
I could feel my blood boiling, I feel like I'm about to explode for no fucking reason which didn't make any fucking sense because for once everyone is leaving me the fuck alone, peace. The one thing I have asked for, for so long it has been agonizing. So why do I feel like I'm about to have a melt down? It's probably been too long since I set off my quirk.

I grab my gym bag and look out my door to find the walls are still empty, I quickly lock up and head to the gym. Must be because I haven't been able to let out all of my rage when Dunce Face was driving me nuts last night. He was trying to get me to set up an account on a dating site. What did he do when he found out I was gay? He switched over to another site with barely a thought. Of course, that has to be it! I could feel my mind relaxing but my body was still pint up, sometimes my quirk is just annoying. That's all there is to it, my quirk required a minimum amount of activity and I don't mean just walking or running.

I need to set it off every so often, to let my body cycle it out naturally but the longer I go without setting it off the less I want to. Nitroglycerin is a natural mood stabilizer, doctors will prescribe it for people with high levels of testosterone which can make people, mostly men, more aggressive. So the longer I go without using my quirk the more mellow I will get, eventually this antsy need to explode would disappear, I will basically be high on my own quirk. It could be worse, I could be soaked in my own sweat for too long, reabsorbing my nitroglycerin could be even more dangerous, melloing me out would be the least of my problems. Of course there are other ways to set it off, but they are mostly dangerous and more than unpleasant for me. Doctor's also use it to increase blood flow in men. Nitroglycerin is basically a fucking blue pill but there is only one other person in this whole school that knows that and he isn't that fucking stupid to talk about it.


Going to the gym was nice, I feel a lot better. The knots in my shoulders seem to have disappeared and my mind was just so much clearer. Peace. The gym is really close to the dorms so I'll just shower in my room, then I can do what my hag calls TLC, tender loving care, and destress a little more. I'll make sure to set off my quirk for a while before bed just to be safe but I just really want to enjoy this. I could feel the smile tugging on my face as I made my way back to the dorms.

When I walked inside I found my idiots all hot and sweaty, they had gone to some kind of charity thing, it's almost a 100 degrees F out there (38C). Like I'm going out in that bullshit. Not with my quirk, the gym is a whole different ball game. I need to get stronger and not lose weight.

"Bakubro! Did you go to the gym without me?" Shitty Hair whined and I just rolled my eyes walking passed them tsking as I got onto the elevator, not for the first time thankful for the ultra efficient AC here at the dorms. From the complaints I hear from the Copycat Bastard they are not standard, we probably only have them because my sweat would literally make an unstable bomb. So there are some perks at least.

I ignore the thoughts swirling in my head as I walk to my room, also ignoring Kiri. If it wasn't for someone screaming "NO!" At the top of their lungs I wouldn't have noticed anything at all.

I spun around and found Deku pushing Kami away who was about to, from the looks of it, Pat me on the shoulder. Shit! I still need to take a shower!

"Midobro?" Kiri started asking stupid questions while I tried to hurry and unlock my door. I ignored their bickering, until I felt an electric shock flood my system making me freeze. Again I heard Deku screaming and I heard what kind of sounded a thud nearby, but I couldn't really bring myself to do anything but stand there. Kami had shocked me, probably not on purpose but the dumbass that he is, it was sent through my whole body. There were a few explosions coming from my clothes that more than just hurt but that wasn't what had my attention at the moment.

"Kacchan?" Deku pulled my face towards him, his beautiful malachite eyes filled with worry. He seemed to have come to a conclusion and started lecturing them about my quirk and how Kami could have given me a major injury but I was having a really hard time focusing on what all was actually said.

I pulled Deku back, making him lose his balance but he managed to stay upright. "That bad?" He seemed to ask but I could only look at his lips as he talked, his words not making any sense at all at the moment. He took my keys and while I couldn't do anything but stand there and watch, he opened my door and tried to tug me into my own room only for me to trip on my feet and land against him. I could hear him, still lecturing my idiots, at least that's what I'm assuming he was doing. He sounded upset, no, more than that he sounds pissed but I can't focus on the words at all.

His face was starting to turn a little pink and the angry lines on his face were actually visible as he continued to yell at them. Eventually he propped me up against the wall in my room and I saw him take a piece of paper out of his wallet before shoving it at my idiots. The only thing during this weird ass scene that I could make out was Deku saying "Eraserhead!" Before slamming my door shut and locking it.

