Fall of Deku

Deku falls… 

Running across rooftops in the middle of the night sounds amazing in novels and movies but in reality? It's exhausting. For one thing it's the middle of the night so unless I'm chasing a villain I can't use my quirk to get up there and oftentimes even when I am chasing a villain I can't use my quirk because I am either trying to come up behind them or hide. 

Even though I'm the best I can't have some nobody villain come up and end me just because I wasn't paying attention. During the day it's fine for me to use my quirk, it would be weird if I didn't, probably even more dangerous than using my quirk during the night because villains would think they had an opening and I am only one person. 

Right now though I'm running across rooftops trying to keep an eye on a drug runner for a high end villain gang, the fucker actually has a huge network for drugs, weapons and prostitution and it's hard to get any evidence to actually stick to him so he keeps getting away. But not tonight, the fucker is going down. 

"You know this would be easier if you would just let me use my quirk on you," the man whispered at me but I rolled my eyes and kept running. The agency has started a new policy that everyone has to have a partner. All those that I willingly think of as friends had registered with either their lover or crush leaving me the odd man out. The only exceptions were those that were on active missions and they would be assigned someone when they returned. So the agency stuck me with this bastard. 

Boogeyman, what the fuck kind of hero picks a name like that? I mean I get a lot of shit over mine and most just call me Dynamight but seriously? Boogeyman? 

"It would make this mission a lot faster," he tried to tell me but I just ignored him. Unlike those with the so called villainous quirks like the brainwasher, this fucker actually made my skin crawl. His quirk silenced everything, logistically speaking we would be an ideal hero team. In reality? There is no fucking way in hell he is coming anywhere near me. 

The way he acts and the way he feels are completely opposite, he tries to act like Glasses back in highschool; upright, stiff as a board no fun, blah blah blah. But anytime I'm not looking, it's like I can feel murderous eyes watching me. 

Could anyone really blame me for not allowing him to use his quirk on me? I mean really? I already put in the paperwork requesting that Deku be my partner after I contacted the Nerd. He was over the moon with the offer and after I hung up with him I nearly had a real gay panic attack. The fact that I could practically see his adorable face while he tried to hold in his excitement was heart wrenching. Now if only I could ask him on a date… 

I slid down the gutter on the side of a building when I saw the villain slowing down and I landed on a nearby fire escape before hitting the record/transmit button on my suit. "Boogeyman" was quick to join me and the fact that if he wasn't using his quirk he would have woken half the neighborhood is ridiculous. I mean has he never had quirkless training? Ever? 

"I heard that you finally put in a partner request," he tried to make small talk but like always I ignored him. "You know that both parties have to agree to the request before it is granted, right? You and Deku are kind of notorious even with the public, forget about just within the agency."

"Deku already agreed," I grumbled, keeping my eyes on the target. The fucker kept talking but I generally ignored him. Thankfully I was able to record what we actually needed and I was given the all clear to take them out with backup on the way. Which means no more silence! 

The police were still loading the villains up when I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I looked down and saw blood dripping down the left side of my shirt. Was I shot? My knees gave out, getting everyone's attention and it's only now that anyone at all noticed that I was hurt. I fell to the side but before I lost consciousness I heard Boogeyman giggle in my ear, "Now I wonder how Deku will react to this?" Then nothing. 


"Kacchan?" Sobbing is the first thing that I heard and I had to fight like hell in order to try and wake up after hearing that. When I finally opened my eyes I saw not only Deku but Auntie too both in tears. 

"Who the fuck died?" I slurred, not expecting my mouth to be so hard to use right now. 

"Kacchan!" Deku yelled and Auntie went running out the door yelling for someone to hurry and I am still confused but okay then. My parents came running in with her and the doctors and the only person the staff didn't try to shoo away was Deku. In fact I saw one nurse looking at him nervously before a doctor asked him to try and keep me talking. 

"The fuck is the matter with everyone?" I grumbled while Deku giggled sadly. 

