"How in the hell did you hurt yourself this time? Aunty is worried sick and like always it's your fucking fault," I grumbled while I asked, not bothering to look to see who all was in the hospital room because other than Aunty, they will get the fuck over it. I was not however ready to find Deku looking at me with glazed over eyes and a big goofy grin.
"Kacchan!" He yelled while I walked to the side of his bed only to look at him like he was crazy when he suddenly tried to do a nose dive off the side of the bed when he was trying to... Hug me? He missed, by a lot and giggled with what sounded like a mix of insanity and innocence, they should never go hand and hand together in anything. I caught him right before his face could smack into the floor.
"What in the hell?" I grumbled, cursing while I pulled him back onto his bed his sweet giggles still playing in the air and once I had him sitting back up again he didn't let me walk away and instead latched on tight, hugging me so that I couldn't get away without hurting him.
"What in the fuck is the matter with you?" I demanded, not willing to be left in the dark when I'm being manhandled and boxed into a corner. I heard someone clear their throat from behind me and I couldn't pry myself loose so I had to crane my neck as far as it would go to see Aizawa Sensei standing behind me and then only from the corner of my eye.
"Can you get the fucking Nerd off of me or are you enjoying the show?" I barked at him but I only heard him sigh, not getting up.
"You should have knocked before coming in, it's your own fault for walking in without all of the information," he answered, sounding exhausted but I swear that he is enjoying this.
"Then tell me now before there needs to be new medical equipment brought in," I warned him and he sighed before answering me, slowly. I swear if he sighs one more time...
"Bakugo, Midoriya broke most of the bones in his body, no surprise there, but he also had most of his ligaments snapped, cut or torn apart by unknown means and he was so badly beaten that it wasn't until several hours into the healing process that anyone was able to identify that it was the hero Deku at all. We have been actively searching for him even though he was here until about two hours ago when they called U.A. to get his emergency contact information. He has been heavily sedated to counter the pain. The staff were able to heal his body but he will be in such immense pain for the next week or two that he won't be able to function without them," he took a deep breath but it's not because he was out of breath more so like he was trying to give me an extra few seconds to process what he said. "Now why are you here instead of his mother?"
"Aunty sent me because she is still stuck on bedrest from a heart attack," I answered in shock. "How in the hell did he end up in that kind of condition?" I'm not fighting his hug anymore and Deku let out a sigh of relief while he cuddled me in his arms.
"We don't know and he can't focus for long enough to tell us right now. Chances are he won't be able to until the pain is gone and he is off the medication," he answered, now standing next to me where I could actually see him. "You just saved me a lot of trouble though. All of his close friends have been in here already, most of your class, and he refused to let any of them get close. Maybe now the doctors could examine him and give us a more concrete time frame."
"What the hell do you mean he wouldn't let any of them get close? We are talking about Deku here," I snapped at him. Deku acts like he can't function if he stays too far away from people for too long. Then there are the hugs he is always giving out. Last time I saw him hug Round Face I had to leave the room. She was getting red faced and ready to die and go to fangirl heaven. The fucking stalker, at least Deku's stalking is only for your quirk, he isn't trying to get anything from people or make them pay attention to him. Unlike the fucking creep she is, always trying to sit in his lap and I even saw her take trash out of the waste bin just because he was the one to throw it away.
"His closest friends came in one at a time and his quirk went off keeping everyone far away, I could have stopped his quirk of course but then I would have had to stay with him 24 hours a day and that defeats the purpose of assigning him to one of you. Still I didn't expect him to trap you. My quirk doesn't stop his physical strength, you know." I groaned at his words. No, his quirk doesn't stop Deku's muscles from functioning and thanks to All Might, Deku has more than enough muscle to pin almost anyone down and no I'm not talking about OFA, I mean all of their training.
"Just do what you have to do and tell me what I have to do. Aunty already asked me to take care of him and I can't say no to her," I sighed, Deku was still snuggling into me and even with his eyes out of focus he looks like he is in pure heaven. Even if he wasn't high on his painkillers, so long as we were alone I would have let him, he is radiating his joy and who can say no to that?
"Wish I would have known that during your first year," Aizawa Sensei grumbled.
