignoring his protest for me to stop while he screeched at the top of his lungs.
"No! This is your punishment for waking me up too early!" I giggled while we tickled each other mercilessly. When we were finally done I sat back stretching a little before looking around and freezing.
"Who in the fuck are you?" I demanded seeing a bunch of people I don't recognize at all. I put myself between Izuku and them, he still doesn't have a quirk yet so I'll have to protect us.
"You don't know who we are?" An old lady with grey hair asked.
"Why in the fuck would I know who you are?" I demanded and I felt Izuku hide behind me trembling as I set off little sparks in my hands. "I have a really strong quirk, don't think I won't use it on a bunch of kidnappers!"
"Kidnappers?" A man with black hair and dark circles under his eyes asked. He actually looked really surprised.
"Kacchan, we need to get home. Where are we?" Izuku whined, clutching at my shirt.
"Wonder Duo time," I whispered and he nodded before standing next to me taking a fighting stance that we saw on TV last night.
"What-" A woman walked in distracting everyone.
"NOW!" I screeched and we made a run for it jumping off the bed and between the woman's legs. We ran down the hall still completely lost as to where we were. We ran around a corner and there were a bunch of people filling the halls.
"Bakugo! Midoriya! Where have you two been?" Some robot looking guy with glasses demanded before a huge group of people started coming towards us and we slid to a stop and ran the opposite direction.
"How in the fuck do they know our names?" I demanded breathless only for Izuku to whimper. Suddenly we were grabbed by the arm and jerked back again and we cried out from the pain of it.
"Detroit Smash!" Deku yelled, throwing a punch at the blue haired guy that caught us and he was sent flying back.
"Izuchan! You have a quirk! And it's just like All Might's!" I cheered and after a moment he was cheering next to me.
"I'm not quirkless! The doctor was wrong!" He started crying but I pulled on his arm.
"Hurry, they're coming again!" We ran holding hands now as we dodged people everywhere. Most just looked at us confused and let us pass, a few got angry and told us to watch where we were going and then we saw our hero.
"All Might!" We yelled and ran to him ducking behind him gasping for air.
"Boys?" All Might asked, confused.
"All Might, we have no idea where we are and people keep trying to grab us and take us somewhere and we just want to go home!" Izuku cried and I pulled him into a hug.
"He just got his quirk and it's just like yours, please save us!" I looked up, fighting the tears coming to my eyes. All Might will save us. He is THE ALL MIGHT, of course he will save us.
"Young Bakugo, Young Midoriya you have been in a quirk accident. You are safe here, I promise you. This is UA a school for teachin-"
"We're in UA? Your old highschool?" Izuku asked and we both slumped in relief. I held Izuku closer, kissing his forehead.
"Thank All Might," I whispered, feeling my heart still hammering in my chest before a thought came to mind.
"All Might? Why are we at UA? We are only four," I looked up at our hero and the shock on his face was frightening. "All Might?"
"That's because you are actually 18, you graduate this year from UA. Like I said you were in a quirk accident, it must have made you forget." All Might looked worried but I relaxed again and looked down at myself and Izuku to see that yeah we are WAY taller than I remember.
"Izuchan? You know what this means?" I asked looking up at him in awe. His eyes were wide as the same thoughts raced through his mind as mine.
"WE'RE HEROES!" Izuku and I cheered before hugging again and I heard coughing and when I looked at All Might again he was covered in steam before he turned into an old man.
"All Might are you okay?" Izuku and I rushed forward and tried to help him, he was coughing out blood. Wait if we were in a quirk accident then the place we woke up was probably a nurses office right?
"Izuchan let's take All Might to the room we were in!" The words were barely out before he was on the other side of All Might and we were supporting him.
"It must have been the nurses office," Izuku agreed and we rushed carrying our hero who tried to argue but when we got to the room again I kicked the door open and started screaming for them to help him.
"I keep trying to tell you I'm fine, this happens all the time," All Might complained from our arms and when we set him down we blocked the exit crossing our arms.
"My mommy says that we have to take care of ourselves or we can't grow to be strong heroes!" Izuku looked just as determined as I felt.
"And my old hag says that even heroes have to take care of themselves properly or a villain could hurt them," I narrowed my eyes and set off an explosion in my hands while I heard zapping next to me and saw Izuku covered in green lightning.
It was so hard not to get excited about Izuku's cool quirk while All Might needed medical attention. We ignored everyone else in the room until the old lady from before checked All Might over and gave him a pass. Then we started cheering about Izuku's new quirk.