"You gave us all a bad scare, the doctors were just saying that they didn't know when or if you would wake up again," Deku answered and I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything right now. Even I know better than to insult doctors when they are working on me. 

"Is that why Auntie was crying so hard?" I glared at the nearby nurse who flinched. 

"Yeah, Mom has been going crazy since last week because of all of this," Deku forced a smile but I could see his red eyes. "It's really not fair, we only just put in the partnership paperwork and you have to go and get shot?" I saw a tear slip out and now I just feel guilty. 

"It's not like I tried to get shot, I wasn't even fighting anymore the police were already loading and taking away villains," I grumbled but the slur really won't go away. "How long have I been out?" 

"Two weeks," his answer was dry and I couldn't help looking shocked at it. I mean fuck. That's a long ass time for just a bullet wound. 

"Where is Best Jeanist? I'm sure he has an earful for me," I grumbled, trying to avoid eye contact. I have a fairly good guess as to how these two weeks have gone and I would rather not hear about it until Deku and I were alone. 

"Ah, I haven't told him that you woke up yet," Deku frowned at the thought. He really is frazzled but he picked up his phone and dialed to give the update. Once he hung up again he looked back at me. "Yeah, he sounds like he has an earful ready for you." 

I rolled my eyes again. "There was literally nothing I could have done to prevent this," I grumbled and Deku's laugh was dry.

"Oi, how long before I'll be able to work again?" I spoke up and one of the doctors grumbled about me being in a hurry to die. Fucking asshole. 

"We won't be able to determine that until tomorrow when we are sure your condition has been stabilized," a woman finally spoke up and I nodded. At least they weren't trying to flatter me or some bullshit. Some of my fangirls are pretty fucking bad. They finally left giving my parents a bit of an update on their way out and even motioned for them to step out of the room, taking Auntie with them and leaving Deku and I alone. 

"I was worried you would say no," I confessed and his eyes widened and I turned away and cleared my throat to try and relieve some of this fucking tention. "I mean it's not like we have the greatest past together or anything so I would have understood." 

"I have a confession, I already submitted the partner request form before you called," he flinched, looking away from me. "I figured the worst that could happen was that you would say no and I didn't have the nerve to actually ask you in person so I figured it could have been ignored if you didn't like or want it. So please don't say those kinds of things. At least you were brave enough to ask." 

I chuckled at his silliness, "Fuck. Why didn't they ever come and verify it with me then? I'm still waiting on the paperwork and the one I submitted should have been processed by now. No one said anything about the form you submitted." 

Deku looked confused before realizing that what I said was true and he pulled out his phone. "So why haven't we been approved to be partners yet?" Deku asked immediately, not bothering to wait to say hello. I raised an eyebrow at that but stayed silent. 

"I don't see how that matters, the fact that we have both submitted the paperwork requesting it should have been enough for everyone to realize that we were both consenting to it," Deku kept talking and I smirked at him. He is so fucking hot when he is pissed. He talked for a while with HR and Auntie and my parents returned before he was done but none of them said anything when they heard that hard edge to his voice demanding answers. 

"Who is his partner now?" His face scrunched up and now I'm confused. I have not signed any papers yet and Boogieman was only assigned to me until I found my own partner. 

"Kacchan, they said you already agreed to be Boogeyman's partner," he looked back at me confused and I held out my hand for the phone and he gave it to me. 

"When in the fuck did I agree to that bullshit?" I demanded before adding, "you fuckers are the ones that assigned him to me and I was told that I would still be able to pick a partner later." 

Someone cleared their throat and I narrowed my eyes, looking like someone was trying to cover their ass. 

"Well none of us actually thought that you would find a partner so quickly," someone finally answered, a woman and I waited for them to explain themselves but no one said anything. 

"So you're saying that you fuckers lied and now expect me to stay with the creepy ass fucker you assigned to me for how fucking long?" I let my voice dip into my rage and I'm sure I scared the shit out of a few of them but whatever. 

