Take control of the Storm King

(Note thinks that he capitulated as the prototype of history)

Here is Chaldea, whose history has taken a different path than the one we know. The difference is that not only one teacher survived, but several.

 There is a world line where several other master candidates, including humanity's last master we know of, ``Ritsuka Fujimaru'', survived the explosion... In Chaldea, which exists there, the ugly power of other magicians besides Ritsuka There is a fight.

 The reason for the internal struggle, which takes priority over the global crisis, is quite simple: everyone is competing to see who can do the most in this battle. This has something to do with the pride they feel as magicians who carry their families on their shoulders, but more than that, if they become the person who has made the greatest contribution to the restoration of humanity, there is no doubt that They will become heroes that The Wizarding World admires. The desire for fame was the main reason.

 A hero who led a large number of heroic spirits and saved the world… if he can obtain that title, it will not only increase his own honor but also the honor of his family. If you use the power you have acquired in this way, you may be able to occupy an important position in the area.

 Thinking this way, all the Master Candidates told each other that they were the best magicians, tried to cajole the talented másters , and tried to gain the cooperation of the Chaldea employees, similar to a political battle as they fought each other. , they constantly prepared for battle.

On the other hand, our own Ritsuka Fujimaru was rejected in such conflicts and labeled a complete failure.

 His priority was always the lowest when it came to the use of Heroic Spirit Summon, the order in which Rayshift and other powers were used. Of course, this was due to the guidance of other master candidates, but there was a reason why they harassed Ritsuka like this, who was only a young man.

 Chaldea's equipment was half destroyed and Chaldea wasn't in perfect condition no matter what, but there was one thing that the teacher candidates were so eager to get their hands on that they were drooling. That person is "Mash Kyrielight", who was awakened as a semi-servant during the explosion incident and battle on Singularity F.

 A unique being fused with a heroic spirit in the world, Mash is extremely useful both as research material and as a political card. If you study her body, you may be able to find a way to mass produce demi-servants, and simply being a servant to her, the world's first demi-servant, will give you status.

 Above all, Mash was an attractive girl. If she looks beautiful, has a voluptuous body, and an obedient personality, there is no way men won't have vulgar feelings towards her.

 With such a desire in their hearts, the surviving Master candidates attempted to obtain their master's position through various means, but their efforts were in vain, and Mash herself nominated Ritsuka as her Master.

 Mash's desire to make Ritsuka, with whom they overcame danger and built a relationship of trust in the city of Fuyuki, as her master was natural, and both Romani and Da Vinci respected that opinion. As a result, Mash's extremely valuable teacher authority was passed to Ritsuka, an ordinary young man, arousing the resentment and jealousy of the other master candidates.

They colluded and harassed Ritsuka in various ways to prevent him from gaining more power. They used the employees they had recruited in their camp to harass him by obstructing his spirit group's cultivation, hindering his ability to collect materials, and restricting his use of heroic spirit summoning facilities, thus completely suppressing his movements.

 Unable to recruit new Servants and unable to grow Mash's spiritual base, Ritsuka is only allowed to use the simulation room and repeat combat training using it. Although it was unexpected that Caster's heroic spirit, ``Cúchulainn'', with whom he had fought side by side in the battle at Fuyuki, would rush to join him, there were only two Servants in Ritsuka, and their development was slow. forced into the frustrating situation of not having one.

 The other Master candidates, who are heirs to prestigious families, kept an eye on him and constantly prepared their camps by spending their own money to purchase staff and summon a considerable number of heroic spirits.

 He gains the trust of the employees by invoking powerful heroic spirits one after another without giving a second thought to money and acting as a strong teacher leading them. All Master candidates are showing such moves. All of them, except Ritsuka, only think about rising above others and tearing them down instead of saving the world.

 I stumbled during the first Rayshift, but I won't be able to do it next time. I will make full use of the power of the heroic spirits and craft essences in my hands to achieve my greatest feat. And one day, they will take away Ritsuka's Master authority of Mash, they will have everything in their hands and they will be called heroes who saved the world... All they have in their hearts is the desire for fame, not a single person wants to save. the world. There was no one who tried to join other masters candidates and work together to restore humanity.

 I can't lose against other master's candidates. They needed to summon stronger heroic spirits and they needed to obtain more excellent suits… Before they knew it, they were spending their own assets one after another to summon heroic spirits. As a result, they were able to gather strong Servants, but it's ironic that they spent so much time summoning that they didn't have time to train Heroic Spirits.

 However, they are not worried about such a situation. This is because all master's candidates, including me, are not training their heroic spirits. Simply put, if everyone starts from level 1, it is obvious that the person with the most pieces wins.

 In order to deal with a wider variety of situations and be able to defeat any enemy, master candidates continued to summon heroic spirits. Some of them were happy, some were sad... and while they reacted in various ways, the blue eyes of Ritsuka, who was thought to be the first to leave the battle to determine who was the best master, simply watched.


One day, after spending about two weeks receiving such unfortunate treatment, Ritsuka invited a servant to his room.

 Ritsuka sits her in the chair he prepared and while enjoying the tea he brought from the dining room, Ritsuka begins the conversation.

"How do you feel? Is there a problem?"

"...No, nothing in particular. There's nothing to worry about."

"Really?...Arturia's complexion looks a little sick, doesn't it?"

 One of the Master candidates is silently looking at Ritsuka, who is silently looking at Ritsuka, who feels a sense of fear at seeing his true face under the helmet he takes off to drink tea, but doesn't show it. In her face, "Artoria Pendragon Alter" was summoned by the Kaim, the eldest son of the Triega family, and became his servant.

 She tries to keep Ritsuka under control by creating an intimidating Storm King atmosphere, but Ritsuka doesn't seem to care about that and continues talking to her with a meek smile on his face.

"There may be things that are difficult to tell Mr. Torriega, but I can hear your complaints… If you don't mind, you can tell me everything…"

"It's okay to speak indirectly: 'You didn't call me, did you?... Let's get to the point, Ritsuka Fujimaru. I don't want to waste your time.'

