Past Mistakes pt 1

I was setting off mini explosions in my hand outside the classroom. I was starting to get irritated but my squad was excited because it was announced that something was about to happen, not that any of them knew what or anything. I can't help rolling my eyes but at the same time most of our class was drifting throughout the classroom so it's not like I would get any more peace at my desk than I'm getting now.

I heard a yelp and All Might calling out for someone to stop down the hall, making all of us stop and look up only to see a green haired boy running towards us in a middle school uniform. My eyes widened in shock and one of my explosions popped much larger than I intended.

The green haired boy looked up, his eyes sparkling as tears streamed down his face but he ran for me, I lifted my arms just in time for him to tackle me and latch on tight. His eyes closed tight and I looked up to see some class B extras running towards us.

"Get behind me," I whispered and he nodded sliding himself around me, his arms still holding on tight. I didn't care that my squad was shocked into silence, the fact of the matter is someone made my Nerd cry. It was time for me to pay them back for that.

"Which one of you fucking extras did this?" I hissed as they came skidding to a stop in front of me, I couldn't help the murderous rage coursing through me. Someone made Deku cry. Not even that they managed to make him younger, he had to be the age that I was his worst nightmare and yet he still came running to ME for help? I will make them pay. I will make them regret ever being born.

The two nobodies in front of me stuttered and were now backing up but oh no. That isn't going to fly. I grabbed them each by the collar of their shirts and slammed them down on the ground.

"Did I say you could fucking leave?" I demanded but they couldn't stop stuttering over themselves.

"That boy doesn't belong here!" I looked up to see the Copy Cat Bastard walking over relaxed, I let the extras on the ground go. The feeling of my quirk sizzling in my hands was only growing stronger as I glared at the bastard.

"Deku is allowed to be here any fucking time he wants." I glared at him and he paused for a second before chuckling like the fucking villain that he is.

"So that's Deku? Was poor little Midoriya hit with yet another quirk?" He asked laughing and I felt Deku's hands clench my shirt tighter.

"He did it," he whispered and I nodded before gently taking him off of me and putting him behind Kiri. I watched as he nodded, understanding and he grabbed a handful of Kiri's shirt hiding behind him now.

"Copycat," I said, popping my neck and loosening my shoulders as I took a step towards him and the extra took a step back. "When did I say you could come to class A?" I asked completely serious and he gave me a confused look before I threw an explosive punch at him and before long he and his goons were running away.

"Fucking extras," I grumbled before yelling, "Cowards!" I turned back to see Kiri using his hardening to try and calm Deku down but it wasn't helping. Not really.

I walked over and put a hand on his head, "So are you going to tell me how this happened?" I watched him look up, his eyes still full of tears but he let go of Kiri and lunged at me, taking me by surprise. He was muttering a million miles a minute and I could catch some of it but none of it made much sense at all. Bottom line, he was walking to class, our old middle school class, and he blinked. The next thing he knew those "people" were chasing him.

I let him cry it out, one arm around his shoulders while my other hand played with his hair. He sobbed leaving a huge wet stain on my uniform but I could really care less at the moment. Our teacher Aizawa Sensei walked up and when he finally figured out the gist of it, that Copy Cat bastard is going to fucking pay, he ushered us all back into the classroom. On the upside, I'm not going to get detention for "fighting" in the school halls.

"So!" Aizawa Sensei walked into the room before us, getting everyone's attention as they went back to their seats. "Problem Child was hit with another quirk," as if he timed it just as we were walking in with Deku latched onto my arm. I heard several gasps and murmurs about how tiny he is. To be fair he is straight up scrawny. This was before he bulked up and he was shivering like a leaf in the wind.

All he really knows is that he is in my school, he hasn't even figured out what school it is yet. Part of me wants to tell him but I should probably wait, he is already shivering as if breathing alone could knock him over at any second.

"Kacchan? Where are we?" He whispered in my ear as our teacher continued to give instructions on how today would proceed, even with Deku's current condition. So much for not freaking him out.

"You have to stay calm if I tell you," I warned, raising an eyebrow but I already know better. The moment I tell him he will probably scream or faint. He nodded nervously, gulping as he did. "We are at UA. This is our class and the caterpillar talking right now is our teacher Aizawa Sensei."