"No! No, no, we just weren't prepared to assign Boogieman to anyone else already," the fucker quickly responded. 

"Get over it, I'm not working with the fucking creep again," I grumbled handling Deku his phone back but instead of putting it to his ear he hung up and put his phone away. 

"Kacchan? How was he a creep exactly?" He smiled brightly at me and damn the fucker just might die. 

"I don't fucking know, but," I paused trying to put what I felt into words. "I've never felt a villain look at me the way he does when he thinks I'm not paying attention." A chill ran through me, I've been kidnapped and beaten and on more than one occasion I've almost died. Once my heart really did stop yet none of that matched the way I felt when his eyes landed on me. "Fucking dangerous."

Deku stopped in his tracks and I could tell he was taking what I said seriously. I trust my gut, it has saved me far more often than not. I saw him nod and I knew he was going to go looking into him now but that doesn't make me feel any better either. I would rather he stayed the fuck away altogether. 

Our parents were taken from the room again, turns out the hospital needed answers for a lot of things for some fucking reason but Deku never left me and that only made me relax. 

"Deku," he hummed in answer, letting me know he was listening. "I'm going to take a nap now, don't let anyone beat me," I whispered hoarsely but I saw him nodding in agreement and he even took my hand in his arms I could finally let my eyes close. Damn I'm tired. 


"Pro hero Deku, move aside," I heard an all too familiar voice demand but I could still feel Deku's hand in mine. 

"Not in your life, Best Jeanist," Deku answered and I would smile if I could. Instead I had to force myself awake again and I knew that I had all of Deku's attention long before I actually opened my eyes. 

"How long was I out for?" I groaned, trying to get my bearings. 

"A couple days, don't worry though I didn't go anywhere," he smiled and I decided against asking him a stupid question like not even the bathroom because I know Deku. If he said he didn't go anywhere, he didn't go anywhere and I would rather not think about it. 

"Well since you're awake now maybe I can get some answers?" Best Jeanist looked pissed and I can only guess why. I mean Deku is his poster boy on what he thinks I should strive for so what does he have to be pissy about? 

"Not even two fucking minutes," I grumbled and I feel Deku tighten his grip but I motioned for him to relax. 

"What kind of fucking answers do you want?" I rolled my eyes before turning my attention to the pro hero that was still in charge of the hero agency I was working at. Not for long though, Deku and I were planning to start our own agency but for some reason no one thought we could get along. Every one of my most successful missions have been ones that I leaned up with Deku on and the same could be said to be true for him as well. It helps when you have someone by your side that actually knows what you need and when you need it. 

"First question; what's this I hear about you two submitting partnership paperwork?" 

"Of all the fucking questions to ask," I grumbled. 

"If that's all you want to know then you can leave now," Deku smiled at the hero and I saw the shiver run through him. At least he knows when to be afraid. 

"Fine, but you two work at different agencies it will be difficult to approve that request," he tried to act like he won something with that but I shrugged, letting Deku answer for us. 

"Then we will change agencies," Deku smiled again before turning to me and I grinned. 

"Why do I feel like I've missed something important?" Best Jeanist narrowed his eyes on us and I just waved Deku on. Instead of answering though he hit send on an email that we had been working on for months and within just minutes there was a breaking news bulletin on the TV screen. 

"Be prepared for what you are about to see is shocking in the extreme!" The reporter looked frazzled and I just grinned when Best Jeanist turned back towards us but then my face appeared on the screen. 

"Oi, is this thing on?" I demanded and someone confirmed that it was. "We have gathered those that we have determined to be the best and offered them invitations to join the number one hero agency in the world. The Wonder Duo, with the help of Heroes such as All Might we have licensed our agency with three quarters of the world governments and we are not taking no as a fucking answer. My partner and I have decided that enough is enough and we will save to win and win to save together." The screen panned out and showed Deku smiling brightly and you could easily see that most of our old highschool class was behind him before it turned back to me. This time Deku was standing next to me. 