 Ritsuka tries to continue with a simple chat, but Arturia throws a direct ball to try to expose his true intentions.

 His intuition told him that he couldn't have summoned him just to listen to his complaints. That's why Artoria shakes Ritsuka to find out what he was thinking when he summoned her.

Ritsuka seemed a little surprised by Artoria's reaction, and after moving her mouth as if she had trouble speaking... she began to speak in a low voice and with her eyes lowered.

"...No, I heard bad news. Artoria was

being treated coldly by...Triega-san..."

"You mean she's being treated coldly, right? Because she refused his invitation to supply her with magic power.

" ...Yeah. "

 Ritsuka nods apologetically. Artoria thought that although she hadn't done anything wrong, she was reacting like this because she was worried that she had offended her, and she wished that her Master would also show this kind of kindness.

 The story Ritsuka heard is true. Immediately after Artoria was summoned, Kaim got off his horse, took off his helmet, and greeted her. When he saw her true face, he licked her beautiful face and mature body that could not be hidden with armor with his tongue, and handed her over to her. with magical power..., Yaga's opponent ordered.

 To him, a servant was a familiar, a being who was supposed to be absolutely obedient to him. He believes that there is no Servant who can accept any humiliating order using a command spell, so he obediently follows his own desires and attempts to rape the beautiful woman Artoria... She refused. That too, under the gaze of a large number of staff members and master's candidates.

 For Kaim, servants are tools. This incident was extremely humiliating for him as he had never imagined that he would turn against that tool.

 Furthermore, many of her rivals and subordinates witnessed the shame of being abandoned by Arturia, and her face was completely destroyed. At first, Kaim thought about letting Arturia submit in anger and commanding her with a command spell, but then he reconsidered, thinking that if he did that, she would think he was even more miserable. Still harboring her anger, she began to harass him in a childish manner. the next day.

 He pits Arturia, whose spiritual foundation has yet to develop, against an opponent she can never defeat, and enjoys the process of taunting her until she is defeated. After being defeated by the enemy, Kaim collapses and retreats, and expresses his frustration by spitting the utmost contempt at her, and laughs out loud when he tells many people about Arturia's pathetic appearance as a loser.

 Kaim gives Arturia even more humiliation than she experienced and also does nothing to help her, who is injured and without her magical power. He gave up all treatment and supply of magical power, and when he saw her weak and suffering, he stopped drinking.

 She knew that every night he summoned a female heroic spirit, took her to his room and had sexual relations with her in order to provide her with magical power. Arturia was also forced to watch it, and it was probably a ploy by Kaim, who thought that she could prostrate herself in search of a man during the event, but there was no way she would act according to her plan, thinking that. her pride had been wounded once again, it hits Artoria even harder... this has been her daily life since she was summoned here.

"...I'm sorry. I thought my worry might hurt Artoria, but I can't bear to see Artoria treated coldly like me..."

"It's true that I feel bad for feeling sorry... Thank you for your consideration, Ritsuka Fujimaru."

 He expresses his honest feelings and gratitude to Ritsuka, who sees himself in Artoria. After drinking the tea that was served to her, she breathed again and looked at the person sitting in front of her.

 No matter how you look at it, he is just a young man. I don't feel offended looking at it, but I also don't see it hiding anything inside. Since he has no magical talent or ambition, he will not participate in the power struggle going on within Chaldea and will probably just rot away like that.

 It's a shame, but maybe we should be glad that this kind-hearted guy hasn't developed the same personality traits as ugly humans. Artoria came to that conclusion and was about to leave the room after thanking Ritsuka, but at that moment she felt a certain emotion well up in her heart.

(...A good opportunity, huh? If you use it, you might be able to get the Master to burst a bubble...)

 Kaim intends to completely weaken Arturia. He tries to weaken her mind by mocking her and hurting her pride, draining her physical strength, weakening her body by exhausting her, and then subjugates her.

 There's no way Arturia would be happy with that plan, which was in very bad taste. However, if things continue as they are, everything will go according to his plan, and sooner or later he will end up kneeling before Kaim. To prevent that, what is needed is... a supply of magical power.

 If you have enough magical power to recover your depleted physical strength, you will be able to revitalize your spirit. Intercourse is the most popular way to do it, and the perfect person for it was right in front of her.

"...Ritsuka Fujimaru, I have a favor to ask of you. If you feel sorry for me, could you listen to it?"

 Artoria feels like an evil woman trying to do something bad to him

To an innocent child who knows nothing, but also feels his body throbbing in search of his exhausted magical power, and with his heart racing, he tells Ritsuka.

 She was sure that he would be surprised by the extravagant words that were about to come out of her mouth, and imagining his cute reaction, her mouth curved slightly and, in an exhilarating mood, she asked Ritsuka to provide her with magical power. saying...


"Eh♡ Hmm♡ Chuuu…♡"

 A kiss where tongues intertwine. Arturia circulated her saliva and absorbed the magic power contained within it into her spiritual base at the same time as she swallowed it, and her mouth twisted in happiness as she replenished her magic power for the first time in a long time. For me, who was treated badly by Kaim and couldn't even receive proper treatment for my injuries, Ritsuka's supply of magic power was like an oasis I found in the desert, giving me moisture.

 Artoria thought she couldn't kiss him, who was cooperating with her plans while wearing sturdy armor, so now Artoria wears underwear that completely exposes her breasts and plump buttocks. She presses her body, which has grown as a woman, and her large breasts, against Ritsuka, who is not very different from his real girlfriend, and breaks the long kiss to give him time to catch his breath.

"Well, that's a good thing... ♡ After all, the supply of magic power after a long time will be rooted in the spiritual base... ♡"

"It's great if you're happy. So, should we continue kissing?" So?

"No, I would like a little more, so I will ask for your cooperation. Of course, I will give you a reward accordingly, so don't worry."

