My Omega is a Dom

I clenched my hands trying to release the little bit of pressure building up inside of me but of course that doesn't work, it never does.

*Sit down!* Kacchan hisses at his friends but I can't help doing exactly that. The pressure inside of me subsided a little while I hoped for another harmless command.

"Bro, we are all Doms here, that isn't going to work," Kiri chuckled and the rest of his friends were still goofing off around him. Why does Kiri have to say so much? He couldn't just let Kacchan give a few commands? Would it have really hurt anything?

*Shut the fuck up!* Kacchan commanded anyway and my mouth pressed closed forcing the sigh of relief to stay hidden when he used the command. The pressure inside of me slowly ebbing away. He gave a few other harmless commands and it wasn't long before I was smiling brightly while writing in my notebook again. Finally all of the pressure from being left alone was gone.

I'm sure Kacchan felt it too otherwise there is no way he would be smirking like that right now. He could feel his commands being followed and the pressure of being caged would have released around him just as much as me.

I'm a Sub and no one here knows that, not even Kacchan. All anyone knows is that I'm an Alpha and it's unheard of for an Alpha to be a Sub. It's been a year now since these second genders and orientations popped up, thanks to a kid with a quirk playing with a map. Now everyone in Japan has to deal with these new rules and urges and no one knows if it's permanent or temporary yet.

I take out a red pill and quickly take it, catching Kiri's attention.

"Looks like Midobro is about to go into his rut again. He probably won't be in class tomorrow," he said loud enough I could hear him but he acted like he didn't realize that. Sometimes I want to curse my bad luck. I'm an Alpha but I'm a Sub so my urges could only be curbed by an Omega Dom and chances of finding one of those is about the same as me being an Alpha Sub. Slim to none.

"Ug, don't remind me. I took my pill at lunch and I already feel it coming," I heard Kacchan whine before clearing his throat.

"Bro sometimes you sound like an Omega, if it wasn't for you snarling at us with your Dom commands I would swear by it," Kiri laughed and I just wanted to groan. The pill I just took is birth control, since no one seems to be able to fight back the urges of their rut or heat. Doctors everywhere had to rush to find a solution and it is now mandatory to carry your medicine on you at all times now, because we just don't know when it will hit.

*Shut up!* Kacchan commanded again and my lips pressed closed again as relief flooded me.

I put my head down for a while before I looked up to see Kacchan looking at me while his friends were all interested in something else, chatting away.

"Please?" I mouth as if he has ever given me anything I have ever asked for.

*Come here* he commands and I stand up and walk over, his eyes going wide as I do what he commands. I give up, I need relief and he is the only one who's commands actually affect me. I wonder why that is?

"Oh hey Midobro, what's up?" Kiri looked up at me smiling. I can hear the undertones of his Dom in his voice but they don't do anything at all for me, even when he actually uses a command.

"Can you tell Aizawa Sensei that I'm going back to the dorms? I think my rut is about to hit and I can't take it anymore," I smile back at him and he nods laughing.

"Sure thing! Man, if only they didn't separate the Omega Subs from the rest of us. I just-" I ignored him, excusing myself from them while he chatted with his friends.

What was I thinking? I can't let Kacchan know that I'm a Sub! It could ruin everything for me! Mom has already gone through so much effort to find me a mate, someone to take the edge off and once we pair I won't feel the need to submit to anyone else regardless of if they are a Dom or not, at least as far as anyone knows. 

I quickened my pace but thanks to my Alpha hearing I could easily hear what Kiri said next. "The way Midobro takes off before his ruts, you would think that he was a Sub but that's impossible," I heard him laugh and they started joking around but Kacchan stayed noticeably silent.

I ran, the moment I was outside I couldn't hold myself back anymore and I ran for the dorms. It wasn't until I was safely locked inside my dorm room that I relaxed and then all I could do was try and force myself to finish which sadly feels impossible.

Seconds, minutes, hours I don't know how long I was there. My body refusing to cum, my head throbbing at the ache but still, no. Do I really have to go through this every time I go through my rut? It's so cold in here yet I already know that the room is sweltering hot, it doesn't stop the chill and goosebumps from appearing on my skin though.

