It's been a long day, the morning started with a house fire, nothing too extreme but it is a bad matchup for my quirk. I was able to get everyone, even the dog, out safely and the fire department arrived with plenty of time to put the fire out. Then while I was patrolling there was a kid who must have just gotten his quirk crying and his tears were melting the concrete. Turned out that he was a fan of heroes though and he quickly stopped crying when I told him that I would pick him up and give him an autograph if he did. Made the kid's day. Turns out he had been getting bullied for having a useless villain's quirk.
"That's dumb," I scoffed, getting the kid's immediate attention. "You're not hurting anyone and if they didn't hurt you in the first place your quirk wouldn't have activated. You would make a great police officer or maybe a lawyer? But if you want to work with heroes then I suggest police officers or fire departments. You shouldn't have to cry for whatever it is that you want to do so don't push yourself like that," I lectured him and he nodded fast and I smiled. "Who knows, maybe you'll be a politician that helps heroes in the future," I smiled ruffling his hair and now he is giggling, he seemed to like the idea of actually helping heroes so I hope it helps him.
Then there was the bastard that attacked my favorite place to eat lunch, while I was trying to eat my lunch. My food was thrown on the ground and I lost my temper before I let the cops take him away. I made him bow and apologize for wasting their amazing food no less than ten times. So I had to finish my day with only three bites of my lunch.
Then just as I'm going back to headquarters someone was doing the fucking villain laugh and I jumped to dodge but it was just a teenager who was dared to scare a hero. I had to give him a very stern lecture as to why that was bad and that I wasn't scared, I was ready to blow his fucking face off using my quirk. By the time I was done talking all the teens were very pale and I sent them on their way.
"Long day Kacchan?" I looked up to see Deku walking up from behind me but he was smiling like always.
"If you only fucking knew," I groaned and my stomach growled. I rub my stomach, just a little longer and I would be home and able to eat, the fact it would be leftover cold pizza be damned. I'm hungry.
"Here, I saw the news bulletin that your lunch was ruined," he handed me a bag with around six fast food burritos in it. I'm not even upset that they are already cool. "I didn't get to eat lunch either," he sighed and his stomach decided to complain now too.
"Your office or mine?" I asked, closing the bag and handing it back to him.
"Mine is soundproof, we'll be able to talk about our day," he smiled happily at me.
"And somehow mine isn't? How does that make sense?" I grumbled and he chuckled.
"Mine is only soundproof because I have to have meetings in it. It's also why it's bigger than yours," he fidgeted while I glared. All top ten heroes get an office but only the number one hero is forced to hold meetings with politicians and that is the one thing about being number one that I don't want. I'm currently sitting at number two but only because when I was number one last month I almost hit the fucker trying to tell me what I could and couldn't do. He has since been removed from office because his dumbass didn't know that threatening a hero was against the law and the fact that he tried to blackmail me was even worse. I took the unedited video from the office and handed it to the local news network. At the end of the video I was calmly looking at the dirty politician and said, "A hero doesn't kneel to a villain." It was huge and every network everywhere was playing it. I lost the number one slot only because of investigations but I'll get it back once everything clears.
"Relax, I already know. You'll have to give me my office back next month and you know it," I smirked at him and he smiled brightly back at me. He is an amazing hero, everyone has to admit that but he is pretty terrible at the administration side of the job. This wasn't the first time he was number one. We went inside and there was a crying woman and kid at the help desk catching both of our attention.
"Dynamight, Deku! I am so glad to see you," the hero behind the desk called out and we were of course forced to come help. Turns out the kid just got their quirk and the woman was actually his father. The kid turned his father into a woman and he(?) was having a meltdown. I looked at my suit just to be safe but except for a few singe marks on my sleeves there wasn't enough damage to be worried about so even if I do get turned into a woman I don't have to deal with those kinds of issues. I saw Deku looking down at himself too but his suit looked practically brand new at the moment.