 I have no intention of reaching the final stage. However, it is certain that the magic power that can be ingested from a small amount of saliva will not satisfy Artoria's dry spirit base.

 If so, it would be better to accept the semen that contains the most intense magical power into the body. Arturia slowly knelt in front of Ritsuka, unbuckled the belt of her pants and pulled them down along with her underwear, looking in surprise at the gem that appeared in front of her.

 That was something very big. Instead of calling it a meat stick, it is more like a meat spear. It has a thick and robust trunk, a head of the glans that resembles a sharp point, and its testicles and ball sacs are also of a corresponding size, giving the impression that a large amount of semen is packed inside.

 Arturia gulped at the sight of Ritsuka's penis erecting towards the sky, and immediately shook off the tingling inside of her as a woman. This is not an act of love. He uses a man named Ritsuka Fujimaru to replenish his own magical power.

 his servant I told myself that it was strange that a simple person would have such high expectations, and that I, the Storm King, should not have been fascinated by a simple human's cock in the first place, and turned back to Ritsuka. Her gaze went to the cock, she opened her mouth wide, took it into her mouth and began to stuff her cheeks.

"Mmm, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ♡

 In terms of knowledge, he knew how to perform oral sex. I once witnessed a female heroic spirit accompanying Kaimu calmly sucking his cock. However, there is a big difference between seeing it and actually experiencing it, or rather, the size difference between Kaim and Ritsuka was too big.

 Even if I opened my mouth wide, Ritsuka's cock could only fit halfway into my mouth. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't seem to give a blowjob as smoothly as the other women had given Kaim.

 Arturia, who was sucking Ritsuka's penis, was beginning to lose consciousness due to difficulty breathing, but at the same time, she was also immersed in an inexplicable feeling of happiness. Putting a penis, which is a symbol of a strong man, on his cheeks and feeling its taste with his tongue gives him a taste of something ecstatic that he has never felt before.

 However, that happy time came to an abrupt end. Ritsuka saw that Arturia, who had half-assed his cock into her mouth, didn't make any movement, so he took his clone out of her mouth.

"Geehe♡ Goho♡ Haa, haa...♡"

"...I'm sorry, Artoria. But it seemed like it was going to be painful... Would you like to collect the semen another way?"

"Do you mean onanism? Or servitude using these breasts...?"

"No, I'm sorry, but I don't think Artoria is capable of doing such naughty things. What I'm saying is... ...Let's use this."

 With a wry smile, Ritsuka easily realized that Arturia was not used to sex.

 Arturia blushed slightly from being pushed, but immediately afterward she saw what Ritsuka had presented to her and her body trembled.

 It is a condom, something that is used as a contraceptive device during sexual relations. Ritsuka skillfully puts the rubber on his penis and shows it to Arturia, saying with a smile.

"Just in case, if there is a rubber, why don't we assume it's not a serious source of magical power? Let me use Artoria's pussy and I'll ejaculate into the condom. Then Artoria will ingest the semen inside." the eraser. You can also lick the cum that's stuck to my cock.'

``Does that mean we'll have sex?''

``If you don't like it, Artoria, I'll stop. "I think this is the fastest way." "Na."

 Artoria felt a tingle in her womb as she compared Ritsuka, who was smiling at her as if testing her, and the fierce sexual spear between her legs that was the complete opposite of that adorable smile.

 What will happen if you swallow this heinous spear? Just thinking about it makes my mouth water and my vagina tremble. Arturia had to admit that the feminine part of her was beginning to look forward to the pleasure Ritsuka would bring her, and she gulped as she let out a hot breath.

(Actually, you are right. My bad service would take too much time... It is not good to make it take longer when it follows along with my selfishness. So... So――♡)

 The sound of my heart jumping up and down. Artoria took off the underwear she was wearing and was completely naked, feeling a strange feeling of euphoria as she showed Ritsuka her true appearance.

 Why do I have these feelings for the man I had a proper conversation with today for the first time? He had that question in the back of his mind, but in the next moment, he completely forgot about it. Instead, what arose was anticipation for the act that was about to begin... a longing for the ultimate pleasure that Ritsuka's delights and semen would bring him.

"...Okay, Ritsuka Fujimaru. Tonight, I give you the right to devour my body. Place your sexual spear in this hole and spit out your semen." "

...I understand, my King."

 Arturia sat on the bed as she said this with a dignified expression and words full of dignity. While jokingly answering him, Ritsuka plays his most important part.

 Arturia felt shame and pleasure when his fingers opened her genitals, inspected her insides and stirred them to check the amount of love juice that was overflowing from inside. Although he tries his best to act like a king, he can't stop the sexual desire inside him, and he reacts more than necessary to Ritsuka's touch, letting out a cute moan.

"Hey, hehe...! Arturia's pussy hasn't been used at all. It's a very beautiful color."

"Uh, ah...♡ Ha, please don't say anything embarrassing...♡ Hurry up and do it. sex."

"No, first we have to prepare properly. I want Arturia to feel good too."


 Ritsuka smiles and inserts his finger into her vagina. As she continued to do so, I began to carefully explore her vagina while entertaining her with various movements, such as moving my fingers inside Arturia, moving them in and out to feel the inside of her vagina, and scratching the walls. .

 Artoria's vagina, who has never accepted a man in her life, seems to move recklessly, but in reality she is at the mercy of Ritsuka's caress, who repeats movements to make her feel delicate, and when she arches her body, she reaches the climax of suddenly. The time has come.

``Hig♡ Hmm♡ Hmm~~~~~~♡♡♡'

' ``Hehe...maybe it's because it's been a long time? Arturia is getting very emotional here. It's thick, full of honey. Do you see how your thick pussy contracts with desire? Don't worry too much, I'll make you feel good now...!"