I just watched him from where I was standing, he was wearing a simple white t-shirt that said sleep and a pair of All Might pajama pants, he had a towel around his neck and his hair is still pretty wet. I could see him talking but again I couldn't understand what he was saying. He just looks so angry.

I reached up cupping his face, making him jump at the unexpected contact, finally he seemed to be calming down. I couldn't help the smile on my face as I watched his curiosity. I could tell he was asking questions again but I just let my thumb graze along his cheek, his eyes wide as he watched me, his face still flushed as if at any moment he would catch on fire. I just wanted to look at him, the way he licked his lips as he waited for something, his eyes drawing me in, the green irises were glistening like fresh dew in a deep and lush forest, untouched by anyone or anything. The black depths pulled me closer, so I could just try to see what lay beneath them, the secrets that they keep.

"Dekiru," it was only a small change. Something no one would be able to hear if they weren't listening very carefully. Deku's eyes seemed to light up, it was small, a small flash that dared to actually hide from me again. "Mine," the word felt like velvet or maybe even silk as it poured out of me.

I have no idea when I left the wall I was leaning up against but what I do know is that Deku was basically panting now as I got closer. One hand resting on my chest over my heart, he wasn't trying to get away at all. If anything it was like he was trying to pull me closer, his fingers clutching at my still damp shirt, preventing me from pulling away. Not that I would ever do that. Not with the way he is looking at me now.

I brought my other hand up to rest on his waist, trying to pull him closer. He wasn't even that far away, I just wanted him closer. I leaned forward letting our noses touch and the fact that his breathing was getting louder and was now far from actually calm. I felt myself losing the battle to keep my eyes open, I just wanted to fall. I want to feel his arms catch me, I want him to kiss me and never pull away.

It happened so fast, I can't be sure I wasn't dreaming. One moment he was just standing there, trying to hold himself together and the next his arms were around my shoulders, a hand on the back of my head, his fingers knotted in my hair, his lips pressed against mine. I finally lost; I closed my eyes only caring about the feel of him in my arms felt as we pulled each other closer.

Deku was the first to pull away, gasping for air while I moved my focus to his neck. His moans as I licked and lightly bit him sang in my ears, his body trembling in my arms.

Then just as suddenly as it started he jerked out of my arms, taking several steps back and leaving me confused. Did I do something wrong? What? Can I fix it? Can we start again?

"Kacchan!" Deku gasped, clutching at his chest as if he were trying to keep himself away, as if the action alone was enough to drag himself away. After a few more moments of him trying to catch his breath my head started to clear as well. I could focus just a little better than before but it helped so much.

"Kacchan, you'll hate me later if I do-!" I grabbed him and pushed him against the opposite wall interrupting whatever bullshit was about to come out of his mouth.

"I WANT you," I hissed in his ear, his moans escaping him the moment I pushed against him. I let my voice soften before adding, "The real question is; will YOU let ME have you?"

I waited, I could see so many emotions pass behind his eyes but thankfully none of them were disgust. I leaned forward and nibbled on his earlobe, I couldn't stay away. It was getting harder to focus again and the closer to him I was the more I could think. The more ideas came rushing into my head, his gasps and little moans only served to push me forward. I released his earlobe only to lick along the outer edges of his ear, Deku grabbed me pulling me closer so I couldn't pull away.

Good to know he likes it.

"Dekiru~," I moaned out his name, my voice soft as I lightly moaned in his ear. His fingers dug into me holding me close even as his body trembled against me. I let my hands wander wherever they could reach, lightly stroking his body before I could bring myself to pull away. My heart was beating so hard in my chest it felt like someone was drumming on my chest. I could think clearly and the fact that I was not only willing but my body was begging to pull Deku to bed.

I had one hand trying to cover my chest, maybe if I could hide it he won't notice how out of breath I am? My other hand was covering my face but I couldn't help peeking through my fingers just to see Deku still reaching out for me only stopping himself from coming to me. The hurt and fear of what he probably thought was about to happen next was clear as day on his face.

"I need a shower, after." I averted my eyes before whispering. I added, "If you're still willing."

I had to stay where I was, my body shaking from either excitement or the excess active nitroglycerin in my blood. I could hear movement in the room and then the bathroom but I couldn't move yet. If I do, my legs just might give in.