"Kid, why don't you tell us what happened?" I asked squatting down to his level. The adult next to him started bitching and I glared at him and set off a small explosion in my hand to get him to shut the fuck up. "I said, kid, are you a kid now?" He snapped his mouth shut and I was able to turn my attention back to the crying four year old.
"Hey kiddo, do you know who we are?" Deku asked when the kid couldn't stop crying. The kid looked up again confused and after just a minute he was startled and looking back and forth between us.
"You're heroes, the very best ones," he answered and I think I like this kid.
"That's right number one and two, Dynamight and Deku," I smirked at him and he smiled shyly at us, wiping at his eyes. His parent behind him startled but kept his fucking mouth shut.
"Who's your favorite? We might know them," Deku suggested and now the kid was talking excitedly even with the hiccups from crying so much. His favorite was actually Icyhot. Go figure.
Deku actually pulled out his phone and asked the fucker to come down for a bit, he sent a text so that he wouldn't disappoint the kid if it turned out he couldn't while I asked him different questions like his favorite color or dinosaur, things that four year olds like to talk about. After only a couple minutes the kid had relaxed and wasn't crying anymore so it was time to try again.
"So kid, how did you turn your dad into a girl?" I asked curiously, lets face it. If he could make it stronger and control it he would make a fortune from the trans community.
"Am I in trouble?" The kid looked down obviously heartbroken but he wasn't crying anymore so that's a good sign.
"Nope, we are just interested. If it's only for a day or two maybe we could let you use your quirk on us? Just to see what it is like though, we would want to be men again," Deku quickly shook his head and I laughed.
"Only a weak man would get upset over something so tiny as being turned into a woman," I shook my head agreeing with Deku. "There isn't anything wrong with being a woman." The 'father' behind him was speechless and looked like a kicked dog but it served him right. Losing his shit on his own kid because of an accident.
"I only held my daddy's hand and suddenly he was different. I didn't mean to," the kid was tearing up again but he quietly wiped his tears away.
"Why don't you try holding his hand again, just like before," Deku suggested and the kid turned to the woman who flinched but after Deku and I glared at him he held out his hand for the kid. He grabbed his hand in both of his and suddenly the woman was a man and the man jumped up excitedly ignoring the way he knocked his kid over. I caught the kid and one of his hands touched my face and I felt like I had a stomach ache. I looked down and sure enough I was a woman.
"Well that was odd, made me feel nauseous for a second but then I was fine," I said out loud and the kid's eyes lit up when he saw that I wasn't mad at him. I looked at Deku who was staring, "Do I look like my old hag?" I raised an eyebrow at him but when Deku just stood there in shock I instructed the hero behind the desk to hand me a mirror.
I both did and didn't look like my hag, which is weird because of all the grief I've gotten over the years about looking just like her. My face and hair didn't change except maybe the little stubble that I usually had at this time of day was thinner or gone all together, I couldn't see it either way. But my body was definitely different, I had larger breasts than she did, go figure, and hips to match. I put a hand on my stomach and I still felt my rock hard abs so at least my fitness level didn't really change.
"Oi, your turn, Nerd," I hit him with my shoulder and the kid looked even more excited than before. We didn't get angry, he reached his hand out and Deku took it like in a handshake and I got to see Deku as a woman and thank God, nosebleeds were just an anime thing because damn. Deku had curves in all the right places and even with short hair, his already large eyes made him radiate innocence. I handed him the mirror and we both started giggling at the mess.
The kid was having so much fun that I hate to end it but still.
"Alright, guess it's time to get back to work. Thanks for the laugh kiddo, could you turn us back now?" I asked and he nodded his head and held out his hand again and I took it and sure enough I turned back into a man. The kid's quirk was documented and he could be sent home after a short lecture on why he shouldn't just use his quirk without permission and he agreed and I whispered a bit about him growing up to be so many people's hero.
