"Kacchan, why can't you listen to anything I ever say? Did you ever stop to think that maybe I might have had a good plan that wouldn't destroy the whole building?" The pro hero Deku was screaming at the fiery blond hero known as Dynamight, who was now turning around and screaming profanities back at the greenette.
I shake my head already exhausted, this has been going on for years now. When are they going to finally man up and just kiss already? I know I'm pretty dense but I'm not THAT dense. I walk over to my two former students, even now a full year after they are pro heroes, they can't stop fighting.
I watched as the sea of people, civilians and pro heroes alike parted making way for me. I know what I must look like and the fact of the matter is, I am done. I am done with it all.
"Stupid Deku, don't fucking call me that while we are working dumbass! It's Dynamight! DYNAMIGHT! Get that through your thick skull!" Katsuki screamed jabbing at Izuku's chest with a finger.
"And you're one to talk? When have you EVER called your FRIENDS by their pro names? Huh? Name one time!" Izuku jabbed right back at him.
These two are known as the first and second place heroes, Deku being number one because Dynamight couldn't keep it together for a full interview to save his life. Truthfully I should have done this a long time ago, maybe even their first year of highschool.
"Boys," I spoke low but clearly and their friends who had been standing nearby, who were just watching, decided to run away. Very fast, and without a word. The two in question however didn't notice, far too absorbed in their petty argument that I really don't understand how no one else has noticed the obvious sexual tension between them. I mean, just how?
They kept arguing and I took a step closer and using my hero form grabbed both of their faces to turn towards me and they froze mid sentence as I did. "Boys." My voice was extremely quiet now and neither of them dared to argue now that I was here. "Enough is enough and I think it's about time we go Plus Ultra." I gave them a small grin barely holding myself together at this point. I haven't held my hero form for this long in years and I'm pretty sure it is currently destroying me from the inside out.
"All Might?" They asked, their eyes widened as they both seemed to get nervous at the same time.
"You two," I smiled and quickly turned their now much closer faces back towards each other. "Kiss and Make Up!" I boomed, before letting them go and I was forced to revert to my regular crippled old man self and cough out an ungodly amount of blood.
But I noticed that neither of them pulled away or even tried to fight me, no if anything it was like they were being pulled towards each other before they managed to collect their thoughts and pull away from each other. Both a bright red and their quirks going off around themselves, Katsuki's explosions going off with no regard at all to the fact that he was already exhausted and dehydrated while Izuku's own green energy was crackling around him as he covered his mouth with his hands, neither of them able to look away from the other.
Yes, I should have done this a long time ago.
"Anytime I have to stop one of your fights, I don't care if it's an argument, physical, with or without quirks, you will kiss and make up for now on. Oh and next time I'll get a shirt and make you share it until I'm satisfied that you have learned your lesson. I am done. The public is done. Your coworkers are done. The Hero Association is done, we are all done." Now I smile at them and ask, "Do we need to go over that again?"
Both of their eyes went wide and they shook their heads no so fast that I thought they were going to hurt their necks but I am not giving in, not even one iota.
"Good, now fill out the paperwork, together, and report to my office immediately. We need to discuss the new terms of your contracts if you are going to continue to work at my agency. Do I make myself clear?" I narrowed my eyes and again their eyes widened in shock of what I was saying. I am not above firing them if it will make them better heroes and at this point that is exactly what it is down to if they don't get their shit together.
"Then go," I motioned and they both ran off and to be fair I didn't hear a peep out of either of them again. The news that had managed to catch the incident on video was not able to hear the words I told them but the looks of absolute shock and horror on their faces were clear as day, leaving many to question what exactly the great All Might said to the current top heroes? What could it have possibly been?
They even did an interview with Endeavor who was just as confused as the rest of the world, they had shown him the clip and everyone had gotten to see his reaction live as his jaw dropped. Thankfully not even lip readers could make out what I said because the cameras were to my back, that didn't stop them from getting the boys' reaction in high definition, they looked horrified.