"Like hell I would have told anyone that!" I snapped at him but after so long I grumbled and motioned for him to go on.
"Midoriya can't resist temptations right now, a slight curiosity or desire and he will just do it. It won't make him hurt himself, but it could make him hunch in on himself and hide from the world. It's your job to make sure he takes his medicine every night at the same time, it's only once a day but if you are late then we would have to hospitalize him just to get him to take it again. Not like he would fight us or anything, he will just be in so much pain already that the slightest touch would feel something like having his arm crushed and that's only if we are not underestimating it. Bakugo you must make sure that he eats on time, sleeps at least a few hours every night and at least every 4 hours make sure that he is breathing while sleeping." My jaw dropped at that last one.
"Why in the fuck are they releasing him from the hospital if he is that bad? I have to make sure that he is still breathing?" I yelled and Deku jumped and started to cry, pulling away from me. I quickly caught him before he got too far away and gently rubbed his back before he wrapped his arms around me again, this time with mine around his shoulders.
"Do you think I haven't been trying to find out those very answers?" He glared at me but took a couple deep breaths before answering me. "Look, the villain attack yesterday left so many in life or death condition that they need every bed they can get and if a patient has someone that can look after them at home they are discharging them. Midoriya is still under the care of U.A. So even without a designated person they already had his paperwork filled out once they figured out who he was and before his surgery was even done. The sheer amount of-!" He barely stopped himself from cursing the souls of the staff here and that gave me a little more respect for him.
I take a deep breath, "So he can't control his impulses and for some reason his impulse is to hug me right now. Do I need to worry about him doing things that are against his will in general?"
"No, the quirk and painkillers only numb him to the pain and make it hard for him to focus. It's not like he'll do anything that he wouldn't want to do," he shook head and I sighed in relief. At least I don't have to worry about that. The thought of him going around trying to kiss our classmates or something because he wanted to kiss someone was unappealing to say the least.
The door opened and a nurse walked in and smiled when he saw us. "Oh good you're here! I have Mr. Midoriya's paperwork right here," he held up a few pages plus a small folder with even more. "Who-?" He started looking back and forth between us.
"I am their teacher, this is the student that has been assigned to take care of Midoriya," Aizawa answered, already tired and not willing to wait, not that I'm any better at the moment.
"Oh fantastic! Then this is for you," he handed the couple pages in his hand to Aizawa Sensei who looked like he would rather swim in quicksand before he turned to me. "And these are for you, this will help with any questions you may have about either his medicine or the quirk that he is under as well as follow up care instructions, side effects and things to watch out for." The folder with a few more pages was handed to me. I grunted, acknowledging what he said before I yelped. Deku had picked me up and pulled me onto the cot with him, falling asleep with his head on my chest.
"How long is this going to last?" I asked, eyeing the nurse who was smiling at my discomfort.
"From the bloodwork that just came back, about three weeks from now," he smiled and I groaned.
"This is going to be a long three weeks," it wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't completely out of it and that is still a possibility, it's just that right now and ever since I walked into the room he has acted like a small child instead of the strong and powerful holder of OFA.
We were still waiting on his IV to finish so I started reading the papers, letting Deku nuzzle into me in his sleep while Aizawa Sensei quickly read his paperwork and worked on his phone. Thankfully the paperwork didn't really tell me anything that our teacher didn't. It did however have some things that I hadn't expected like sexual activity was approved so long as the individual was willing and of age and how if he got too excited then it will make it harder for him to control his quirk but only things like fine motor controls and not things like intensity or power level. At least I don't have to worry about Deku hugging me to death. I shudder at the thought of being broken in half just because he squeezed a little too hard.
I never thought that that would be a real concern but now I have to wonder if that will be a thing anytime he is on medication. There was also a note that it did not affect a person's memory so once they come off the medication, it would be business as usual. Another relief.
I rubbed at my face, already tired and seeing that Deku was fast asleep and Aizawa Sensei was pacing the halls I relaxed and closed my eyes, nothing is going to happen for a while anyway.
"Kacchan?" I open my eyes to see Deku sleepily rubbing at his eyes and looking around. I followed his gaze to find Aizawa Sensei asleep in a nearby chair. How much longer is this IV going to take? I look at the bag in question and thankfully it is almost empty.