Images of Kacchan, the way he spoke his commands entered my mind, how everything he said is just so inviting.

*Open the door,* I stood up, my body moving on its own with my eyes closed. One hand still gripping myself, for just a moment I swear I almost came. Just a moment.

A swish of cold air hit me, *let me in.* again so close. The need to finish was too much and I could only growl in frustration. *Open your eyes,* I swear Kacchan is right in front of me. The door locked, he pressed his fingers into my abs and I whined at the contact. Just a little more.

He got on his knees, his face right in front of my throbbing cock. *Fill my mouth,* he whispered and I grabbed handfuls of his hair and in less than a second I could feel heat, real warmth, enveloping me as I gasped out.

"Yeeeesssss," I dragged the word out, his hot, intoxicating mouth sucking me in, caressing me with each thrust of my hips. I heard a soft moan and felt the vibrations from it before crying out my release.

I stopped clawing at his head but I couldn't stop thrusting into his eager mouth. He hummed and moaned, making it to where I couldn't stop. How long have I waited just to feel a little bit of relief?

I was still in a daze when he pulled away from my still throbbing shaft and I was able to watch him wipe his mouth with a satisfied smirk.

"So you're a Sub?" He asked and I hummed, still feeling the bliss from finally finishing. How many ruts have I suffered through with no relief at all? "You're an Alpha Sub," he smirked, one hand wrapped around my cock, lightly pumping and making me moan lightly, agreeing. My head feels like it's in a fog, a blissful fog with nothing but the pleasure he gave me.

"You taste so good," he whispered, kissing the tip before he let himself lick all around me. "What would you do if I were an Omega Dom?" He asked, sucking me back into his mouth and making me jerk at the sweet warmth.

"I would mark you, I've wanted to ever since the quirk hit us in the first place. Your neck is always in front of me, as if begging for my teeth to claim it…" I trailed off, his tongue swirling around my cock, making it difficult to concentrate let alone speak.

*Cum,* he commanded and I cried out as my cock pulsed, the tip in his mouth and I filled it. He is giving me exactly what I've been needing for a year now and I want to give it all to him.

"So good," he praised and I felt myself glow from the compliment. I pulled him in kissing his tantalizing lips only for him to be waiting for me and he deepened the kiss without me having to ask.

I picked him up but he didn't yelp or get startled at all so I carried him to my bed. Slowly kissing and exploring his body while he moved under me. His arms wrapped around my shoulders, his lips meeting mine while his hips begged for attention.

"I want you so much," I whispered, the fog clouding my mind only seemed to get worse.

*Stop,* I froze at the word, unable to move. "Let's go to my room first. Put some comfortable clothes on and stay quiet," he smirked up at me from my bed and I nodded, quickly doing as he said. In what felt like only moments he was locking his door behind us.

*Strip,* I pulled my shirt off the moment the tantalizing word left his lips. "So good," he praised while I followed his commands. *Suck,* I'm on my knees now and the noises coming from his lips while I kept him close was actual heaven.

"How long have you been dreaming of me like this?" He asked while I rubbed and squeezed his ass, his voice telling me what I needed to do even without words.

"Always," the answer was out before I could even think about it but that didn't make it any less true. It was like the answer couldn't stay hidden so long as he was letting my instincts go wild and right now he was doing exactly that.

"Before the whole Alpha, Omega, Sub and Dom thing?" He asked curiously.

I nodded, "Always. Since the quirk though all I can see everyday is Kacchan's neck. I want to mark you so much but it's crazy you're an Alpha, I'm an Alpha I can't do that but the idea of anyone else touching you makes me violent." I circled his head letting my tongue trail around him and pulled him back in once I was done. Sucking it in and out of my mouth. "Kacchan, only Kacchan," I whispered, my throat getting hoarse thanks to the stimulation and I felt fingers in my hair and when I looked up I saw Kacchan blushing and looking generally erotic.

I want more.

