A/N There are so many ways to communicate, so many ways to show love and understanding. I hope this will give a small window into just a bit of it. 🌈
I opened my door to see a blond standing there clutching a blanket in his arms and he looked so terrified that I looked down the hall to see nothing. The power had gone out a few minutes ago and only the emergency power lights were on. I turn back to the extra and see he is shivering and covered in sweat before a large crash of thunder and I see him jump more than a foot in the air. Kaminari.
I let out a long sigh before glaring at him. "I don't care how fucking fried your brain is if you tell anyone what my room looks like I won't leave enough of you to identiy. Do you understand?" I hissed at him and he quickly nodded, just thankful he didn't actually have to ask out loud. I stepped back and opened my door the rest of the way and he quickly rushed into my room to find Kirishima already pulling out the futon.
"You too Kamibro?" He asked looking up and Dunce Face started crying about storms and how his quirk freaked him out when there wasn't any power. Actually that was kind of interesting. I didn't know that the weather could affect his quirk at all but he seems more disturbed by the fact that nothing has power than just the storm outside.
I rolled my eyes and grumbled to myself about how he actually climbed the stairs in the near pitch black just to knock on my door. Neither Kirishima or Kaminari said a word about my room, which was kind of a relief.
My room could give Deku's a run for his money, All Might merch was everywhere, posters, collectables, blankets (out of reach so they had to use the plain ones) and of course my pillows with his insignia on them. I'm not Deku though, I am not going to sleep on my hero's face. That is just fucking weird.
I grabbed my flashlight and pulled down a couple more blankets and threw them at them only to get confused looks from them until we all heard a knock on my door again. Like I didn't see that coming a fucking mile away? I mean really?
I opened the door to see both Sero and Ashido there and gave them the same treatment as Kami and Kiri and they quickly nodded before a large flash of light lit up the window behind me right before the boom of thunder. Damn, I actually felt that in my bones. I let them in and grabbed more blankets. Fuck that's all my standard blankets now. All I have left is my All Might merch and I will use those and throw them what is already on my bed.
It shouldn't be long before the Nerd shows up anyway. I let out another sigh and started stripping the covers from my bed and throwing them at my squad before remaking my bed with my limited edition covers and throwing a few extra All Might pillows on my bed.
I'm kind of surprised that none of them have tried to tease me since they got here but they just might still be too scared to actually notice. Who the fuck knows? Then again, this always seems to happen, it's either they choose to ignore it all or they just don't notice it.
Which I highly doubt.
I walked back to the door and opened it to see both Deku and Icyhot there. I quirked an eyebrow at Icyhot. I was not expecting him to show up. Nope, not at all, this is new.
He actually noticed the confused look on my face and answered, "I checked the circuit box and it must be the whole area. None of the switches were flipped and when I was coming back up I found Midoriya climbing the stairs." I nodded and just shrugged and opened my door letting them both in, surprising not only Deku and Icyhot but myself too. But what the hell? He isn't really the type to tease or spread rumors and like anyone would fucking believe him anyway.
They walked in to find my friends all huddled up jumping at every little flash of lighting only to try and hold in their tears from the booming thunder. Seriously, their first reaction to a thunderstorm is to come to me? The one with the explosion quirk? I shake my head trying to rid the thoughts from my head.
Thankfully they each at least brought a pillow, except Icyhot, and most also a blanket, a few even brought several, like Kiri who brought what seemed like all of his. So there were plenty and when I saw Icyhot look at the now much larger futon, thanks to all the blankets that were added to it, he asked if it was okay for him to lay down next to them. I just blinked at the scene unfolding in front of me.
"Do you mind if I am next to you, Kirishima?" He pointed next to my red headed best friend who quickly nodded and tried to grab an extra pillow from above their heads while I rolled my eyes. Even as scared as he is, the fact his crush is wanting to be so close to him? Yeah, I could basically hear his heart pounding from here.
"Come on Nerd, against the wall," I sighed waiting for Deku to get in so that I could get some fucking sleep sometime tonight.
"Thank you, Kacchan," Deku quickly wiped away a few tears before he threw his blanket on top of mine and crawled in with his pillow. I double check to make sure my door is locked and pull out my limited edition All Might "I Am Here" battery powered lamp and turn it on, on my desk. The soft light gave the room a warm feel and not that I would ever admit it but I always feel safer with it. I heard Kami and Sero give a sigh of relief at the low light and it wasn't long before all of their sniffling finally quieted down. How in the fuck are they all 18? We will be graduating soon and they are afraid of a storm?