I got to watch from the comfort of my office, now that I left the scene again and as the cameras followed the two heroes who were now working silently and flawlessly together with the scene cleanup. Most of the time with their backs to each other. I frowned at that, nope. That isn't going to work either.
I meant it when I said I was done. I will not tolerate their never ending pining for each other for another day, not even an hour. They have both confessed to me how they felt about the other and I had agreed not to tell them in their place on the condition that they worked it out themselves. That was their second year of U.A. It's been over a year since they graduated highschool.
They still haven't worked it out themselves, so I say time is up. I stand up and open the snacks and put them on a clean plate on my desk before turning to make some fresh tea, it won't be long before they come into the office and they will both eat a cookie before they dare to say anything at all, not with what I told them at the scene.
I heard a knock at the door and I called out for them to come in, already knowing who it was and when I turned around with the tea I came back over to my desk before setting it down. Both men gulped looking at each other before closing the door and taking their seats, silently picking up a cookie and munching on them while I finished pouring the tea and making them the way that they like it. They both ate at least three cookies while waiting for me and that suited me just fine.
These cookies have a wonderful effect on people, on men in general. It's probably underhanded but I meant it when I said enough is enough. Now when they start talking they will be forced to say everything that they have always wanted to, and they won't be able to stop themselves. Sure, they could say some really hurtful things and at this point I am extremely happy that my office is on the top floor along with the only three apartments in the building. I think it was a perfect idea for them to take one of the apartments and the third was used as a place to crash for traveling heroes who were forced to work extreme missions.
They shared the two bedroom apartment and I'm not as dumb as some people think I am, all three apartments were soundproofed along with my office. I do NOT ever want to hear them when they DO get their shit together but that isn't going to stop me from MAKING them get their shit together. Thankfully Inko went to sleep over an hour ago. I don't think I could handle my wife at the moment if she knew I was doing this tonight.
"Dad," Izuku started and when I looked up, I took a long sip of my tea and he swallowed choking on a cookie crumble before quickly taking a drink and picking up another cookie. I looked at the plate to see most of the cookies were already gone and I couldn't help the small grin I had as I took another sip of my tea. I sat back and waited, it won't be long now.
"All Might, why did you make us kiss in front of the media?" Katsuki finally asked and his face was bright red again. They are in street clothes now, their suits were pretty much destroyed, again but it's not like we didn't have dozens lined up because duh.
I waited, sitting back in my seat taking another slow drink of my tea before I watched Katsuki pick up the last cookie and hand it to Izuku who took it with a very quiet, "Thank you."
I didn't answer until the last cookie was completely gone, "I believe I told you why when I did it. I. Am. Done." I watched them both flinch as I over enunciated the words. I meant what I said and I need them to understand that I will not back down.
"But why in front of the media? Now they are going to think we are together," Izuku whined and I watched as his eyes widened, he hadn't meant to say that out loud. Good, that means the cookies have had time to kick in.
"The media, and the public in general already think you are together. Talking about how you two fight like an old married couple." I turned and opened up my internet browser so that they could see for themselves. "In fact you are the number one most shipped heroes in Japan, right next to Shoto and Red Riot but they are actually dating." I turned back to them and saw their dropped jaws as they jumped up to look at my monitor.
"Wait! People are okay with it? With us?" Izuku asked, completely baffled and I snorted.
"Number ONE shipped hero couple, the few that don't like it are smart enough to keep their mouths shut." I put my cup down before pouring myself another cup and topping off each of theirs.
"What was the fucking point of trying to hide us then?" Katsuki hissed and I shrugged, like I said I'm not that dense. The sexual tension has been unbearable.
"When was the last time you two had sex? If I have to deal with you two on another day like today I meant it when I said we needed to discuss your contracts. I will not tolerate it any longer," I let out a sigh and watched them both jump before returning to their seats, again very red faced.
"We haven't..." Izuku covered his face as if that would save him from my glare.