"What is it, Deku?" I groaned and I must have been too loud because Aizawa Sensei started sitting up and grumbling about never getting to sleep.
"I'm hungry, it feels like I haven't eaten in a week," he pouted. Didn't I bring a bag with me? I looked down on the floor and found the bag and when I opened it I found one small bento box from Aunty and a baggie of cookies.
"It's probably cold but this should help," I handed him what I had and thankfully there was a set of chopsticks in the bag too. I laid back again, determined to get a little more sleep but Deku was being cute again so I ended up watching him eat instead. When he finished he closed the container and I put it back in the bag and this time he cuddled on my chest again and it wasn't long before I could hear his peaceful snoring.
"You've grown kinder to him," Aizawa Sensei remarked and I scoffed.
"Shows how much you know," I grumbled and turned away from him. Thanks to the villain attack yesterday there wasn't a hero or hero in training anywhere that wasn't called out. It was crazy and most of us were working for more than 20 hours just because emergency after emergency was called. I'll nap while I can. I let out a large yawn and rested my head back again to sleep.
We were back at the dorms and his friends were being all mopey that Deku didn't choose one of them and Aizawa Sensei again had to remind them that he didn't actually choose anyone, it was his subconscious that felt the most comfortable with me, not that he liked me best. Does he really not see how contradictory that statement is? I mean really?
Anyway we were able to eat a real hot meal and Deku asked for seconds and considering it was my ultra hot dynamight spicy curry, no one else wanted any so there was plenty. I did however make him drink a glass of milk with it and another after he was finished because I know that just because he wanted it doesn't mean he should really have it. I don't want him to tear his stomach up just because he didn't think something through. He took his medicine and within minutes he was acting high again. Damn.
"Your hair is so soft, Kacchan," He whispered while he played with it, giggling uncontrollably. I was just sitting on the couch and he decided that he could plop himself across my lap and cuddle me.
"Three weeks, just three weeks," I started grumbling, almost chanting while our classmates watched and I controlled my explosions. There was still smoke escaping but I wasn't actually burning anything so that had to count for something.
He continued to play with my hair, completely ignoring the hero news on the TV, much to everyone's surprise. Then he did something that shocked the hell out of me. HE LICKED ME! On my neck and he got super excited. I set off a large exploration in surprise.
"Kacchan! You taste just as sweet as you smell! But you don't taste the way you smell? It's so odd, you smell like caramel but you taste like some kind of sugar," he was rambling but I wasn't relaxing again. I mean he just fucking licked me? Out of fucking left field, no warning, no nothing. How am I supposed to react to that?
"Uh, Midobro? I think you might have broken Bakubro," Kiri hesitated but his words still grabbed everyone's attention.
"Dude, Midoriya literally licked him, how is he supposed to respond?" Kami rolled his eyes and everyone turned to look at him instead. I have never been so thankful that he calls me a friend before in my entire life.
"That- that is true, it was not appropriate," Glasses coughed, clearing his throat and Hagakure reminded him that Deku wasn't actually thinking about those kinds of things right now. And I am not willing to listen to them talk about me like I'm not here.
"Bed," I tell him, shaking his fingers loose of my hair, or at least I tried. He tightened his hold and I grunted when he pulled my hair a little. Thank God I sound angry because otherwise it would have sounded like a moan. That said, Deku's eyes had lit up at the sound and I am feeling even more uncomfortable about him sleeping in my room.
He still didn't get up though.
"Deku, just because you have to sleep in my room doesn't mean that I am willing to stay up all night because of you. Time for bed," I ground out and he pouted but still didn't get up. "Am I going to have to carry your princess wannabe ass?"
"YES!" He got all excited and hugged me tight. What the fucking hell? His muttering about how strong I must have gotten over the last few years was maddening.
"Bakubabe, you kind of offered so you can't get too mad," Ashido reminded me, she was smiling knowingly at me and I just glared back at her. Her, Kiri, Kami and Sero are all WELL aware of how I feel about Deku, so this is torture.
Deku however was smiling so big at me with fucking stars in his eyes while he waited for me to pick him up, his arms already around my neck for him to hold on.
