Seventh day... treatment completed vaginal ejaculation sex

"Master, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. I have brought you the cleaner that da Vinci perfected."

"Thank you, Artoria. I thought it was about time for you to come, so I was taking a break."

"That's good. Now, Master, please take this medicine. This cleaner is--"

 ...Two days later, noon. Artoria visits Ritsuka's room and hands him the medicine that Da Vinci entrusted to him, and then looks towards the bed.

 As Ritsuka was drinking medicine to eliminate the poison just in case, Arturia looked at the convulsing woman and called out to her.

"Hehehe...! Looks like you had a lot of fun, Nightingale. Can you hear me?"

"Hah, heh... ♥ Oho ♥ Ho, oh... ♥"

Nightingale does not respond to Artoria's call.

 Instead of making a sound, she just moves her hips and squirts the love juice from her crotch.

 There was a smell of soap coming from beneath the female smell, indicating that Ritsuka had cleaned her in the shower a while ago.

 On top of that, it was left alone until Artoria brought the command cleaner... Artoria thought with a smile as she imagined how things would have gotten to that point.

"It seems like you have carefully developed it. Both your spirit base and soul have matured and opened up just the right amount."

"Even though it was for Nightingale, I think I went a little too far...?"

"That's not true. In fact, this is just fine. Personally, I'm more worried about Master."

"I'm fine. Come on, let's heal Nightingale quickly."

 Nightingale's thick love juice drips all over her thighs, buttocks, and lower abdomen, making her body squirm in complete lewdness.

 After receiving the cleaner from Artoria, Ritsuka walked up to her and kissed her softly and gently.

"Hmm♥ Huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

"Nightingale...I'll help you right away. Leave it to me."

 The light returned to the nightingale's eyes as she received Ritsuka's kiss, just like a princess whose curse was broken by a prince's kiss.

 Ritsuka looked straight at her and whispered softly and forcefully, then placed the cleaner in his hand on her lower abdomen and filled it with magical power.


 Ritsuka's magical power that was gradually being transmitted was coated with Wai's magical power command emblem(command codeI)

noticed that it was starting to peel off.

 The feeling of something poisonous engraved in her spiritual base being purified little by little gave Nightingale a warm sensation, as if her dirty body was being gently washed for the first time in weeks, and Nightingale breathed in ecstasy. divulge.

 Little by little, little by little... While the command emblem that Wy had carved was being erased, Arturia, who was watching Ritsuka treat Nightingale, spoke quietly to her.

``...The special cleaner created by Da Vinci is meant to erase the work done on your body. However, no matter how versatile a genius may be, he cannot protect his Servant's spiritual base with many layers of protection. You can't easily erase the emblem that's engraved on you. No matter how hard you try, it will prevent your spirit base from erasing the emblem that's engraved deep within you. Da Vinci will use a command spell to suppress that defensive reaction. You suggested that... but Master used a different method to open your spirit base and soul.''

"Hmm ♥ Ah... ah, ah... ♥ So, what is the purpose of the sex that has been going on since the day before yesterday... ♥"

"That's right, Nightingale. You thought you were treating the Master, but... the truth is...a・Na・Ta・but・Osamu・Treatment・of・Receiving・hair・hand・stomach・Ta・Yes."

 Every time Wai's magical power peels off the command emblem carved into her vagina, Ritsuka's warm magical power flows into the gap.

 At the same time, Nightingale, who was shocked to hear Artoria's story, continued to listen to her story, feeling comfort and wonder flooding her body and mind.

"Your dignity as a heroic spirit was destroyed by Y's vicious plan. You were heartbroken when you learned that you, who were supposed to cure illnesses and save lives, were instead turned into germs that threaten people's lives. You must have been deeply hurt. Master continued to sacrifice himself to save you."

"W-for my treatment…?"

``Yes.First of all, in order to prevent your heart from collapsing, I will become your patient and do what you do.''Osamu・Treatment・I decided to take it. Normally, Master wouldn't have done something like that, but there was no problem. You know that best because you've been watching him closely for the past few days, right? "


 Artoria was right. It was vague... no, Nightingale must have understood somewhere in her heart that Ritsuka didn't need any treatment from the beginning.

 There was no sign that he had been poisoned by the Command Emblem, and even during the sexual act he claimed to be a medical treatment, he continued to appear to be in perfect health.

 During the anal sex that had been going on since the day before yesterday, he was constantly overpowering himself, even showing that he had the wherewithal to be considerate...Nightingale should have known that there was no need for him to undergo treatment.

