
I followed him, it's no secret that over the last few weeks he has been acting weird and I'm not the only one that's seen it. It's just that Deku is also pretty decent at losing a tail and no one has been able to figure out where he is going after work. I'm different though. There's no way I'll lose sight of him not after the whole fucking agency came to me asking if I knew what was wrong with him. In short, I have no fucking Idea what's going on with the nerd but I'll figure it out. 

I kept to the shadows, tailing him as he ran across the rooftops heading straight for the red light district. How did he lose those fuckers? It's pretty obvious where he's going but then again he seems to be in a hurry tonight. I wonder if he's been on an undercover mission? That wouldn't be odd but then why is he sneaking around at the office so damn much? It doesn't make sense. 

He started slowing down and looking over his shoulder but I've been keeping both my distance and hidden this whole time so he didn't notice me. I watched him climb down using a drain pipe and I saw him enter a building that made my stomach drop. Yeah that wouldn't be an undercover mission. This building is known all over for high class prostitutes and there are many pro hero regulars here. I just never thought he would be one of them. 

I kept my distance but followed after him anyway. I feel like I've been sucker punched just walking into the doorway. Why would Deku come here? I mean I know that I sure as fuck don't have a chance with him but I also know that there is no limit to the number of people, men and women, dreaming of being in his bed. So why would he pay for it? 

The woman in charge saw me but only smiled before gently leading me inside. I couldn't even make a fuss about it because then Deku would know I was here. 

"Don't worry love, we all have our vices," she winked at me before leading me into an office with no windows. "But something tells me you're not here for one of my people, now are you?" She smiled, leaning forward now that she was seated at her desk. 

"If you know then why did you bring me here?" I narrowed my eyes on her but she didn't even flinch. 

"This particular girl of mine is popular," she shrugged before clicking a few buttons and soon a screen lit up, showing Deku entering a room with a green haired girl in it. The woman didn't say anything else and simply motioned for me to watch. 

"Did you bring it?" The girl on the screen asked and Deku nodded, stepping forward to hand her something that I couldn't make out. "Are you ready?" She asked and I saw Deku take off his jacket and shoes, my heart pounding at what I'm sure was about to happen. Deku nodded and the girl clapped her hands on whatever it was that Deku handed her and the green haired girl was gone and in her place was a blond man with red eyes and I felt myself stiffen at the sight. 

"And now you see why she is so popular," the woman behind the desk from me chuckled. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen though. 

"Kacchan," Deku reached out towards the copy of me standing in the room with him. The... Person? Took his hand and pulled it to my face. 

"I can't stay away anymore, please," my lookalike begged before getting on their knees in front of him. "Just for today, can we at least pretend?" I watched as the image of myself unbuckled Deku's pants and he let him. I saw myself pull out Deku's already hard cock just to kiss the tip and then suck it into my mouth. 

"Why?" I demanded, not able to look away from the screen, seeing myself pleasure the man I loved. 

"It's what he desires," the woman shrugged while leaning back in her seat. "Don't get me wrong if it would have been any other hero you would never know who or why they were here but Deku means a lot to us. And you are his desire. This particular girl only does blow jobs, like I said we all have our vices," she waved off my question before I could do more than open my mouth. "But he wants so much more and I need to cut the tether or it could be bad for him. I can't have him monopolize my girl after all." 

"So you're showing me because?" I could feel my eyes twitching in irritation but the sound of Deku moaning out my name kept bringing my eyes back to the screen. 

"Simple, I want you to give him what he desires. At least once. Don't get me wrong I am willing to reward you handsomely and as sad as it will be to give up such a devoted customer, well, like I said I can't have him monopolize one of my girls," again the woman shrugged and I could feel my quirk pop in my aggravation but I took a deep breath to steady my nerves. 

"And you're willing to give up a customer?" I asked, not believing this was from the goodness of her heart. 

"Like I said, he means a lot to us. Many heroes only help us when they have something to gain, he always helps and never asks for anything in return, even now." Okay, yeah that tracks. Deku would probably make it a point to come out here to the"less" desirable part of town to make sure they are all okay.  

"What do I need to do?" I ground out the words and she smiled brightly. 

