Artoria Pendragon's Dangerous Night Dangerous beast Artoria serves with her breasts

It's been a little while since Ritsuka became Nightingale's teacher.

 The masters of Chaldea, who used to duel repeatedly for Servants and materials, have become quieter lately and do not make any conspicuous movements.

 However, this does not mean that Shukatsu has reflected on his past actions.

 This is simply because Chaldea's full-scale start is just around the corner.

 Chaldea's current purpose is to repair mad for the holy grail(grand order)...The goal is to go to the singularity and recover the Holy Grail, which has become abnormal.

Finally the reaction of that singularity was detected. Aside from the irregular ray shift called Singularity F, this is Chaldea's first mission in full swing.

 Currently, each Master is preparing with Chaldea staff for their first mission.

 In addition to strengthening the servers you have, you can also check the division of roles and strategy details in Rayshift. There is still more to be done.

 During this time, the teachers competing for credits were plotting behind the scenes, trying to achieve more achievements for themselves, but... I won't finish writing about this, so I'll skip it.

 In any case, the masters were making preparations for their first Rayshift. And the same was true for Ritsuka, who was being rejected.

 mage(beaver)It has been a complete change from the days when only Cu Chulainn had a contract with a servant. He is now Lancer(lancer)He also made a contract with two powerful servants, Artoria and Nightingale.

 In addition, he has excellent command skills. Furthermore, if he is the only Master who has already experienced Rayshifting, there is no way Chaldea will leave him alone.

 Although there were some contrary opinions, it was decided that Ritsuka would participate in this operation as an advance unit due to the voices of Da Vinci-chan and Romani Archiman.

Some teachers show irritation at being in a position where it's easy to achieve, but Ritsuka doesn't care about that and attends daily meetings and training to do what he can.

 However, today Ritsuka will be able to take a day off for the first time in a long time.

 He usually uses his free time to study, but today he is ordered to relax in his room by Da Vinci, who can't stand seeing him work too much.

 To be honest, a specially made command emblem (command code) is endowed with a part of the power of Artoria and Nightingale, two servants, and has considerable physical strength (for starters, he is a human who can chase a great hero while holding to a goddess). Da Vinci-chan, I decided to follow your instructions.

 Then it's already past noon. After finishing her morning routine of stretching, showering, and eating breakfast in the dining room, Ritsuka returns to her room and widens her eyes when she sees the person waiting for her there.

"Artoria, what's wrong...!?"

"Does it suit you? I think it's something I'm not used to..."

 Arturia's shy appearance was very different from her usual attire.

 His body, which was covered in silver-white armor, was hidden by blue-purple fur... fur-covered tights, long gloves, and a scarf wrapped around his neck.

 And her voluptuous body was generously exposed in front of Ritsuka.

 The tips of her breasts and pubic area are hidden only by a small piece of bikini-like fabric decorated with fur. There was a beast there that gave off an extremely dangerous smell.

"What's wrong with those clothes? No, maybe it's clothes?"

"Well, the other day, I found something like this among the Craft Essences that Y donated to me... I made some changes to it and turned it into a spiritual costume. I apologize for using it without permission."

"It's okay, it's nothing. If you can see Arturia this pretty, one or two formal dresses are cheap."

"C-cute...!? T-thank you for your praise, Master...♥"

 Arturia, who felt embarrassed by Ritsuka's words, but also excited by the praise that she was adorable, slowly leaned forward.

 I don't know if she tried to adopt a beastly pose that suited her outfit, or if she wanted to show off her voluptuous cleavage, which was almost exposed, but in any case, she is now a dangerous beast with every part of her body. from her body.

 "I'm sorry to hear that you're thinking about taking a break after a long vacation, but... if it's alright, Master... I'd like to dress like this today and meet you. Would you like that?"

"Of course. Even though Arturia has done all this for me, it's not like I'm a man who doesn't reciprocate, right?"