I watched him carefully as he digested what it was that I said. He looked up even more confused, "They let me in?" Why in the fuck did that actually hurt? The complete disbelief was paralyzing.

"I'll tell you all that later, okay?" He nodded, holding onto me tighter as he did.

"Now; Bakugo, Midoriya, could you please take your seats so I can get started with today's lecture?" Aizawa Sensei groaned and I gently pulled Deku with me and I motioned my head to the seat behind mine and he let out a sigh before taking a seat. I pulled out an empty notebook and a few extra pencils before handing them back to him which didn't go unnoticed by our classmates. They were staring in shock, our teacher included before I set off a mini explosion getting them all to snap out of it and for Deku to relax. Which confused them even more but they stopped staring, for the most part.

Class went on like normal until All Might walked in and thankfully I had managed to warn Deku about All Might's current condition before but he was still vibrating with excitement and everyone could easily see it. No one could understand why I was acting so calm, or for that matter protective of Deku, but the moment All Might walked in and Deku's eyes went big and he started gushing over how amazing All Might was before he starting muttering about possible cures for All Might's condition he flipped several pages in the notebook I gave him and started working out equations far to complicated for the middle schooler he currently was and for that matter far to advanced for anyone else but me to even grasp the concept of. At this point everyone let out a sigh of relief as they realized that Deku was still Deku, just smaller.

All Might was about to interrupt Deku's equations and I held up a hand stopping him, making everyone but Deku freeze who was completely engrossed in what he was writing. I waited, when I saw Deku struggling I pointed at a spot and said "Eight," and he was running again. I don't actually know if that was the correct answer or not but it gave Deku something to work off of and work off it he did.

He really does take what I say as law, why did I ever think he was looking down on me? When he came to another spot that he was stuck at I pointed at the 8 again and just waited. I watched him go through the calculations again before he smiled and corrected something before reworking everything below it. Funny enough it wasn't the 8 he changed but a number a few lines down. When he was finally done he smiled and I took the notebook and flipped it around so that I could actually read it.

It honestly looked like Greek to me. I couldn't make heads or tails out of it but Deku was so proud of it I gave him a smirk. "So should we give this to Recovery Girl? Or someone else?" I asked teasing him lightly, making Deku giggle.

"Um, maybe someone with an understanding of bioengineering and chemical sciences? Preferably one with medical and surgical capabilities," Deku was looking down at the floor while rubbing at the back of his neck before he frowned. "But they will probably say it's dumb or completely unreasonable, it does call for some 'weird' science."

I frowned, before closing the notebook and lightly thumping him on the head with it. "At what point did I say you were wrong?" I closed my eyes trying to prevent myself from blowing up again. No, deep breaths.

"You didn't! I just meant-"

"Good, then I'll give this to Recovery Girl and she can give it to whoever. You're a deku, Deku, but don't forget what that means." I opened my eyes glaring at him and he gulped before nodding. "Good, now All Might wants us all to go to the gym, want to come and see what the world's number one hero school can do?" I grinned at him and his eyes lit up before he turned his eyes back to All Might who just chuckled nervously and nodded.

"Oi, Ponytail? Make some clothes that will actually fit Deku," I grumbled but she just smiled before holding a measuring tape and asking if she could take his measurements.

"So how old are you now?" She asked while she jotted some notes down as she turned him in different directions and measured again.

"I'm 13, it was my second year of middle school before I came here." He smiled shyly at her. I took a step away, hoping he would be able to relax a little but instead he squeaked calling out for me.

"I'm right here, Nerd. I'm not going anywhere," I pretended to groan but Ponytail had frozen shocked at his obvious reliance on me. It didn't take a brain surgeon to see that Deku couldn't function properly without me. He was basically using me as a safety net, not trusting anyone or even himself unless I was around.

And that isn't healthy. Not at all.

Ponytail handed him the gym clothes and I led the way to the locker room. He had started to calm down quite a bit and was now only holding the bottom of my jacket as we walked. I can't stand this, we aren't in middle school anymore!