"Don't lie to me, by my count," I looked at the calendar on the wall and saw the yellow star I put there three weeks ago. "It's been three weeks, now what I don't understand is why. Why haven't you released this tension that is slowly destroying your self esteem, your happiness and your careers?" I took another sip of my tea ignoring their horrified faces for just a moment.
"Katsuki you came into work that day smiling and you actually laughed with your friends. Did you really think no one noticed? Izuku, my boy, you were nearly unstoppable for a week. Don't worry though, I made sure each apartment has excellent soundproofing because no I don't want to hear you. I don't want you to hear me and let's be honest here, everyone in the agency knows." I watched as that settled in their heads for a while.
It was Katsuki that broke the silence, "We were drunk." His weak excuse had me rolling my eyes but the hurt on Izuku's face was clear as day.
"So you're telling me that the day you had the highest success rate in your working career was because you had a little to drink the night before? Both of you?" I raised an eyebrow at them because I believe them just SO much.
"No, that's not what I mean!" Katsuki snapped but he went quiet again before adding, "I just didn't know how to go about doing it again." If Izuku looked hurt before he looks elated now.
"Well judging by Izuku's face I would say a kiss probably would have done the trick. That or just holding his hand and maybe just nodding towards the bedroom door. It's not like he wouldn't have followed you to your grave if you only looked at him," I tried so hard not to snort at his ridiculousness and I was able to keep a straight face but they were both looking at me as if I just exposed them somehow.
I watched as Katsuki pulled his glare away from me and turned to Izuku who was cycling through emotions as if they were on a wheel. I couldn't pick one and when Katsuki slowly held his hand he finally snapped out of it. They looked at each other for a few minutes and I smiled to myself before putting down my teacup.
"Go and think about what I said and we can talk again tomorrow, Lunch. You'll both be on light duty until I say otherwise. That means two hours a day answering phones and four hours helping the other heroes with their paperwork. No combat until I say you are fit for duty which won't be until you have both released that god awful sexual tension." I waved them away dismissing them before I thought better of it for just a moment. "Although aside from our meeting tomorrow you will have the day off, I suggest you make the most out of tonight and tomorrow." I winked at them before they both ran out the door but I could see that they were still holding hands as they did.
Please for all that is good and holy in the world, please let this work!
It is 12:30 the time I normally take my lunch and right on time Inko walked in holding three homemade meals before giving me a sweet kiss. It's not everyday I am her hero, as much as I want to be but still. When she found out this morning about what all happened last night and what all was said, well... Let's just say Inko hasn't lost her touch by any stretch of the imagination.
There was a knock on the door and she giggled before giving me another deep kiss and almost skipped out the door. She wants me to call her as soon as they leave so she can show me exactly how well she thinks I did with the situation as a whole. Her lips are deadly, just deadly.
She giggled again before opening the door and ushering in two very smiley young men who look like they finally got laid like I basically ordered them to. Fucking finally! Inko blew me a kiss when they weren't looking and closed the door behind her, I'm taking a half day today. This 'meeting' will be the end of my work day and Inko wanted to put on something nice for me. God I love that woman!
"Sorry Dad. We talked about it some more after we left last night and it will take some getting used to but we will try to do better from now on." Izuku bowed his head towards me and thoughts of Inko's happiness when I tell her later how this meeting went has me almost ready to kick them out now. We ate our lunch and I told them in no uncertain terms just what I meant.
"The end result, you two will have sex at least once a week if not more. I will not put up with your sexually constipated asses any more," I glared at them and they fumbled some more. "Preferably more." I watched them gulp before very slightly nodding their heads again. Like I'm actually going to enforce that? Not a chance in hell, but if it keeps them both out of trouble thinking that I might put them on phone duty if they don't...
"If you don't work out then we will find a way to move you two around but if you two don't make it then what chance do any of the rest of us actually have? Anyway, the meeting is over. Go back to your apartment and enjoy your time together because work is going to suck for you both for the next month and a half." I shooed them away again as I locked my office behind us once we were out of it again before going home to my very happy wife.