Having said that, it was only a couple weeks ago we were all patrolling in a storm and not one of them bat an eye while we were pursuing villains. Just how do I actually put up with all of them? All these years? Whatever.
I crawled into my bed and when I closed my eyes I felt Deku turn over and wrap his arms around me before he laid on my chest. Come tomorrow they will all leave my room and none of us will admit it happened at all. Icyhot better take the fucking hint.
"I can't find them!" I heard a muffled voice yelling in the hallway. Who in the fuck is screaming that fucking loud? Fuck it, I'll get soundproofing tiles later, the walls weren't crazy thin but still this is fucking nuts.
"What do you mean you can't find them? How can all four students disappear without a trace?" Another voice was screaming in the hall. Urg! Fuck this.
I got up quietly, I had forgotten that Icyhot was here but I picked up my phone and made sure the flash was off before taking a picture of Kiri snuggled up in his arms. Insurance. I ignored Sero and Ashido because that's old news and I already have plenty of pictures. Kami however was just snoring away.
I refocus and open my door only to see All Might starting to panic and Aizawa about to have an aneurysm at any fucking second.
Very quietly I get both of their attention and hiss at them, "What in the flying fuck is your problem? Why are you screaming at stupid o'clock?" I waited to hear their stupid ass excuses but just when All Might was about to answer me Aizawa Sensei seemed to pull himself back together again.
"We can't find your friends; Ashido, Sero, Kaminari and Kirishima." Aizawa Sensei walked closer, probably thinking that I would know where the fuckers were.
"They are sleeping," I grumbled rubbing at my face only to see their confused faces. I rolled my eyes at them, "I'm not that fucking heartless. They have fears too and they crashed on my floor last night. Now I'm going back to fucking bed."
I turned away and when I was yawning, closing my door behind me I felt the door stop abruptly and I opened it again, glaring at my homeroom teacher.
"I need to make sure they are actually here," He answered and I rolled my eyes, while he was still blocking the way, opened the door wider so he could see my idiots on the futon.
"Happy?" I asked, still grumbling before closing the door again.
"Why is Todoroki in your room?" He asked, looking far more confused than before and I can't say I blame him for that one.
"I don't fucking know, he just showed up with one of the others. He doesn't usually show up, probably will next time though. Since I was too fucking tired to bother kicking him out last night." I yawned again and shrugged. I hadn't opened my door enough for him to see my bed so he didn't see Deku at all.
"And you actually let them into your room?" He is starting to sound like a broken record.
"Like I said, I'm not fucking heartless. I am here to become a hero, if something this small protects them then why not?" Fuck I am tired, why won't he fucking leave already?
"Bro?" I heard Kiri whimper behind me and when I turned to look he was fidgeting in his sleep and I frowned before turning back to our teachers.
"Got to go," I GENTLY assisted him out of the way before closing the door and locking it again. I quickly went back to see Kiri using his quirk in his sleep and waking Icyhot up in the process.
I motioned for him to stay silent and grab his hand and use it to comb through Kiri's hair until he figured out what I was doing and I let him go and he continued the motion. It didn't take long before Kiri relaxed back into a peaceful sleep again and now latched on tight to Icyhot but he just smiled like an idiot. Fuck it, so long as he treats him good I don't fucking care but the moment he hurts him. I will end him.
I shake the thought out of my head, I'm still fucking tired from getting woken up at fucking 1 in the fucking morning. I crawl back into bed and once the covers are over me again, Deku is snuggling back into me again.
Would it be so bad if we were like this all the time? I mean really? I relax and fall back to sleep.
When I woke up I found my room clean, all the blankets folded up and stacked neatly and the futon put away and there wasn't an idiot in sight, well except for one. The one that was still curled around me, fucking damn it. Why do I have morning wood today?
I roll my eyes at my thoughts, sometimes I'm really stupid, it's just morning wood why am I remotely embarressed? Besides, Deku was still fast asleep. I turned over, unwrapping Deku from me at the same time so I could get up.
"No!" I heard him grumble before his arms and legs trapped me back down again. I was about to set off an explosion when I realized he was still fast asleep. I relaxed my muscles and when I laid back he was curled around me again, this time his legs tangled in mine.
I could feel the pressure from his knee against my shaft and I jerked at the impact but it wasn't painful, just surprising. I let out a slow breath of relief before trying to get out of bed again but just like last time Deku managed to trap me back in bed, this time he was practically on top of me.