"Wear this quirk canceling ring and simply take my girl's place in the room. I'll knock and have her step out and then you can go in. Of course you're not required to do anything at all and once this is over he usually just has my girl talk, whispering sweet nothings to him until his time is up," she explained a few more things but when I looked at the screen again Deku's hands were tangled in my hair and I was able to see his face when he came. 


I did as the woman told me to and changed into one of their skimpy outfits and followed her to the door. I waited until she was safely out of the way and once the woman motioned me inside I closed the door behind me. 

"Kacchan? Please, just hold me for a little while?" Deku begged me sadly, reaching out for me. I took his hand and he pulled me into his arms. He froze for a moment before pulling me closer and sniffing my hair. "Wow, a bit of his hair really did the trick, you even smell like him," he whispered, his voice giving away the fact that he was about to cry. Well fuck, I haven't even said anything let alone did anything and here I am making him cry. 

"Hey," I carefully held his face in my hands making him look at me. He looked at me curiously but he didn't fight me either. "Would you let me love you?" I asked him, trying to search his eyes for the answer, he closed his eyes and leaned into my touch. 

"Yes," he whispered, when he opened his eyes I could see unshed tears threatening to spill but he managed to keep them at bay. 

"Then I'll love you," I answered and leaned forward to steal a kiss, making him freeze at the gesture. "It's not too late to change your mind," I told him when he didn't respond but he quickly shook his head and this time he kissed me. I carefully pulled him to me making sure to pull him on top at the same time. "Then love me." 

I saw the way his eyes widened, I saw the hurt in his eyes, the pain knowing that this was nothing but a dream, a fantasy. But I loved him anyway. Every thrust, every moan, every whispered word and sweet promise, I loved him. I know he isn't using a condom but when he started to pull out I clenched around him, clawing at his back while I screamed out only to feel him lose the fight and cum deep inside. 

We lay there for a long time gasping for air, just trying to catch our breath but before he could say anything stupid I kissed him, long and hard. 

"Next time you want to fuck me, skip the damn brothel and just fucking call me," I moaned, the feeling of him still inside of me more than enough for me to throw caution to the wind and run with it. 

"What?" His head snapped up so he could look me in the eyes and I chuckled. 

"I love you too, Nerd," I kept chuckling until I kissed him again. He stayed frozen for half a heartbeat before returning it. 

"I never want to let you go," he confessed. I could tell that he still thinks this is just pretending, that I'm still the girl from before. 

"Then take me home and never let me go," I smirked at him, loving how his hopes rose with just my words. It wasn't until we were dressed and leaving that he looked at me confused. I grabbed his hand and gestured for him to keep going. I was finally able to get MY clothes back and on before the girl who's place I took came around the corner. The way her smile lit up only made me bristle but I kept my thoughts to myself. The fact that she had Deku before me, even if she was disguised as me, irked me. But from what I learned from Madame Loveless, yes that's her name, the girl didn't have any feelings for Deku. Which was why she wanted to cut him off. I didn't know how to feel about that, any of it. 

"But you're..? Then you?" He turned to me and I smirked at him before giving him a wink. 

"The genuine article," I waited for a reaction but after a moment I waved a hand in front of his face only to get no reaction. "Did he really just faint while standing up?" I demanded only to let out a groan. "Damn it, Deku, you're supposed to be spoiling me after all that, not the other way around." I carefully picked him up so he wouldn't fall and get hurt but even now his body is completely rigid. 

"Looks like you have your hands full," Madame Loveless chuckled and I frowned at her. 

"I better take him home before he wakes up and flips out in front of everyone. The last thing I need is a scandal," I grumbled which made the ladies giggle but otherwise they showed me a private exit I could use and I quickly carried him home. To my home, I don't have his house keys so that limits my options. 

"Kacchan?" Deku finally started waking up long after I laid him down. "What are you doing at my house?" He asked, trying to sit up at the same time. 

"Your house?" I smirked at the implications of that. "If you wanted to move in you should have said so sooner, it's a pain to revise a lease but it is almost over. Maybe they'll give me a deal?" I chuckled at the thought but he kept looking at me confused before he looked around and found that, no, we are not at his house. 

"Why?" He was starting to panic and he wasn't able to actually form a question but I don't mind. Not after tonight. I gently pulled him closer and kissed him and he froze up. 