"I'm not an Alpha though," he whispered and my fingers tightened on his thighs making him thrust into my mouth again. *Fill the room with your scent,* he commanded and I could feel my body relax at how the scent of my rut started to mix with his Omega scent. "I'm an Omega Dom, it hurts so much when I go into heat with no way to cool off again."

"I'll cool you off," I promised, getting off of my knees and picking him up, his mouth quick to kiss me even with me laying him down on the bed. "If you'll let me?" I added as an almost afterthought but I am freezing and Kacchan is just so warm, every part of me that is touching him can't help but relax.

"My heat is starting," he mumbled, his voice already taking on the whine that most have associated with an Omega going into heat. "Cool me off, Alpha," he whispered, his eyes glazing over with his lust before kissing me again and my hips thrusted forward, he seemed to pull me in and tried to milk me the moment I was inside.

"Ah!" I moaned loving how his voice matched mine before we started moving.

*Cum,* his voice commanded and I did but I also couldn't stop moving. "Yes," he moaned and we lost ourselves to each other.


I woke up in Kacchan's room the next morning. My rut was satisfied for the first time since I started having them only to find Kacchan laying next to me humming with pleasure.

Wait, that wasn't another fever dream? We actually-? But today I'm supposed to meet the mate that Mom picked for me! I started freaking out only for Kacchan to smile up at me and pull me towards him for a good morning kiss.

*Kiss me again,* he hummed his command and even if he didn't use his Dom voice I would have done it. The way he looked up at me was breathtaking.

"My parents were supposed to pick a mate for me, I'm supposed to meet them today," he whispered and my gut twisted at the painful words and I pulled him towards me. I could hear him chuckle but I couldn't help it.

"Me too, but I don't want anyone but you," I grumbled but the sound of his laugh only lightened the weight on my chest.

"I'll wait for you," he whispered before kissing me and turning his head, leaving his neck open to me. "I'll let you mark me then," he added and I licked at the place I shouldn't be anywhere near right now. Not right after my rut and his heat.

"I'll wait, but not for too long," I resisted the urge to mark him now. "I'll apologize to whoever it is and go to your house. Wait for me."

We snuggled in each other's arms for a long time. The fact he was so willing to whisper all the sweet words I've yearned for, for so long made my heart soar.

"I wish I knew before, we could have been together before this bullshit quirk," he whispered softly, the way we gently petted and rubbed against each other was soothing and I never want it to end but the alarm I set yesterday to get ready to leave went off and we both groaned before getting up and cleaning up.

We didn't separate, we walked out together, rode the bus home together and held hands until we reached his door and I was forced to let him go.

"I'll see you soon," he promised and he didn't look away until he was closing the door behind him and I had to force myself to walk the rest of the way home.

"Mom, I'm in love," I announced before she could say anything and the way her face fell told me plenty but I didn't stop there. "I'll meet whoever it is but I promised to mark my mate tonight. I can't do anything else." She let out a sigh but nodded.

"I just want you to be happy. Do they, well, do they match for you? An Omega Dom?" She asked nervously but I could only smile and nod.

"Yeah," I sighed dreamily and I heard her giggle before telling me to go change and I pouted when she used her Dom command to do it. It's weird and feels gross when she does it and just like every other Alpha Dom I've met, it felt weak but I did it anyway. It wasn't long before we were at a fancy hotel and I glared at Mom but she just motioned me inside.

It took a while but eventually a girl showed up with her mother and she was kind of mean and unpleasant to be around but all the same I turned her down nicely.

"What? Who are you to turn me down?" She hissed, glaring at me. *Kiss my feet!* she demanded and although her Dom command was appealing it wasn't anywhere as sweet as Kacchan's.

"No," I answered and stood up and her jaw dropped.

"I thought you were a Sub!" She looked as if I tricked her but she had managed to get our parents attention with this.

"Dear, as I told your mother before we even set this meeting up. Izuku is unique. He is a Sub, yes, but he can also refuse to submit to anyone and also-" Mom tried to explain kindly but I am seething.

"Using your Dom to force a person to submit to a pairing is rape!" I interrupted, startling both her and the girl's mother. There was some confusion including the girl's mother denying that her little girl could ever do such a thing but something else caught my attention.