"Get the fucking elevator for me," I gave in, groaning. Sero just happened to be the closest and hit the button while I stood up and Deku squealed happily in my arms. The princess carry really wasn't anything all that exciting but he looked like he was actually enjoying it, like it was the best thing in the world. I walked into the elevator and Kiri got on with us and hit the button for us.
"I'll help you unlock your door," he smiled sympathetically at me, but I can't even react thanks to Deku studying me again.
"Kacchan, do you know that you have the most beautiful eyes ever? Out of everyone I've ever met, yours are the best," he yawned and then hid his face in my neck while I felt heat rushing to my face. Kiri pretended not to hear anything but mouthed good luck to me after unlocking my door for me and he turned right back around and back into the elevator again.
I took a deep breath and closed the door behind me, locking it and I found Deku fast asleep in my arms. At least I don't need to worry about him being up all night.
I quickly folded back the covers and laid him in my bed before turning to change my clothes. As much as I want to wake him up to change I am not ready for him to keep me awake all night with all kinds of odd questions.
Once I'm done I turned around to see Deku half asleep and stripping out of his clothes, leaving only his boxers before pulling the cover up again and turning away from the light.
Well I guess that takes care of that.
"Kacchan? I woke up and now I'm bored," Deku whined while waking me up. I looked at the clock and it's only been maybe six hours since he passed out in my arms. So I don't even get a break at night?
"What do you want to do?" I grumbled when I remembered Aizawa Sensei's warning about how I needed to make sure he was still breathing at night and sleeps at least a few hours. I looked at the clock and found that it was 2 in the morning. So technically we slept for more than 4 hours so I failed at that.
"You," he answered immediately and I hummed, "I don't really get what he wants to do with me but whatever. It should be fine.
"Go ahead," I yawned and he giggled happily. I felt him crawl over me and get off the bed and I relaxed a bit more, I guess he meant that he wanted to pretend to be me or study me or something like that. I heard some drawers open but I stretched out not really caring what he saw. Now that I think about it he will probably draw me. That isn't so bad.
I let my back arch a little and I wiggled a bit to find a good position and once I was comfortable again I let myself sink into the sleep that I so desperately wanted.
"Kacchan, I'm ready now," Deku woke me back up again and I grumbled. "Can I go ahead and start?" I tried to open my eyes but I am still tired so I just nodded my head. "Yay," my eyes popped open at the one word though because I could feel his breath on my face and just as I opened my eyes he kissed me.
Slow and hesitating his kiss lingered, he nipped at my lip and I opened for him, his tongue slid into my mouth claiming anything it came across as his and I let him. I let him lead not knowing which direction he wanted to go but he didn't push or force me and I reacted to his gentle, sweet touches.
"Kacchan, you are amazing," he breathed out the words as he pulled away but didn't give me any time to respond before diving in for another kiss. Wide awake now, my arms are around his shoulders, I enjoyed every fucking second that I could. Our tongues swirling together, latching on, pulling, dancing together, I could do this forever.
"I'm glad you like it Kacchan," he whispered before carefully pushing his waist against mine and I found out just how much we were both enjoying it. The thin material of our shorts did nothing to hide how hard and sensitive we both were. "I want to try some other things first, we'll get to that though," he promised before giving me another soul defining kiss. This time when he pulled away he made his way down my neck, a very different and yet still erotic sensation all on its own. I could feel his tongue dancing on my skin as he made his way down and I didn't even care to try and hide the noises he was drawing out of me.
He stopped at my chest, paying special attention as his fingers pressed into my muscles eliciting every drawn out moan. His teeth and lips teasing the flesh and made my body all the more sensitive to his touch.
"So strong and sweet! I don't think I want to stop. Can I keep going? Please?" Deku whispered on his way back up to my ear. Of course I agreed, how could I have ever said no? The way his eyes searched me, studied me, hunted me left little for me to wonder except, since when? Since when has he desired me so much that he would want to do any of these things with me? Why didn't I see the signs? What even were the signs?
"I'll make you feel good, then maybe you'll want me again," he whispered in my ear before going back down and this time he went directly to my abs, not waiting to see how I would react, his teeth nipping at me while he gave me sweet kisses. His fingers slowly pulled my shorts down before he discarded them to the side, leaving me bare and vulnerable.
