Chapter 12: Secret Meeting

"Hey Jibril, I'm back, but make sure you clean your drool after reading on my bed," I said in exasperation. 

"You got it, master! I'll dispose of them right away," and with those words, she scooped up the sheets and whatever else she drooled on and popped them into her ring. 

"Wait, I didn't mean tha- well, I suppose that works, but..." 

Looking closely, she appears to be grinning triumphantly. So, she wanted me to comment about them to have an excuse to keep the sheets for herself, don't think I haven't caught you sniffing them. Well, whatever. 

"I'm back Shuri, where's Akeno?" I turned to the other occupant of the room who appeared to be relaxing and drinking some tea. 

"She's taking a shower, she won't be lon- ah, there she is," no sooner when she said this, Akeno emerged from the bathroom, and as she did she let out a sigh of satisfaction. Once she took a look at me, a smile lit up her face, and practically sped her way over to me. Her hair was still wrapped up in a towel, but she had changed into a poofy white dress.

I had to get some clothes for them, so I sent Jibril on a covert mission to the mall. Looks like there was no problem, hopefully, either way, Cleria was there. 

"Ryu! Welcome back! I missed you."

"Hey, Akeno, I'm back, hopefully, you weren't too bored. We'll get you signed up for school, but for now, bear with it for a bit?" 

"Don't worry! I have Mama and Jibril! It was fun, I got to practice magic and Jibril floated together with me," she said cheerfully. 

"Oh? Magic practice? Sounds like you had a blast." Looks like I didn't need to worry too much. We gotta find some time to practice together. 

Patting her head, she let me go, and I went to get changed. After I did so, I dropped right onto my bed, with Akeno bouncing merrily beside me. Shuri busied herself with organizing the clothes while Jibril practically lived in the air, floating happily with her iPad. 

As I lay there, I thought back to the school day. Kaori and Ayaka were suspiciously quiet. Of course, Yurika and Natsume were curious about the change of the other two girls but didn't think to comment on it. Only because when talked to, they responded like normal. Looks like they want me to let the others know, but I mean, I was gonna introduce them either way, kinda unexpected that they would barge into my room, but what's done is done. For now, I was able to inform my dad the whole truth when I caught him when I got home, the other members just like the gist of it, so it's only a matter of time before I tell the girls about them. 

The angelic duo, Shouko, and Saki, were thrilled to hear about a new friend. Despite detecting some envy from the mystery girl, both Shouko and Saki remained positive and enthusiastic. They're such good girls dammit.

Shouko was worried about the new girls not wanting to talk to her, but I reassured her that both Rias and Akeno were friendly and would be happy to have her as a friend. Despite some initial hesitation, Shouko let out a determined 'hmph' and decided to trust me. Saki, on the other hand, began shaking at the thought of meeting prettier girls. Her nervousness and feelings of inferiority rose, however, I reminded her that her brilliant smile would win them over. With encouraging nods from the other girls, Saki gained a bit of confidence and looked forward to meeting them.

Ah, how lucky am I to have such an angelic duo as my friends? As I was grinning, I remembered something important. Something I should've remembered and told Akeno and Shuri, but because they were catching up with their emotions I held off. Shit. 

"Ladies. I'm so sorry this is so last minute. But Sirzechs Lucifer, Grayfia, and Rias will arrive a bit later today, so you'll all be hiding. I'll meet him with my father," I said as I sat up from my bed and looked at them all seriously. 

"If you're sure, master. Isn't it dangerous, however?" 

"Not really, dad will be there and it's not a formal meeting anyway."

"Ryu!" shouted a determined-looking Akeno. I had a sudden premonition. 

"Can I meet him too!? Rias is that girl you told me about right!? If she's gonna be there then I will too!" Looks like I was right.

"Are you sure? This is someone powerful, way more powerful than me. You don't have to force yourself, you can't hide it from me, you're still scared, aren't you?" I asked her right away.

She wavered, but only briefly. "I... I am! But that doesn't mean I'm forcing myself if it's something I want to do! You'll be right there and the talks will be about me, right!? So, I gotta be there!" A soft smile graces my lips as I look at her puffed-up cheeks and her watery eyes, though she's slightly shaking, she has such a forceful gaze. 

"Okay, Okay, you win. I suppose it is important for them to meet you," I said as I got up and began patting her head to calm her down a bit. A low purr followed, but I paid it no mind. 