"Ah, ah...♡ Ah♡♡♡ Ah♡♡♡ ~~~ ~♡♡♡"

 Rikka lifted Arturia's exhausted body from her climax and positioned her own body beneath her, finally placing the deadly weapon in her crotch against her secret cleavage. Feeling the soft sensation of the rubber and the warmth of the penis beneath, Artoria opens her throat and moans as Ritsuka's cock gradually enters her vagina.

 Ritsuka inserts it slowly, letting him know its size and hardness. Arturia sheds tears at the sensation of a foreign object entering her bowels from below, and the sensation of it penetrating deeply inside her, causing her immense pleasure.

 As far as I know, this is the first time I have had sex. An act that is both a communion between a man and a woman and a ritual to supply magical power. However, it was not an exaggeration to say that the current Arturia is not concerned with such complicated thoughts and logic, and does it simply to devour pleasure.

"O-on♡♡♡ Huaaaaaaaaaaaa♡♡♡ Oku♡♡♡ Oguuuuu♡♡♡ There was a knock at my door ♡♡♡ Oh-on♡♡♡"

 Every time Ritsuka's cock penetrated her depths, Artoria's head was filled with electric shocks of pleasure. It's like your thoughts have been completely burned, only pleasure takes over your brain and everything disappears. Trembling with the feeling of fullness that fills her, she continues to immerse herself in the excitement of being a woman for the first time.

There is no rival, he thought. Artoria still thought she could take control of this sex, but that naive thought was shattered by the removal of the cock, and she realized her limits. As a king or knight, he is extremely strong, but in a battle between a man and a woman, he is made to understand that he is the weaker being.

 She was glad that her first partner was Ritsuka. This gentle looking guy knows how to make women sing. Ritsuka continued to give Arturia a menacing level of pleasure with his skillful moves, to the point where she was convinced that he was more attractive as a man than her Master, Kaim.

"Oh, there's♡ There's...♡ N-there's...♡ Ah, ah...♡♡♡"

"...It feels so good, Artoria. Her usual dignified face fades. You're the cutest thing ever...! Show me your naughty face more and more. I'll make you feel the way I want you to."

"~~ ♡♡♡ Whoa, whoa ♡♡♡ No, no, no ♡ Don't be idiotic. off ♡"

"Oh, you're so cute, Arturia...!! I want you to experience more pleasure..."

"Ohin♡♡♡ Ahh♡♡♡ Haaa...♡♡♡"

 Ritsuka's feverish voice rang in her ears, his penis was pulled out of her vagina and Arturia was in a dreamlike state, raising her hips and panting. My head is already filled with the pleasure of sex and my body loves the pleasure that I am experiencing for the first time.

 Artoria felt that Ritsuka had torn the hymen of her heart, and she was instantly captivated by the pleasure, and was eagerly waiting for the sex that had been interrupted to resume.

"...But that's all. Let's stop any further action."


 Yes, Ritsuka whispers in Artoria's ear. Hearing those words, Arturia felt as if her body, which had been reddened by shock, froze below zero.

 Why did it end in such a middle ground? Neither Ritsuka nor I are satisfied yet. I haven't reached the climax that gives me a feeling of fullness, so why...? As if he could see through Artoria's thoughts, Ritsuka responded in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Artoria, your goal should be to obtain magical power. But right now, you are prioritizing the pleasure of sex... Is it wrong?"


"I'm not saying it's a bad thing, she's just half-hearted. She wants pleasure, she doesn't need something like this."


 As he said this, Ritsuka removed the contraceptive that covered his penis. The splendid cock she had just seen was revealed again, and Artoria, unable to take her eyes off it, purred and looked at Ritsuka's alter ego, who was giving her maximum pleasure.

 Ritsuka grabbed Artoria's face and forced her to look up and meet her eyes, forcing her to make a decision.

"Tell me, Artoria. Tell me if you want magical power or pleasure. Depending on your answer, what I do to you will change." "...I wanted supply of magic power. ``What will you do in that case? "

"I won't have sex. I'll just cum in Artoria's mouth or on her body. That's enough for the moment, right? Kaim's body hurts. I'm sure he will. I'll be happy to hold Artoria."

 A shiver ran down Artoria's spine. That tremor was born from the fact that she could feel the charm of the Ritsuka man standing in front of her and the cold-hearted will emanating from him.

 Arturia imagines herself shivering with heat as her entire body is bathed in the semen emitted by that huge cock, and her vagina overflows with thick love juices, making her uterus tingle. However, at the same time, he realized that this alone would not be enough to satisfy the female symbol that had just trembled.

 If you compare Ritsuka and Kaimu's penises, you can tell at a glance which one has more masculine appeal. Ritsuka had a cock one or two times his size and knew very well how to make a woman feel.

 Even though it was through a contraceptive device, Arturia had already had his penis penetrated her vagina even once, so she couldn't accept Kaim's poor things now. First of all, it would be better to ask a man around you to hug you than to flatter a man who treats you coldly.

 I get it, I get it, there is no other option... There is only one man in this world who can satisfy me.

 The only person who can satisfy the feminine instinct that has arisen within the Storm King is the person who awakened him... the young man named Ritsuka Fujimaru, who is now standing in front of him.

"So, if you say you are seeking pleasure… what will you do for me?"

 A sweet voice tinged with warmth... Arturia couldn't believe such a voice came out of her own mouth. Ritsuka responded with a smile as she was made to understand once again that she had already been turned into a bitch.

This time, I'm going to have sex with Artoria without the rubber. I'm going to use everything I have to make Artoria feel better. However, there is a condition for that."

...Just let me." Listen to it. Let's take it. What are the conditions?"

"It's simple. Artoria Pendragon Alter... become my servant, change from your current Master, Triega Kaim."

 Hearing the conditions he expected, Arturia had the same smile on her lips as him.

 No doubt about it. He had summoned himself with this intention from the beginning. He calls Artoria, who has been treated coldly, gives her pleasure, turns her into a woman, and offers her a deal to make her his. It's all according to Ritsuka's scenario, and the future has probably already been thought of.

I was perfectly entangled with him and captured.

