First day of treatment...Ejaculation assistance through titty fuck service

"...Treatment record, first day. From today, I, Florence Nightingale, will be under the care of Mr. Fujimaru. With his cooperation, the progress of the pathogenic bacteria attached to my spiritual base. While observing him, I will also monitor his condition."

 Nightingale says this in the switched footage.

 She was wearing the same red military uniform as usual, instead of the condom-like nurse uniform she had been wearing earlier, and as she said this, she put down the camera and walked over to the bed where Ritsuka was waiting.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting. Now, let's get started."

"That's fine, but… is there a need to go out of your way to record it?"

"It's important to keep medical records, especially in a case like this."

 While saying this, Nightingale makes the spirit robe she wears disappear.

 When the military uniform that showed no exposure at all disappeared, her attractive female body that was hidden in it was exposed in front of Ritsuka.

"...The nightingale is beautiful, after all."

"...Thank you. I think it's a compliment, but I appreciate it."

"I'm not trying to flatter you, come on."


 Ritsuka praises the naked Nightingale and points to his own crotch.There, Nightingale saw the magnificent penis erected, and for a moment, her steely skin changed to the expression of a female with a mixture of anticipation and excitement, and she gasped.

"So, what are you going to do?"

"...Let's check on your condition today. We should do that first."

 To borrow Nightingale's words, her vagina is now a breeding ground for germs.Ritsuka, who has thrust his penis inside her, is a must-see for her.

 Thanks to the resistance he developed when he made the contract with Mash, he hasn't had any effects, but... it can't be said that his condition won't suddenly change.

command code Nightingale is now in a state of being poisoned, but since she knows that nothing will happen unless they have sex, her priority is Ritsuka's physical condition.

"I see you're worried about me. Thank you, Nightingale."

"...In this incident, I have become Typhoid Mary. It is my duty to take responsibility for this."

 Nightingale mentions the name of a person who once unknowingly spread dangerous germs, and talks about how she has found herself in the same position.

 Seeing her pained expression, Ritsuka says to her, rekindling his anger at Wy for destroying the dignity of Nightingale, who put her first priority on protecting life and dedicated her life to medical care.

"What should I do? I'll follow Nightingale's instructions."

"Thank you. If the patient is cooperative, treatment will go smoothly."

 Although she is acting as usual, Nightingale must be suffering from a huge emotional scar right now.

 Ritsuka, who respects Nightingale as a doctor and believes that if he can heal Nightingale's heart by following her instructions, he should do so as much as possible, behaves as an obedient patient.

 Nightingale wanted to make sure that Ritsuka wasn't feeling well, so she sat in front of Ritsuka who was sitting on the bed, and said this while stroking his erect penis.

``Normally, if you think about it, the first thing that will show abnormalities will be your penis.It has been in contact with my vagina, which is a breeding ground for germs, for a long time.So, first of all, make sure your penis is not in good condition. I will confirm."

"Okay. So, what exactly are you going to do?"

"...We will check to see if your male genitals can function normally, that is, if you can ejaculate normally. Fortunately, I have experienced your ejaculation first hand, so it will be easy for me to judge."

 A blush appeared on Nightingale's cheeks as she spoke.

 I'm not sure if I remembered my stupid behavior the other day, or if I felt ashamed of what I was about to do, but that doesn't matter right now.

 Nightingale gently touched Ritsuka's upper body and gently laid him down on the bed, then grabbed her own plump breasts and said,

"I will stimulate your penis to encourage ejaculation. Sexual intercourse that involves penetration is out of the question, and oral sex is also a risk of infection, so I would avoid it, so the best solution would be onanism, expected, that would be too bland." That's why I will do it like this.''

 Nightingale grabs her breasts, which are bigger than hers, and invites Ritsuka's penis into her cleavage.

 She held the cock between her breasts, which were both as big and as soft as Lancer Arturia's, and started moving her breasts up and down as she dripped her own saliva onto them and used it as a lotion.

Hmm, mm... ♥ Fu, fu... ♥"

 Nightingale writhes in shame every time the obscene sounds of slut and slosh echo from her cleavage.

 She had never experienced such lewd acts in her lifetime, and seems to feel a strong sense of shame at the act of titty fuck service.

(This is a therapeutic is by no means a shameful act...♥)

 Even though Nightingale told herself that, her face turned red with embarrassment that she couldn't shake.

 She realizes that her breathing is getting harder and harder, and calls out to Ritsuka to cover up her shame.

"What do you think, Mr. Fujimaru? Having said that, I'm not very used to this kind of behavior, so I don't think I'm getting enough pleasure from it..."

"It's nothing like that. It's warm and soft and feels really good."

"...You're a kind person. You care about me even though I'm not used to it."

"It's true. I can feel how hard he's trying to make you feel good. When you get tit fucked like this, you feel a lot of Nightingale's love and it makes you feel good."

"Ah, love...!? This is just part of the treatment process, nothing like that...!!"

 Nightingale was clearly shaken by Ritsuka's words that caught her off guard.

 While telling Ritsuka that this was a therapeutic act, she also told herself... but she was also aware that there was a part of her that was feeling excited no matter what. .

(Every time this manly penis beats in my chest, my heart beats faster... ♥ Oh, no... I remember that time... ♥)

 Ritsuka's cock, wedged between her cleavage, trembles like a different creature from Nightingale's ministrations.

 Masculinity, hardness, and heat are all on a par with Wai. Nightingale's mind was filled with flashbacks of the pleasure she had experienced during intercourse with Ritsuka the other day.

 I thought that I could not feel pleasure just because I have frigidity, but as a woman... no, even more than that, one night of sex instilled in me the pleasure of being a woman.