"Deku, you're safe here. No one in our class will hurt you on purpose." I tried to reassure him but I could see his hand clench even tighter and I let out a sigh. "Here at least hold the end of my sleeve then." I offered and he gave me a shocked smile before nodding and letting me go to do just that. It didn't escape my notice that his death grip was no longer present. The fact that I was calmly helping him after protecting him only a little while ago was obviously on his mind.

"We still fight by the way. Not like before, what you are used to now. We train together, we were even considering becoming partners like when we were brats. I don't bully you, and you can take care of yourself now." I tried to explain to him, his eyes lighting up like I just told him the most amazing thing in the world.

"Do you mean it?" He asked and I saw tears starting to trickle down again, I couldn't help chuckling a little before wiping the tears away though.

"Yeah, believe it or not. Your hero name is Deku. I could have spit fucking fire when you announced it," I kept chuckling and Deku held my sleeve tighter but he let his giggles drift around us as I opened the locker room door. I saw everyone look up confused but Deku ignored them, his eyes were only on me.

How did I ever think he was looking down on me? Even now he is basically worshiping the ground I'm walking on. I let out a long breath before walking to my locker and opening it.

"You can either get dressed out here or there are stalls over there," I pointed but Deku just smiled and nodded before letting me go and started to get undressed. I looked away already knowing what was there but the collective gasp of horror from the rest of the guys in the locker room told me that not one of them didn't notice.

Deku's body was covered in burns, and as much as I wish they were all from me, I know for a fact that they aren't. My quirk only left one single burn on him, and it wasn't until our third year of middle school, it also didn't take long to heal. Deku was used to the glares, the angry eyes that fell on him for no other reason than just existing and he was able to, at least while he was next to me, ignore all of them.

When we were in the standard blue gym uniforms Deku smiled, folding his clothes and putting them next to mine, I let out a sigh and opened my locker and motioned for him to go ahead. He smiled widely and I locked my locker after showing him the combination so he could get his clothes out again if he came back first. Another habit, it wasn't weird for his clothes to be destroyed, or 'misplaced' if he wasn't wearing them.

But now he looked conflicted again and when I looked at him to figure out why I saw him looking at my clothes again, in particular my short sleeves and the bottom of my shirt. He didn't have anywhere to hold onto now. I let out another sigh and held out my hand and he latched on while I rubbed at the bridge of my nose with my other hand.

How long is this quirk actually going to last?

We walked outside and waited for the rest of the class to arrive. The guys in our class whispering, trying to understand what they have no right to know. The girls were already waiting when Deku and I arrived and Raccoon Eyes nearly gave him a heart attack jumping towards me and latching onto my other arm.

"Bakubabe! Spill the tea, I need to know!" She whined like she was dying and I just rolled my eyes at her.

"Get off me Raccoon Eyes," I groaned, I'm just so not in the mood right now.

"Bakubabe!" She whined and Deku was looking at her horrified and he tugged on my hand and whispered not so quietly in my ear.

"Is she your girlfriend?'' All the girls heard and started laughing maniacally, the loudest of which was Raccoon Eyes.

"No, Deku. I am gay, I have no interest in girls." I am now rubbing my hand over my face. I'm not actually dating anyone but still, I thought he of all people would have known that. But I guess I wasn't really interested in anyone back then, well outside of Deku that is.

"Can't say I knew that, or even cared too but good to know that you are honest with yourself," Aizawa Sensei said and I swear to anyone who would ask that he was laughing, at least as much laughing as he does.

"When have I ever lied?" I cocked an eyebrow at him which made him look at me curiously. Guess he never realized that as much of a pain in the ass I am I have never lied nor tried to hide who I was.

He cleared his throat and looked around before asking where the rest of the boys in our class were.

"Oh, they are still gossiping in the locker room still," Deku answered with a smile which made everyone turn to him before he hid behind me shaking again.

"Gossiping huh? About what?" Aizawa Sensei asked and I squeezed Deku's hand when he hid behind me more, his mouth sealed shut.

"They saw Deku's burns," I answered instead since Deku's bravery had vanished. "The idiots are trying to guess whether or not I'm the one who gave them to him or not and if it was me then why Deku is latching onto me so tight." I groaned and waited for the judgment that was about to follow. The demand for Deku to show our teacher the burns so that he could judge himself, not bothering to ask either one of us.