 Artoria said, her sweaty skin emitting feminine pheromones.Magic Power Supply (Sex)When asked, Ritsuka responded immediately.

 Smiling happily, Arturia gave Ritsuka a long kiss, then gently placed her hand on his clothes and carefully took them off.

"You don't have to do much, you can take it off yourself."

"I'm doing this because I want to. Please surrender to me, Master...♥"

Arturia carefully removes her jacket, her shirt, her pants... one layer at a time.

 While active as King of Knights, she was happy to serve Ritsuka as a servant, and Ritsuka, now completely naked, hugged her tightly and kissed her passionately.

"Hmm♥ Fuuu♥ Junju♥ I swear♥ Njujuu♥ Nfuuu…♥"

 A soft but rough kiss from Ritsuka. Artoria intertwined their tongues and sucked his saliva, and in turn, he swallowed it and received Ritsuka's magical power, which instantly turned on his estrus switch.

 They wrapped their arms around his back and hugged him tightly, kissing until they could barely breathe. After a very, very long kiss, they took a breather before exchanging words again.

"...I'm sorry, Artoria. I've been busy lately, so I couldn't take care of you. I made you feel lonely, didn't I?"

"No, I know that Master is working hard to save humanity right now...♥"

 Yes, Artoria responded to Ritsuka's words, but there was definitely a feeling of loneliness swirling in her heart.

 Ritsuka, who has been working tirelessly to prepare for the recent Ray Shift, starting with the Nightingale incident, knew in his head that there was no way he would not be prepared.

 However, it was certain that his heart and body, which had been abandoned for so long, were beginning to feel lonely.

  It cannot be denied that the reason she made such a daring spiritual outfit and visited him wearing it was an act of loneliness.

 After reading Artoria's feelings for his actions, Ritsuka looked her directly in the eyes and said:

"I promise. I'll only see Artoria today. I'll be Artoria's Ritsuka Fujimaru. I'll make up for everything I've made you feel alone until now... Let's be together all day today."


 Arturia let out a sweet sigh as she heard Ritsuka's words as they hugged her and looked her straight in the eyes.

 Artoria felt a tingle of joy and was surprised to hear such a soft voice come out of her mouth, but anticipation and excitement filled her mind and heart at the same time.

 I showered Ritsuka with kisses again and he accepted them with a firm attitude.

 King of Knights, Goddess, Adult Woman… Arturia, who displayed a gentleness that made all of these attributes a lie, whispered as she blew her warm breath into Ritsuka's ear.

"Master... ♥ Now, please serve me right now... ♥"

 After whispering that, Arturia broke the hug, running her fingers teasingly down Ritsuka's back to the end, as if she was truly reluctant to leave something behind.

 While looking at him with charming eyes, she took off the bikini covering her breasts and said to Ritsuka, "Dapun ♥" as her extraordinarily large breasts bounced.

"With these breasts, please let me serve your holy spear... ♥ Your strong, manly and robust sexual spear ♥ I want to feel the rotation of it with my breasts... ♥"

"Yes, I understand. Please, Artoria."


 Ritsuka said as he lay down on the bed.

 Arturia was also on top of him on the bed, and while holding her huge breasts in her hands, she moved closer to his crotch.

"Eh... ♥ Hmm ♥ Fuuu... ♥"

  Remove the saliva that has accumulated in your mouth with your tongue so that it becomes foamy. Already in heat, her body was sweaty and her cleavage became slippery from the sticky natural sweat lotion, but on top of that, Arturia began to drool on Ritsuka's penis.

 After doing that, Artoria felt like she was touching a treasure... no, she was touching Ritsuka's penis between her breasts, as if she was touching a beloved baby, and she carefully and completely soaked Ritsuka's penis in her own saliva. and sweat. . I let it go.


 Arturia let out a sweet sigh as she heard Ritsuka's words as they hugged her and looked her straight in the eyes.