"You can still change your mind, Kacchan. I would never force you," he sat back on his knees, waiting patiently for me. It was clear how much he wanted to keep going but all the same he sat still, his hands restrained to his lap.
"I know, it's okay," I swallowed my pride and answered. I thought this was all a lost cause, my desire for him should never have had a chance and here he is taking the reins and practically begging for it. "Yes."
He kissed me again, this time I held onto him. I poured out my desires in the form of a kiss and I wasn't willing to let him go. "Deku, I love you," I whispered and kissed him again and again. So long as he lets me I will and right now he is doing exactly that.
He pulled away and we were both gasping for air, this time though he kissed down my body again, gently, and once he was at my waist again I heard an almost silent "Thanks for the food," and he took me in his mouth. Hot and then cool his tongue swirled around me and with each bob of his head the cool air hit again and again only to be met with his wet heat until I was stuttering out a warning and he swallowed around me, sending me over the edge, I came.
He didn't even hesitate in licking me clean and swallowing my mess and he actually made it look like it was delicious, the way he slurped and licked around me until it was almost painful to bear.
"So good, I'm not done yet," he whispered and I felt something warm against my ass. His fingers gently pushing and prodding, slick with some kind of lube he pushed in two fingers at once, all I could do was moan out. The way he moved his fingers was just sinfully delicious.
"Izu~?" I want to beg, he has my body so riled up and even after cumming like that I feel all pent up still, just how did he do that? He sat back and this time I watched him put lube on himself, pulling his hand away from me before lifting me near again.
"Are you ready?" He asked, his eyes softened when he looked up at me again and I just nodded, keeping eye contact as I did and he pushed in, my back arched high off of the bed. When I was able to push myself back down again, I reached for him and he let me pull him in for a kiss. His gentle thrusting all but split me apart while he did but I couldn't complain. It was exactly what I wanted.
My arms around his shoulders, our lips pressed against each other and our tongues hungrily trying to devour the other. Our movements made it difficult to breathe and kiss at the same time but with how he keeps getting faster and more desperate I can only guess how much longer he can take it and I love how excited he was getting.
"Kacchan, I'm going to cum," Deku whined and I pulled him into another kiss.
"Then cum," I answered and it was like a second wind, the way he thrusted into me. That or like he was possessed because his thrust came quick, deep and powerful. "Hah! YES!" He cried out and I couldn't hold back anymore. I could feel him pulsing inside of me and then I came again.
Several minutes passed before Deku pulled out and I saw him take off a condom that he probably got from my bedside table and threw it away before opening another one and putting it on too? Can he go again? Already?
"Kacchan, I should ask first. Can we try a different position? Please?" He begged like his cock wasn't already pressed against my ass. Like I'm going to tell him no though?
"Anything you want," I answered, smiling at him. "Give it to me," I added and he pushed back inside, making me gasp out.
I reach up to silence the alarm not caring that he only just fell back asleep a few minutes ago. He had spent what was left of the night making me feel more wanted than anything else on earth. I leaned forward and kissed his forehead. We can wait ten minutes before the alarm goes off again, for now I'll just watch him sleep peacefully.
His sweet innocent face didn't show any signs of any of the things he did to me this morning. I reached out and played with a stray strand of his hair, twirling it between my fingers before tucking it behind his ear. The alarm started going off again but we both needed showers so it's not like I can just hit snooze again.
"Deku," I whispered in his ear, turning off the alarm so that I could wake him up more gently. I kissed his forehead again and again slowly making my way down the side of his face as he smiled at the gentle affection. "We can do it again after school," I whispered in his ear before licking the edges of his ear. I heard him giggle at my affection and he wrapped his arms around me.
"Do we have to go today?" He pouted, holding me close and I played with his hair, running my fingers through his soft dark green curls.
"Afraid so but if you help me in the shower I'll give you a little something before we go?" I offered, smiling at what I had in mine.
"Can I ask for something?" He peeked up at me and I couldn't stop myself from chuckling at his cuteness.