"We are still recruiting so if you're interested feel free to apply but be aware that we will not take bigots or other extremes into our midst, we are heroes and when the time comes that you need someone," Deku paused and suddenly it showed hundreds if not thousands of heroes as we all said "we are here." There was a lot of backlash from the video but almost all of it was directed at Deku and I, as heroes that were notorious for never getting along but suddenly not only were we getting along, we claimed to be partners. 

"What have you two done?" Best Jeanist looked pale but in moments he was on the phone demanding answers from employees who suddenly didn't answer their phones or he found out that they had already turned their work phones in after resigning. 

"Oh, not much," I chuckled while Deku giggled from next to me. "We just turned the hero world on its head and reorganized how things would be done from now on. But it's not like it matters to you or anything. We are just kids that don't know how the world works." I glared at him and he flinched as I said the words he has probably told me a thousand times since becoming a full time hero. 

"My partner would like for you to leave now, you are disturbing his rest," Deku stepped forward and for the first time he let my hand go, letting the cold air hit the now sensitive flesh. 

"You can't do this! It's not proper, it's not how a hero works!" Best Jeanist was just short of screaming and I smirked as Deku said the words that we had spent countless hours perfecting. 

"We will save everyone with pride," I couldn't help the smirk on my lips as Best Jeanist was shooed out of the room and the fact that the news was still reporting how the hero association was crippled thanks to the fact that there just wasn't enough heroes remaining to do anything. Well through the association that is. The Wonder Duo was already up and running and every single hero that had been licensed through us were hard at work with the exception of those injured or otherwise unreachable. 

"Is this the fall of pro heroes we have all dreaded? Is this the fall of the hero known as Deku, the chosen one of All Might? Or is this the rise of heroes everywhere? This is Tanaka and I pray that villains everywhere don't see this as an invitation-," there was more but Deku turned off the TV. Too bad for them, we actually did send an invite to the League of Villains, or what was left of them. Some even accepted once they learned what we were doing, like Dabi. He was so excited that he actually ran up and hugged Icyhot. I mean, who knew? 

A world where even the heroes are policed, a world where no matter how strong you are you are not worshiped and for that matter a world where you are simply not a villain just because you are not a hero. Turns out the villains weren't the only ones who needed to hear that. What few villains remained were either wiped out or incarcerated while so very many were released from captivity due to now unacceptable evidence. 

Would this make being a hero harder? Sure, but who in the fuck said being a hero was easy? 

"Better get me out of here before someone shows up to kill me," I chuckled and Deku held up a key that looked vaguely familiar. 

"Already way ahead of you," he uncuffed me, when the hell was I handcuffed? He quickly took out needles and turned off machines, not letting them sound the alarm before opening the window and picking me up. "Hold on tight," he whispered, as if I really had a choice with the way he was carrying me. He used his quirk to get me across town and we were inside our headquarters with little to no actual effort. Glasses started listing off a bunch of different statistics and was practically beaming with pride the moment Deku stepped inside. While AFO, yes the super villain AFO was sipping tea and chuckling with Nezu, playing a game of chess to the side by a teapot and a wide berth of space that the standard heroes were not crossing. 

"Oi, get your fucking underlings under control! Who actually fucking shot me?" I snapped at them and they both laughed maniacally at me. Which one was the villain again? Because I'm pretty sure that it was Nezu that ordered that I was shot. If peace could be had from one bullet wound it was decided that I would get that bullet wound. Of course Deku argued but if it was him shot it would have just caused another war. Like hell we needed another one of those. 

We are way too fucking different. I slouched while Deku just carried me to the elevator and when we were finally free of everyone's eyes I relaxed. 

But we really are too different. There are days that everything we do just falls into step with each other and no one could ask for anything else from us but most days we were like oil and water. Everyone loved Deku, he was the water while people only wanted to use me when it was convenient, I was the oil and just like oil I was quick to light up. 

Deku unlocked the door that was our safe house, and until further notice, our shared apartment. 