Deku's grip on me tightened as he hid behind me pulling me backwards as he tried to get further away from the silence that was now our teacher.

"Don't let them take me away again, please." He sobbed into my back, breaking my heart in the process. He had let go of my hand and wrapped his arms around my stomach, holding on for dear life. I put a hand on little fingers that were holding on for dear life.

"It's okay, he would only want to protect you. He isn't like our old teachers," I tried to calm him down but Deku only sobbed harder. I looked back at our teacher to see rage and understanding cross his face, looks like for once someone understood. I'm not the one who burned him, I never was, at least not at this point. Sure I burned his clothes and threatened him a lot but Deku knew the truth.

The truth was simple, if Deku already had a full time bully then the real bullies would stay away. At least for the most part. That line of thinking didn't work on our teachers though. They just made it look like chemical burns so that everyone would assume it was me. Middle school was not easy and I'm not making excuses for what I did. I was a right asshole. Good intentions or not, I did what I did and there was no acceptable reason for it. Not to mention that he still does have to deal with the one burn I did give him, in another year. The one I gave him while telling him to take a swan dive...

"Please Kacchan! Don't let them take me again," he cried his fingers actually tore my shirt but I just don't care, not about that. By now the rest of our class had joined us and although not all of them understood what was going on they did realize that Deku was begging to stay with me.

"Midoriya, you are not to be more than a meter away from Bakugo at any time while you are like this. Do you understand me?" Aizawa Sensei pulled himself together before turning his evil glare to me and adding, "Bakugo I expect names, dates, and locations."

"You won't be able to prove anything," I sighed, getting everyone's attention back on me again. "You're not the first one to try, even after Deku was accepted into UA it didn't stop. He gets hate mail, death threats, demands for him to actually pay them almost daily even now, and no one has been able to stop them." The look of utter shock on Aizawa's face was nothing compared to the look of defeat on All Might's. "All Might has even tried."

Everyone turned to look at the hero. "You knew?" Aizawa Sensei almost sounded like he was accusing All Might of something but no one said anything.

All Might did finally take in a deep breath before answering, "Yeah, I even brought in a detective friend of mine but nothing works."

Deku had looked up so hopeful that I could feel my heart shattering all over again when he heard that not even All Might could help him. I turned and threw Deku off balance before I caught him and guided him away from everyone else. "Come on, I'll show you one of the courses we train on sometimes. If you can hold on tight I'll let you piggy back," I offered, giving him a small grin and I felt as he relaxed against me before wiping away his tears and smiling at me. He reached out and held my hand as I started to walk away.

Can I actually complete the course with Deku on my back? There is nothing in this world that could stop me, even if I feel like dying when I'm done. I kneeled down and Deku climbed on and when I was satisfied that he was holding on tight enough I entered the gym.


When I finally exited the gym I felt like I was dying but Deku was gushing over how amazing I was and he was actually smiling and giggling again which meant that I succeeded in what I set out to do. I made him forget, at least for a little while.

"Kacchan! Can I really do that too? When I come here? How? How is it even possible to-" and off into muttering he goes but thankfully he was no longer focusing on me and I could try and catch my breath a little. I mean fuck, even as tiny as he is he kept moving his arms back around my neck and nearly strangling me as we were going. I don't care who the fuck you are, if you can't breathe everything gets a lot harder.

"Dude, if they actually get along so well then why do they fight so much? It was hella worse at the beginning of our first year too," Kaminari was talking to my squad and I looked to see Deku still distracted by his muttering while he tried to puzzle out how a quirkless could actually get into UA. I took my chance.

I sprinted a couple steps and grabbed him by the collar and hissed low enough that only Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero could hear me. "If you don't shut the fuck up I will fucking kill you. Deku doesn't know about that yet. It hasn't happened to us yet." I dropped him before quickly returning behind Deku just in time for him to turn around all sunshine and smiles again and he threw his arms around me, hugging me close.

"Thank you Kacchan, I don't know how but I just know that it had something to do with you." He sighed softly and just cuddled into me, I rubbed his back letting him relax against me before he yawned sleepily and pulled away to rub at one of his eyes.