"Sure, if I can I'll give it to you," I waited and he grinned up at me like he just won the whole world.
"Anything?" He asked as if he had to be sure and I just nodded while chuckling, I mean what could he possibly want that I wouldn't want to give him?
He took my hand and placed a kiss inside of my palm before he sat up and picked me up, carrying me to the shower. I'm still confused but he seems happy. He was rubbing my lower back when I felt him against my ass.
"Again?" I asked him, shocked. I mean we just spent hours doing it and I don't know how much more I can take, even if there is less than a month left of school, I still have to finish it.
"I just need to make sure I didn't leave anything inside of you, don't worry it won't take long," he kissed the side of my neck and I again agreed to his blissful torture. He pushed inside from behind me, without a condom, and it wasn't nearly so smooth as it was with lube and a condom. "Shh, it's okay just a few more and I'll make you feel really good," he promised and I braced myself against the wall and after just a few more thrust he pulled out leaving me to whine at the loss.
Instead of saying anything though he just kissed down my neck and when he was about halfway down my back he turned me around to face him before he came to my boner. He licked the tip and seemed happy with what he found before he took all of me into his mouth and sucked. My second blowjob, when it looked like I was too spent to even cum he pushed a couple fingers into my ass and pleasured me like that too. My hands tangled in his hair. I came calling out his name and he swallowed around me not willing to give me up.
"Izu?" I begged, I can't take anymore and I'm pretty sure he knows it. He pulled away and smiled before taking the loofah and washing my body for me. Once I was all clean he quickly cleaned himself and rinsed us both off before helping me out and drying me off. My alarm went crazy while he worked. He helped me get dressed for class and carried my bag for me when I felt a twinge in my back when I only tried to lift it.
We didn't go to class, he brought me to Recovery Girl and she took one look at me and sighed before healing me. "I'm not asking," she rolled her eyes and shooed us out of her office and to class. I sat down in my seat still sore but much more manageable now and it wasn't long before Aizawa Sensei arrived, frowning at us but didn't say anything.
I was quiet all day, I mean I couldn't help it. It was like my quirk was stimulated in just the right way and now I can't help but just want to enjoy it all. And then it happened.
Deku cried out in pain just as the bell rang to release us and he crumpled on the floor.
"Deku!" I yelled at him but he didn't respond and when I reached out to touch him he burned me. He actually fucking burned me! "Icyhot get your ass over here and use your ice!" I demanded and Glasses ran out to get Recovery Girl. Icyhot used his ice all around Deku to try and cool him off without hurting him. While Deku gasped, his hot breath created small clouds of fog letting us know that he was at least breathing.
He opened his eyes once and reached for me and even with the intense heat I held his hand.
Recovery Girl arrived and she got even more mad when no one was able to tell her anything, it wasn't until Aizawa Sensei told her about how he was found yesterday that her glare turned fucking deadly.
"Icyhot make a little piece of ice to put on him so she can use her quick on him," I instructed and the woman turned her glare on me but I ignored it and instead answered Deku's whines for help. Gently hushing him and reassuring him as I did. When Recovery Girl was able to finally get a cool enough part of his skin she used her quirk and Deku passed out from exhaustion, letting my hand go and showing the angry red burn he left behind. Thankfully it's only about as bad as a sunburn but that doesn't stop the fact that he actually got that hot to start with!
I gently picked him up and his head naturally leaned against my chest and for whatever reason Recovery Girl started cursing under her breath and used her quirk on me too before directing me to follow her. Kiri offered to get our things with Icyhot and they were dismissed back to the dorms by Aizawa Sensei who didn't take long to follow us down the hall and to Recovery Girl's office.
I had just set Deku down on the cot before pulling out his medicine to let Recovery Girl see what they put him on when he barged into the room.
"What the hell happened to him now?" Aizawa Sensei demanded but that was quickly followed by a yelp of pain and when I looked up at him Recovery Girl was still holding her cane close to where she hit him in the leg and when he bent down to grab his leg she grabbed and yanked on his ear.
"Maybe if you would have told ME about what happened yesterday this wouldn't have happened," she smiled demonically as she dragged him back towards the door. "Since Midoriya's mother put Bakugo in charge of his care and you assigned him to take care of him anyway you can leave now and we will discuss this later." She shoved him out of her office and the door slammed hitting him in the ass in the process.
