Artoria Pendragon (Lancer) Nome Muno and the King of Knights

There is a truly incompetent man in Chaldea.

 The man, whose name was Munoh Noam, was a selfish magician who sought mastery of Mash and his own honor.

 Born into a family of fairly famous magicians, he grew up to be a man who lacked morals and looked down on those around him, just like most magicians.

 When he came to Chaldea and learned that he was one of the few survivors of an explosion that killed many people, his vicious personality seems to have accelerated.

 In his mind, he has already completed a future in which he has repaired humanity and become a hero.

 In order to make his fantasy a reality, he embraced the staff and used his financial resources to summon many heroic spirits. Seeing him, other magicians also repeated the summoning of heroic spirits.

 ...In short, this man named Munoh is the one who created the current internal conflict structure of Chaldea.

 Well, since there are so many magicians who look down on and don't care about people other than themselves, even if he didn't do it, someone else would have caused it.

 However, it is certain that he took the initiative to some extent by being the first to act, and within Chaldea the faction called the Muno faction has considerable power.

 No matter what he hides, although he is incompetent, he is a man with money, power, and luck.

 As the master mages decide to summon a heroic spirit, he manages to summon two truly rare servants.

 Heroic spirits, which normally could not be summoned without forming a suitable bond, seemed to be miraculously summoned to Chaldea by the magicians' frantic efforts to summon them.

 The first person Munoh summoned was Arturia Pendragon... However, she was not a holy sword user, but wielded a holy spear as a weapon.SpearmanlancerIt was her girlfriend.

 Munoh was feeling pretty good at this point after attracting an undeniably powerful heroic spirit, but even more happiness came to him.

 Surprisingly, he succeeded in summoning Minamoto no Yorimitsu, a servant who is as rare as Artoria or even more rare.

 This good fortune sent Munoh into a frenzy.

 Judging from their status, there is no doubt that these two are quite powerful servants, and since there is no other master who has summoned them, there is no doubt that they are extremely rare.

 Although Munoh had summoned many other Servants, the fact that he was able to summon two powerful and rare female heroic spirits (called limited mackerel in meta terms) made him even more powerful.

 ...But the world is not so kind. And though he had luck, wealth, and power, he was incompetent.

 Having summoned countless Servants in this way, he is faced with the reality of running out of training materials.

 The pilot fire for cultivating spiritual bases, the materials for cultivating second comings and skills, the QP needed for all of these... everything is missing.

 Munoh realized that there was nothing he could do about this no matter how much money he had, and when he learned that other magicians were in the same situation, he decided on his future course of action.

 The training policy he has set is to intensively train either Arturia or Raiko, who are powerful and rare servants among the heroic spirits he has collected.

 The idea was to use the heroic spirits that don't seem to be very strong (also low-rare from a meta perspective) as raw materials to develop a strong servant.

 I think each person has their own opinion on this, but when asked if it's correct to summon a large number of heroic spirits and actually raise only one, many people would tilt their heads. Dew.

 But well, Munoh doesn't stop. Having established his policy in this way, he then considers which of Arturia or Raiko he should prioritize in training.

 Now, here's the problem. What does this man named Munoh prioritize when deciding which servant he will train?

 Balance with other heroic spirits? The servant's own abilities? Is it compatible with the enemies that will appear at the singularity we will conquer?

 The correct answer is...simply, purely.Self・minutes・but・air・to・stomach・Ru・mosquito・degree・cormorant・mosquito・, is.

 Munoh is a man full of desires, including a desire for advancement, and naturally he also has a corresponding sexual desire.

 like he was crazyHeroic Spirit SummonGachaThe reason why he enjoyed it was because he had a desire to have as many heroic spirits as attendants, including unparalleled beauties and beautiful girls.

 Now, let's pose the question again.

 Which of the following two people does Munoh choose as his favorite?

 One is a silent knight clad in rugged armor reminiscent of a lion, riding a gigantic horse that doesn't even show its face.