"Kacchan is here?" I looked at Mom confused and she nodded.

"Yes, Mitsuki has a meeting with someone on another floor. I think it was in room 215, the next floor up," she was too focused on what was going on here to notice why I was distracted let alone how I could possibly know that he was here.

I ran. I made it to the stairs and ran up to the next floor, ignoring anyone I came across as well as all the yelling. By the time I arrived Aunty was outside the room talking with another woman but I ran past them and almost broke the door in my hurry to find Kacchan panting and screaming for the girl in front of him to leave him alone. His Dom wasn't working at the moment thanks to him being in heat. Again…

**KNEEL!** I commanded, not only the girl harassing Kacchan but anyone and everyone within hearing distance kneeled, Dom and Sub alike, except for Kacchan. Of course, he is amazing.

"What the hell!" Aunty was frazzled but it wasn't until she looked up and saw me that she started to calm down and it was only then that she noticed Mom and the women that were chasing after me kneeling close by her.

I ignored all of them though, including the staff and other guests that were now in a kneeling position. I dropped by Kacchan, his body shaking, probably from his heat overwhelming him.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked him softly, his head jerking up as if he only just now noticed that I was here.

*Kiss me,* I pulled his chin gently and our lips met in a sweet kiss. His body was relaxing enough for me to pull him into my arms and that only helped him more. He pulled away gasping for air and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Guess, I couldn't wait for tonight," he murmured, cuddling into me while I just held him gently.

"What happened? Can I help or do you want me to back off?" I asked him, my eyes lifting to see the girl who was shaking from the pressure of the full force of my command. She was down not only on her knees but her hands as well, her breath coming out shaky while she trembled.

This is why I hate using Dom. How I'm able to use it while I'm a Sub, well I don't really know. My guess is that it has something to do with OFA. Maybe a few of the previous holders would have been Doms and since there are so many? But I don't really know for sure one way or the other besides Dom and Sub wasn't really a thing until a year ago.

"Do you have any idea who I am?" The girl who I had left but followed me anyway after trying to force me to submit had started ranting, demanding to know how I was making her submit when she was a Dom. She was irritating me and it would have been fine if she didn't say, "The fact you kissed another boy is fucking disgusting."

**Silence!** I barely turned my glare to her and now not only could she not talk but she couldn't make any noise at all. I saw her trying to hit the floor but there was still nothing to be heard, not even the rush of air passing by her hand.

I turned my glare back to the girl on her hands and knees. Kacchan wasn't talking which told me that he was too far gone to talk currently.

"What happened in here," **Speak** The more she talked the more enraged I became. I could see her sweating profusely as each word was ripped from her mouth. She had drugged Kacchan to try and force him to mate with her, to let her claim him.

"You two things are a match made in heaven, one tries to use Dom to force someone to submit to her demands and the other uses drugs. Disgusting," I snarled at her and she looked up to see the other girl behind me as fear seemed to finally make itself known to her.

I turned my attention back to Kacchan; his eyes glazed over, his skin flushed and the way his chest heaved as he tried to draw in enough air worried me. I carefully searched his pockets to find his medicine and gave him the pill, feeling relieved when he swallowed on reflex.

Several minutes passed until half an hour had already passed by, nobody moving and he was finally able to focus on me again but his heat was still flushing through him, making things difficult for him.

*Kiss,* he could barely mouth but my lips were pressed against his the moment the word was in his mouth. His arms reached up and around my neck, his fingers playing in my hair and making me light headed with how much he tried to draw me in.

"It hurts," he groaned, nearly silent from the pain but I could easily see how much he liked my kisses. I know that he is having trouble focusing still and I can only guess how much pain he is in but even with him sweating he refused to complain any more.

"Should I mark you now?" I asked him gently but he shook his head no.

"I don't want to be in the middle of a mindless heat when we do that. I want to remember everything," he answered, his voice low but firm. I couldn't help smiling at that, kissing his forehead and then his cheek, his lips until he started to giggle in my arms as I kissed on his neck.