 Still, the reason why she continued with the seemingly pointless treatment was probably because she wanted to protect her heart.

 I was supposed to be devoting my life to saving lives, but now I'm the one taking lives away.

 That sin, that karma, that debt...she wanted to somehow shake it off and think of herself as someone who would protect life, which probably motivated her to treat Ritsuka.

 From Ritsuka's point of view, it was a waste of energy and time. But he continued to accept such behavior.

 Nightingale continued to be with her in order to protect her spirit and not break her heart.

"The same goes for anal sex. I created that flow to make you think that you were protecting Master's health. In fact, you must have felt satisfied in the past two a female. Not only as a heroic spirit, but I was able to believe that I was protecting the master's life. Am I right?

"Oh, you're right..."

 The anal sex that had been going on since the day before yesterday was also meant to satisfy Nightingale's heart.

 Nightingale thought that it must have been a huge burden on Ritsuka to have sex with her that long, even though she had to use the cleaner, and then she realized something. I feel relieved.

"Master...! You have never...!!"

 Shooting・spirit・of・death・hand・stomach・Na・stomach・...Nightingale, who had been having intercourse with him in her butthole since the day before yesterday, was shocked to realize that Ritsuka had never released his semen into her intestines.

 Originally, she couldn't satisfy him with just titty fuck service, so she must have decided to have anal sex to relieve Ritsuka's half-heartedly stimulated sexual desire.

 And yet... the anal sex she had done to counteract that problem was pushing him even further.

 Nightingale's lips tremble as she realizes that she is the cause of this.

 If Ritsuka had gotten serious...well, even if he hadn't gotten serious, if he had tortured himself even a little harder than the anal sex they had just had, he probably wouldn't have been able to withstand it.

 On the other hand, if you make it too weak, Nightingale, who has calmed down, may realize that she is being served.

 He continued to make Nightingale believe that he was treating Ritsuka with anal sex, and in order to open her spirit base and soul...Ritsuka continued to endure.

 It must have been painful, it must have been painful. If he released her semen, which was the crystallization of her strong magical power, her nightingale would be destroyed, so Ritsuka kept himself in check and continued facing her.

 Even during breaks, while taking a bath, and at all times...until Arturia brought the cleaner, he continued to put Nightingale first in his interactions with her.

"W-Why did you go to such lengths...? You went to such lengths for me...!?"

"...Why? Because? There's only one answer to that question."

 It must have been a short time since we met. It should be nothing more than a unilaterally disadvantageous opponent. It was supposed to be a loose contract that just happened as it happened.

 Just like I was, a servant is nothing more than a familiar to a master.

 He should be the kind of person who doesn't care if he offers it to others as a prize in a bet and tramples on his dignity.

 When Ritsuka was asked why he would go to such lengths, he looked straight into Nightingale's eyes and answered clearly:

"It's because Nightingale is important to me...and I wanted you."


 My heart skipped a beat.

 Ritsuka begins to speak with passion as he takes Nightingale's hand, which takes her breath away and is unable to say anything.

"There's nothing wrong with Nightingale. What's wrong is Wai... Chaldea's situation itself. Chaldea is full of people like Wai now. If people like them do what they want, humanity will be restored. I couldn't do that. But I didn't have the power to change this situation...I was frustrated."

 The heat that resonates in her voice, and the way Ritsuka grips her hand tightly, I can feel his feelings for her.

 Even as her heart pounded loudly, Nightingale simply continued to listen to Ritsuka's words.

"Even though Mash and the right to use the summoning system were taken away, Cú Chulainn and Arturia still came, and just when I was thinking of doing my best...Nightingale came.When I thought about Nightingale's feelings at that time, I probably shouldn't say things like this, but I was so happy that you, who understand the weight and preciousness of life more than anyone else, came here.''

"I...I'm threatening the lives of many people, including you..."

"Nightingale is not bad. She is not a threat to lives. She can protect and save many lives... She is a fine heroic spirit. Nightingale is my precious soul who saves billions of people. He's my friend. That's why I did everything I could to protect Nightingale."


 Something warmer and stronger than magic burst inside my body. Nightingale's heart trembles when Ritsuka tells her that she is needed and important, and that there is no need for her to feel guilty.

"...If you were here, I could save more lives. So please..."

 My heart beats fast when I see Ritsuka's eyes looking at me with such sincerity and earnestness.

 Ritsuka said this to Nightingale, who felt her body heat up and her heart flutter even though she wasn't sick.

"Nightingale...I want you to be my servant. I need your power."