"Oh! And it is illegal for your father or mother to try and sell the use of your quirk, any and all money gained from it would have to be put into a locked account until you are 18 years old, please go with pro hero Bubble Girl to have it set up for you," Deku stopped the kid from being taken away to fast. "She will also help you with understanding what you can and can't do while underage too," Deku winked at the kid who giggled and the hero behind the desk handed the kid a pair of gloves so he could hold Bubble Girl's hand on the way to the office, the kid's father followed behind, slouching.
"Well that was fun, it's kind of nice to end the day on a good note instead of a bad one," I chuckled and Deku agreed. I turned to see him as a woman again though and jumped. "Deku!" He looked back at me confused before looking down again surprised.
"How?" he mumbled and then he turned back into a man again. I quickly looked at myself again and sure enough I'm a woman.
"Well it was fun while it lasted," I sighed and in moments I was a man again. "Office now," I directed while dragging him to the number one hero office and picking up his phone to call Ponytail.
"And bring someone from the support department with you," I groaned before hanging up. I have a sneaky feeling that she and everyone else is going to just love this.
Understatement of the fucking century. Before we knew what was going on and hell before we even had the paperwork done Ponytail had enlisted the help of a bunch of women to properly dress us because it seems to be completely random on when we turn into a woman and back into ourselves. At first it was every few seconds, maybe a minute, before we left for the day it was about half an hour to an hour and no they were not synced together either. Sometimes we were both women, sometimes one of each, sometimes we were both men.
"Until we say otherwise you are stuck together and on leave for at least the next 48 hours until we get an idea on that kid's quirk!" Some big wig shouted but Deku and I just smiled and handed Icyhot all of our paperwork. Sucks to be number three when both one and two are out.
Hello vacation!
I don't know about Deku but I haven't had a day off in the last six months, I was going fucking crazy! Getting called in for every little petty ass fucking thing there was I mean what the fuck is everyone else even there for? I'm going to go home and sleep well, eat first and then sleep.
"Um, Kacchan? They said we have to stay together, my house or yours?" Deku interrupted my daydreaming. Oh, right.
"Let's go to mine first so I can pack some clothes and things, I don't think my apartment is big enough for both of us," I shrugged and he beamed a smile at me.
"Okay, but first I'm starving. Break room and heat up the food and then leave?" He suggested and I looked at the bag in his hands again and nodded.
"Food first," I smiled before frowning. I don't really like how my voice goes up a couple octaves when I turn into a woman. We quickly used the microwave, not bothering to wait for anyone's questions when we suddenly turned into the opposite sex a couple times just waiting on our food. We did however scare a few people in the process.
Once we were outside the office we each pulled out a burrito and took a bite of the too hot food and walked towards my apartment. The fact that Deku bought a house was insane to me but when I asked him about it he said that Aunty was supposed to move in too, that's been a while now though.
"Did Aunty ever move in with you? Last I knew my hag was trying to get her to move in with them," I asked between bites.
"Yeah she never moved in. She said that she didn't want to scare away her future daughter or son-in-law," he pouted before pulling out another burrito and handing me another at the same time.
"Better than me, my hag won't stop complaining that I didn't buy a place yet and how was I supposed to impress anyone with a tiny apartment? She won't stop either," I groaned at the memory. She kept comparing me to Deku the whole time and she just wouldn't stop. Every couple of days I am getting a phone call over it too.
"I'm pretty sure Mom just wants a grandbaby but I'm not ready for anything like that, I'm only 23," Deku complained and I hummed in agreement. That was exactly the reason the hag was giving me so much grief all the time.
We both let out a sigh and it wasn't long before we threw our trash away and got on a bus for the rest of the trip. Just before my stop though I had to hear the cringiest villain line ever.
"Hey there, pretty lady, why don't you dump the bagage and see what a real man is like?"
"I would look in a mirror," I grumbled, not caring whether I was a man or a woman at the moment. Deku actually rolled his eyes and we got off the bus.
"HEY! What the hell does that mean? You think I'm not a man or something?" The fucker actually grabbed my arm and then looked surprised, probably at the fact that I had hard muscles, but he didn't let go.