 If people found out about this plan, they would think it was a palliative. I'm sure Ritsuka will scold him for being so cowardly and cunning. However, what Arturia was currently feeling was the exact opposite feeling of joy.

 Apparently... this young man named Ritsuka Fujimaru seems to be quite a strong man, although no one in Chaldea knows it. He has emerged from the power struggle, pretending to be incompetent and unable to do anything, but behind the scenes he continues to devise strategies to impress those around him. He prepares his forces without anyone noticing and constantly increases his strength while keeping an eye on the other masters who are taken by surprise. Ambition or courage… I could sense from his actions that he was determined not to let things end like this.

 The person he chose as his first target was Artoria. It may have been just the right amount of weak, savory flavor. More than that, however, Ritsuka's actions reflect his desire to make Artoria his no matter what.

 Not only because he's the perfect target, but because he really loves Artoria. They see Ritsuka as a necessary force, as a woman.

 Artoria thought it was a blessing. In his entire life, he had never met anyone who wanted him as king. Unlike Kaim, who wants to use herself as a puppet and servant, Ritsuka attempts to take over Arturia's existence, Pendragon Alter.

AND The necessary measures for this purpose were carefully designed and implemented.

 Even if it was an adultery plot that took advantage of the bodies of a man and a woman, there was a genuine feeling towards Artoria. Even being the recipient of his passionate feelings, I didn't feel bad about it. Above all, Artoria has no reason to want to go against Ritsuka. None of that exists.

 Even if Kaim, who had continued to treat him coldly, regretted it now, it was already too late. Artoria simply thinks it's ugly and unsightly, and doesn't even have the desire to look at it.

 Besides...I guess I won't be satisfied with Kaim's hard cock anymore. I already experienced it, they woke me up, they made me realize that I am a woman. She is ready to give everything to the man named Ritsuka. Arturia has given in to him, asking him to stop the heartbeat inside her because she doesn't mind giving away her uterus, the organ that will give birth to a child.

Now what should we do? Tell me your answer, Artoria..."

 The answer has already been decided. Without hesitation or even a feeling of guilt, Artoria, with a look of womanly pleasure on her face, lay down on the bed and spread her genitals, showing the thick honey to Ritsuka as she returned it to him.

"Ritsuka Fujimaru…♡ You win♡ From this moment on, I will admit that you are my master…♡ I wish for the pleasure you can give me…♡ Please… Please attack my vagina with your sexual spear♡♡♡"

"…That's a good answer. "So, do whatever you want!!"

 Ritsuka puts Arturia to bed. Sitting up to cover her body, he places his huge cock against her secret cleavage and prepares for intercourse.

 Arturia's vagina, which had been wide open and waiting for Ritsuka, easily accepted his glans, which was the size of a child's fist. If the long, thick penis were thrust deep into her body in one go, Arturia could only gasp with a lazy expression on her face as the pleasure seemed to shake her entire being.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii

 The feeling of a real penis is different from sex when you use birth control... Arturia moans as she feels the heat, hardness and masculinity of it in her vagina.

 As her cervix pushes into her cervix, giving her deep, strong pleasure, she raises her hips in a pile driver position and is completely dominated by Ritsuka's cock. His usual dignified expression as a king had disappeared, and it had now turned into the face of a woman with drooling eyes and ecstatic eyes.

"Ohho ♡♡♡ Oh, oguuuuu ♡♡♡ It's so nice to have a cock ♡♡♡ It's so good ♡♡♡ Nhi ♡♡♡♡ Aheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeiii I can't stop, I'm like, aaaaaaaaaaaah♡♡♡"

 Ritsuka's cock begins to pump violently. She lifted her hips off Arturia's body, raised them to a certain height, and slammed them into her waist again. If he did that, his strong cock would reach deep into Arturia's vagina, making her genitals memorize its shape to fit him.

Nhiiiiiii ♡♡♡ ahhhh ♡♡♡ hiiiiii ♡♡♡ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ♡♡♡ iguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch ♡♡♡ "

 The back of the clitoris, the portio, the G-spot... Ritsuka blames Arturia, trying to find every weak spot, or rather creating one. With his hands and his cock, parts of her as a woman that Arturia had never known were blossoming one after another.

 Ritsuka didn't lie. He uses all his techniques to make Artoria feel. She doesn't know where she learned it, but the technique was solid and Arturia was able to devour the pleasure to the fullest.

 Every time they take my cock out, I can feel the pain in my vagina. She takes Ritsuka's cock in her mouth and squeezes it tightly as if she won't let go, lifting her hips higher and higher... Her vagina wants Ritsuka to hit her again, to come back inside her.

 Every time his cock is pounded, his entire body loses its strength as he climaxes. His facial muscles were sloppy and relaxed, and he had an unseemly ahegao look on his face. The embarrassment of Ritsuka witnessing it up close also contributed to the depth of pleasure he was experiencing.

 The strength in my limbs was gone and I couldn't move a single finger... but still, my hips never stopped moving. While being raped in the so-called insemination press position, Artoria's body exposes her weak points to Ritsuka so that he can easily control her.

 The obscene sound of water echoing. I can hear the loud sound of water jetting.

 Ritsuka's room is filled with Artoria's lewd and obscene roar that drowns out all those sounds, and the lewd smell she emits also fills the room, and all five senses become elements that make you feel Artoria.

 it is over. I can't resist anymore, I can't resist. No matter what Ritsuka does to me, I have no choice but to accept it.

 I have been classified. His cock is introduced into her womb. Engraving his mark has been made. The woman named Artoria Pendragon Alter is a being of lower rank than Ritsuka Fujimaru. I understood that I was offering him this spiritual origin, down to a single hair and a single nail, and I was convinced.

 Ritsuka is on top and Artoria is on the bottom... Artoria finds pleasure in the current situation where Ritsuka, who is supposed to be weaker than her, is pinned down and teased without being able to resist, and has no choice but to accept it as his master. None. It was no longer just his words, but his heart, everything down to his spiritual core, had surrendered to Ritsuka.