 The other is a gentle Japanese beauty, a female samurai wearing a tight tights-like costume that generously exposes the lines of her attractive female body.

 Anyone can imagine the judgment Munoh made after comparing Artoria, who draws the line between master and servant, and Raiko, who shows him some dangerous affection and closes the distance between them.

 Munoh chose Raiko as his favorite servant. And he decided to raise her as a priority.

 Since they are powerful heroic spirits, they require a large amount of pilot fire and experience points, so it may not be a bad decision to prioritize one of them for training, but... Munoh also falls for the charm of the woman named Raiko, just as she turns to a dangerous love.

 Before he knew it, Munoh, who had stopped paying any attention to the other heroic spirits, was training for battle with his favorite servants, Raikou and other servants.

 Even though it's combat training, it's not that difficult, and it's just a game for Munoh to defeat weaker enemies and make himself feel better.

 However, even in such fun, his own incompetence and inconsideration were revealed.

"Thank you for your hard work, Raiko Mama! Mama is really strong after all! It's really reassuring to have a mom like you fighting alongside me!"

"My mother didn't do anything big, she only did so under Master's precise instructions."

"Thank you, Mom! I'm tired again today, so let's cut short our training and go back to my room! I'll do my best to supply magic power for you, Mom!"

"Oh my...! My mother would be overwhelmed if Master asked her so much...♥"

 Munoh, who is supposed to be a man of a good age, clings to Raiko like a child.

 Raiko, who responded to his behavior with a ecstatic smile due to his distorted thinking as a berserker and his innate maternal love, was led by Munoh and left the simulation room, while the other servants who had formed a team Arturia, who was left behind with him, let out a deep sigh.


 Arturia moved to the corner of the room to avoid the pity from those around her and lowered her gaze to the floor.

 While the other Servants left the room one by one, she was the last one to stay, wearing an expression of agony under her helmet in indescribable pain.

(To think that he can't stand up against an enemy of this caliber...Even though he hasn't developed a spiritual base, it's such an abomination that it makes the name of the King of Knights cry...)

 In the previous battle, Artoria, whose spirit base had not grown at all, was completely incapable of standing up against mere small fry enemies.

 Instead of defeating the enemy, she was on the verge of being defeated, but she was saved by Raikou, whose training is progressing, and just like the other Servants, she just watched her activities.

 For Artoria, who was once the king and was praised as a brave knight, this situation was nothing but humiliation.

 That King of Knights is about to be defeated by a weak enemy that Raikou could have defeated in a single hand, and he shows off how he is being helped every time...The Servant who made a contract with Muno and his entourage who are watching his battles are exposed to his own abomination. Every time Arturia is seen, her heart becomes filled with shame and regret.

 Although Muno doesn't seem to understand, the Servants are familiar spirits, but at the same time they are proud heroic spirits.

 They also have pride as they follow the master. By respecting that part and understanding each other, Master and Servant deepen their bond, but what Munoh is doing to Arturia is the exact opposite of that.

 He tramples on Arturia's pride, rejects mutual understanding with her, and treats her roughly without even looking at her.

 With this, there was no way a bond with her could be cultivated, and on the contrary, Artoria's heart was drifting away from Munoh.

(Don't do it. The Master must have his own thoughts and circumstances. As a contractor, you should never doubt that.)

 However, she is a proud knight and a lancer who also has the side of a mature adult, and she cannot hold back her bad feelings towards Munoh.

 As a servant, her dedication to swearing loyalty to the one who summoned her is admirable, but so far it doesn't seem like it will be rewarded.

 For example, if she had a personality like Mordred, the rebel knight, the situation might have been different.

 However, as someone who served beside her Master, Artoria acted in a way that made her not assert herself.

 Whether that's a good or bad thing will depend on each person's opinion, but at least it means that if you don't clearly convey your opinion to a man like Munod, this is what will happen.