"Make sure you listen to Ryu-kun, Akeno-chan. Don't force yourself to talk if you're not feeling up for it, I'm sure the meeting won't take long," Shuri appeared apprehensive, but it looks like she relented in the end. 

"I will! Hehe, thank you, Ryu!"

As I was about to respond, some slight fluctuations began appearing in one particular room. Looks like they will be here any minute.

"Okay Jibril, conceal your presence along with Shuri-onee-san. Stay like that until they leave. Get ready, Akeno-chan." I immediately retract my aura until it forms a thin-like membrane over me while Jibril and Shuri disappear along with their auras. They wish us luck and now I am here alone with an anxious Akeno.

"Don't worry, I'm here with you, remember?" I reminded her as I grabbed her hand before continuing, "There is no need to be afraid if I'm holding your hand, right? Squeeze it whenever you feel like you need to." I give her a gentle smile after I finish reassuring her. 

"Yes! Thank you, Ryu..." She said and though she was vigorous beforehand, now she said it in such a quiet voice I might have missed it if I didn't have superior senses. I only smile and pat her head as I guide her towards the meeting room.

I showed her the way, but we ended up gaining some attention from the members. Oh shit, that reminds me. I gotta tell Miyu and Mamako. They're not gonna be happy that their little Ryu jumped headlong into danger. You got this future me! 

Anyway, the teasing was mostly directed at me being 'bold' in holding a lady's hand in my own home and how big I've grown to already have a girlfriend. I just chose to ignore them all, but it seems Akeno got hit by those stray shots, she's beet red. I could only chuckle silently, lest she hears me and pouts. 

We reach a grand door with carvings of western dragons and two katanas one on each door with dragon handles. It's made of some pretty expensive wood, it even has some precious metals attached to the frame. So, a regular sliding door wasn't enough? Perhaps there are runes marked onto the door from the inside, well something is preventing me from analyzing with my aura so I won't look too deeply into it. 

I reach out and pull the door open. We find ourselves facing my dad who is turned sideways with his eyes closed. As soon as we entered one of his eyes cracked open for a bit and then he closed them again. I just made my way over to the side of the table along with a shaking Akeno. It seems we got here before they fully established a teleporting magic circle, or rather it's already forming it just needs to stabilize. 

We sit there in silence, awaiting their arrival, while I occasionally squeeze Akeno's hand to soothe her beating heart. 

Finally, I see the red and black magic circle of the Gremory family. No wait, it's the Lucifer magic circle, lit up before three figures emerge, two adults and one child. The first I see is Sirzechs Lucifer himself. He is a good-looking man who seems to be in his early 20s, well appearance-wise. He has shoulder-length crimson-red hair and blue-green eyes, similar to Rias. I then see Grayfia who is holding the excitable Rias' hand. 

"Greetings to you all, I am Sirzechs Lucifer, leader of the Four Great Satans who rule the Underworld. It appears we are slightly late to this meeting, how embarrassing especially when I am the one imposing in your own home, Draconic Berserker, or is Issei Ichijou fine? It is nice to see you again, though it is quite a surprise how the kids were the ones who made this meeting a reality."

"Good evening to you Issei-sama, Ryu-san, and Oh…? Ah, I am Grayfia Lucifuge, maid of Rias-sama and secretary/Queen of Sirzechs Lucifer-sama. I'm sorry for the delay in our arrival."

"Ryu!! I'm here! Aren't you glad to se- Who's this, Ryu?"

Ah right, we're here to discuss an engagement and here I am holding hands with another girl… Oof that's not a very good first impression. 

"Hahaha, it seems you didn't think this through Ryu. Well, no need to worry we'll get to that. It's nice to see ya again, Embodiment of Destruction. You sure haven't aged a bit since the last time we met huh? Nice to have ya here, Silver-Haired Annihilator, and you too Princess of the Gremory Family. Come come sit," Dad said immediately after noticing the tense atmosphere. Phew, safe!

"It's a pleasure to meet you, king of the underworld, Sirzechs Lucifer-sama. Nice to see you again Grayfia-nee-san and you too Rias… Rias?"

She only zeroed in on Akeno and she pouted. 

"Rias-sama we're in an important private meeting to discuss your engagement. Let's wait until Ryu-san explains himself."