"You're going to take my virginity and then you're going to ask me why we're at my place? Obviously I want more," I teased him. I expected him to freak out and maybe shout or scream but instead he went silent. "Don't tell me you fainted again," I groaned, rubbing my eyes. "I wouldn't touch you if I didn't get your permission first." 

"Really?" My head snapped towards Deku who was studying me calmly now. 

"Why in the hell would I touch you if you didn't say yes?" I raised an eyebrow at him confused but instead of answering he rolled his eyes at me. 

"No Kacchan, the other part. Are you really willing to touch me at all?" He asked as if he really didn't know what he did to me in the red light district. 

"Deku, do you remember having sex at the brothel?" I asked him slowly but his face went red and he looked away but he nodded. "Thank fucking God. I thought you forgot me already." He looked at me confused before I slipped my shirt off and his eyes widened. "Yeah you left all of these, pervert." 

"I-I-I-," he stuttered but I didn't let him flounder for long. 

"I remember saying that I wanted more," I carefully motioned around him, making sure that he knew we were in my bedroom. "Do you want to give me more?" 

"Really?" He blurted out before shaking his head to try and clear it, or maybe shake some sense into it. 

"If you want me," I stopped and stood up before facing him again, this time grabbing his hands and putting them on the waistband of my pants. "Then take me. I'm giving you full permission; tease me, fill me, love me, or even leave me," I paused on that last one but continued anyway. "Touch me, whisper in my ear, do anything that you want at all." I could feel myself getting harder just from saying it. I know I'm getting my hopes up but I can't help it. He is more than any one person could ever deserve. 

"I want you," I whispered before pulling away. I didn't let his hands go until I was sure that he actually understood what I meant and when I did he yanked me off my feet and slammed me onto the bed. 

"What I want is unreasonable," he warned me, still holding back only now it looks like it's taking a lot of effort. 

"I don't remember asking for reasonable," I grinned at him only to find myself naked the next instant. Well damn. 

"Then I won't be reasonable," his words somehow landed after his lips did. The rough grip of his hands on my wrists pinning me down had my heart pounding on my chest. Didn't we already have sex? How is he so frustrated already? Or should I say still? 

His tongue in my mouth strangled even my moans. He slammed into me and I cried out my bliss. He didn't bother to prep me this time and I can't help being thankful that we didn't stop to clean up before leaving the brothel because I'm pretty sure I would have torn if I were completely dry and I'm not entirely sure that I made it out unscathed as is. 

"FUCK!" Everything was too much and yet somehow not nearly enough. "No! Wait, stop," I started to panic and he froze while my body twitches and spasms under him. "Hurts," I tried to explain but I couldn't see through the tears. He let go of my wrists but when he started to pull out I clawed at his back to stop the movement. "Stop," I was ready to beg but again he froze without argument. 

"Tell me what you need," he whispered and I tried to agree I really did but nothing would come out. My body fought, trying to push him out while also protecting itself, each twitch created a world of pain all of its own. 

"Too dry, it hurts," I whined, not able to actually explain properly but I also know that I didn't sound barbaric so I'm sure he understood me just fine. 

"Sorry, I thought there was still a lot of lube left," I could see him already berating himself for later but right now I just can't move. "I have some next to the bed," he motioned towards the bedside table. He moved and I couldn't help crying out but what else could I do? 

He did his best not to move but when I felt the cool relief of the lube I still couldn't move. No shocker there, what was still in me was still dry after all. He carefully strokes me, his grip strong but careful as he moves and once my body relaxed it got a lot easier. His other hand also covered in lube worked at my ass until I felt him pull out a little. Without pain. 

"Ahhh, yes," I moaned, his fingers still working at me. I couldn't sit still and started rocking against him. I felt as the now lube covered cock nudged its way in and out of me, my body no longer fighting it. "Yes," I sighed. I relaxed into his arms, mine around his shoulders. He rolled onto his back, his hands on my hips helping me ride him. The feel of him filling me so completely was hard to come to terms with. My back arched while I had my head back crying out, his name the only intelligent things I could say. "Izu, Izu, Izu, Izuku!" His hands tightened and slammed me down on him. 

So close, I'm so fucking close it hurts. I bent down, forcing a kiss only to cry out when he rolled us over, this time leaving me on my back. He adjusted a little and started thrusting, his lips on mine, his tongue diving in. My legs wrapped around his waist, my fingers clawing at his back, my body was begging for him and he gave me exactly what I wanted, what I needed. 