"I could give a shit less but no. I AM a man though," I yanked my arm out of his grasp and I heard my voice deepen in the middle of talking so I knew that I was a man again and the creep just stared, before looking at Deku. I turned to keep walking and saw Deku was a woman again.
"This quirk is quickly getting on my nerves," I groaned out loud and Deku giggled while agreeing but at the same time he looked like he was enjoying the whole thing.
"At least we'll be taking a cab after we get done at your apartment, Kacchan. We won't have to worry about anymore perverts hitting on you, at least not so badly," he corrected himself quickly. We both know just how wrong he was because of the fucking Grapist but somehow he didn't piss girls off anymore? I don't know. I don't get it.
I walked into my apartment building flashing my ID at the lobbyman as usual who did a double take when he saw me but didn't stop me. Deku just followed me up, looking around like he had never been in an apartment building before and now that I think about it. Has he? He pretty much went directly from Aunty's house to his own but those first few years he was on undercover missions almost all the time so he was never really home.
I wonder why that was?
I shook the thought from my head and chose to ignore his gawking as we walked through the lobby and when we were in the elevator I felt a little sick to my stomach but looking down I saw why that was. I was a woman again. At least now it was just a discomfort and not actual nausea, that would have been horrible.
I quickly packed a bag with personal items and just a couple pairs of clothes before we locked up and left again. Deku called for a cab and by the time we were at the entrance again I was a man again and so was Deku. The cab was waiting for us and I was finally able to sit down and just relax for a bit.
How did we end up like this? I remember us walking into the large house and Deku offering me a glass of wine. I also remember a challenge being issued, kind of anyway, but how did I end up in Deku's lap? To top it off I'm currently a woman and he is very much a man. Was he always such a breast man? All the women in our lives and he has never really taken an interest or at least that's what I thought.
"Want another?" I asked giggling, putting another chocolate between my breasts and he quickly licked it up and then licked off all the melted cream left behind. Fuck that feels good, can it feel better though? I licked at the next chocolate slowly, keeping eye contact with him while I did before setting it between my teeth.
"How about now?" I teased, lightly biting into the soft surface.
"Yes," he answered, yep we have both had far too much to drink and I don't regret it whatsoever. He licked in between my lips and into my mouth my tongue meeting his. He quickly ate the chocolate and came back to finish the job, his tongue searching out mine finding it instantly while my arms were around his neck the chocolates forgotten.
His hands rested on my waist and I couldn't help letting out a light moan when he lightly nipped at me. His strong hands glided up my sides and fondled my breast, then my pecs, oh I changed back again. I moaned as he gripped me, his fingers digging into my ass while his mouth trailed down my neck.
"Fuck! Yes, ha," damn did we really only need one bottle of wine? I should drink more often. His hands slipped under my shirt but paused there. "Don't stop," I whined while clutching at his shoulders, damn that had to hurt, there are angry red scratch marks now. He pulled my shirt over my head. I took off the thing the girls called a sports bra and Deku's hands couldn't stay off of me anymore.
"So amazing," he whispered, his hands exploring every inch of me that I would let him. He froze for half a second and looked up at me, hesitating.
"Don't stop now," I groaned at the loss of pleasure and I felt his hands tighten just a little but they didn't move on.
"Do you actually want me or is this just the alcohol?" He asked, his big eyes were killing me and the fact that his body now turned into a woman leaving us both as women at the moment was killing me.
"Me, I want you. Do you want me?" I waited but he was already nodding his head yes before I could finish. "Then fucking have me," I growled at him before pulling him back into a kiss, our tongues pulling at and demanding the other. It feels like my heart is pounding out of my chest but he didn't seem to notice.
"Bed," I growled and he stood up and carried me. He was gentle, setting me down, contrary to how rough I have been with him, but that didn't stop me from almost tearing his shirt off and he quickly discarded the bra too, only he was currently a woman so it was much more difficult than when I did it. I unbuttoned his pants not caring at the moment that I hadn't lost mine yet but Deku was quick to fix that. Another kiss, is there enough air in the room? Every breath seems to be a gasp from both of us and now that he is a woman I feel the need to try something.