"Do you want a bath or do you want to eat first? Mom and Auntie sent a bunch of food this week and I just couldn't finish it by myself," Deku chuckled and I forced myself to relax. As different as we are, Deku is still Deku. 

"Shower, I feel gross and I smell like a hospital," I groaned and he quickly took me to the large bathroom and in a few moments with his help I was soaking in hot water and calming down. 

"Would you mind if I joined you?" He asked and I quirked an eyebrow at him but his face didn't even show a hint of embarrassment so it must have been innocent. Damn it all, why do I have to be in love with such a clueless bastard? Regardless I motioned for him to go ahead and before I could even take two deep breaths in, he was stepping into the hot water. 

"Hmm, this feels nice," he hummed, content. I only hummed in agreement and I chuckled at the silly noise. What actual use is humming? But here we are two very different people humming in agreement and just relaxing as the sound escapes us. 

Deku quickly helped to get me clean and once I was dry and dressed again he helped me to the kitchen where he set me at the table to wait for whatever leftovers there were to be heated up.  

I shouldn't be up right now. I should still be in the hospital bed and resting but damn it feels good to be away from that. If anything I feel more alive than before. I heard the doorbell ring and Deku came flying out of the kitchen and towards the door. "That must be Recovery Girl," he called out in his excitement and I heard excited chatting from the doorway. I'm going to go with it wasn't Recovery Girl then. 

Deku eventually said goodbye and he wasn't even all the way back to the kitchen before the doorbell rang again making him skip back to the door. This time it was Recovery Girl and another hero in training with a similar but vastly different quirk. She could heal but the person was healed from the inside out. I mean I guess that makes sense. Sort of. 

They both used their quirks on me and then Deku was beaten by REcovery Girl for making an old woman come all the way up here and her number two insisted on healing him too. When she was done she looked oddly proud. 

"I can't heal the scars on your hands but everything else should be perfectly fine, try not to break any bones for a while though. The longer they stay in one piece the stronger they will become thanks to my quirk," she chittered like a fucking squirrel. Should I call her that? I mean why not? It's never stopped me before. 

"Squirrel Girl, I need to rest," I groaned and she froze. 

"How did you know my hero name?" She asked with a straight face. 

"Is she serious?" I asked looking at Deku who was trying very hard not to laugh only for Recovery Girl to chuckle next to him. 

"Alright, you all had your laugh. Get the hell out," I grumbled, as much as Squirrel Girl irritated me I could tell that between her and Recovery Girl's quirk I am completely exhausted and I am all out of fucks to give. "Get the hell out!" I snapped when the girl didn't bother to answer. Deku eventually led them both out and I could hear them laughing all the way until Deku closed the door. 

He brought some reheated lasagna and we both ate quickly before cleaning up and Deku helped me get ready and finally into bed. 

"Wait," I almost shouted when he turned to leave, my mind not thinking very well thanks to my exhaustion and full stomach. "Stay," I whispered, my voice giving out now that I realized what I had just done but it was too late now to back down. Deku clearly heard me and had basically jumped into bed pulling the covers up and over both of us. 

"I've waited so long," Deku whispered but he had waited so long that I'm sure that he thinks I'm asleep already. "I can wait a little longer for you," he promised and I felt his lips on my forehead and instead of ignoring it I pulled him closer and I heard him hum happily. "Yeah, I can wait a little longer for you." 

What does he mean by that? What is he waiting for? What is he hoping that I will actually do? Is there something I can do for him that I don't know yet? Or can I hope beyond hope? I mean we did just turn a centuries long war completely around and we turned whole governments on their heads, not just Japan. So… 

"I love you Deku," I sighed out, snuggling into his arms. I felt his whole body freeze at that and I heard him cursing the fact that I was asleep right now. 

"Of all the things you could say, you had to play with my heart," he chuckled sadly. If that's not a sign I don't know what is. 