 While having excellent abilityarmor・of・Arrival・hand・stomach・Ru・Arturia felt miserable about her current situation, unable to receive the favor of her master and simply watching her friends grow more and more.

 However, she convinces herself that it can't be helped, and as she attempts to return home after Munoh and the others, a young man appears in front of her.

"Hello, may I have a moment?"


 A young Asian man called out to her with a gentle smile... Artoria looked at Ritsuka Fujimaru's face and let out a slightly surprised sound.

 Since he was wearing a helmet, he probably couldn't see his expression. Ritsuka smiled at her and began talking to her.

"Lancer Artoria Pendragon... right? The master is Mr. Munoh... right?"

"Yes, that's right. So, do you need anything from me?"

 When Artoria answered in the affirmative to Ritsuka's question, he made this request.

"I'm really sorry, but...could you join me in my combat training from now on?"

"Combat training? Why me?"

"No, the reason is that I happened to be here, but it would be helpful if I had a servant who would take care of the vanguard. I only have Caster's servant as a companion..."

 While saying that, Ritsuka takes her gaze away from Arturia and looks behind her.

 When Arturia also turned her head to the end of his line of sight, there she was.magiciancasterThere was a figure of Cúchulainn who appeared in the class.

 Seeing him raise his hand while looking at her lightly, Arturia was convinced of Ritsuka's argument.

 At the same time, Ritsuka continued to her, who had come to the realization that there was a support system within Chaldea where Servants could be lent to each other.

"What do you think? It may be wrong to borrow power from Muno-san without his consent, but if Artoria lends her power, Chaldea will reward her."F.P.friend pointswill be paid, so I don't think it's a bad thing for that person, right? "

"...Well, that's right. Even if you agree after the fact, Master won't say anything."

 Participating in a training ground or treasure house would be one thing, but this is just combat training.

 Even if Artoria lends a hand to Ritsuka, he won't get servant training materials or QP, and it won't be an act of betrayal to his master.

"Okay, Ritsuka Fujimaru. I'll accompany you in your training."

"Really!? Thank you, Artoria! I'm so happy!"

"...However, please don't expect much from me regarding my fighting ability. I haven't developed any spiritual roots."

"Is that so? But it's reassuring to think that the King of Knights will fight alongside us. I can rely on you, Artoria."


 Artoria feels both guilt and joy at Ritsuka's carefree, smiling and trusting attitude.

 She accompanies him in his combat training under Ritsuka's command, trying not to expose the abomination she displayed in the previous training in front of this young man.

"Thank you so much, Artoria! It was a good training session! You can rely on Artoria!"

"No, it's only natural that an enemy of that caliber shouldn't have a hard time. Your instructions were also good, Ritsuka Fujimaru."

"Haha! It's an honor to be praised by the King of Knights...! Ah, here's a drink. If you'd like, please."

"Please accept my gratitude. Thank you."

 An hour later, Artoria finished her combat training and felt cheerful, as if her depressed mood from a while ago was a lie.

 The reason is simple and clear; it's literally because I was able to get some good combat training.

 Ritsuka's training, which only had one Servant, was far less difficult than the training that Munoh did for fun.

 It was a really simple simulation, with weak enemies and few in number, but for Artoria, whose spiritual group had not grown at all, it seemed to be just the right level of difficulty.

 Even if her level is 1, she is the King of Knights. She has a considerable hidden ability.

 If she stood in the vanguard with the support of Caster Cú Chulainn, she would be no match for any of the insignificant enemies.

"After all, having a servant in charge of the vanguard gives you a different sense of stability. It also makes commanding more difficult."

"Your command ability is not bad. Once you have all your forces together, you will be able to take on the battle as a worthy master."

"Really!? When you say that much, I get really scared..."

 Arturia is not praising Ritsuka out of flattery. In fact, I think his command was superb.

 Although it was likely that her opponent was weak, she felt a long-forgotten sense of fulfillment as she thought that she was able to coordinate her movements with Cu Chulainn in the rear.