"It's green just like your eyes! Do it again, do it again!" I demanded and he giggled and did it. I reached out and touched it and felt a little tingling sensation when I did.
"Did it hurt?" He asked worriedly and I shook my head no.
"It's like those static balls at the science center! I wonder what else it does?" I walked around him and I saw him pick up a table and "Smash!" He whispered and he crumbled it like a piece of paper!
"Wait! Wait wait," I held up a hand and smiled at him. "Do you think you can fly if you jumped? Like All Might can?" His eyes went wide and there was a bunch of noise from everyone in the room telling us NO but we ran back out the door again. If this is really UA then Izuku and I know this place inside and out. We ran for the exit and I heard him whisper "Smash," again and I jumped onto his back before we both went flying into the air!
When we stopped going up and started falling down again I used my explosions to keep us from going too fast and we landed laughing and giggling again and with a bunch of people surrounding us again.
"Again?" I asked hopefully and wrapped my arms around his neck and we took off into the air again laughing and cheering. This time when we landed Izuku couldn't go up again and when I looked around I saw that black haired man with his eyes now red.
"I bet he is using his quirk so we can't use ours. If we run away we can do it again!" I whispered excitedly and Izuku nodded and we went running around the building laughing with all those adults chasing after us.
"We are the Wonder Duo, nothing can stop us!" Izuku cheered and we giggled running around and around the school building. It didn't take long before we were running through the halls again and we came to a giant door that said 3A on it. We ran inside still laughing and slammed the door shut locking it as we did. The room was full of a bunch of people but there was no teacher at the front so we should be safe.
"Izuchan, let's do that again!" I sat up excited and he nodded and we ran for the window. We opened it and before anyone could move we jumped out again. When we landed safely on the ground I pointed at the roof and Izuku nodded already understanding. He jumped and we went flying so we landed on the roof, then we played running around as much as we wanted without anyone stopping us until we couldn't play anymore. We leaned against each other and held hands closed out eyes with smiles still on our faces.
"Today has been amazing, I hope that when we get our memories back we remember everything," I yawned rubbing at one of my eyes. The sun was still going down but seeing the sunset from UA's rooftop was really pretty.
"Me too Kacchan, what do you think our hero names will be?" He laid his head on my shoulder and I put mine on top of his.
"Doesn't matter really, I mean it will be amazing but we will always be the Wonder Duo," I closed my eyes and the world went black.
"Fuck my head, why does it hurt so fucking much?" I groaned but I couldn't get up. I opened my eyes to find myself chained to the bed with Deku.
"WHAT THE FUCK?" I demanded but the more I looked around the more I only saw that we were in Recovery Girl's office. Deku woke up and whimpered before he realized we were chained together and on a bed. I can't get us free without hurting him with my explosions!
I heard the door open and shushed Deku before closing my eyes and I felt him relax next to me.
"So the villain we caught said that they would be back to normal after the fifth day from when they disappeared. That was about an hour ago so we should be able to unchain them now," it was Aizawa Sensei's voice but I don't understand. What happened to make them tie us up like this?
"You really didn't need to wrap them in chains like that. They were just having fun and being kids," that was All Might's voice! What the hell happened?
"They carried you here and started lecturing you about taking care of yourself, then they figured out what my quirk was and ran off so that they could "play" some more. They were making a laughing stock out of all the pros here! If it wasn't for Hawk they would still be on the roof!" Damn Aizawa Sensei sounded pissed. This all seems familiar though... Wait... Fuck!
"My head," Deku whimpered and I opened my eyes to see him trying to hide from the bright lights, he was stuck with the light in his face while I was facing away from it.
"Shh, I've got you," I whispered, moving my head so he could hide his face in my neck. I relaxed again, no matter how pissed off our teacher is, we are safe. The curtain was opened and I blinked trying to adjust to the even brighter lights outside of it.
"Stop fucking staring and get us the fuck out of these fucking chains!" I hissed, glaring at our teacher. The look he was giving me was full of fucking worry and I fucking hate it but the relief that followed it when I started cursing him out really fucking hurt. Really? I can't be calm without putting everyone on guard?
They did not unchain us and instead started playing a video of us running away from them all and flying through the air. Working together and giggling as we found new ways to play together with our quirks. I could feel my face getting hot and at the end when there was a photo of the two of us cuddled up on the rooftop sleeping I had to look away. I wonder if I could get a copy?