"Aw, but.... I don't wanna…"

"Seems like my little sister is a tad bit angry, but regardless it's nice to meet the boy who not only charmed my little Rias but Grayfia as well. So, tell me Ryu-kun what do you think about this engagement."

When Sirzechs got to the last part of his words, a sudden pressure assaulted me which alerted Jibril but I calmed her down while I kept my composure, though the beads of sweat running down my cheeks didn't help. I'm glad I didn't overreact or apply pressure onto Akeno's hand. His level of control is insane, no one but me is affected. Shit. The gulf in power is overwhelming. Stop, don't grin! A deep rumble echoes inside of me, my lumbering dragon and the grumble of another who is currently watching anime. 

"Sirzechs-sama with all due respect, there's no need to show such excessive force," I informed him with a smile. It's understandable, play not really, this dude is a big siscon. Well, he also almost suffered from a retaliation attack from a pissed-off flugel so I'd say we're even. 

"Ah, My apologies, my emotions got the best of me… Well?" I highly doubt it, but it is a possibility if his sister is involved. 

"This engagement was a big jump forward and a surprise to me too, I will not lie it caught me off guard when Rias suggested it. But I have a good impression of her, taking a look at her now I see she's been following my suggestion of controlling her power and building a foundation. If anything I'd be happy to be engaged with her and it seems she's ecstatic about this too, but you are using this as a political move as well, are you not Sirzechs-sama?" I answer Sirzechs in a serious tone while trying to ignore the pressure coming from my hand, most likely caused by Akeno.

"Hooh? Your kid is sharp, Issei."

"That he is."

"Well, why do you think so, Ryu?"

I just watched the glance and exchange of words my dad and Sirzechs were having while remaining quiet but when he asked me to explain myself I just responded.

"Well, I'm sure you won't make this engagement public yet, so you might use this engagement as a deterrent when you need it most. Or at least something to keep others at just the suggesting stage. This will also help you if you decide to announce it later on when Rias and I grow older, like making your stance known if you decide to own a territory in the human world. No matter how you look at it you'll be entrusting your little sister to the son of the Draconic Berserker. Which creates a bridge for humans and devils, perhaps you want to repopulate your numbers with our members? Or maybe move forward on something bigger for the Devil Faction… no perhaps the Three Great Factions? For peace? It might backfire if we were an organization but we are a yakuza clan, one that rules Japan's Underground so it might lessen the backlash when you do announce it." After I finished my words, I was met with a wide-eyed adult audience while gaining confused looks from Rias and Akeno respectively. I don't think I said anything clever, and I'm sure I missed some moving pieces or something but still. 

They were still staring at me even after I gave them a few minutes to compose myself so I just coughed really loudly to get their attention. Rias even got up to sit right beside me and grab hold of my empty hand! So, I had to deal with the stares from the adults while Rias and Akeno were glaring at one another as they crushed my hand with their strength. Good thing my body is pretty durable…

"It seems you can still surprise your old man, Ryu. Not only did you accidentally help the Princess of the Gremory Family, but you looked into some of the real reasons for this engagement. Hahaha! I'm proud! It seems the Shuei clan is in good hands! Since your brother is aiming for a different line of work."

"Hmhm, it seems you exceeded my expectations, Ryu. But remember, though she is my sister and I can approve of this, it does not mean the Gremory household approves. Our father has already started talks with other 'Pure-blooded' devil families. Your father will be a boon and a deterrent but for how long? There will be a lot of political movements, so prepare yourself. Now, if you hu-"

Sirzechs was just about to threa- warn me of the consequences after giving me a stern but gentle warning of the future, but he was abruptly cut off by Grayfia. Poor dude, he even froze in astonishment.

"It seems I won't have to worry about Rias-sama. You will be able to take care of her spoiled nature. Congratulations on your future engagement... Ryu-san."

"Thank you, Sirzechs. And Mm, I'll be sure to make her happy. Thank you, Grayfia-nee-san!" I cheerfully smile at her while Rias, who is next to me, has a big grin on her face while blushing furiously. She is casually directing a mocking grin at Akeno too. I only smile helplessly while getting ready to discuss my favor.

"Sirzechs-sama, I believe Grayfia-nee-san has informed you of the favor, but the favor won't be about the girl beside me, Akeno Himejima. This is something I hope you can consider since it might benefit your sister."