"Sorry," he mumbled and I just messed up his hair and smirked at him.

"So the little kid does get tired after all? I should have known, you have been through the ringer today," I teased him and he giggled in response. "What nothing to say?" I asked a little put off he wasn't going to deny it or get red.

"That's right. At this moment it's like a dream," Deku snuggled back into my arms and I felt the cool dampness that gave away the fact that he was crying again. "Kacchan is so warm." He closed his eyes and I felt him relax against me and it wasn't long before my little nerd was lightly snoring, making me chuckle at how childish he can be sometimes.

"Even standing up," I shook my head and somehow managed to keep my chuckles tame enough that they wouldn't wake him up. I picked him up and found a seat before closing my eyes and letting myself follow him, my idiots are safe enough. At least when they are being watched, and with both Aizawa Sensei and All Might in the room I didn't really have too much to worry about.


"Kacchan?" I blinked open my eyes to see little Deku still in my lap looking around confused. I looked up to see our classmates surrounding us and I could easily hear Aizawa Sensei tearing someone a new one from the other side of them. Translation, class B is here to make trouble.

"It's okay, just some extras about to learn who the fucking boss is. Don't worry about it," I ruffled his hair and he smiled up at me.

"Oh am I heavy? I'll get off," Deku asked, finally noticing that he was sitting in my lap and I couldn't help laughing out loud at that.

"No, Nerd. You are not heavy at all." I could see the stars in his eyes as he cuddled back into me and blushed lightly as he did. Shy little shit. "Come on," I looked at the time and yawned. "It's time to go back to class anyway and get ready to go back to the dorms."

"Dorms?" Deku was confused and I started telling him how we lived in a dorm system here at the school and he asked so many questions I could believe that he wasn't the only one who was 13 again. The way he made me laugh and smile, it's been so long since I could actually be myself. It's not like I haven't tried, really. Deku is the only one that I feel safe enough to actually be myself. Weird isn't it?

We went back to the locker room to change and when Deku's shirt came off again I heard gasps again. I looked up to see Aizawa and All Might standing in the room, all the guys were staring again but it was obvious that the noise had come from our teachers.

I let out a sigh and stopped Deku from putting on his shirt. "Let me use my quirk?" I held up a hand and he smiled nodding, before he sat down with his back to me. I let my sweat coat my hands before I slowly rubbed them onto his burns, making them slowly fade as I did. My quirk can't out right heal him like Recovery Girl's could but nitroglycerine is used for scaring in extremely sensitive areas in hospitals and these burns need to be soothed before they permanently scar him. He held out his arms with well practiced ease and patience that again set off our class murmuring amongst themselves.

This time Kiri walked up and sat next to Deku making him flinch away but I didn't let him go far. "Hold still, damn nerd. Shitty Hair won't hurt you," I grumbled and I heard Deku squeak an apology but he straightened up so that I continued to apply my quirk to him.

"Midobro? You don't have to tell me but could you tell me how you got hurt?" Kiri asked quietly and the locker room went silent.

"Uh, no one ever believes me anyway so it doesn't really matter." Deku tried to shrug it off but he moved in such a way that far too much of my quirk dripped onto a large burn.

"Hold still! Are you trying to hurt yourself?" I demanded angry that my quirk had already hurt him, it didn't burn him by any means but it definitely stung more than a little.

"Sorry Kacchan," Deku sighed, straightening up again, this honestly doesn't take that long but I have to apply so evenly and slowly that if I don't I'll end up hurting him worse than he already is. So the end result he gets a very thin layer applied at a time and after I finish each layer I go over it with another thin layer.

Deku let out a yawn but he stayed where he was, I'll have to finish later otherwise he'll pass out. Once I finished the current coat I stepped away to wash my hands and Deku jumped up when he realized I was done for now, following me to the sink so I wouldn't leave him behind.

I could feel my hate and rage boiling inside of me before I remember how I abandoned him during our third year, how I thought that he needed to learn how to defend himself before highschool would actually be good for him. I really am a piece of shit. He just couldn't function without me, and the fact of the matter was that I never thought that we could both get into UA. I finished before returning to my locker and quickly changing my clothes, Deku next to me. Ponytail had made him an actual highschool uniform to change into and the fact of the matter is Deku is tiny. The difference in size was just sad.