"Your parents have been sent copies so they can see what you have been up to while under the influence of a quirk. They very much enjoyed it," Aizawa Sensei's voice was sharp and angry but controlled. Guess I don't need to ask UA for the video then, the hag will make us watch it as soon as we get home.
"I remember that, but the memory feels like it happened a long, long time ago," Deku yawned, making me yawn too.
"Fuck why am I so tired? Didn't I just wake up?" I grumbled but I relaxed against Deku and closed my eyes. I felt the chains come loose and when I opened my eyes they were unwrapping us lecturing us about being more careful and blah blah blah.
"How did we even get hit by the quirk in the first place?" I grumbled and the heroes froze.
"You don't remember?" All Might asked and Deku and I looked up at him confused.
"We were fighting outside the UA gates, coming to school and the next thing we know poof," I answered, eyeing him suspiciously.
"What happened?" Deku asked, they all looked at us weird.
"Well the villain that hit you stuck you in a space and there were only two ways to get out, one was to wait for the timer to end on the fifth day." All Might answered looking away and I knew exactly what the other way was.
"Stop right there, I don't want to know! I screeched and Deku started hiding his face in my chest but everyone easily saw how bright red he was first. "Don't say it," I hissed glaring at them before holding Deku closer. "Don't say it."
"You two really kissed?" All Might asked and Deku yelped before grabbing the pillow to help hide us from their judging eyes.
"We were there for DAYS! We didn't know about the timer," I glared at them and they all relaxed. Wait, they only thought we kissed? Relief went flooding through my body and I felt Deku relaxing against me.
"I'm more shocked that it only took you four days to kiss in order to get out of there," Aizawa Sensei commented, grinning at us. I know my face is bright red, probably just as red as Deku's but that didn't stop me from glaring at him. "I'm surprised you didn't destroy the place first," he added, looking at me for answers.
It was Deku that answered, "We couldn't use our quirks while we were in there and we turned the place upside down to try and figure another way out. The only thing we found out was that every once in a while water, vitamins and crackers would show up out of thin air. Nothing else."
They all nodded, taking the information in and grinned. "So all we have to do to get you two to get along is lock you together for a few days with quirk erasing cuffs?" Aizawa Sensei nodded to himself and the other teachers looked way to happy about that.
"Fuck off!" I exploded and grabbed Deku and stormed out of the office. I could hear them talking even outside that we kissed if they knew the truth I would fucking die.
Deku and I managed to get to the dorms and take a very needed shower before the rest of the extras came back from classes. They started hounding us about what happened and I was able to get the whole picture on why everyone thought we only kissed.
The guy's quirk was called "Get Along" and most of the time it only required the two to kiss in order to get out. The exception being if they were already in a relationship and then it required them to play out their fantasies.
"It's a good thing you two don't actually like each other or it might have made you do perverted things," Kaminari laughed and I sent an explosion towards his face which got Kirishima to block it, like always. I could see Deku beat red trying to get away from our classmates and when no one was looking I motioned towards the elevator and made my way to my room.
When I was there I got everything ready and it didn't take long for there to be a quiet knock on the door, I rolled my eyes but answered it anyway. I pulled him inside before looking around to make sure no one was watching and slammed the door shut, locking it.
"Kacchan?" Deku asked and I couldn't stop myself anymore before my lips were on his.
"I need you, right now." I whispered when I finally let his mouth go and he nodded and we started stripping. I double checked the lock and pulled him to bed. "Mine," I moaned, biting his shoulder only to hear his own moans.
"Mine," he whispered before rolling us over and sucking my dick into his mouth. The sex was amazing and when we were done we held each other gently kissing the bites and hickeys we only just made.
"I love you," Deku whispered a sweet smile on his face. I kissed him and told him I loved him too and our gentle cuddles got extreme again. When we were finally done the clock said it was after midnight and pulled him back into my arms.
"Let's go to the movies this weekend, I hear there is a new All Might movie playing?" I suggested only for him to giggle and agree.
At least it's Friday, Deku and I used our free time in class to catch up on homework and it didn't really take that long for us to turn our shit in, we still had heroics but at least we were caught up with the rest of the class now. We quickly got changed before anyone could see the marks we left on each other and we were the first ones to come out of the locker rooms.
We were sitting in the waiting area for everyone else talking about how we were going to sneak away from our parents this weekend for our date. Not that anyone else would be able to figure out what we were talking about, we were talking very vaguely.