Once they heard the family name, everyone, Grayfia, Sirzechs, and my dad turned their serious gazes onto me while Akeno flinched in surprise. They even glinted with curiosity when I said benefit. I only held onto her hand tighter while giving her a small smile.

She breathes in and says, "It's n-nice to m-meet you L-lucifer-sama, Lucifuge-sama and Rias-san. M-my name is A-akeno Himejima, Ryu-kun saved me and i-invited me to a-attend this meeting…"

"As you can guess, I happened to come across her on one of my walks, and hearing her story I concluded she is in dire need of an asylum. Of course for now she will stay with me until she stabilizes from the shock, but I was wondering if you would allow her to become a part of Rias' peerage, whenever she acquires her evil pieces. I'm sure Rias might have a hard time finding people who want to join of their own will, and if I am the one who provides her with a home to stay it might attract unwanted attention to me." 

As my final sentence left my mouth, his left eyebrow made a minuscule amount of movement that can be defined as a twitch. Haha got 'em. At this point, he reopened his mouth and said, "...Hmmm… So, you 'happened' to meet little Akeno. Your walk didn't happen inside the shrine right?"

"Who knows, all I know is she needs a place where she can grow stronger and not have to hide. She'll also be able to get along with Rias, no matter how you look at it Rias definitely wishes to be her friend, I could see it inside her eyes, both of their eyes. It might be because of me, but that's fine too." I turn to look at both girls at my sides and they have a blush on their faces while looking away from each other. They occasionally send me a glare as if I just disclosed their deepest darkest secret. Aha, sorry. 

He then stares at me long and hard, taking glances at both of them before finally sighing and saying, "Okay, let's leave how you found her at that. There's no point in interrogating you it seems. Very well, I agree to grant her asylum when she has properly rested and stabilized. She will become a part of Rias' peerage after the fact." Hehe, I know your weakness Lucifer. You'll do it if it's for your sister's happiness, right?

I smile slightly before saying, "I thank you for this Sirzechs-sama. I'm sure it's fine if Akeno and Rias visit from time to time right? Grayfia-nee-san can accompany them and teleport them here after all. They could train together with me since you know how powerful my mom and dad are."

I only got a blank stare from him and a giggle out of Grayfia, most likely from how shameless I am. Whoops. This is the best solution! She has to visit her mother after all!

"I understand, it will be arranged."

"Indeed, I'll accompany Rias-sama and Akeno-sama at the time. No need to worry about the arrangements I have already prepared, along with my replacement for my secretary position. I will be humbly asking if Ryu-san, ah my apologies, Ryu-sama will be able to allow me to work for him as a maid. I worked as one under your mother, Mamako-sama. After all, it is only right I work for the boy who opened up my Lord's heart. My apologies, for you to find out like this Lucifer-sama." Uhhh…? So she actually knew? Or did she figure it out just now? 

"No need to apologize, Grayfia, I knew." You did!?

"I know how important this is for you, I have already anticipated this day since you suddenly showed up to be Rias' maid. Besides, you already made arrangements."

"Thank you, Lucifer-sama. I won't be gone indefinitely, but my time will be spent hopping back and forth. It will also need to be written out, but we must discuss the license for the Ichijo family and friends to have permission to teleport between realms.... Ryu-sama, I'll be starting tomorrow, please take care of me. I'll be imposing on your home Issei-sama."

So this is a done deal already?! A license already!? But I suppose it does help that the Satans will be backing that teleporting permission, not counting the times we will do it secretly. 

"Ahaha!! Don't worry about it! I'm sure Ryu could use some extra help in his life."

Okay, it seems the topic is over and done with, without my input. It's fine, who isn't going to be happy with a maid? 

Hmm? When I took a look at how the girls were faring, I was surprised to see they fell asleep while lying on my shoulder. So, that's the reason why Sirzechs wasn't properly paying attention. I could only helplessly smile while my dad smirked and Grayfia giggled in amusement.

"Uhm, glad to have you Grayfia-nee-san."

"No need to be formal with me Ryu-sama, I am your maid now after all."

"Then Grayfia-nee? Hmm, uhuh… it's just I'm not used to being addressed like that… no wait I am. But addressing me as -sama now is kinda weird aha."

"Well, Ryu-san? My apologies, it must be Ryu-sama."

"...We'll work on it."

After the conversation reached a lull, I turned to Sirzechs and spoke to him. "Sirzechs-sama, about the favor I mentioned."