I opened my eyes and looked up to see his startled ones looking down on me. "I'm not playing. I don't do anything without thinking you know that better than anyone," I didn't let him go and I watched as panic raced through him until it came to a screeching stop, almost too suddenly. 

The way Deku's mind worked really was a marvel. He could think through a million and one ways how something could go wrong and then in a sudden flash think of just one way for it to go right. Probably not the how or the details but just one way that it could go right and everything else wouldn't matter anymore. And that is my chance, small as it was. 

"I love you," I repeated, not letting either my words or my eyes waver. He watched quietly, sadly, yet somehow hopeful. The fact that he could find hope where anyone and everyone else wouldn't would confuse me to no end but right now it's that hope that I am clinging to because without it there was no chance at all for us. 

"I don't expect you to return my feelings," I whispered and as much as those words hurt they were still true. I was a prick and there is no one that I hurt more than him. "I just didn't want to lie to myself anymore. I love you," I took a deep breath and as much as my heart wanted to explode at the moment this was liberating, finally confessing after so many years of silence. 

"Kacchan, I'm going to react as if you are telling the truth," he half whispered and I nodded, not really understanding what he meant by that. 

In the next instant his lips were on mine and instead of freezing up like I thought I would I was kissing him back. Our arms around each other, our bodies pressed against each other, the need to breathe was still there but we found ways around it so we wouldn't have to pull apart, our tongues keeping us connected when our lips opened, the way he tasted like freedom, the only thing keeping me grounded at all. 

When we pulled apart neither of us were thinking, at least not properly. I watched him pull his shirt off before helping with mine, flinching when he saw the bandaging on my chest but I didn't let him start to doubt now that we were finally together. Not now. 

I pulled him gently back into my arms letting a kiss linger a little longer, then another and another until his eyes came up and met mine again and he was throwing himself into the kisses again. 

"I love you," I whispered, I could feel his grip tighten a little before his tongue dove into my mouth and I felt his hands slip down to my waist but he stopped there. 

"Kacchan?" He asked, hesitating just this once more. 

"Yes, I want you too," I answered him, not needing him to say it. His normally bright eyes were dark right now, whether that was because the lights were out or because they were clouded with lust, I don't know but right now he only has eyes for me. "I love you," I whispered yet again, this time letting my hands travel down and sliding his shorts down. "I love you," I whispered with each kiss, but I stopped here. Not wanting to push him if he didn't want the same. 

"Why did you stop?" He whined and I chuckled. So much for not pushing him. 

"I want you to want me too," I answered him, the chuckle still in my voice but I got serious again in the next moment. "I don't want to push you." 

In the next moment I had the air knocked out of me and I was flat on my back, his thick muscled frame hovered above me for only a moment before we were both completely naked. 

"Then I won't stop," he warned and I nodded just as his lips crashed into mine again. This time hungrily, his hands exploring, never met an obstacle. At least not one that I made. 

"Damn sheets," I heard him curse and I heard the audible ripping around when he got too frustrated with it. I smiled but just kissed him again. I'll msg him about buying new sheets later, not that we'll need too many thanks to us only really using one of the two beds in the apartment. 

Deku pulled away for a moment and I saw him grab a bottle of lotion, the nearly cold substance he slathered on not just me but him too. 

He pushed in. 


I woke up late the next morning to find myself wrapped up in Deku's arms and a telling pain shooting up my back at the slightest movement. Fuck he got me good but damn it felt good. 

I moved around a little, finding a more comfortable spot only to feel his morning wood press against my back and his arms and legs trapping me there when I tried to move away. Now it would take very little effort on either of us to spoon and I would be lying if I said that wasn't appealing. 

I felt Deku's hot breath on my ear, his warm, strong body holding me tight, the way he gently nuzzled me in his sleep. Well fuck I'm hard, now what all I supposed to do? 

I let out a frustrated growl only for Deku to pull me back and with almost no effort at all he slid back inside my ass. 

"Haaaaa!" I moaned out, mostly surprised that I was still wet enough for him but the fact that he felt good was obviously there too. 