"So after the thing is done, how about some lemon ice cream? We could get something to eat before the thing?" I suggested and the way Deku lit up was just amazing.
"Yes! We can go to that cafe Mom has been talking about. Apparently they have both katsudon and good spicy curry." Deku suggested and I scoffed at the idea. Anywhere I have ever been has had either a good one of the two and the other was shit. I know from how often our parents try to force us to all have fun.
"That will be the day, but sure. It would be nice if one place had decent spicy curry," I huffed.
"As expected, nowhere can cook as good as Kacchan can," Deku whispered and I smirked at him.
"The hag would argue," I huffed but I couldn't help the pride swelling in my chest.
"Then Aunty would be wrong," Deku smiled back and we heard a door open and we stopped talking. I refused to scoot away but it's none of their damn business what we were talking about.
"You guys changed so quickly it was unbelievable," Sero laughed as they all came to join us, I just huffed and looked away while Deku chuckled nervously. That got my attention, he normally giggles. Doesn't he?
Class went by like normal, Deku and I were paired together and like always the place needs to be repaired but when we were done we actually stopped fighting and sat back down waiting for our assessment. All Might just kind of stood there confused and everyone remained quiet for a long ass time.
"WELL?" I fumed getting more pissed off by the second.
"I think we did great, but we could-" Deku started muttering about how we could have fought more efficiently before I started correcting him about the effectiveness of our fight.
"If the only concern was who would win, the place would have been destroyed immediately, if not from your quirk then mine. But there is always a goal in mind when we work as heroes and so be it saving someone or disarming the villain then we have to be more careful." We went back and forth several times before we finally agreed and when we looked back at the rest of the class and our teachers, when the hell did Aizawa Sensei arrive? They were still silent.
All Might cleared his throat before agreeing with us and we were all dismissed for the day. Well almost.
"Bakugo, Midoriya go to Recovery Girl and when you're done come back to class. We need to have a word," Aizawa Sensei instructed and I groaned.
"You complain when we don't get along and then when we DO get along we always get into trouble!" I hissed under my breath, seething. Deku and I quickly changed and did as we were told and when we arrived back at class Aizawa Sensei wasn't the only one there, so was All Might and Nezu.
"What the fuck did we do now?" I started cursing and I could feel myself getting more and more irritated as the seconds passed by and Deku was just trying to calm me down.
"It has come to my attention that you two were forced to stay together for a number of days and now you are getting along much better than before. So," Nezu grinned wickedly, making my skin crawl. "So we are going to combine your room with the empty one next to it and you will be sharing a room for the remainder of the year!"
I just looked at them like they were stupid. Even if Deku and I didn't start secretly dating, shouldn't this be viewed as dangerous? I have been openly hostile with him for more than two years and suddenly they want to force us together all the time? Shouldn't they be worried that Deku would get hurt?
I felt my eye twitching angrily before asking, "Is that all?" They nodded and I grabbed my things, throwing Deku his. "How long do I have to empty my room?" They answered within two hours and told me that I would be able to move back in before lights out. I started cursing under my breath before grabbing Deku by his shoulder and dragging him behind me.
When we were alone again, "Get your stuff packed as quick as you can. Then when we can move back in we can have everything ready." He nodded his eyes sparkling as what I'm sure were very exciting thoughts raced through his head.
When we had all of our shit moved in, again the room was soundproof. I had Kirishima test for me and then Deku had a girl come over to 'help' with a few things. Mei or some shit? Anyway, she found five listening devices and a weak spot in the soundproofing so she helped us fix everything and in exchange we had to help her test some 'babies' of hers. It was actually kind of fun and Deku and I ended up laughing and having a good time even when they exploded.
"So I heard about the quirk accident and since you've kissed already this shouldn't be an issue!" She pulled out another contraption and attached it to our heads before explaining what the fuck it did. It forced people to kiss or really it taught you how to kiss well. moving our faces so that we had to open our mouths and who in the fuck knew there was nerve in your that made you stick out your tongue?
We were stuck in the helmet for a full five minutes before she took it off of us and since it was only the three of us in the room... I pulled Deku in for a kiss enjoying the way he responded to my touch. The girl got a little flustered and collected her shit and left promising to be back tomorrow. I got up and locked our door before turning around to see an already naked nerd waiting for me. I stripped.
Our date was nice and we were currently at the park we used to play in as kids eating our ice cream cones just sitting on the swings.