 Nightingale felt an even stronger sense of shame as she thought back on the immense pleasure she had been given in exchange for giving up reason and dignity, and remembered her own unseemly behavior when she reached climax after climax.

 But shame isn't the only thing she feels. She also remembers the pleasure she experienced.

 The joy of being an overly strong female that she had never experienced before, even when she was alive or since she was summoned as a heroic spirit.

 The spear of flesh that had driven her crazy was now being held between her cleavage, performing lewd service... Nightingale's body suddenly became hot at the thought.

(Ah, ah...♥ Are you excited? I'm feeling sexual pleasure and excitement during the treatment right now...♥)

 As my whole body aroused, I felt that the sensation in my chest became stronger.

 Nightingale realizes that the virility of Ritsuka's penis and its rhythm become even stronger, and is confused by the fact that she is in heat.

 However, contrary to her thoughts, her body was repeating the exercise she was honestly asking for.

 Dapan ♥ Dotapun ♥ as she violently moved her breasts up and down, intensifying her service to Ritsuka's penis that was sandwiched between her cleavage.

When she did a titty fuck by slamming her huge breasts against Ritsuka's crotch, a louder sound echoed in the room than before.

 The sweaty skin made her slippery, making her movements smoother, and an obscene nuchu-nuchu sound was emitted from the cleavage of her breasts.

 A large amount of sweat gushes out from his hot, flushed body, and Nightingale realizes that this is creating a strong female odor, and his shame and heat grow stronger.

(My body is hot ♥ It doesn't listen to what I say ♥ The sensation of my penis is getting stronger, and my hearing and smell are getting more and more acute... ♥)

 I'm excited now. She indulges in sexual acts under the pretext of medical treatment, and enjoys the pleasure of being a female in the process.

 The heated body, the obscene sounds that were echoing, the obscene female odor emanating from his whole body... that was proof.

 Then, Nightingale felt that her genitals, which were the hottest in her body, were making obscene sounds, and were emitting the sweet scent of a female, were melting, and she let out a deep throat. I can't help but imagine it.

 What if... if Ritsuka's penis, which was currently sandwiched between her breasts, was accepted into her vagina... what kind of pleasure would she experience?

 If my body, which has known the joy of sex and blossomed into a woman, was raped like that day... I wonder what would happen to me.

 I can imagine it. I look forward to it. I want to do that.

 But that is not allowed. There's no way she could accept her beloved boyfriend into her vagina, which is a hotbed of germs.

(Ai, are you...? Am I...?)

 --That's when I noticed. He realizes that he has extraordinary feelings for Ritsuka.

 Not as a doctor and patient. The moment Nightingale realized that they were having feelings as a woman and a man, a woman and a man, the pleasure for her and her Ritsuka burst forth.



 After a violent rhythm of twitching, the male's excitement is released.

 The pleasure that exploded in her cleavage burned Nightingale's sexual senses, making her experience a deep sense of satisfaction and pleasure.

(Did he climax...? Because of my service, he had a huge amount of thick and hot stuff... ♥)

 Ritsuka's semen is showered on her cleavage, all over her breasts, and on her face.

 Nightingale felt a sweet happiness at the moment when the magical power, which was extremely hot and dense, was showered on her so intensely that it dyed her skin.

 I want to hold it in my mouth. I want to lick it off, swallow it, and absorb it as part of myself.

 No, it's not. What she was looking for was something else... She was just thinking about it, and suddenly she regained her senses.

(No, this is a medical treatment, so you must act appropriately...!)

 Swallowing the semen released from a penis that may be infected with pathogens is something that should never happen.

 Nightingale tells herself that she must not do anything more than that, but...?

"Thank you, Nightingale...! It felt so good...!!"


 When Ritsuka said this in a feverish voice, uncontrollable pleasure trembled in her womb.

 At the same time, she sensed that his penis between her cleavage had not yet withered, and had become even more swollen, and she thought to herself, her breath mixed with heat and sweetness.

(This is a medical procedure... ♥ I have to check to see if his penis is functioning properly... ♥ So, more---♥)

 When Ritsuka held her, he wasn't the kind of man who would be defeated by something like this.

 I decided that I needed to see if the man I had continued to have sex with, loved, and crushed until I passed out would show me the same strength as he did back then, and that this was a therapeutic act called a medical examination. Nightingale says to Ritsuka.

"I'm going to continue the examination to confirm the number of ejaculations...♥ Is that okay?"

"Yeah. I'm happy that Nightingale loves me so much."

"Huh, hmm...♥"

 Ritsuka's sweet whisper made me feel a sweet tingling numbness.

 While telling herself that this was a therapeutic act...Nightingale continued the tit-fuck service, reaching a climax more than twice that of Ritsuka's.

Treatment record Day 1

/Contents of treatment

We spent a day examining the penis of a patient who had come into close contact with a hotbed of pathogenic bacteria to see if there were any abnormalities.

As a result, there are almost no signs of illness and the patient is perfectly healthy.

Detailed diagnosis and test details are below.

A test is performed in which the penis is held between the breasts and stimulated to induce ejaculation.

A total of five ejaculations were confirmed. The amount and density all exceed standard values, and the stamina is also considerable.

I, the person in charge of treatment, was so excited that I couldn't think properly, so I stopped the session, but the patient was still able to ejaculate.

In fact, it seems like this level wasn't even a warm-up exercise.

Although the test results were generally good, it is still too early to conclude that there are no problems.

I would like to perform the same test tomorrow and determine the future treatment plan after confirming the reaction.

Recorder: Florence Nightingale