 Artoria felt a tingle of joy and was surprised to hear such a soft voice come out of her mouth, but anticipation and excitement filled her mind and heart at the same time.

 I showered Ritsuka with kisses again and he accepted them with a firm attitude.

 King of Knights, Goddess, Adult Woman… Arturia, who displayed a gentleness that made all of these attributes a lie, whispered as she blew her warm breath into Ritsuka's ear.

"Master... ♥ Now, please serve me right now... ♥"

 After whispering that, Arturia broke the hug, running her fingers teasingly down Ritsuka's back to the end, as if she was truly reluctant to leave something behind.

 While looking at him with charming eyes, she took off the bikini covering her breasts and said to Ritsuka, "Dapun ♥" as her extraordinarily large breasts bounced.

"With these breasts, please let me serve your holy spear... ♥ Your strong, manly and robust sexual spear ♥ I want to feel the rotation of it with my breasts... ♥"

"Yes, I understand. Please, Artoria."


 Ritsuka said as he lay down on the bed.

 Arturia was also on top of him on the bed, and while holding her huge breasts in her hands, she moved closer to his crotch.

"Eh... ♥ Hmm ♥ Fuuu... ♥"

  Remove the saliva that has accumulated in your mouth with your tongue so that it becomes foamy. Already in heat, her body was sweaty and her cleavage became slippery from the sticky natural sweat lotion, but on top of that, Arturia began to drool on Ritsuka's penis.

 After doing that, Artoria felt like she was touching a treasure... no, she was touching Ritsuka's penis between her breasts, as if she was touching a beloved baby, and she carefully and completely soaked Ritsuka's penis in her own saliva. and sweat. . I let it go.

"It's amazing, Artoria...!! So warm, so soft, but so intense...!! I can't contain myself!"

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- ♥"

 Being able to satisfy the man I love. That thought made Arturia's sensuality jump.

 Her breasts, which have already developed, can now be felt during titty fucking, and she also enjoys the pleasure while servicing Ritsuka's penis.

 Artoria, who had already experienced sweet orgasms three times, began to look forward to the feeling of Ritsuka's penis between her cleavage becoming hard and hot, and...!!

"Argh! ejaculationinRu!!


 Bobyun! With a bang, Artoria's mouth was filled with thick, hot cum.

 As she savored its thick flavor and tightly hugged the trembling penis between her breasts, Artoria also reached a serious orgasm from the heat and force of the semen she felt as it ejaculated inside her breasts.

"Hmm, gokkun♥♥♥ Puaa...♥♥♥ Ah, ah...♥♥♥"

 Even as Arturia swallowed the semen in her mouth, ejaculation continued from Ritsuka's penis.

 Overflowing semen that couldn't fit in her mouth dripped onto her chest and enough semen had pooled in her cleavage to cover his glans.

  Even after ejaculating such a large amount, there was still no sign of the semen stopping, and Arturia gasped with a careless expression on her face at the feel and heat of the semen staining her beautiful golden hair and face.

"Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ♥ ​​The smell... ♥ My head is crunchy...

 Artoria's crotch filled with a force that was as strong as Ritsuka's ejaculation, as Artoria made an aha expression.

 With an ecstatic expression on her face, Arturia extends her tongue and licks the cum that touches her, enjoying the taste.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu upi

 Swallowing it into her mouth, licking it with her tongue, and absorbing it directly through her skin... In this way, Arturia absorbed Ritsuka's semen and the magical power contained in it.

 Finally, after soaking up all the cum and carefully sucking Ritsuka's cock clean, she crawls on all fours on the bed, barely suppressing the burning pleasure inside her.

 Artoria made a sweet plea to Ritsuka as she emitted steam shaped like a woman in heat from her entire body, emphasizing her enormous breasts that were accentuated by crawling on all fours, and making her painfully erect nipples tremble.

"Please, Master... ♥ Please use your hands to discipline this lewd beast... ♥"