"Deku," he giggled looking up, his bright red eyes seeming to be on fire now that his gaze was focused on me. I kissed his lips again, slowly. Trying to wait out until the medicine had enough time to let him stand on his own again. I gently slid my hands along his arms and back. enjoying the sweet kisses he gave me.

"My Omega," I whispered before kissing him again and he laughed out loud.

"My Sub," he answered, smirking at me sneakily.

"All yours," I kissed him again. After a while he hummed, just leaning his head against my shoulder.

"Can you stand now? Should I carry you? I'll take you anywhere you want me to," I offered while playing with his hair, the ends feather soft making it so that I just wanted to pet him and run my fingers through them.

"I want my bed," he grumbled and I stood up, his arms still around my shoulders even as I carried him. "No," I stopped at one word, not taking another step. "I want to walk on my own," he shook his head irritated, mostly with himself.

"What happened to the bitch that drugged me," he looked up while I walked into the room and sat down on the bed.

"She is waiting for the detective to pick her up along with my date. Who knew rape was so tempting," I frowned, trying not to let my anger out any more.

"You too?" His head snapped up and I could see worry in his eyes.

"She got angry because," it took a minute to remember exactly what she said. "I turned her down. She tried to make me kiss her feet and I left. I could smell your scent." I smiled as my focus came back to him.

"You could smell me? Where were you?" He laughed, relaxing in my arms now that he knows nothing else happened. I answered and he laughed out loud not believing me.

"Still," he fidgeted with my shirt. "I'm glad you didn't let her touch you," his face flushed before he could try to hide it under my jaw but I pretended not to notice.

"Only yours," I repeated myself from earlier and he gave a small nod but didn't pull away from my neck. I could feel him licking and kissing me, sending desire through me but I didn't make a move. He already said no.

"Ugh, how long is this heat going to last?" He whined, rubbing against me and making me chuckle at how cute he is. "I want-" he cut himself off, not willing to voice any desires at the moment, already knowing that I would drop everything to give it to him.

"Oh, I want it too. Last night wasn't nearly enough and the fact I didn't claim you as mine then is a miracle. Not one that I'm likely to be able to repeat," I added and he groaned.

"What if I used my Dom?" He suggested, now picking at my shirt, by the collar and I just want to rip the annoying material off that is keeping him away even this much.

"Kacchan, I'll do anything you want me to, with or without you using Dom," I kissed him softly and the way he sighed in relief was only giving me ideas.

"I need a bath," he grumbled and I looked around to see Aunty all excited trying to yell for us to go and pointing towards a doorway. I smiled and picked him up, carrying him through the doorway to find the luxury bathroom for the room. I set the water before putting him down on the edge.

"I'm going to lock the room up so we're not interrupted. Should I order room service?" I asked him, kissing his forehead and listening to his airy chuckles.

"The only thing I was to eat is you," he flirted before pulling me down by my shirt before releasing me. "Don't take too long." I really wasn't, I was just going to kick everyone out before letting myself submit completely. I had to drag myself out of the room and once the door was closed I had to spend some time trying to shake the fog from my head. I wonder if him being in heat could set off my rut again?

I returned and slowly released everyone except for the two girls that thought rape was a real option.

**Stay here until the Detective arrives and tell him everything that you did. Leave nothing out,** I watched as both of them flinched at the command but for now they were still being forced to be silent. I moved them outside of the room door and told them to **Stay until the Detective arrives,** and finally everyone was released.

"Inko, you didn't tell me the little Izuku was an Alpha Sub! I wouldn't have bothered with the matching agency if I knew that!" Aunty was all smiles as she walked away with Mom, collecting my signature for some reason before she left but I just shrugged it off. She paused before calling back, "The room is paid for, for the week. Enjoy your honeymoon!" Now everyone was gone except for the two girls and their mothers who were stuck outside of the room's door and I ignored them and locked the door behind me.

In moments I was in the tub holding my lover as he rubbed up against me, whining that I took too long and making me chuckle.

"Command me," I whispered and he looked up with that fire in his eyes.