Deku growled in my ear sending blood rushing to all the right places again. He pulled away a bit before thrusting in again. I moaned out loud. His sweet loving only made me want more and I had called out his name several times before he finally answered. 

"Hmmm? Kacchan?" He asked sleepily, his arms tightening around me and making him push ever so slowly back in again. 

"Fuck! If you're going to fuck me at least be awake when you do it!" I snapped at him and suddenly his arms released me and I groaned when he pulled out of me. "Damn it," I cursed at the lack of physical contact and when I turned my head to glare at him he still just looked shocked. 

Damn it, I can't even really get mad at him. He was only confused after waking up and the fact we had sex is probably mind blowing enough without us actively doing it. That doesn't stop it from being frustrating as hell though. 

"Deku. Please," I ground the words out, my body begging for attention only he was willing to give. "Don't stop," I forced the words out and almost as suddenly as he pushed me away he was pulling me back in again. This time his cock not only at full mast but he was carefully guiding it in and I let out a low relieved moan at the pleasure he brought out with it. 

"Oh, Kacchan," he moaned in my ear and he helped push me the rest of the way into my stomach, making me clench around him, his breathing hitching at the change. "I don't want to stop," he murmured almost to himself. 

"Who the hell said you had to?" I demanded and in the next moment he was pulling out only to push back in again, his hands holding my waist the way he liked it and it feels fucking amazing. 

"Fuck!" I let the curses roll off my tongue but anytime he would start to pull away to stop I would whine only for him to push back in again and make me moan at the pleasure. His teeth marbling the back of my shoulders but that felt fucking amazing too. 

"I'm going to cum," he warned me, breathless and half delirious. 

"Not yet," I groaned and he pulled out leaving me writhing when I turned to snap at him, he was holding himself trying to take deep, slow breaths. When he seemed to pull himself together he let himself go. 

"Face me when you cum," I pulled him back to me, now that I'm on my back and wrapped my legs around his waist. He pushed in without hesitation and his lips tried to seal mine. 

"Ah! Yes!" I couldn't hear the noises he made thanks to the blood pounding in my ears but the look on his face the closer we got was more than enough. "FUCK!" I screamed out, I came. He didn't slow down and I didn't want him to, my hands clawed at his back and he bit into my neck before he froze. Even without him telling me I could feel the throbbing of his shaft, telling me that he came too. After a couple minutes he released his teeth and I collapsed under him, not that he would have really noticed, I mean I don't even know when my back arched off of the bed like that. 

"Kacchan?" He asked after several minutes passed and neither of us tried to pull away. I hummed to let him know I was listening. "I love you," he whispered and couldn't stop myself from kissing him. His giggles drifted through the air, dancing around us my chuckles dancing with them. He pulled out making me flinch at the movement but then we were kissing again. 

"I love you," I answered him only to hear more of his giggles. The fall of heroes, no, the fall of Deku. Who knew that could make me so happy? 

"Kacchan?" He asked and I just waited for him to go on, his eyes nervously looking away. "Can we do that again?"

"Oh fuck yeah," I grinned, kissing him and rolling us over. I hissed at the soft pain in my back but didn't let that stop me as I balanced myself, Deku's hands on my hips. "As much as you want," I added almost as an after thought.

"Now?" He asked while eyeing me. My dick was soft but who could fucking blame me? He keeps blowing my fucking mind.

Instead of answering though I took his already hard again cock, the fucking monster, and slowly slid down it again.

"I don't need to be hard to enjoy this," I moaned, the soft ache in me vanishing the moment he was filling me again.

He started muttering about how that worked but then he noticed how I was getting hard thanks to the soft and gentle loving he was giving me and now I feel a bit like a science experiment but he was so focused on finding out what I liked and what I didn't that I couldn't really fault him. I mean isn't that what we should be doing?

"I'm never going to let you go," I heard him whisper after he came a couple more times. I doubt he noticed saying that out loud but even if he did it doesn't matter, because I'm not letting him go either.