He swallowed my screams of ecstasy and even as my body completely fell apart, melting in his arms I came. I seized around him, everything tightened but he only grunted, his thrust sloppy and haphazard and just when I thought I couldn't take any more he froze, his moans echoing in my ears while his cock throbbed inside of me, filling me. 

A long time passed with us frozen like this, our gasp and panting the only noise, us trying to suck in enough air now that we stopped moving. Our bodies demanded that we catch our breath but I couldn't stay away. I pulled him in, his mouth opened in surprise but I used that to my advantage. My tongue claimed his in an instant. The kiss was open and even with me trying to seal us together to somehow make us closer I could still hear the gasps from between us. 

"Fuck, I want more. So much more," I could hear the whine in my voice but I couldn't help it. The thought that after I let him go he might never come back was terrifying and I don't know what I would do if he left. Right now I could feel him, the way he filled me even now that several minutes have passed since our orgasm, the feel of his skin against mine while I clung to him, my nails having left angry red scratches all over his back but I just couldn't let him go. 

"Then I'll give you more," he whispered into a kiss and I felt his hands tilt my hips a little just for him to pull out. My body panicked, I tried to latch on to never let him go and then he thrusted back in and I cried out at the over stimulation. I could feel his cum still inside of me, each thrust aggravating me more until I thrashed from my place under him. My back arched high, my head thrown back, a scream tearing through me as I begged and pleaded for more. For it to never end. 

My world came crashing down while my climax spiraled out of control. The throbbing I felt in my ass only seemed to hammer that fact in but what could I do? My body hummed with the pleasure I just experienced. When Deku calmed down his body relaxing into mine, I was thanking whatever deity there was that he wasn't pulling away. I flinched when I felt him kiss my shoulder though, not expecting the intimate gesture while I was still trying to force some kind of sense of control back together but kept failing. 

He kissed me again and again, trailing from the end of my shoulder to the base of my neck before finally looking at me. I tried to open my mouth to say something but he didn't seem to notice, and instead kissed me long and hard, only breaking away when my lungs demanded it. 

"Half an hour," I froze at his words looking at him confused. "I just need half an hour, no, twenty minutes, I can do it again. Don't leave," he begged and it's now that I I feel him slip out of me but at the same time the motion had cum spilling out of my ass and I couldn't stay still. 

"You're a monster," I chuckled but my body writhed under him and I couldn't stop the smile on my face either. 

"What do you-," I cut him off. Stopping his useless question in its tracks while I kissed him. 

"I think I'm going to need a few hours before doing that again, at least if I plan to be able to walk after the fact," I gently teased him and he looked a bit confused but also relieved. 

I looked away before saying, "we'll need to go to city hall in the morning, should we get a nice suit to wear?" I asked before returning my gaze to him. I couldn't look away, not for long, not from him. 

"A suit?" He looked at me confused but now that we have basically established that we were NOT going to have sex again for a bit he was laying next to me, cuddling close. His long dark lashes surrounded by his sun kissed skin, the freckles that seemed to never end had me leaning in to kiss his shoulder where a small cluster of them appeared. Looks like he has been getting a lot of sun lately. 

"We don't have to if you don't want to. I just thought it would be nice when they took our picture," I hummed, letting my insecurities drift away while I focused on kissing his strong shoulder. I felt myself throb but scolded myself for even thinking about taking him in again. I know my body wouldn't be able to handle it right now, not after all that. 

"Our picture?" He looks even more confused and the grip on my pride, or is it my ego? Was starting to come loose while my insecurities rushed forward again. 

"Didn't you like it?" I asked, trying to figure out if I could actually withstand taking him again or not. I really don't think so. No way in hell. Sure I would be screaming but I'm pretty sure it would be in pain, terrible, awful pain. Could I mask it and somehow make him think it was pleasure? We are heroes so pain isn't something we aren't used to but still. I don't want us to be a lie. 

"Kacchan, why would we be getting our picture taken at City Hall?" He asked me slowly, clearly. The way his eyes searched mine trying to find the answer made my panic stop, at least for now. 