*Love me,* he whispered and our lips were pressed hard together and I can't bring myself to even think about holding back now. Not with Kacchan pulling and tugging on me. Once I was between his legs I couldn't stop myself from pushing in. Delicious, his commands are just so soothing, making my frayed nerves relax with each touch and whisper. The water around us was only a little warmer than lukewarm but then again he is in the middle of an extra heat. Each time I came he screamed out, letting the rush pull him deeper into his lust.

"I love you," I moaned in his ear, licking from his collarbone to his ear, his head thrown back as he cried out his release and making my heart skip a beat.

I could do this forever. 

His heat ended before morning but thanks to everything we didn't want to stop and now that his mind wasn't clouded with his instincts…

"When we wake up," he smirked at me, already knowing what I was thinking somehow. "That way we'll have energy for what we want to do afterwards," I grinned, pulling him close in my arms.

"Does that mean I have to wait?" I asked, teasing him.

"Oh hell no."


We were in class and now that Kacchan and I had our pair we were allowed between the two classes and our friends kept trying to get us to send messages for them.

"You know, you could still text each other?" I asked awkwardly and they froze for a moment before grumbling. They really didn't think of that. So now I'm off the hook for sending messages for them, well except for Todoroki and Kirishima. For some reason they always seemed to have each other's favorite snacks.

"Will you fuckers leave us the fuck alone? Get your pair and then you can talk as much as you fucking want!" Kacchan snapped at them after I was sent yet again during our far too short break to deliver something.

"Bakugo, why does it matter to you?" Todoroki asked but that only set Kacchan off more and he was ready to fight.

"Bakugo! When was the last time you saw your pair?" Aizawa Sensei seemed to pop up out of nowhere and Kacchan grumbled his answer.

"Fine, when was the last time you were able to mate with your pair?" He groaned as if Kacchan were being difficult.

"Too fucking long ago," he refused to be more specific than that but now all of us had to take yet another class on the pairing and bonding process. Turns out if you go too long without your mate, it can really hurt you and each person is a bit different but generally three days is the accepted average.

Kacchan and I shared a look, it's been five days for us because we didn't want it to affect our school life but I guess that didn't help us any. If anything it made it worse.

I left the room to find Aizawa Sensei just to find him talking to Vlad King who was complaining about someone claiming to be powerful that tormented his niece but it sounded strangely familiar.

"My precious niece is a Dom and whoever the bastard was, they actually forced her to submit and confess to something she didn't do!" He sounded pissed but I frowned. How could she be forced to do that? Or was a quirk involved?

I was just rounding the corner when I saw my blind date. She looked up at the same time and all the color in her face seemed to drain out of her.

"Really? Something she didn't do?" I asked as if I were a part of the conversation and the girl started shaking.

She quickly bowed, her back level with the ground as she trembled.

"What in the-" Vlad King started but the girl shouted.

"No! I was guilty Uncle! I shouldn't have and I am so very sorry!" Her voice squeaked but she forced the words out anyway. If it wasn't for the fact that I was her victim I would think that she was actually trying to be decent but I have the distinct feeling that she is just putting on a show, week that or she is actually terrified of me.

"Nonsense! You said so yourself that you would never intentionally force someone to submit," Vlad King argued and I just kept my eyes on her, ignoring the rather dumb teacher.

"Midoriya? Do you know this girl?" Aizawa Sensei asked when it was apparent that the girl wasn't moving to straighten her back. She hasn't even moved to look up yet.

"She was my blind date, the one Mom had set up to be my mate. The fact that it ended with her being arrested should let you know everything," I still hadn't moved my eyes away from the girl and her trembling was visible to both teachers now.

"I am so sor-ry," her voice broke. The fact that she isn't used to apologizing tells me that she also isn't used to facing the consequences of her actions.

"I'm surprised you were already released, after all you are 18 and the fact that you attempted to rape me was proven," I said the words as if they were easy but the fact that I still haven't looked away didn't go unnoticed.

"Wait, Midoriya, I thought you were an Alpha. You've been in the alpha class this whole time," Aizawa Sensei glared at me, I know he did. Some things you just know without needing to see them yourself.

"So you're the Alpha Sub that forced my niece to submit? How in the hell is that even possible?" Vlad King started ranting but Aizawa Sensei cut him off.