I flip him onto the bed and crawl over his legs, smirking at him and my brilliant idea. "Relax and just enjoy this," I instructed him, he pouted but didn't move around anymore. I leaned down and licked between his lips his whole body jolting at the foreign feeling making me smirk at the control I was exerting over him with just my words. I licked again, his sweet juices filled my mouth and I could almost understand the appeal of being in a heterosexual relationship. Almost.
I let my tongue dive in and when I found out that he would react more to the little bit of flesh at the top of his lips and I teased at it mercilessly. Everytime it looked like it was too much I went down again and lapped up all the excess juices that were waiting for me there. It wasn't until he turned into a man that I switched from eating him out to blowing him, his cock filling my mouth made it difficult to breathe and brought tears to my eyes but that sure as fuck didn't stop me.
"Kacchan!" He tried to warn me but I didn't care and I refused to go easy on him. His body shuddered under me and he came, exploding into my mouth and it was bitter as fuck but I swallowed anyway. I could feel where a few drops escaped and trailed down my chin when I let him go and the way Deku was looking at me was almost predatory. I sat back and I kept eye contact as I licked my lips slowly, using a thumb to wipe up his spilled mess from my chin and suck it clean.
"My turn," he pushed me onto my back, my breasts shook above me felt foreign but his lips crashed down on mine and his hands gently kneaded the tender globes of flesh making me gasp at the sensation. His kisses trailed down my neck, in places he bit me, sinking his teeth into my soft skin and making me moan out before he released me, licking and kissing the area before moving on.
I turned back into a man but that didn't stop him from feeling up my pecs and it still felt so good. By the time his mouth reached a nipple I was gasping and moaning out loud. He had one hand teasing at the other nipple and the other had trailed down my abs and was now lightly pumping my hard on. He switched nipples and I turned into a woman again, he switched his hands and now he had a couple fingers gently rubbing at that piece of flesh on me and my whole body jerked under him.
He didn't let me go and I didn't want him to. His teeth and tongue teased my nipple while his hands drove me crazy in a totally different way. He slipped his fingers between the lips and I flinched at the feeling, I don't know how to describe it. It was like I could feel what I couldn't have imagined before. And it's wet.
Really wet.
He slid his fingers back up to the extra sensitive place again but his slick fingers only magnified the pleasure. I am holding Deku close, refusing to let him go and I could hear him chuckle at my reaction but he just sucked on my breast harder and my back arched towards him not able to stay away at all. Then he let me go, kissing down my abs, playfully nipping here and there as he went while I cursed the fact that he left me so sensitive, hell the cool air on my nipples was actually stimulating me and that is saying something.
"Thanks for the meal," I heard him whisper and I looked down to see him give one long lick from where the moisture was coming out of me to the sensitive piece of flesh, I think it's called a clit, but he didn't take his eyes off of mine and fuck that is hot. I watched as he lapped me up driving my senses into overdrive and then he attacked my clit with his tongue, my whole body jerked but he didn't stop. The noises leaving my mouth were just sinful and I could feel myself cum, his tongue scooping it up, collecting it all before attacking the one spot again and again.
He pulled away for just a breath of air and I turned back into a man, my cock already throbbing from the overstimulation but he didn't even hesitate and just sucked me into his mouth, his head bobbing to a rhythm all his own until I was screaming out in bliss, not able to warn him at all I came in his mouth and he swallowed around me, making me spasm under him.
He let me go and I felt myself turn into a woman again, I could feel the wetness between my legs, irritating me to no end, driving me crazy.
"Kacchan, I want to go in here," he pushed a finger between the folds again, making me flinch. "As a man," I opened my eyes to see him softly pumping himself and how hard he was. Will this be okay? What if I turn into a man again in the middle, what if I like it? What if...