"I think I'm reaching my limit...! Arturia, where do you ejaculate? Do I want you to do it? outside? EITHER…"

"Nakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaa a ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ♡♡♡ To my pussy that is the exclusive cover for the master's sexual spear ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss of my pussy ♡♡♡ I want you to do it that ♡♡♡"

There was no more embarrassment or embarrassment. Arturia has no magical powers, and seeing her screaming and insisting that she wants his cum and his pleasure can only be described as comical. Who would believe she was so fierce they called her the Storm King?

 However… that appearance was exactly what Ritsuka was really looking for. Ritsuka smiled at Arturia, who revealed everything to him and shouted what she wanted in obedience. Ritsuka, convinced that she was completely his, decided to drive an absolute wedge into her heart. He slams his hips down and presses his cock against her cervix. , and...!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhh

 --As Artoria wished, she unleashed her sexual desire that was seeping into her vagina.

 The next moment, Artoria's womb was filled with Ritsuka's semen as a heartbeat-like sound resonated inside her vagina. The force, heat, and density of the semen hitting the baby's sac... the magical power seeping through the bodily fluids imprints the pleasure given to Ritsuka into Arturia's spiritual foundation. Her swollen belly revealed the amount of semen released by Ritsuka.

 I can't come down from the sexual climax that has brought me so high.continuous climax Keep cumming on Artoria, who had experienced this phenomenon firsthand, was moving her body little by little while wearing a sloppy ahegao face...

"Ohin♡♡♡ Ohhhhh♡♡♡ Ahhh...♡♡♡"

 Her insides were stimulated by the cock and she drooled from her mouth with an ecstatic smile on her face. This is because she noticed that Ritsuka's cock, which had ejaculated so much, had not withered, but had swollen and was inside her vagina.

 Apparently... he had made a big misunderstanding. For Ritsuka, sex wasn't serious yet, it was just a warm-up exercise. And I was able to devour and consume so much pleasure just by doing the warm-up exercise.

 Sex doesn't end here, it's a real thing... the real pleasure starts from here.

"...Arturia, I guess you haven't developed a spiritual foundation yet. If you commit a serious crime, it will just disappear."

"Ah, sorry, Master..."

"Okay. I'll raise it from now on. I plan for Arturia to play a central role in our future forces, and..."


 He hugged her tightly, caressed her buttocks, took his lips on hers... Arturia blushed as she felt the male's strength for the first time, and entrusted her body to Ritsuka. The pleasure of giving everything to a man who was supposed to be weaker than her stimulated her heart and made it flutter.

"--I'm going to prepare these breasts, buttocks, and uteruses from scratch. I'll turn you into a body that will make you feel even better, Arturia...!


 They caress their big, ample breasts and pinch their erect nipples at their peaks.

 Her soft, round bottom is caressed and his fingers play with the tight area at her center.

 The cock seduces her, her bulging vagina is pushed upwards and the symbol of womanhood deep inside her is pushed into her.

 Artoria's body trembled and began to blush as she took all these actions and Ritsuka's words as joy. The idea of being taught a deeper, more intense pleasure that she didn't know stimulates her female instincts, which she should have abandoned.

 He is also willing. The deepest part is penetrated by a fierce cock. The movement of the hips is more intense than previous sex, the pleasure that is experienced in the sensitive parts that are being attacked at the same time, and the new pleasure that is born from the combination of these. There was no way Artoria, who was not yet strong enough and not used to sex, could withstand Ritsuka's torture.

 Climax after climax. Artoria, who continued to experience last-minute torture from Ritsuka, was completely submerged up to her head in a deep swamp of pleasure in just one night with his hands, and her vagina was also shaped to fit his cock.


"Why!? Why do I have to hand my servant over to an idiot like that!? That's my heroic spirit that I summoned!"

 A few days later, in the meeting room, Kaim was screaming in disbelief. Seemingly disgusted by her reaction, da Vinci begins to retell the story he has told many times.

'It's because you despise that servant. Lancer We already know what you did to Artoria Pendragon Alter. No matter how you look at it, I have to say that this is an act that is not expected of a master.'

``So what are you saying? There is no doubt that that is my servant! what is mine.'', should be free.''

``If this were a normal Holy Grail War!... Have you forgotten? The survival of humanity is at stake in this battle. Join forces with countless Servants and build. a fluid relationship of trust with them." If you don't build a relationship with them, it will be difficult to fight off attacking enemies. Leave a powerful servant in the hands of someone like you who treats heroic spirits like trash and does nothing but humiliate them in instead of building a relationship of trust. We decided it didn't make sense.

 Kaim, who was scolded by Da Vinci in a strong tone for the first time, was pressed by his sword curtain and kept his mouth closed.

 Even so, he still regrets losing Artoria and asks Da Vinci in a somewhat clumsy (though still arrogant) manner:

"Well then, all you have to do is stop that response, right? There's no need to take the Servant away from you. As long as you don't make a mistake in your response from now on, it's enough..."

...You know, what you did was 0. It's an act that turns a certain relationship of trust into a negative one, isn't it? If the confidence that was originally on the positive side is reduced to 0, there is still room. be considerate, but if it goes from 0 to negative, then it is possible to show kindness towards another person. You will see that it is more meaningful to entrust me with your servant.


 Unable to respond to his reasonable opinion, Kaim finally realizes he has no choice and his shoulders slump. He accepted Da Vinci's orders, hating everyone but himself, thinking that something like this would happen.

"...By the way, which Master will it be handed over to?"

"Ritsuka Fujimaru-kun. This was at Arturia Alter's strong request. She really wants to work with him."

"What? Fujimaru?...Kuhahahahaha! In that case, I don't care! What, I see!"

 Kaim is surprised by the unexpected name that comes out of Da Vinci's mouth, and then starts laughing like crazy. It was a laugh that came from a feeling of relief, not that he had lost his mind in despair.