"Alpha Sub?" But I didn't answer his implied question.

"Why don't you tell your uncle exactly what you did? Or how about you repeat what you said about my mate that day? I don't like to but I can use it again," I warned her and the way she flinched she fell to the floor, her breathing was audible as she panicked. The thing about Doms is that once the commands are done they need to reward the Sub otherwise they can drop, making them very sick and so far no one has stopped but there are theories that it was possible.

Obviously, I didn't reward her after I made the commands and she was exposed to the commands for a long time. I wouldn't be surprised if she was only now able to get out of bed.

"No! I'll do it, please don't," she jerked her head up but flinched at the sight of me and looked back down at the floor again. She confessed and by the end of it even Vlad was looking at her in horror.

"But… You said-"

"I lied! I thought you could remove it from my record so I could get a decent job still. Because of what I did, the job contract I was supposed to get after finishing school was canceled. They said they couldn't or wouldn't employ someone as dangerous as me," she finally spoke up. The fact she was currently on her hands and knees next to Vlad King looked terrible but she deserves so much worse than this.

"Midoriya, I need answers," Aizawa Sensei's voice grew deeper as his Patience wore thin.

"Hmm, by now she should know enough to tell you what you want to know. Anyway," I finally looked away from the girl and towards my teacher. "I need to leave and go to my mate. We didn't know about the three day average and it's already been longer for us." I could hear the girl start panting as if she just got done running a marathon now that my focus wasn't on her. The fact that she is so terrified of me is crazy but after insulting Kacchan this is really the least punishment that she deserves.

"You just got your mate and you're already neglecting them?" He frowned at me.

"We didn't want it to affect school so we thought weekends would be enough," I pouted.

"I don't believe it!" Aizawa Sensei and I both looked at Vlad King who had yelled out of nowhere. "You're saying he is a Sub but he can use Dom commands? There is no way in hell! Just try and use it on me, I'm a powerful Dom," This started several demands for me to show him but it wasn't until Aizawa Sensei told me to go ahead that I frowned and was forced to agree.

"No!" The girl jumped up between Vlad King and I. "Don't use it on Uncle! Jj-jjj-jj-just use it on me, please. Not Uncle!" The way she stuttered and stammered let both men know exactly how scared she was even without her body shaking in her fear.

"Vlad King is still a teacher at U.A. I do still need to listen to him to a point and my teacher, Eraserhead has also told me to do it. I have to," I narrowed my eyes at her. Does she always have to make things difficult?

"Please, just use it on me! I can't see Uncle like that, please," she begged. Her head was down but she didn't get out of the way.

I looked at Eraserhead who just looked even more curious and I sighed, turning my focus back to Vlad King.

**Kn-," the girl jumped up and caught my focus again. "Eel.** She dropped to the ground shaking and shivering like the girl that drugged Kacchan. **Silence** Her gasping and noises from the other two disappeared in a moment, her whole body was fighting to stay at least on her hands and knees but it looked like a losing battle, then there were the teachers. Both of which were forced into a low kneeling position and the shock was clear on their faces. Now that I think about it, I think Dom commands are only supposed to work on one person at a time. Another reason I'm weird I guess.

"Oi!" I spun around to see Kacchan coming from down the other hall and I smiled brightly. "Where the hell have you been? Did you find Sensei? I feel like I'm about to fall apart," he grumbled but the moment he was within reach his arms were around my shoulders behind my neck, pulling me in for a kiss.

"Re-" I tried to release the commands I had given but his lips cut me off before I could get even half the word out, stealing my breath away.

"We need to go," he whispered after who knows how long. The only thing on my mind was the taste of his tongue and he smirked, enjoying how I reacted to him. "Do you want a command?" He asked gently and with my eyes half lidded I could only nod, already leaning in for another kiss.

*Pick me up,* he said instead but I still kissed him, picking him up so that I was holding him in my arms. He kind of felt like he was leaning away and all I could do was follow him until his back was pressed against the wall, out of sight from the three around the corner in the other hall.