"Okay," I answered him, I could feel the nervousness of my body but Deku smiled gently at me and I could hear him whisper about how beautiful I was. I like it. I like to hear him talk about me like this.
He slowly but carefully rubbed his head between my lower lips, moving the wetness all around and spreading it. I saw him reach down and it took a moment for me to understand that he was using my own wetness as lube. Spreading it over his cock while holding himself at my entrance. I whined, I couldn't help it, it was like I was being told I had to wait to eat ice cream with it right in front of me while it was melting.
"Deku," I whined and he hushed me before leaning down to kiss me.
"I'll make you feel good, I swear," he whispered and his tongue entered my mouth distracting me. Moments turned timeless while he kissed me. The way all of his focus was on me and me alone made it difficult not to get lost in him and then I felt him push in, slow as it was it still made me moan out. Smooth, he went in so smoothly, filling me so completely it took a while for me to notice that he had pushed all the way in and then just stopped.
When did I start scratching him? Even now I couldn't let go. I was holding his back, my fingers clawing him but he didn't complain.
"Fuck," he moaned out taking me by surprise. He is barely holding himself together and he has only just pushed inside of me.
"Yes," I responded, my hips now trying to move under him.
"I can't stop," he warned before he attacked my lips and I opened for him, I felt him pull out and then quickly push back in all while not giving me more a moment to breathe while our bodies moved. I could feel something in my core tightening and I could feel how with each thrust I was becoming more and more unraveled until we were both screaming out, he came inside of me hard and fast while my body shook. We rode out our orgasms and then he pulled out but he stayed where he was panting above me while gasping for air. I turned back into a man.
I started chuckling and I could see his confusion but he didn't pull away so I draped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss, not caring that we were both still out of breath.
When we pulled apart I grinned wickedly at him before pushing him over, his cock still hard. I WANT to turn into a woman again and I did. I didn't question it, I climbed on top of him and slid myself down his length, his hands going straight to my waist to help me balance and it wasn't long before we were both cumming again. I mean fuck, how long can we actually do this?
Off of him again I turned into a man again and he turned into a woman making me grin. "My turn?" I asked, trailing a finger down his extremely sensitive body and I found him soaking wet between his legs. He nodded, maybe a little nervous but I did what he did, coating my cock in his wet juices before pushing in and I felt his body squeezing itself around me, pulling me in.
"Fuck," I cursed, not able to keep silent. I thrusted, his strong legs around my hips while trying to help me to thrust deeper so I pushed in rougher and he moaned out and I kissed him, thrusting my tongue in. I couldn't stop myself, his body pulling me in, squeezing me inside, hot, wet, begging. I came. I grunted at the feeling of losing all control while Deku screamed out from under me, his body shaking so much that even the lightest touch had him spasming under me but I couldn't bring myself to pull out yet.
Several minutes of us gasping for air passed, and I forced myself to pull out, he changed back into a man just as I did. The craziness of it all was that I am still hard and so was he. I couldn't hold myself up anymore and he just hugged me to him turning us over so we were on our sides.
"Kacchan," he blurted out but stopped as if he wasn't sure what he should say next but I just looked up smiling at him. I kissed him gently and hummed to let him know he had my attention. "I'm still hard, can I-" he broke off not sure how to ask but I waited anyway and eventually he squeezed my ass. "Can I cum in here?" He asked, his face turning red at the words and I kissed him again, slowly rolling us over so I was on my back and he was above me.
"We'll need lube," I whispered and his eyes widened before reaching past me and into the bedside table and pulling out a bottle. "Yes," I whispered and kissed him again, not holding back. My body already relaxed, the feel of him pushing in felt so good and just right. I let myself just take it all and by the time I cried out my release, making a mess between us he was filling me.
I'm so tired, I'm barely awake at all and when he pulled out I could only kiss him, cuddling into his arms before closing my eyes and letting sleep take me.