"Kacchan, I'll help you," I jumped, hearing Deku's soft voice so close. How long was I just propped up here? There is no way I fell asleep, not with how my heart is still pounding. Deku pulled me up and supported me, basically carrying me to the tub. His blush was only getting deeper as he helped me undress and get clean. The fact that all I could do was watch him as I let him handle my body. I think he was picking up the soap when I couldn't hold back anymore and I leaned forward and kissed his neck.

He didn't pull away, letting me kiss, bite and pull him closer before he finally gave in and turned to kiss me. He didn't hesitate anymore, his clothes were stripped off in a blink and his tongue was back in my mouth again. Fuck I'm so hard it's painful, but considering I've had the damned thing since around the time he locked the door.

He pulled away before using the hose to rinse the soap off of both of us. He wrapped the towel behind my head, managing to use it to pull me closer and dry my hair at the same time. The feel of his gentle fingers running through my hair as he pulled my still wet body against his. The way our bodies slipped along each other would have left me breathless even without him trying to devour all the noises trying to escape from me.

I don't even know when he moved the towel from my head to my back but when I did notice I grabbed the towel he discarded with his clothes, almost knocking us both over in the process.

He ended up having to pull away so we could both quickly dry off but his giggles kept my excitement flooding through me until I threw the towel towards the laundry basket and almost pinned him. I would have to if he hadn't opened the door instead he picked me up and he actually threw me onto the bed before climbing up with me.

There wasn't even a hint of hesitation as I pulled him in for a kiss, his body over mine as we let our hands and really anything at all reach each other and explore.

"Mine," I heard him gasp before I saw him pull away and pull the drawers in my nightstand out and they landed on the floor before he found what he was looking for. Not that I cared in the least, the way his body seemed to beg for my touch I kissed and left hickeys on his chest and towards his neck until he came back roughly pulling my hair so he could get me far enough away to steal the air from my lungs again.

Unlike earlier where I couldn't think at all, my thoughts were racing now. Almost as fast as my hands as I scratched up his back just trying to pull him closer but he resisted, even when I wrapped my legs around him. I had tried to roll us over but I gave in almost as soon as the thought crossed my mind. The feel of him pinning me down was far more enjoyable than I could have imagined.

I mean what are we really doing? If we don't stop now I won't be able to later. Will Deku hate me for this? The way my quirk was obviously affecting the both of us, our boners more than enough evidence of that. Usually I can not only resist but completely be unaffected by it but since someone happened to activate all the nitroglycerin in my body even I can't pull away. I can only pull away when I'm able to dump the excess from myself and currently Deku was eagerly taking it all in. The real question is did he make the choice or did I force it on him?

My thoughts disappeared as he bit into my neck, strangling a long, deep moan from me while my nails dug into him. I have to be just as covered in hickeys as him from how he is currently kissing and licking along the bite mark.

"I want you. Now," he gasped, his lips were so close to my ear that they were kissing the outer edges of my ear sending violent shocks through my body.

"Yes," I quickly turned to face him and his tongue was finally back where it belonged, dancing with mine. I could feel him putting some kind of lube or another on my ass. Thank fuck I prefer vibrators over sleeves or this might hurt. I'm not blind and Deku isn't small by any stretch of the imagination.

When he was finally satisfied he pushed in with zero patience making my entire body arch both towards and away from him, trying desperately to make room for him. He stayed where he was trailing kisses all over, wherever he could reach until I could relax enough to lay back on the bed. He explored, testing what felt good and what didn't until I gave him the okay to move again. His thrust started off slow but it didn't take long for us both to go faster.

His lips, his tongue trailing seductively on anything he could reach; from my mouth down my neck and chest. I have no idea how many times we came, only that I am not willing to let him go. It wasn't until I was crying out in ecstasy as he filled me when suddenly everything went blank.


"Kacchan? We should really take a shower," I hear Deku mumbling at the very edges of my mind. No! I don't want to wake up, if I wake up and all of this was a dream I just might kill Dunce Face.

"Kacchan?" I heard Deku's sweet soft voice still talking to me. Wait, this actually has to be him doesn't it? So if nothing else he is close, if I'm careful maybe...

I forced my eyes to open but the light from the window had me closing them again wincing as I did. Please let there be a God, let Deku be here. I finally had to just turn away from the light before trying again only to feel something warm and smooth which made my eyes open really fucking fast.

Deku was laying next to me, the blankets under us, not over, showing me exactly what all he was wearing. Nothing. His hair was a mess, his soft lips were slightly swollen, his neck and chest marbled with hickeys, making my heart skip a beat as he gave me a lazy smile as he watched my reaction.