*Kiss,* he demanded as if the only reason we pulled away had nothing to do with needing to breathe. The way the kisses left me feeling like I was starving really doesn't make any sense at all but at the same time I feel so much better. Has it really been almost a week since the last time I submitted to him? Never again.

"So good, my Alpha," he crooned and I gasped for air. I want so much more, I need so much more. *Kneel,* he whispered and I dropped to my knees letting him stand on the ground again.

"So good, you're the best Sub in the world. The best mate," he complimented after barely a breath. "Do you feel a little better now? I know I do," he asked, letting his hands caress my face while I hummed in agreement.

"I feel like I forgot something important though," I added after a couple minutes.

"Do my commands feel that good?" He asked curiously.

"Oh yes, even before we paired other Doms just felt weak and gave me a headache. It was like walking through a waterfall made of mud but then you start and it's like a clear lake washing all the grossness away," I sighed, leaning into his hands. "Kacchan really is the best," I hummed and I was able to hear him chuckle.

"When we get back to bed I'll make sure to clear a lot more then," he teased but his smile is just dazzling.

"Just a little more first? Please?" I whined a little and I got to hear his beautiful laughter.

*Come here and kiss me,* He smiled and I jumped up, picking him up and spinning us around as I kissed him, the way his arms wrapped around me, his hands tugging on my hair while he pulled me in, helping the kiss along.

"I love you," I whispered, smiling at his breathless giggles.

"Hope so, you married me so you're stuck with me," he grinned, pulling me in. *Kiss.*

After a few minutes we finally had to let go. "I really feel like I forgot something important though," I hummed, hugging him. What could I have forgotten?

"Well after you left Midnight told us that if you go too long from your pair you're more likely to forget things once you find your mate again," he shrugged and I groaned.

"Then we'll just have to be together everyday then," I grumbled and I got to hear his musical laughter again. "Dear All Might, I love your laugh," I sighed, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"That's good news then. Keep acting so cute and I'll probably be forced to laugh more," he teased, he was using one hand to play with my hair and it just feels amazing.

"My Omega," I cooed hearing him use his Dom for another kiss.

"Seriously though, where is Aizawa Sensei? We need to go before things actually get inappropriate for school," he huffed and I suddenly remember.

I quickly look around the corner to find all three of them still kneeling in silence.

"Oops," I whispered only to have both teachers glaring at me but Aizawa Sensei just sighed and motioned for me to hurry up. **Release.**

"How dare you?!" Vlad was about to say more but his niece collapsed, her body giving out and she passed out.

"Boys, we will talk about this on Monday for now just go take care of your needs and don't neglect yourselves again," Aizawa Sensei instructed us. I could clearly see that he was pale and I hesitated for a moment but decided to tell him anyway.

"Even though you're a Dom it would be better for you to find your pair, you were under a command for a long time," I tell him quickly before running off with a confused Kacchan.

"What the hell did I miss?" He asked and I just giggled a bit nervously.

"I'll tell you when it doesn't feel like I'll suffocate," I tugged on his hand but I didn't really need to do that.

*Take me to bed,* he jumped and I easily caught him feeling the quick rush of relief from submitting.

"My Alpha, my Sub," he whispered gently, kissing me tenderly, not caring what anyone saw or how many people saw it.

"My Omega, my Dom," I answered, locking the dorm door behind us. I'll deal with everything else later I guess. Not like I have much choice anyway so for now.

"By the way, which one of us changed our name?" I asked curiously and he barked a laugh.

"The fact you don't know," he snickered before pulling out his wallet and showing me his ID. Yagi, Katsuki. I froze for a long time, not understanding before I pulled out mine and found Yagi, Izuku.

"When-?" I started to ask, confused.

"I never knew Aunty and All Might were a thing but I guess it makes sense. They are always forced to respond to you hurting yourself or getting into accidents of some kind. They were bound to talk about something besides just you all the time," he kept laughing.

"You mean-?" I barely breathed afraid I would wake up. How could I be so lucky to have a beautiful and powerful mate AND a father?

"You should ask your dad later. For now," he grinned wickedly tugging on my shirt. *Strip.*