What a crazy dream. I turn over in my bed stretching, hissing at the unexpected tenderness but pulling the covers up. I don't want to let go of the dream where Deku was making slow sweet love to me and the fact that I was hit with a quirk yesterday be damned. It didn't matter if I was a woman or man, the way he loved my body didn't really change how he looked at me. Not that I can say much, I was just as turned on by him whether he was a man or woman and I don't want to get up yet.
I felt a strong arm wrap around me and pull me against an even harder, stronger body making my eyes pop open.
"Hmm, good morning," Deku mumbled snuggling into me, leaving light kisses on my skin and for the first time today I looked around to see my shirt on one of the bedposts and I could feel how wet and sticky I was.
That wasn't a dream!
I took a few deep calming breaths before turning over to face the sleepy and confused Deku who only smiled and gave me sweet kisses when I turned to him.
"I love you," I whispered and I got to see him smile warmly while tightening his hold on me. His thick, strong body was only turning me on and it's only now that I remembered that he came in my ass and we didn't get back up to clean up.
I could smell how sweaty and gross we were, the smell of sex was still thick in the air but I just wanted to pull him into the shower with me. So why not?
"We need a shower and you need to clean me out," I smirked at how he jumped at my words and I can't help chuckling before kissing him again, wrapping my arms around him. "I might need you to carry me," I added when I moved my legs and felt just how sore I really was.
"Is that okay?" He asked, looking both excited and confused. He really is like a giant teddy bear sometimes. I grin at the thought.
"Oh Teddybear, I'm not letting you go now," I cooed and I could feel how his breathing hitched at the cute nickname. "Didn't you hear me? I meant it when I said I love you," I cuddled into him and it's only when I get pushed back by my breasts that I realize that I'm a woman again. I frowned but adjusted myself so that I could cuddle into his arms again.
"I'll make you happy, I swear," he smiled, kissing me, our kiss was drawn out, deepening with every moment and it wasn't until I gasped for air that he picked me up flinching at the movement, probably tender himself, that he pulled away even a little and only so he could set the water for us. The hot water only got more steamy once we were under it and he pushed inside of me both of us men again while he both stimulated the fuck out of me and cleaned me out.
Our shower done, we didn't get back into bed and instead went and laid on his couch, the empty bottles of wine still out and I whistled, we had a lot more than one. It's no wonder we were all over each other last night. Deku quickly cleaned up while I picked up the bottles nearest to me and when we were done he ordered lunch because technically it was well into the afternoon now.
"I love you," I whispered again, snuggling into his breasts while he laid on the couch watching old hero movies.
"I love you too," he answered and we were kissing each other softly until the doorbell rang and the food arrived.
"So you're telling me that you can change according to your will?" Aunty questioned us while my hag and old man stood behind her. They were very upset that we didn't answer our phones after telling them that we were on leave and stuck together while they figured out the kid's quirk.
"I mean a little?" I answered a little confused by the thought. "Sometimes it's a surprise still but it's not like it's permanent," I quickly defended and my phone rang. It's been a week since we were hit with the quirk and I saw it was the quirk department's number.
"Look, this should be them now," I smiled, answering the call on speakerphone.
"It's permanent," the voice on the other end said without any hesitation and I took the phone off speakerphone and started demanding answers. The kid's dad didn't start changing back and forth at all and neither did any of the volunteers either the ones that kept the change or the ones that returned to their normal selves. Only Deku and I seemed to be able to go back and forth.
They hung up on me when I started cursing and I could hear Deku on the phone with someone else so I waited until he hung up. They will keep us under admin leave for another week but if there are no other developments then we would be released to work again, with altered hero suits to accommodate our female selves.
"So I have a daughter now?" I glared at the hag, not caring that I was currently a woman, I guess this is just the way I am now.
"Does this mean we might get grandbabies?" Aunty asked and both Deku and I gaped at her in surprise until she pointed at her neck and I looked in a mirror. Oh. Deku looked at me and covered his mouth while turning away, yeah his ass marked me good.
"We literally only just got together, you are just going to have to wait and find out," I sighed, giving in. Who the hell cares, only a weak man would care about being a woman.
The end.