I locked my locker and he quickly smiled up at me before taking my sleeve, I led him out of the locker room and back to our class. I tried to warn him that he has a quirk now but he thought I was teasing him and just sadly smiled at me. He is tired and the fact of the matter is that he is barely functioning. I motion my hand towards him and he smiled sleepily before taking it and sucking on a couple fingers just as our teacher walked in, not that I fucking care or anything. Deku took what he needed and let me go before putting his head down and letting his eyes close. I turned around and felt him grab the back of my jacket and relaxed as he fell asleep again.

I had stopped by Recovery Girl's office on our way back and given her the pages from the notebook that Deku had written the formula on. "For All Might," was all I said and the confused look she gave me until she actually started reading over what was written. I walked away with Deku holding on tight but we could both hear her nearly screaming in less than a minute about the equations. The pride on Deku's face was actually comforting to see but he was so exhausted that it didn't take much for him to pass out. Which brings us back to him sucking my fingers and passing out while holding my jacket.

"Bakugo, when he is back to normal we need to have a chat." Aizawa Sensei kept his voice down but I heard him easily enough.

"It won't change anything, and don't pretend that the moment you heard he was covered in burns that you didn't assume it was me that did it. Just like everyone else," I sighed, I'm just not in the mood to deal with his hypocritical ass.

"It's not like you two don't have a history of fighting now is it? I can only come to conclusions based on evidence and your past IS a part of that," he glared at me but you know what? Fuck this.

"Yeah, our past. Our past where I spent years bandaging him after someone got a hold of him when I just happened to not be around. Years of applying my quirk like a fucking ointment so that Aunty wouldn't see all the burns. Years of pretending to bully him just so that the extras with really fucking dangerous quirks stayed away. YOU only know what we have shown you. YOU only know what you have been told. YOU are no better than the teachers we had that would distract me while another one took him away to splash acid on him. To see how much they could get away with, without anyone else noticing." I hissed, my voice low so that I didn't wake Deku up but the entire class heard me easily enough.

"How could anyone do that to someone with such a powerful quirk?" Round Face glared at me, she didn't believe a word I said. Of fucking course.

"At this point he is still quirkless, he doesn't get his quirk until he is 14 and the first time he used it was the day of the entrance exam." I glared right back at her. "In case you forgot, he broke how many bones in his body?" I left the question open knowing that they were all still reeling in shock.

I turned back to our teacher, my glare narrowing. "Stay the fuck out of our lives, you have never cared before now. So why are you pretending now?" I demanded, leaving him speechless and right on cue the bell rang, making Deku jump up, waking him up.

"Come on Deku," I softened my voice so that he wouldn't realize that I was just spitting fucking venom at our teacher and classmates. "I'll show you the way to the dorms."

He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes while I quickly put away my things and Deku just held onto the notebook and pencils I gave him like they were precious somehow.

"Sorry I dozed off, I didn't mean to." He kept apologizing and I just put a hand on his head making him stop and look up at me.

"Come on Nerd. I don't have your dorm key but you can take a nap in mine." I gave him a small grin who quickly returned it with one of his own. He really does light up the world.

"Okay Kacchan!" He looked so happy, when he went to grab my sleeve again I moved so that instead he was holding my hand and I closed my fingers around his, keeping him there. He didn't fight it at all in fact the moment he felt my fingers on his hand he squeezed my hand tight. My bubbly sunshiny nerd, he really just might be the death of me.

It didn't take long to get to the dorms and I showed him around, kitchen common bathrooms, common area yada yada but I did show him the door to his room, it was locked but the fact of the matter was his name was on the door. When we finally got to my room he was almost dragging and I found some of my smallest clothes that were still three or four times too large for him. We quickly changed and I pulled the covers back on my bed so that he could crawl in, his habits include taking a small nap after school and staying up far too late at night. I don't think he usually goes to sleep by 10 but I don't actually know, not anymore anyway.

I can't lie though, I am tired. This blast from the past has taken its toll on me and I already can't take much of people's stupidity as it was. I crawled in with him and he immediately curled up to me, letting out a small sigh of relief.

My Nerd.