I'm about to lose my fucking mind, usually this peace will last until everyone wakes up and leaves. It ends the moment they all leave through my doorway. I'm about to break that right fucking now. He is not even just sleeping on top of me, no that would be easy. He is snuggling on top of me slowly moving and rubbing up against me in his sleep. On its own I guess it would be okay but since he is on top of me at the moment? I am getting A LOT of stimulation. My morning wood is now a full on boner. The more time that passes the more I want to just let him get me off and that was getting closer and fucking closer.
NO! What the hell is the matter with me?
"Kacchan~!" Deku moans in my ear and I can't lie, that sound went straight to my boner. Fuck!
"Deku, wake up!" I started to shake him only to stop almost instantly, the feeling of him pressing into me was more than enough without me adding to it, thanks. "Deku!" I hissed when he still didn't show any signs of waking up.
"Hmmm?" He asked sleepily, lifting his head up but still not opening his eyes.
"Get off of me now before I do something we both regret!" I ground out, still trying to control myself.
"Kacchan? What are you talking about?" He mumbled, his eyes still closed but he was falling back to sleep even as we were talking.
"Fuck Deku! Get the fuck off of me before I fuck you!" I growled at him still trying to keep my hands to myself but I am fighting the urge more and more as I noticed more and more of his body that was pressed against me and I am quickly losing the willpower to keep my hands off of him.
I heard Deku's giggles fill the air which grabbed all of my attention before he slowly raised himself up so he was sitting on top of me and I could feel his boner pressed against me. A sound escapes me that I have no idea what to call, something like a whine and moan, maybe a mix of the two?
"Kacchan is the best," his voice purred in my ear, sleep still very much affecting him, the way his voice was so deep and gruff. Which was only making matters worse.
I flipped him over and pinned him down, forcing him to wake up and actually look at me. He was staring up at me in shock but at this point it was taking everything I had not to strip us both and jump him. I closed my eyes and just breathed slowly trying to calm down my racing heart before I opened them again and looked at the now mumbling Nerd under me. His brain seems to be fried, he was going on and on about what he could have possibly done for me to wake him up like this but he never once mentioned the fact he was just grinding on me, boner and all.
I let out a whimper when he struggled a little and he was pushing against me. I give up. I pressed my mouth against his and lost myself in the pleasure he gave me. Not once did he try to pull away. Not once did he try to argue. No, instead he was inviting me in, opening his mouth so that our tongues could dance together. I don't know when I let him go but his arms were around me, exploring wherever they could reach while I just tried to keep him close.
"Deku," I moaned out when he lightly bit into my neck after I pulled away enough to breathe.
"Don't stop," he whispered in my ear before I could pull away and throw my shirt away from me. Deku's could barely be considered to be following, hell it might have hit the floor first.
What the hell is happening right now? Because I sure as fuck don't know. Moans filled the air as we tried to pull each other closer, searching each other out. Pulling and pushing as we finally managed to lose our pants.
"Lube?" Deku gasped and my mind went blank for a moment before realization came back in.
"We shouldn't-" I started only for Deku to bite into a particularly sensitive area making me gasp and shudder at the hint of dominance he was somehow trying to reign in.
"I want you, I don't mind you topping if that's the problem," Deku managed to pull himself away and just fuck. I really don't want to stop now.
"I don't want a one night stand," I tried to clear the fog in my head as my dick tried to argue with me. I looked back into Deku's eyes to see a sad smile.
"If that's all I can get from you Kacchan it would make me so happy. Even if that is all," His words were not sitting in my head right. Actually it made me mad, but somehow hopeful? How the fuck does that work?
"Deku, if we do this I wouldn't want to give it up. I would want to have you always, you know me. I'm a possessive asshole, once I get my hands on something I don't want to share. Not ever," Thank All Might I could breathe again! It actually feels like the fog in my head is starting to clear.
"What about tomorrow, Kacchan? Will you regret having me then?" Deku tried to keep our eyes locked but it was starting to get hard to think again.
"I have wanted you for as long as I remember," I looked back into those twinkling green malachite eyes that never seemed to end. Instead of answering me he reached up and kissed me and all the logic that I was able to use just moments ago vanished as I kissed him back.
"Lube?" He asked again and this time I didn't argue. I sat up enough to reach for my bedside table and pulled out the petroleum jelly. He nodded before wrapping his arms around my neck again and pulling me back into a kiss. I managed to kiss him back while opening the lube and gently applying what I could without pulling away. When I did all that I could without looking, I kissed him once more.