(...Ah. Ah! Ah...! That's amazing!!)

 I didn't have any doubts as much as a piece of garbage. Rather, a strong emotion explodes within Nightingale's body as she realizes that she has been waiting for those words.

 I felt like I understood the feelings of the people who called me an angel.

 To be devoted to someone, to be of service, to be needed. Nightingale's heart had already hardened, knowing that having her life affirmed would provide such strong emotional support.

"Fuuuu ♥ Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ♥

 It's not that I don't feel shame. However, her desire to serve Ritsuka was more important than that.

 Nightingale wanted to be of help to this young man who needed her and who had saved her... Then, realizing what she really wanted to do, Nightingale lay down on the bed again and looked at Ritsuka.

 Raise your upper body as if you were doing sit-ups, put your hands behind your head, and spread your legs apart. Nightingale opened her genitals, which were dribbling so much love juice that it seemed like a flood had occurred, took a breath, and spoke to Ritsuka in a sweet, mellow voice.

"Master... ♥ I'm sorry to interrupt you in the middle of a conversation, but your cock seems to be very horny... ♥ If you're okay with it, I'd like to use my horny pussy for you... ♥"

"...Is it for treatment? I'm having a hard time because of you, so you're trying to take responsibility for it? If that's the case..."

 Nightingale slowly shakes her head and denies Ritsuka's words. Looking at him again, her face slightly distorted with shame... she confesses her true feelings.

"I don't want to treat you. I want to have sex with you. I want to express my love to you, just as you did for me ♥ I want you ♥ So please -- ♥ "

 I didn't feel like I could hold back even for one more second.Nightingale, who is controlled by the desire to feel him and Ritsuka quickly, whispers to him in the sweetest voice she has ever uttered in her life.

Ritsuka... ♥ Please hold me ♥ Please make me your... your only woman ♥"

"...With pleasure, Nightingale."

 Two people who understand each other's intentions arrive at the time of sex for the sake of sex.

 She excitedly said this to Ritsuka, who had placed her body between Nightingale's wide-open legs.

"Master, please don't hesitate to cum hard ♥ As long as it's for you, I don't care what you do ♥ I'll definitely endure until the end ♥"

"Hehe...! It's okay, Nightingale. Even if you don't do that, we can both feel good together. Here, I can insert you..."

 Just by touching Ritsuka's glans to her pubic mound, hot love juice gushed out like a fountain.

 Laughing gently, Ritsuka placed her crotch against Nightingale's vagina entrance, and let her swallow her penis into the already fully prepared, slumped place.


(Amazing ♥ I can see that my pussy is meant to receive Master's cock ♥ I'm so happy to receive him ♥)

 Slow insertion, as if confirming each other's existence.

 The intensity was incomparable to the anal sex I was having just moments ago. However, at this moment, Nightingale felt an incredible sense of happiness and pleasure.

 The reason is very simple. I love Ritsuka now.

 During anal sex, I just held out my anus to him, received his love unilaterally, and devoured it. She wasn't trying to love him.

 The person I am now is loved by him, and I have solidified my feelings of love for him...That's why my spirit base also understands Nightingale's feelings.

 Each of her folds wrapped around Ritsuka's penis, flattering her, wrapping the entire fold of his flesh around his virile clone, hugging him, and deep kissing his glans, where the cervix was tight.

 The sensation of her vagina gradually loosening and adapting to the cock of her beloved amplifies her pleasure.

 There's no need for sex spears, Noble Phantasms, or intensity. As long as there is love, you can experience happiness and pleasure that fills your entire body.


 The moment the penis made a loud sound and pushed deep into her womb, Nightingale arched her entire body as she felt herself turning into a woman worthy of the person she loved.

 Her vagina tightens, her folds become entwined, and he begins to move his hips as the Reiki, who flatters him to convey his love to Ritsuka, climaxes repeatedly.


 Unlike during anal sex, a pleasure that pervades your entire body reverberates from your vagina to your entire body.

 Every time the folds are rolled up, and every time a weak spot is rubbed, a warm wave spreads out, different from the numbing pleasure.

 Pull it out slowly and push it in. He rubs her weak spots and thrusts with his glans, stimulating her sensuality and increasing her pleasure.

 A sweet voice that I couldn't even believe was the one that kept coming out of my mouth.

 Ritsuka whispers to Nightingale, who is sinking into irresistible pleasure, wondering why this is more embarrassing than hearing the howl of a beast that she used to make during anal sex.

"It's warm inside the nightingale. It's squeezing me tightly and it feels so good...!!"