"Remind me not to piss you off," I whispered under my breath before quickly turning my attention back to Deku. He isn't burning up like before but he still doesn't look good. She had me go ahead and give him another one of his pills and I was thankfully able to get him to swallow so hopefully it wouldn't take too long for him to wake up.
"Bakugo, I'm going to have to ask you personal questions," she warned me but I just nodded ready for the inevitable. "How long have you two been sexually active?"
"Since he woke me up around 2 in the morning," I didn't meet her eyes but she took notes and kept asking me highly invasive questions until she put down the clipboard and asked.
"Did it occur to you that he was under the effects of a quirk and might not actually be consenting?"
"Hell no! The paperwork from the hospital and the nurses there said that he would only do what he was willing to do! It's even printed on the paperwork and I sure as hell didn't force him to do anything," I defended myself, as shitty as her questions had gotten none of them made me feel like I could have raped him.
"Bakugo, he was found in severe condition and no one was able to get any information out of him after he woke up either. For all we know, there could be an unknown quirk in effect," my heart dropped with each word she said. It didn't matter that she wasn't accusing me of intentionally hurting him, the fact is that I might have anyway.
"What should I do? He-," I couldn't bring myself to say that he wanted it, not now that I don't actually know if he did or not. "Did I hurt him?"
"I'm afraid I don't know that answer and I won't until he wakes up. I suggest you make yourself comfortable, from what you told me neither of you actually got any sleep last night and considering the condition you were in this morning I don't know how you're awake right now." She pushed me towards the cot next to Deku's and I climbed on top of it but I stayed on my side, facing him. I don't even know when I closed my eyes.
"Kacchan?" I woke up to see his smiling face in front of me and for a moment I forgot everything that Recovery Girl told me. "Kacchan can I please kiss you now?" He begged and I chuckled rubbing at my eyes while nodding. It was like he tackled me, knocking the air out of me before he lightly kissed me, hugging me close.
"What's gotten into you?" I asked relaxing into his arms and I suddenly felt the hard mattress under me and bolt upright, making Deku giggle in the process. I'm in Recovery Girl's room, thankfully we are the only two in the room but Deku is still wrapping himself around me.
"No, we need to talk. Deku, how did you get hurt yesterday? When I found you in the hospital," I turned my attention back to find his smile slowly disappearing.
"Kacchan?" His smile was gone and he was starting to cry and after everything I really don't want that.
"Deku, I need to know if this is real or not. If we are real," I try again and I see his head jerk up to look at me. "If I'm hurting you again... I can't take that," I whispered and he threw his arms around my shoulders again and started bawling, the door opened and Recovery Girl, Aizawa Sensei and All Might were standing there.
"Kacchan!" Deku cried and he told us about how he was hurt. It was a power struggle and the villain had laughed at him after he used his quirk on him.
"He said that IF I could survive then my body would be better than before I met him but almost no one ever survives. His quirk didn't do anything to my head, at least not that he said! I swear, please don't leave me, Kacchan!" Deku was latched on tight and although Aizawa Sensei was confused both Recovery Girl and All Might looked like they knew exactly what was going on. How much exactly has Deku told All Might?
"I'm not going anywhere, will you stop acting like the world is ending!" I huffed and he jumped at me again, this time we both fell off of the cot and Deku landed on me making me grunt out in pain.
"Okay that's enough of that, Shota can you please pass on to Nezu that the villain responsible for yesterday's attack is called Reawakening? I am familiar with his quirk and All Might can you help me get my creams from that cabinet there?" Recovery Girl started bossing everyone around and once the door was closed again she turned back to us, now that we are standing again.
"Muscle relaxer, it will help after certain strenuous activities and of course training as well. Take this package as well. I can only hope you two used condoms last night," Recovery Girl started instructing us and bossing us around. I could feel my face going red.
"I used a condom every time, I already know Kacchan is amazing in every way," Deku giggled. Is it possible to get a nosebleed from getting embarrassed? I mean really?
"My boy, go easy on Young Bakugo. He needs to have some say in what you two tell people about your relationship after all," All Might laughed and I think I'm going to die.