"I've never been happier than now," Deku whispered looking up at the stars above our heads.
I chuckled before leaning over to lick some ice cream from his cheek. "Me neither," I whispered and he turned his head, letting us kiss softly. We finished our cones and I informed Aunty that Deku was spending the night at my place which seemed to make her crazy happy.
My room is soundproof, in fact most of the house is the only exception being the living room. When Monday came around and we were back in class again everyone was shocked to see us talking and laughing together with no one else around.
Fuck it, he is my boyfriend everyone else could fuck off. We talked about it and agreed that we weren't going to announce it but we weren't going to hide it either. Class B came in during our sparring match already pissed off that everytime they get to the gym after us they have to go to a different one. I mean fuck it's the last class of the day for us so why are they even coming in behind us anyway?
Deku and I were talking about strategy and quirk versatility for different situations when the copy cat bastard decided he was going to try and copy my quick.
"Fuck off extra did I say you could fucking touch me?" I blasted at him but he was using the metal bastards quirk to protect himself. At least he didn't get my quirk, he then tried touching Deku even though he knows full well that he can't use it.
I set off another explosion and started ranting about him keeping his fucking hands to himself.
"Why do you care if I touch Midoriya or not? As you said I can't use his quirk, so what does it matter?" He sneered and I started setting off more explosions.
"Are you ready to fucking die?" I asked, letting myself smile murderously at him.
"Kacchan! It's alright he didn't touch me, calm down," Deku begged, pulling me back and away from the bastard.
"I heard you two were in a quirk accident that forced you to kiss but isn't this a bit much of a reaction?" He is basically asking to have his ass handed to him isn't he?
"Nevermind, Kacchan kill him quietly." Deku let me go, sighing and waving at me ignoring the rest of class A and B's reactions.
I smirked, "Oh yeah." I attacked the fucker and he tried to fight but in the end the chick from his class knocked him out before I could kill the fucker and dragged him away apologizing on his behalf.
"I know it has to be a sore subject for you. Having to kiss someone that you don't like is really demeaning," she was saying which pissed me off even more.
In a blink of an eye Deku was next to me his quirk going off like crazy and he looked fucking pissed, and extremely hot. He turned to me and smiled before gently pulling me in for a kiss and I melted. He pulled away before looking back at the girl and asked, "Anymore questions?" She stammered and stuttered but nothing came out.
"That's one way to shut up an extra I smirked at him and he gave me that smile I love so much.
"Guess I'll just have to claim what's mine or everyone will try to take it from me," he rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed that he actually did that in front of everyone. I just laughed and soon enough he joined me.
It didn't take long for word to spread that yes we kissed, but it was made out to be like we can do whatever the fuck we wanted without bowing to their social cues and ideas, which suits me just fine.
We were watching an old hero movie in the common area of the dorms when our teachers came in demanding answers. Deku was half asleep and just blinked at them and I just yawned, ignoring them in favor of the movie. It was the original All Might movie, one we have seen thousands of times but still. When Aizawa Sensei got even more pissed he took the remote and turned the TV off and I just closed my eyes pretending to be asleep while Deku slept peacefully against me.
Our class answered a bunch of their questions, wrongly but still and they finally left us the fuck alone when they found out that we had each gotten a couple sprains and lots of bruises during training and the reason we were so tired was because we had went to see Recovery Girl after classes.
No one ever did figure out that we were dating each other in the next six months before graduation. In fact it wasn't until we had gotten our diplomas and our parents were taking battalion pictures that I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him in front of everyone.
"My baby found such a good boyfriend that takes care of him," Aunty sniffled wiping at her eyes with a handkerchief from who the fuck knows where.
"My brat is finally good for something," the hag smiled at her and I rolled my eyes. My dad put the surprise in my hand behind my back before joining them and I got down on one knee.
"Nerd?" I asked opening up the box and there laid a black tungsten steel ring with rubies going around the band. I waited for the answer but he started laughing and when I looked up I saw him holding a box of his own, only with green emeralds going around the ring.
"I guess that means yes?" Deku smiled though his giggles and I grinned, twirling him around before we put the rings on each other. Our classmates and teachers were completely shocked into silence by the whole exchange and I pulled him in for a real kiss.
"Yes that means yes, damn nerd." I whispered only for him to giggle some more and our parents laughed and cheered beside us. Even All Might who ended up marrying Aunty Inko was laughing at our cute exchange.
This is just how our life is and for all the villains out there waiting and scheming, we are coming after you.