"I too♥ I feel you strongly♥ My vagina But it changed into the shape of Master's dick ♥ Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it's change to the shape of Master's dick!

 Thoughts are ruined. I can't stop hearing that sweet voice. It was gouged from the inside to the entrance, and every time it was penetrated from the entrance to the inside, a wave of climax washed over me.

 And feel the rhythm of Ritsuka. She felt his penis becoming hard and painful, something she hadn't felt in a long time.

(Circle ♥♥♥ Master's sperm ♥ Semen is in my vagina ♥♥ ♥ I want ♥ I want ♥ Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)

 Nightingale held Ritsuka's penis harder and harder than ever before, breathing deeply as she listened to the lewd sound of the thick cock stirring inside her vagina and felt Ritsuka's penis getting harder and hotter. The moment I inhaled it...the world burst open.

"Nightingale! ejaculation Alright!! I'll take it all!!"

"Please♥ Yours♥ Ritsuka's semen♥ MineIn utero inside Put everything in ♥ I'm convinced -Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

The impact was like a volcanic eruption or a large-caliber cannon being unleashed.

 The next thing I felt was an enormous amount of heat and strong magical power...a warm feeling that filled me from within.

 The magic medicine that healed and saved me from my broken state...Love・While Nightingale was immersed in a sweet sense of happiness as she firmly accepted this with the most important organ of a woman, Ritsuka, who was covering her, placed his lips on top of hers and intertwined their tongues.

"Nightingale...! Nightingale...!!"

"Ah...♥ Master♥ Ritsuka...♥ Hmm♥ Ah♥♥♥ Nahhh♥♥♥ Haaaah♥♥♥"

 She was covered from above and her hips were swung down while her body was tightly locked.

 Even though he had just ejaculated violently, his cock, which never withered, repeatedly hit the uterus filled with extremely hot semen.

 Insemination press...The second round begins with the male absolutely on top and the female only giving her all and waiting to be impregnated.

 Every time he is pulled out, he climaxes, and every time he is pounded into her, he is pushed higher, and repeats this process. Over and over and over again.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Masuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ♥♥♥ Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo origin descent origin color form color form.

 Nightingale's low screams echo as she begins to be loved as a female, completely changing from being loved as a woman.

 Although Nightingale's direction of blame had changed 180 degrees, she was satisfied from the bottom of her heart with this change.

(I understand ♥ I ​​can feel it ♥ Master's love ♥ Respond to my wishes ♥ A male trying to impregnate me ♥ A strong will to never give this female to anyone else is in my pussy It resonates ♥♥♥ It's like this♥ It's like this...♥ I can't help but love you♥ I have no choice but to respond to Ritsuka's love♥♥♥)

 I know that heroic spirits can't conceive a child. As he climaxed, he realized that the scream he let out was a joke...but it was also Nightingale's true feelings.

 Ritsuka is now trying to make that wish come true. She wants and desires her with all her being, and is trying to make her Nightingale her female.

 This man will not give himself to anyone else. He doesn't use it as a prize for gambling, and he doesn't do any dirty work on it. He doesn't want anyone to hold him.

 Nightingale was alternately given a love that was fiery and passionate, and a love that was as deep as the ocean, and fell completely into a woman.

 She wraps her arms and legs around Ritsuka, and as long as she can breathe, their lips overlap, their tongues meet, and she simply accepts Ritsuka's insemination press.

 With just one thrust, I came with my big ass shaking. I ejaculated while making a loud farting sound from her loosened anus. She screamed in an unseemly voice as she came.

 As a heroic spirit, as a woman, as a human being... she kept cumming while exposing herself to Ritsuka over and over again in front of Ritsuka.

 Still...Even though she felt like she was falling as a female, Nightingale was happy.

 Even though it is an act that destroys the same dignity as Y, there is love in Ritsuka's act. There is a strong and gentle love that seeks you, needs you, and never gives it to anyone else.

"Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu up ♥♥♥ Iguiuuuuuuuuuup ♥♥♥

"Nightingale! Nightingale!! Uaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!"

"Ohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Iguwouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu "

"...Now you are one of us.Welcome, Angel of Crimea...From today onwards, we will join Ritsuka'swoman(servant) Let's serve as yours ♥"

A mysterious light appeared in the eyes of the nightingale as she welcomed the seeding orgasm.

 A satisfied smile appeared on Nightingale's lips as she realized that it was the glow emitted by the Command Crest engraved on Arturia's butt.