"I'm pretty sure they will take a picture for us to commemorate the occasion," I said slowly, still not sure what he was confused about. Maybe he isn't interested in marriage as a concept? But I… 

"The occasion?" He asked, his eyes never leaving mine, it felt thrilling but also scary. As if he knew something I didn't. 

"Most people think getting married is a big thing!" I snapped at him but I quickly looked away. Can't I go five minutes without losing my cool? No, I can do this. Deku hasn't run away so I still have a chance. I just need to take a deep breath and calmly tell him how I feel. It's been so long but with the last few hours of pleasured relief I should be able to do it. 

"I-," I started but stopped again. Deku had plunged forward in a kiss and I'm powerless to stop him. I never want to stop him. 

"Yes," he whispered barely audible between the kisses. "Yes, yes yes," he kept repeating and oh shit that's his boner! No I can't, there is no way I can take him ag-. 

He thrusted forward filling me before I could say a word at all. His lips on mine and with each powerful thrust he whined while my body shuddered and convulsed under him. I cried out, surprisingly not from pain but from the over stimulation that was quickly getting more than uncomfortable. I felt him throb inside of me not able to hold on at all while he filled me and I couldn't hold still anymore. I screamed and thrashed when he pulled out. I still couldn't hold still, my body writhing, not knowing what to do or how to handle the pleasure, I cried out. 

I felt his hands sliding up and down my body and even with him completely pulled out I just couldn't stop. I flinched at his touch, my body not able to take it anymore any words he could have said were lost to me, my own cries far too much for me to actually register either. I felt him pull me into his arms and even with my body panicking he didn't let me go. 

Eternity seemed to come and go but still. I couldn't. I tried to force my eyes open but my tears were too much to see through. I sobbed in his arms, the arms of the man I loved for no other reason than I couldn't take anymore. 


"Kacchan?" I heard the angel call my name but even as I turned towards the voice I couldn't go far. 

"I can't believe you called me for this," I heard the voice of the fucking devil next. How is that old woman still alive? Recovery Girl is most heroes' nightmare and it's primarily because of how she doesn't give two shits about their reputation or standing, she will still hit them with her cane. 

"I didn't know what else to do! He wouldn't wake up," Deku sounds like he had been crying but that isn't really anything new. 

"There isn't anything wrong with him. If anything it looks like he is perfectly healthy and it appears that his stress levels have actually declined," she answered him but that's scary in its own right. 

"His stress levels? But what about his quirk? His heart?" Deku started panicking and I heard a loud thud and his groan of pain. 

"He fainted, just like you guessed. His body couldn't take being so calm and he passed out. He will be just fine when he wakes up and the fact that he turned towards your voice is a good indicator that he will be waking up soon. Congratulations on your successful crush, now leave me out of your sex lives," I heard another thud and Deku whining about something hurting. 

"But what if-," he started but with another thud he groaned but otherwise stayed silent. 

"Talk to him, sex is good for you both but if he gets overwhelmed from it this will happen again. Just slow down next time and he'll be just fine," she grumbled and I heard a door slam. Sounds like she left. 

"I'm sorry Kacchan," I heard Deku sniffing and I forced my eyes open to see him crying but smiling really big. "I just… I wasn't expecting you to propose. I just couldn't stay away," he finished lamely and I rolled my eyes, not that he noticed of course. 

"When I said I needed a few hours I meant it," I groaned but his head snapped up at my voice. 

"Kacchan!" He jumped onto the bed and hugged me, making me wince at the sudden movement. My body is still humming with pleasure and my heart just might stop if he tried to go again. 

"Easy! Easy, I can't take you again. I just can't," I warned him and he nodded in understanding. 

"I'm so sorry, I never thought about-," 

"Shut up and kiss me," I groaned and he giggled cutely before doing exactly that. Of course three times wouldn't suffice, at least not for long. I'll need to build up my endurance so that something like this won't happen again but we can have that conversation later. 

"Can we still get married?" He asked, hugging me tight, his eyes big while he cuddled me. 

"Oh hell yeah. I'm not giving you up a second time," I huffed but he looked at me confused. 

"A second time?" But I ignored his question and kissed him instead. Everything else can just wait. Right now my blood is pounding through me and even though I can't take any more pleasure I'm sure he can. 

"I want to suck your dick, did you clean up?" I asked him bluntly and he turned very red before running out of the room and towards my bathroom. Good, at least he knows what to do now. 