"Like everyone doesn't already know? They came into my office with Bakugo covered in hickeys this morning. Are you really telling me they got all the way here without anyone noticing?" Recovery Girl scoffed and I choked.
"I was what!?!" My voice went up a few octaves and Deku looked at me sheepishly.
"You were tasty," he giggled, shrugging while rubbing at his cheek with a finger. This however made both of the adults in the room turn away and I could see All Might trying and failing to hold in his laughter.
"Deku," I ground out and he quickly tried to defend himself.
"It's not like they wouldn't have known anyway! The dorms aren't sound proof and we were pretty loud!" He held up his hands again trying to defend himself.
"MY ROOM IS!" I was practically screaming at him because of course they would soundproof my room thanks to my quirk!
"Oh, oops. I kind of apologized to Kirishima for getting loud this morning, but that explains why he looked so confused," Deku mumbled but he was holding on so tight that I didn't have a prayer of getting out again.
"Of course you did," I grumbled only for him to start kissing me and completely ignoring the teachers.
"Deku," I tried to warn him but he only hummed.
"Right," Recovery Girl snapped her fingers as if she remembered something. "The quirk from after the surgery makes it hard to fight impulses so it's really a miracle that you two have been in class at all today."
"Oh that villain, I remember him now. His quirk didn't work on me, he said it was because my body didn't need to be improved any more. It was before I got hurt all those years ago," All Might nodded as if it all made sense but I swear none of this makes sense.
"I'll tell Aizawa that you two won't be in class for the rest of the week, just take more of these," Recovery Girl handed me another two packages that looked just like the first one. Except they had red ribbons instead of a green one. Then All Might separated us enough to escort us back to the dorms and then he deflected all of our classmates when they tried to stop us. Before I knew it the door was shut and locked behind me and Deku was pulling me to bed.
Fuck it.
I gave in to the desire.
I'm fucking pregnant. Turns out those ribbons on the packages Recovery Girl handed us were important. Green were normal condoms, red however were specially engineered to help conceive, regardless of male or female.
I am now throwing a fucking fit in Recovery Girl's office, the fact that we graduated four months ago be damned.
"Kacchan," Deku begged, trying to get me to calm down. "You'll hurt the baby if you don't relax," he warned and again I'm being given a thermos of spicy hot cocoa that he brings with us almost everywhere anymore.
Recovery Girl apologized and gave us a piece of paper that I didn't even look at. I was about to start screaming again when Deku gasped. "We can't take this!" I looked at the paper and found that it was the deed to a decently large house and I looked at her funny.
"What the hell?" Was the only thing I could say.
"As you pointed out, it's my fault you ended up pregnant. Those condoms were meant for a friend of mine and they were mixed up with the supplies I brought to school. Don't look at me like that. You don't honestly believe you two are the first ones I've found were sexually active did you? You will need somewhere both safe and large enough to grow your family so the house is yours. It's not like I need it anymore anyway." She then handed us a few things and I'm now wondering if she intended for me to get pregnant because she had all these already put together. My hag and Aunty standing next to us grinning like cats.
A cold chill ran through me.
"Kacchan, you should sit down. Please?" Deku begged and I just wanted to cry. "Hey it's okay," Deku wiped at my eyes and I can see that I am actually crying and now I want to blow something up. "We'll make it work. We can still be heroes even with the baby. I promise. Who else could be my rival except for you?" He gently teased me and I just started bawling and I don't understand why.
Recovery Girl checked me over and it was determined that she would be my doctor to keep everything private. Deku guided me out and back home again while Aunty and my Hag stayed behind to chat.
I don't know whether they were pissed or in on it but one thing I do know is that Deku is happy.
"Remember when I asked you for something and you said I could have it if you could give it?" He asked now that we were almost home and I looked up at him, tired but nodded anyway. "Looks like you are going to give it to me earlier than I could have imagined." My eyes widened at that and he gave me a small smile before opening the door and picking me up.
"I'll carry you to the couch, we still have some spicy curry left and I can make more of the spicy cocoa you love?" I smiled as he talked and just leaned my head against him. I guess so long as he is with me then everything will be just fine.