 I'm sure I'll be engraved with that too. That emblem will surely convey my love for Ritsuka even more strongly. of a loved oneproperty Smiling with the joy of becoming her, Nightingale completely sank his body and mind into the bottomless pit of female pleasure.

Nightingale Bond Level

Master "Wai Sho"...Bond level completely disappeared (hidden)

"Wai Sho" has lost the Nightingale master authority. The same servant will never contract with him again.

The bond between ``Wai Shou'' and Nightingale has completely disappeared.

As a result, "Waisho" can no longer summon Nightingale.

Nightingale recognizes ``Wai Sho'' as a patient who needs treatment and that it is Ritsuka's disorder.

After completing her treatment, she has completely become Ritsuka's servant, and with his help, she will never let him touch her again or do any harm to Ritsuka and those he loves. You will probably receive treatment for this.

``Ritsuka Fujimaru''... Bond level 0/10 → 15/???

``Ritsuka Fujimaru'' has obtained Nightingale's master authority.

When "Tatsuka Fujimaru" obtains Nightingale bond points, an additional 1000% correction will be applied.

When Ritsuka Fujimaru uses a command spell on Nightingale, its effect increases.

``Tatsuka Fujimaru'' strengthened his relationship with ``Florence Nightingale.''

The possibility that they will respond to your future summons and the bond points you can obtain will increase.

Due to the effect of the command code, ``Nightingale'' obtained the hidden spiritual base.

By cultivating the hidden spiritual base, the original spiritual base can also gain experience points.

In addition, the upper limit of the bond level has been released, making it possible to develop bonds to a level that cannot be measured.

As Nightingale's spiritual base (front, back, both) grows and her bond level increases, Ritsuka Fujimaru can acquire the skills and power of her Noble Phantasm.

``Ritsuka Fujimaru'' received 150 Saint Quartz as a reward for increasing her bond level.

``Fujimaru Ritsuka'' has developed a bond with Nightingale, and her Noble Phantasm [ I will cut off everything that is poisonous and harmful.nightingale pledge] and acquired some of the abilities of the skill ``Human Body Understanding''.

Florence Nightingale

A servant who manifests a hidden spiritual group with the power of the hidden spiritual group command code will gain a body that can be used to supply magical power, which is the complete opposite of a normal spiritual group for battle.

By growing their breasts and buttocks, increasing their sensitivity, and acquiring various other skills, they increase their lewdness and hone their techniques and bodies to excite their masters.

During her lifetime, she worked as a nurse for her master, and along with learning the skills to restore her master's physical strength and condition, she seems to be rapidly growing into a female that suits Ritsuka.

She is loved by Ritsuka, and the more her love for Ritsuka deepens, the more effective her skills and her own growth will be.

She is an angel of Crimea who supports and strengthens Ritsuka with her love, as she has the ability to support him, but she shows no mercy to anyone she deems to be harmful to him. do not.

Nightingale, who is both fierce and compassionate, has only just begun her career.

Possessed Skill

``Steel Love A''

A skill that recovers the target's physical strength and wounds by transferring its own magical power to the master.

The effect will be activated if the target is within a certain range, but the more physical contact there is, such as holding hands, kissing, and having sex, the greater the amount of recovery.

Additionally, this skill can be activated at the will of the master, Ritsuka, and even in that case, the effect is the same as when used by Nightingale herself.

In other words, it is absolutely impossible for Nightingale to win against Ritsuka in sex.

Her love for Ritsuka, who sought and loved her, is unwavering. It's just like steel.

Nightingale, who dedicates him with her strength and warmth, will show compassion worthy of being called an angel.


PhantasmI will cut off everything that is poisonous and harmful.nightingale pledge"

Rank: C→C+

Type: Anti-military Noble Phantasm

User: Fujimaru Ritsuka

A Noble Phantasm that Ritsuka became able to use after gaining Nightingale's power.

It has a different effect from the original Noble Phantasm, and has the effect of restoring Ritsuka to its full state.

(Once it is adapted to him, there will be a change in name like Rhongomyniad)

The moment this Noble Phantasm is used, Ritsuka will fully recover.

Also, if Nightingale is nearby, by receiving magic power from her with the above skill, you can also recover the magic power consumed by using her Noble Phantasm.

In other words, as long as Nightingale is around, no one can beat Ritsuka in sex.


``Human Body Understanding A''

grants humanoid special attack to itself.

Even if she were a heroic spirit, as long as she was a female in human form, she couldn't hide her vital parts from Ritsuka.

Increases the pleasure you give to humanoid opponents.