"Want more already?" He giggled, I followed his eyes to find myself hard again. I could feel myself getting hot from the embarrassment until he pushed me back onto my back and climbed on top of me, stealing my breath away again. "Good, so do I," before he was making me breathless, dizzy and screaming again.


This time when I woke up Deku was playing with my hair, I could only lean into his touch. The way he held me close, giving me small loving kisses. It wasn't long before he helped me to the shower and we finally got cleaned up again. It wasn't until after the shower that I saw myself in the mirror. The marks on my neck and shoulders were faded to the point that I couldn't even tell they were anything at all except healing bruises.

How fucking long were we locked up in my room? As if waiting for just that question my stomach growled, quickly followed by Deku's. We ended up laughing awkwardly but neither of us took a step towards the door instead standing there looking at each other. I for one don't know what to say. I mean would telling him that I loved him after something like that really be okay?

I could hear Deku mumbling to himself so low that I couldn't hear most of what was said until I heard him question, "hate me?" Even without the rest of the words it was easy to tell it was a question, he kept getting more and more depressed as he was more lost in his own thoughts.

Fuck this, I gently pulled him closer and when he jumped surprised by the contact I just smiled and kissed him before he could even say sorry for some unknown reason. He froze for only a moment before he returned it, relaxing as he did. When we pulled away I just rested my forehead against his as I caressed his face with one hand and the other let his arm go and was now softly holding him against me.

"If you'll have me, I'm yours. If you don't I won't hold it against you," I whispered, letting myself touch and hold the only person I have ever loved, worst case scenario, I'm going to enjoy this for as long as I can. Best case? I get to shower him in my affection just a little sooner.

"Yes," it was so quiet I almost didn't hear him at all but I sure as fuck didn't miss the kiss he gave me after the fact.

We managed to clean up and thankfully my nightstand isn't actually broken, he just pulled the drawers all the way out in his rush to find the lube. To be fair I wasn't planning on drugging us. Once the room was clean, a window opened and the bedding washed and put away again we left the room. It was the middle of the day and when I looked at my phone a saw that it was Tuesday, fuck was it really Saturday when all of this happened. We made our way to school and straight to Recovery Girl's office.

She looked up and let out a sigh, "Just know that you will not be allowed to spar with Kaminari in the future if this is a possibility."

I let out a groan while Deku explained my quirk in more detail and how this only happened because I was covered in sweat and hadn't been setting off my explosions. There were a bunch of other things too. Turns out the paper Deku shoved at my idiots was a doctor's note and how both Deku and I would be out because of my condition. Me obviously because I was high on my own quirk, Deku because he was the only one with enough of a resistance to either help me or stop me from hurting someone by mistake.

Not that that stopped our classmates from hounding our Sensei on why we were 'nowhere to be found.'

She healed us both, surprised at all of the 'bruises' we were covered in before sending us to class with a note.

We walked in to Present Mic teaching English and if it wasn't silent before it sure as fuck was now. Even Present Mic stopped talking. I waved the note from Recovery Girl before waking the sleep deprived caterpillar up to give it to him. I slumped into my seat, not bothering to wait for Aizawa Sensei to tell me to before getting out my shit for class.

Recovery Girl already denied any and all work studies and Hero training for the rest of the week, we are expected to catch up on our homework and recover. Knowing Deku and I we would probably have our classwork and homework caught up in a day if that long.

It wasn't long before Deku was sitting behind me and Aizawa Sensei snapped at Present Mic to get on with class.


During Hero training Deku had a notebook in his lap but honestly at this point he had our class performance memorized and I layed on the bench next to him until he patted his lap and he turned into my pillow as we watched from the benches in the back of the room. I turned my head so that I was at least watching the screen.


"Kacchan, wake up before we get into trouble." Deku gently shook me.

"So what, the note Recovery Girl gave us told them that we would probably fall asleep during school hours due to the effects," I groaned before looking up only to see Deku barely staying awake as it was. So that's what's really going on. He is trying to stay awake and needs someone to talk to.

I chuckled before adjusting so he could easily lay back and fall asleep and within moments of his half hearted protest he was out. I relaxed before I closed my eyes again, letting myself doze off again.


"What do I have to do to get you two to be like this all the time?" I woke up to Aizawa Sensei muttering to himself. Fuck it, why shouldn't I use this to my advantage?

I opened my eyes acting all calm, which at the moment isn't hard since I still haven't set off any explosions.