 As you know, Artoria is a powerful heroic spirit. It was a big blow to Kaim that the heroic spirit was being used as a fighting force under another master... in other words, a rival, but if it were Ritsuka, there would be no problem. He does not have adequate military strength or formal clothing, and he does not have the financial resources to summon a heroic spirit. With Arturia joining Mash and Cu Chulainn, they finally had enough strength to start a battle.

 Even if Artoria leaves, Kaim still has a lot of fighting power. First of all, Kaim didn't consider Artoria a force to be reckoned with, so there wouldn't be any problem even if she left. He was only worried that Artoria, who had fallen into the hands of other mages, would be used as a fighting force and become an obstacle for him.

 In that sense, there is no problem with Ritsuka. No matter how powerful Artoria's heroic spirit is, what can she do with just three Servants? If Artoria passed under Ritsuka's care, the possibility of Artoria becoming an obstacle to Kaim would be zero.

"Hahahahahaha! Well, I guess I can't help it. Let's take this as a lesson and use it next time."

"It would be helpful if you could do that. I don't want to waste time on that nonsense." "

Hmph! What a joke... that's the end of the story, right?

 After seeing off Kaim while slowly walking out of the meeting room and returning to his room, Da Vinci let out a sigh as if he was really upset.

 Kaim says it, but I guess he's trying to cling to the maid as if to vent his frustration. Even if you experience some pain, your core will not change.

Thinking that his feelings of disdain for the Servants would still not disappear, he looked at the photo of Ritsuka Fujimaru, who had transferred (or perhaps it would be more correct to take away) Arturia's master authority from Da Vinci. wondering why Artoria chose him.

 Is it because he sympathizes with Ritsuka, who is treated badly by Chaldea's employees, or is it because of his hard work that he never misses training despite his circumstances, or is it simply the king's whim... the answer is universal? , known as a genius, could not understand it. Everything will probably follow Arturia's heart.

Da Vinci personally thought of Ritsuka as a nice young man. That's why I trusted Mash, and also took her side in this matter and transferred the domain of Arturia to her.

 Even so, his fighting strength is still lacking compared to other Masters. He won't be as big a threat to them as Kaim thinks.

 But why? Da Vinci does not believe that this man, Ritsuka Fujimaru, will end up like this. With this incident, I can only think that he, who has been abandoned by everyone in Chaldea, has finally gathered his strength and started to act. Da Vinci had a feeling that he was almost certain that his counterattack would begin from here.

 No way, I don't think so. I think it's probably a misunderstanding. However, if this hunch is correct... it could be very interesting.

 As long as he doesn't bring chaos to Chaldea and become an enemy of the world, I will let him remain silent and watch his movements for a while. Without exploring the method or strategy, let's sit back and watch the silent battle between Ritsuka Fujimaru and the magicians who look down on him.

 Fortunately, there is still time to find the singularity. This is the perfect period for Masters to increase their power.

 During that time, thinking that it would be fun to observe who moves and what they achieve, the omnipotent genius moved his hands and activated the database within Chaldea, where the strength possessed by each master was recorded. He added a new sentence, looked. She looked at the photo of Ritsuka Fujimaru again and smiled at the emotion that welled up in her.


`...It's surprisingly easy to do, isn't it? command emblem (command code) That's all.''

 While saying this, Ritsuka shook the two cards in his hand. As he marveled at the versatility of rune magic, wondering if such a thing could be done, he mentally expressed his gratitude to Cúchulainn, who had easily acceded to his request, and turned to see him there.

 Her shapely buttocks, round, white and fresh-skinned, trembled lewdly and seemed to be enduring something. The constriction in the center contracts and the genitals beneath are soaked and dripping with love juices.

 The sight is clearly lewd and turns the men on. Ritsuka suppressed the desire to hold her buttocks at that moment and slam his throbbing cock against her, and caressed her buttocks with soft hands that suppressed the lust in his heart. After doing so, the girls swayed their hips happily, then turned onto their backs and posed submissively for him.

"Sen, pai...♡ I can't hold back anymore...♡ Hurry up, please fuck me...♡♡♡"

 Mash loses her intelligent expression and abandons her innocent aura as she sends a flattering glance towards Ritsuka. A flame of lust lights up in her eyes, and her soaked vagina and obscenely swollen nipples seem to express the sensuality she feels.

 Her breasts and buttocks are softer and more sensitive than they were about a month ago. Although her size has not changed, her body is already quite attractive and voluptuous.

 Mash offers Ritsuka her breasts and buttocks, which are soft enough to bury his fingers in if he grabs them, and shakes her hips, demanding his cock. Next to him was another woman who had joined the group just a few days ago.

"Master, please love me too ♡ my body is fleshier than Mash's and extremely comfortable to hold, and it's just for you ♡"

 Her abundant breasts sway. Plump buttocks full of meat. And the person who opens her thick, unused genitals and offers them to Ritsuka is Artoria Pendragon Alter, who has just officially transferred Master authority from the Kaim to Ritsuka.

 Like Mash, she reveals a lascivious side that is unimaginable in her usual form and demands pleasure from Ritsuka. He spreads his legs as if his pride and position don't matter, and he breathes heavily like a dog while repeating obscene words.

``Look at this erotic pussy that is still dripping with lewd juice

♡ My vagina, which has become an exclusive cover for the Master's sexual spear, is always ready to receive your cock in the best conditions ♡ Day after day Please feel good to the maximum with Arturia Pendragon Alter's voluptuous pussy, which has become the shape of a master's penis after consecutive nights of sex ♡♡♡

", was serving as my senpai's partner ♡♡♡ They are a perfect match ♡ A junior's pussy that has been used thoroughly is what makes him feel better ♡♡♡ The first job was me. It's all about the pussy, senpai ♡♡♡"

"Well, wait a minute, I have something to do today before that."

"What to do...? What is that? After sex. "Isn't that okay?"