"...Thank you, Ritsuka Fujimaru. The training was quite fruitful."

"Ahaha, I'm the one to say thank you! Thank you for helping me, Arturia!"

 The words of gratitude that came out of her mouth were Arturia's honest feelings for being able to get the satisfaction she couldn't get under Munoh.

 She had struggled in training and was on the verge of losing confidence as she was constantly shown how Raikou was active in the opposite direction, but she seems to have regained her strength through her interaction with Ritsuka.

 Ritsuka stared intently at Arturia's face, which had a gentle smile on her face, and opened her mouth with a slight hint of seriousness in her voice.

"Ah, I wish Arturia was my servant... She's strong, reliable, and so beautiful. I'm jealous of Muno-san."

"Huh...!? Kyuu, what are you saying all of a sudden, Ritsuka Fujimaru? Aren't you surprised? Ugh!?"

 Artoria expresses surprise at Ritsuka's words, which seem to be playful but cannot hide their seriousness.

 This time, since she wasn't wearing a helmet, her expression was exposed in front of him, and her slightly red cheeks revealed her shyness.

 Strong, reliable, and... beautiful.

 She let go of the holy sword and became more aware of herself as a woman, so she accepted the compliment, which was so straight forward that she was flustered by it, but suddenly her vision became distorted and she became dizzy.

"Artoria, are you okay!?"

"Eh, yeah, no problem. I just stumbled a little."

 Although she was able to cover up her earlier embarrassing reaction by staggering, it also made Ritsuka uneasy.

 His gentle smile completely changed to an apologetic expression, and he said this while bowing to Artoria.

"I'm sorry. After fighting two battles in a row, you must be tired. I'll call it a day, so please go to your room and rest. Thank you very much for lending me your strength."

"Don't worry about it. Apparently, I'm more sluggish than I thought. I can't believe I'm exhausted at this level..."

"It's been a while since I was summoned, so I can't help it. I'll handle the FP application, so I'm sorry, but can I just ask you to report to Mr. Muno?"

"Yes, I understand. Now, please excuse me."

 Artoria leaves the training ground, putting back on the helmet she had taken off to drink water.

 While holding the water bottle he handed her, Ritsuka confirmed that most of the contents were gone, and he smiled slightly.

(There's something body doesn't feel right...)

 Artoria parted ways with Ritsuka and was about to return to her room when she clearly sensed something strange happening to her body.

 Her head felt dizzy and her body felt extremely hot... It was as if the wind had been pulled out, but a completely different atmosphere enveloped her body.

 Arturia was walking with unsteady steps, feeling as if her heart was beating loudly inside her large chest covered in armor, and she thought to herself while breathing heavily.

(I want magic power...should I ask the master to supply magic power...?)

 Originally, the heroic spirits summoned by Chaldea have Chaldea generate the magical power they need to stay in this world by converting electricity.

 Therefore, there is basically no need to provide magical power such as sexual intercourse... but most of the masters enrolled in Chaldea use this tatemae to have sex in order to embrace beautiful girls. was.

 In fact, as Muno hinted at the end of the previous training that magical power was supplied to him by having sex with Raikou, in this Chaldea, magical power was often supplied through body fluids, which is said to be inefficient. ing.

 Of course, there are more than ten contract servants, and since the Master is alone, he cannot hold them all at once.

 When the masters had enough physical strength, they would invite their favorite female spirit to be their night partner and have some fun.

 Munoh must also be having sex with Raikou in the name of supplying magical power.

 Artoria thought that if she could use the FP she had obtained by helping Ritsuka as a souvenir, she might be able to join them, so she swallowed thickly and knocked on the door of Munoh's My Room. called out.

"Master, this is Artoria. May I have a moment?"

 There was no sound for a while. After that, Artoria made sure that the door was unlocked and stepped into Munoh's private room, where she saw the expected scene.

"Hmm...♥ How do you feel, Master? Do you feel comfortable inside your mother's honey pot...?"