I let out a yawn before answering, "Technically, I'm supposed to do this on purpose at least weekly. It would only last a half day to a whole one but Deku is the only one who can be around." Okay so far that's all true. "Even my parents don't have the required resistance to my quirk that Deku has." I let myself stretch a little cuddling into Deku asI do, enjoying this small pleasure while I can get away with it.

"Then why don't you?" He questioned, his voice sounded quiet as if he was guarding himself from a vicious beast but I ignored it.

"Because we are constantly getting attacked by the damned League and I'm basically high on my own quirk and Deku could be just as bad depending on what all happened," okay that wasn't entirely true but it also wasn't a lie. "Deku had such a high resistance to nitroglycerin that if he ever actually needed it for a health reason he would need to start with 10 times the regular dose and honestly he would probably need a lot more than that. So he is only supposed to get it from me, growing up." I froze for a second unsure how exactly to explain this. "Growing up it's almost like our bodies require each other in order to function? Even before he got his quirk he had a stupid high resistance to my quirk."

I'm still struggling to explain but Aizawa Sensei wasn't interrupting so I might as well hit him with the shocker.

"To a point Deku needs a minimum amount in his body before he will start to shut down. You've seen it a few times, it looked like he was a walking dead even when he was smiling and talking about heroes," I let a grin slip out. "My nerd," I let out a yawn, damn I must still have too much in my system. "Neither of us should be here now. We should be resting, trying to fix this. Equal each other out but no one can say when a villain will show the fuck up and ruin everything."

I was moving around again but Deku's fingers found my hair and as he played with my hair I started dozing off again the only sound making its way to my ears were Deku's light snores.


I woke up in Recovery Girl's office, I don't remember getting hurt. So why am I here? I sat up trying to cradle my head and make the splitting headache go away.

"Good to see you awake, no one could get you up," I looked up to see Recovery Girl watching me curiously before tilting her head to the side. I turned and saw Deku sleeping on a different cot.

I could feel my irritation growing for some unknown reason, "Deku did something stupid didn't he?"

She looked at me now abused, "what makes you say that?"

"I don't remember setting off my quirk and somehow I can feel it anyway," I could feel my eye twitching as my irritation grew. "Fuck it, if he wants to do it half ass I'm not doing shit. It fucking hurts," I kept cursing and grumbling about his stupidity before laying back down and turning away from him, pulling the cover up as I did. He knows how fucking bad it hurts when it's one sided, I'm sure he has a reason. Probably even a good one, particularly if they really couldn't wake me up but he also knows how to negate the pain. So unless he couldn't get me away from Recovery Girl, again a good reason, I will stay mad.

I know I'm mad for no fucking reason it's the main reason for my pissy attitude and the majority of my anger, but it's not exactly like I could help it while my nitroglycerin is low. If it's low then that means my testosterone is high and I'm a fucking asshole and everyone else can go to fucking hell.

After tossing and turning for what felt like forever andI day up throwing the fucking covers off. "Fucking asshole can't do anything fucking right unless I make him!" I grumbled stomping over and hitting my lover in the gut to wake him up. The part I really fucking hate, I don't want to hurt him but he is borderline overdosing on me and nothing else will wake his ass up. Past experiences telling me I can't go easy on him.

He barely opened his eyes and I'm pretty sure I cracked a few of his ribs. Fucking dumbass!

"Kacchan? You woke up," he smiled sleepily and I rolled my eyes before sitting him up again.

"Are you trying to fucking kill us?" I gave him a nasty smile and at that he flinched.

"I didn't mean to! They kept asking questions and distracting me and you wouldn't wake up-" he kept on his tears as he was becoming more and more emotional. Not only is his nitroglycerin levels off the fucking charts his testosterone would be drastically low trying to handle it, failing but trying.

"You can fix his ribs when we aren't going to fucking die," I glared at Recovery Girl who looked shocked, staring at us blankly. "We probably won't be in class for a few days." I picked Deku up and carried him, kicking the door open, not giving two fucks about Aizawa Sensei or even All Might on the other side.

"Ask Her, I don't have fucking time!" I stomped away, not caring that Deku was waving over my shoulder at our teachers. He is so fucking high I doubt he even feels the pain in his ribs.

Well on the bright side; more soul shattering sex. How do we equal our levels? We share body fluids, if it wasn't for the sex we would have been locked up together for a week or two. In the past we have gone to saunas and awkwardly cuddled trying to get us back to normal. But why bother with all that shit?

I love him.