"Our patience is almost at its limit... Please give me your cock quickly, Master...!"

 Seeing the two of them spreading the scent of a woman and begging them without shame or shame, Ritsuka smiled bitterly, thinking that he had become quite contaminated, and gently showed them the card in his hand.

 Mash and Artoria looked at the card, which had a sinister but charming pattern that looked like the heart-shaped design of a command spell, and asked Ritsuka what it was.

"This is a special command emblem that I asked cu to make for me. It has various effects, but to put it in simple terms... The servant who accepts this will be able to level up by having sex with me.

I guess so. It means I can raise my level.'

``Oh, that's true...♡♡♡'' `

`That's wonderful♡ Senpai is experiencing interference from other masters and can no longer use the Chaldea system satisfactorily. you use this seal...'' `

`You can increase your level while supplying magic power. Well, the effect is slight. Still, if it brings something positive, I think it's a good thing, right?' '

"Yes, of course ♡♡♡ Well, let's test the effect right away… ♡♡♡"

 The two received the card from Ritsuka and pressed it against their lower abdomen. If you adjust it to exactly reach the position of the uterus and focus your attention on the place where women make loud noises asking for semen and penis immediately, the command emblem will immediately be engraved on their skin and spiritual foundation.

" Ngiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

 Electric shocks crackle and crackle in my head. I feel that my body and my spiritual base are transforming into this emblem.

Still, what they felt was not anxiety or fear, but happiness. As my body adapts to this emblem, it means that I become completely the property of my beloved Master... A delicious sensation of pleasure runs through my entire body, and a feeling of euphoria hits my brain, as if I have been injected with a drug. my brain.

 My hips bounce, I squirt, I reach climax, my whole body convulses, my hips bounce again and I reach climax, I am consumed by the sensation that everything is painted white, and...


 Big, just big... the light explodes. Ritsuka's room was filled with pink light, and at the same time, Mash and Arturia's high-pitched voices echoed.

 While witnessing this scene, Ritsuka's expression did not change in the slightest. However, I continued to wait for that moment in silence... I didn't make any movement, not even blink, until the light disappeared.

 Finally, Ritsuka saw the light that enveloped the room converge on the lower abdomen of the two people and begin to carve patterns there, and he diverted his gaze downwards and continued to watch the scene. A pink pattern stands out against Mash and Arturia's white skin... A technique that resembles a womb is written within the heart mark and is engraved in their souls. Ritsuka finally showed movement and reached out with both hands and carefully and carefully caressed the girls' lower abdomen where the command emblem was engraved.

"Y-Yes, yes♡♡♡ Ha~♡♡♡


 If you caress their bellies gently and lovingly, they will both make sweet sounds and start shaking their hips. Honey overflows from the nearby genitals and his expression is ecstatic and lazy. Apparently the sensitivity was greater than I expected.

 It will probably take some time to get used to this new spiritual foundation. The current two are neither spearmen nor squires. She surrendered to a man named Ritsuka Fujimaru and mutated her body to follow her desire for him.sex slaves

 Their bodies have become softer and more sensitive, and this body, which is fully equipped with the knowledge of sexual techniques to please Ritsuka, should also lead them to their own pleasure and pleasure. On the other hand, the statuses and noble phantasms they possessed can no longer be used with this spirit group, but this is probably a minor problem. In any case, she will not fight as long as she is a slave.



 I grab her soft breasts and enjoy their soft sensation. Her breasts are much softer and more sensitive than ever, and no matter how much you caress them, you will never get tired of them. Being able to create so much pleasure in this body must be the greatest blessing for a man.

 Mash and Arturia are both Ritsuka's servants. They are Ritsuka's only slave and he has no intention of giving her to anyone else.

 There is no need to look around or the honor of being called a hero. However, if you become the best master, you will not have to let anyone take away what you have acquired, what is important to you.

 Then I will become that person. Let's save the world while protecting what we've gained. This way, they can steal heroic spirits from others and strengthen their own base... let's continue to protect them as well. Like a very important and loving slave.

"...Now, are you getting used to that body? Let's start with the sex you've been waiting for."

"Well, it's crazy...♡ I'm still cumming...♡♡♡"

"No. I can't hold back anymore. You wanted it so bad now, so don't be scared now.

 As if responding to Ritsuka's words, the lewd ridges carved on the lower part of his abdomen glowed. With that, the words of resistance and rejection disappeared from Mash and Artoria's thoughts, and

They surrendered their bodies to Ritsuka's wishes.

"Now, which hole should I fuck...? Both holes seem to feel good, so I'm confused..."

"Oh oh ♡♡♡ Y-you're so good ♡♡♡"

"I- I'm so good ♡♡♡ They're squeezing me ♡ Iguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ♡♡♡"

 If you play with their secret wet places just for pleasure, they will ejaculate with the force of a fountain. Ritsuka smiles as he watches the two continue to climax with just sloppy petting, and imagines how lewd Mash and Arturia will become just for today, and with that excitement, his crotch area oozes.

Command Emblem [Whore Emblem]

・Class to servant [sex slave]Add.

-The engraving becomes a pseudo-command spell, and the master's orders to the engraved target are 100% accepted.

-If a servant engraved with this command emblem provides magical power to his own master, the engraving will accumulate experience points.

・If you are a sex slave class servant, you can transfer the experience points you have accumulated.

・Depending on the consciousness and sexual preferences of the servant, the spiritual group of the sex slave class can achieve further growth.

class[sex slave]

・A class that specializes in having sexual relations. The sensitivity of the body becomes more sensitive and the body changes sexually without changing its proportions.

・Combat ability is almost non-existent and has been reduced to a level where a spiritual group of this class cannot even defeat a simple human.

- All skills and Noble Phantasms will be reset. It is also impossible to summon equipment such as weapons and armor.

・Servants who belong to this class receive the skill [Class Change], which allows them to change between a normal class and a sex slave class. If the teacher orders it, the class will change without asking questions.