Ah...! It's the best, Raikou Mama! I want to stay like this forever...!!"

 Munoh's my room is relatively simple, but different from the white, bare rooms of the other masters, it is somewhat nostalgic and luxuriously remodeled.

 On a bed surrounded by eye-catching lace, he was communing with Raikou.

 She took off most of her accessories, but wore enough to show that she was not just a woman, but a special existence as a heroic spirit, and generously exposed her huge breasts and butt, which were usually covered by a purple body suit. , Raikou is straddling Munoh, who is rocking and lying on the bed, and is servicing him while showing the expression of a female.

 Munoh had a dreamy expression on his face as he looked at Raiko, but when he turned to Arturia, he called out to her.

"So? What do you want? As you can see, I'm busy right now. If you need anything, please report it immediately."

"I-I'm sorry. I assisted Ritsuka Fujimaru in his combat training earlier, so I thought I'd give you the report and the FP I obtained..."

"What, that's it? It doesn't matter, it could have been done tomorrow."

"...I'm sorry, Master."

 Arturia removes her helmet and bows her head to show her apology.

 Munoh glanced at her, clicked his tongue, and said in a displeased manner.

"Is that all you have to report? If that's the case, leave FP behind and leave quickly. If there's someone wearing a nasty armor around, you won't feel at ease at all even though you're with mom."

 Munoh shoos Arturia away like a bug.

 Raiko is also looking at her with an apologetic expression on his face, and Arturia, who understands that she is nothing more than a nuisance to the two of them, silently leaves the room.

 Just before the door was about to close, the moment she heard Munoh's monkey-like scream and Raikou's roar as she happily started shaking her hips... Arturia's misery and the fire burning inside her grew to its maximum.

 Arturia sleepwalks through the hallway, feeling the emptiness of not being looked at by her master, Muno, and the shock of having her expectations of being betrayed by her hopes of receiving his favor. Start walking.

 The fire burning inside her body and the tingling throughout her body were increasing to the point that Arturia herself couldn't do anything about it.

 She was trying to solve this problem by supplying magic power with Munoh, but her wish was brutally crushed.

 You could just go back to your room and comfort yourself miserably.

 However, for Arturia, who had endured hardships until today, the last thing she wanted to do was suffer further humiliation.

 whoever. It doesn't matter who you are, I want you to do something about this pain and fever.

 Thinking this, Arturia continued walking through Chaldea, and as if guided by something, her feet headed towards Ritsuka's room.

(I know this is a betrayal. But already...!!)

 He understood that asking for what he wanted from someone who was not his Master was a betrayal of Munoh.

 Even so...Arturia can't stop herself. With the slightest trace of her sense of reason and guilt remaining, she reached for the intercom to call Ritsuka inside her room.

"Yes, I'm Fujimaru, but…? "

"... Ritsuka Fujimaru, it's me. I'm Artoria. Would you be okay with that?"

 Artoria thought that if he refused her now, there would be nothing she could do.

 In Chaldea, which is full of enemies, there is a good chance that he will be suspicious of another servant's sudden visit and reject him.

 That's why, even though Arturia was filled with expectations, she felt a bit cold... Ritsuka unlocked the room, opened the door himself, and welcomed her in.

"What's wrong, Artoria? Did you not receive the FP?"

 Without answering Ritsuka's question, Artoria steps into his room.

 She saw a bed in a bleak room with minimal facilities, different from Munoh's, and after taking a small breath, she quietly opened her mouth.

"Ritsuka Fujimaru...I'm sure you'll be surprised to hear something like this suddenly, but I can only ask you. Please, don't say anything..."

 While saying that, he takes off his helmet. Her eyes were moistened with heat, and her face was tinged with anticipation.

 Next, she erased the shining silver armor and even the blue leotard-like innerwear underneath, revealing a naked body filled with the charm of a woman, with breasts and buttocks as big as Raiko's. She begged, showing off to Ritsuka.

"--Would you be able to supply me with magical power?"