"Are you sure?" It's not too late, it's never too late for him. He could have anyone and he is really choosing me? Really? I watched him smile and nod while biting his lower lip, a flush blooming across his freckled face as I pulled away and pulled out more lube just to push a finger in. His eyes never left me, no matter how red he was getting. I pushed in another finger and watched him squirm, the look on his face was only drawing me closer. Can I hold off? Can I wait long enough so that I don't hurt him?
I pushed in another finger and I could only watch as I pleasured him, his red face gasping for air as he tried not to scream. His dick caught my attention when his back arched. I found a really good place, my fingers massaged and assaulted the area that was making Deku lose control of his body until I couldn't take it anymore. I bent down and took him in my mouth, his whole body went rigid for only a moment before Deku let out a low moan making my body want to meet him. Not yet, no I need him just as needy as I feel.
I let him slide in and out of my mouth, I could feel myself drooling on him. It was like I couldn't stop it from spilling out of the corners of my mouth and anytime I tried a bunch would spill out somewhere else. Not that Deku complained. His moans of pleasure were getting louder and I had to let him go and cover his mouth just to keep the noise down. At this point I can't pull away and when I pulled my fingers away Deku gasped pulling away to breathe.
Perfect time for me to line up. I sit up and push against his entrance only to freeze and take a deep breath of fresh air. "Last chance to change your mind?" I want to beg him to let me keep going at this point. I mean his body was practically singing to me at this point.
"Never," his voice came out, his body shuddering at the what if's currently running across his mind.
I slowly push in, stopping whenever Deku would freeze up if he made a noise that could be anything but pleasure. It seemed to take forever but Deku was panting under me and his hands were clawing at my back anytime I would start to pull away. When I was finally all the way in, we were both panting and gasping for air. I don't want to stay like this for long. I need to move but Deku looks like he is barely holding on as it is.
I frown at the thought before pulling out, as much as I want this hell as much as HE wants this, it's no good if I'm hurting him. I saw his whole body relax when I finally pulled all the way out. I grabbed the lube and started applying it again this time to me. Deku's eyes were closed while he tried to recover. If he can't take me then fine, I'll just take him.
Once I was fairly sure that I was prepped enough I added more to him, a moan escaping his lips the moment my fingers touched his very sensitive shaft. I added plenty, Since I seemed to have hurt him already then extra couldn't hurt.
"Kacchan~!" Deku moand out making me smile. At least I can still make him feel good. When I was sure he was nice and hard again I carefully lined up above him, his eyes opening when he felt my knee next to his hip.
"Shh, we can always switch later if you want." I grinned at the shocked look on his face until he relaxed and nodded. My lover, no one, not even me, is ever allowed to make him cry again.
I let myself sink down slowly, letting a light bounce bring me back up again every time I went a little too far. Again quiet moans filled the room as we pleasured each other, his hands on my hips as he helped me back up again and again. Our love making was gentle and soft even when deku rolled us over and he started to actually thrust into me, our lips connecting in deep open kisses as he held my hips up and I held his shoulders close enough that I could feel his kisses. Our release was sudden and unexpected when he thrusted into a spot that made my whole body spasm.
Winded and exhausted we lay there frozen in each other's arms until he pulled out and kissed me again. I couldn't stay away, I pushed him over and lay on top of him now his hands gently caressing my waist.
I heard my door open Deku and I froze, looking up we saw Kirishima standing in the doorway still talking to someone outside. We quickly pulled the covers back up again and pretended we were asleep, Deku wrapped around me again. When I heard the door close I heard a soft hum telling me that my best friend was in the room now.
"Go the fuck away," I opened my eyes to glare at him but he was just smiling as if someone said he won the jackpot.
"You do know that my room is right next door?" He pointed behind me indicating the wall that my bed was currently pushed up against. "You two should have talked a long time ago, Oh and don't worry I got Shoji downstairs before you two got too loud." He winked at me and I let out a groan only for Deku to hide from his using my pillow. It didn't take long for him to leave the room particularly when I showed him the photo on my phone that I took just this morning.
"I'll send it to you if you shut the fuck up and leave," I glared at him and he quickly left. I got up and kicked my door before cuddling back up with Deku. I sent the image to Kiri and tossed my phone to the side table.
After a few moments Deku looked up at me, still cherry red from embarrassment. "Umm, Happy birthday, Kacchan."
I cocked and eyebrow at him before grinning at him, "I hope I don't have to wait a year to open that present again?" I waited with a teasing smile on my face only for Deku to violently shake his head no.
"No! Anytime you want," he started off loud but quickly got flustered again and became quiet.
"Good because I love you and I'm not giving your ass up." I kissed on his neck getting him to squeak in surprise. I can get very used to this.