"I'm listening."

"Well, I just wanted to ask if I can propose peace talk meetings with the 3 Great Factions, here," I stopped and turned to my Dad who nodded in response, so I continued, "Not right away of course, but it's better if a neutral party moves forward with this right, or at least a place where it's neutral territory. While I would love to attend them now, I can't because of my standing, in everyone's eyes I'm still a kid and a human. I only have my father and the yakuza to rely on. So, until then, will it be possible, once I do have a proper standing in the human and supernatural world? I'll be sure to talk to the other factions as the years go by, perhaps helping launch peace talks while I grow older. Then by the time high school roles in the real peace treaty will begin."

At this moment, the eyes of all the adults twitched in tandem and it started increasing in speed before a large sigh was heard.

"Haaaaahhhh, you really came out and said it Ryu. I don't know if this is a pure idealistic ambition, a child's dream, a fool's determination or maybe all of them, heck I don't even know. You just keep surprising me, but if this is something you wish then of course your old man will always support you not to mention your doting mothers. I got your back, my boy."

"...He's serious isn't he Issei. Are you really only nine? It seems I had forgotten all about it when we started this meeting and I only just remembered. Though it saddens me, Rias will definitely be in good hands."

"I'll be there with you every step of the way Ryu-san. It is my duty as your maid to help you in your daily life and even realize your desired dreams. I will not fail."

I'm probably an absurd kid in their eyes now, but they all seem to believe I could do it. Where's this faith coming from? Don't tell me it's my bs powers. No, I got them a bit under control with Ddraigs help, so maybe it's the drive in my eyes? I mean, I can admit that it's the fear of not wanting anyone to get hurt in the future and the looming and dreadful quest in my system.

Still though, even though Sirzechs sounds like he doesn't believe me, his tone carries some admiration, relief, and hope…? Uhm, I'll try to live up to your guys' expectations.

After all the discussions were over and done with. We had to deal with the two sleeping girls, but Sirzechs said he was already pushing the remaining free time he had in 'checking up in the human realm,' so he begrudgingly asked if Rias could sleep over and he'll take care of the Gremory house. It's definitely not because she slapped his hand away when he tried to pull her off of me. Definitely not. At least that's what the glare is saying to all of us in the room, I only smiled amusedly since his siscon act ruined his pressure from before. 

Right after sending me the glare, he did tell me about talking to his parents, but to not trouble myself over it since my dad actually knows his father and it might go down smoothly. Might is a big one since he's still big on the pure blood and opening relations with the other families, you know typical political stuff. The other houses will give him a hard time and at the end of the day, he must keep his house in control. Plus he said meeting them when we get older sounds better for everyone.

Grayfia will be the one who will come pick her up in the morning since Rias still has homeschooling classes and training to attend. My condolences Rias. It seems your schedule is now packed.

Before Sirzechs and Grayfia left, Grayfia informed me she would start moving into my house together with Rias on Saturday evening. 

But when those final words set in for both Sirzechs and I, we stared wide-eyed at Grayfia and when we were about to say something the teleportation circle activated, cutting off any sort of discussion.

Yeah, Sirzechs is not going to win that argument in preventing her from moving, Grayfia might point out how stressed out Rias is and how this might be a good opportunity to study alongside kids her age plus his spoiling won't help her. It might cause a ruckus in the Gremory household. But like they have teleportation so it should be fine, right?

Oof, I could already imagine the chaos, but the justifications for the moving could also include 'getting her ready for managing the territory,' 'allowing her to get the freedom she always yearned for,' etc. 

Man, but what about the peerage thing? They didn't even mention how long she would stay. But I suppose Grayfia can still homeschool her and train her herself, Akeno and myself included. 

Right, I still have the devil and fallen angel bodies with me. Not to mention I am providing asylum to Cleria and Masaomi, perhaps a time will come when I can safely announce their status. Lucifer gave me a look though, the sort of look where he knows something, I have a feeling he has eyes everywhere, so maybe he saw the movements of the other devil faction and he could tell from the lack of presence from Cleria, that something happened. Right at the time that I introduced Akeno... yeah it doesn't take a genius to piece together the correlation. Or maybe I'm just way too paranoid and reading too much into his glare? Could be the siscon glare after all. But it's best to proceed with him knowing stuff already and smooth he talks over. 

I might need those unconscious devils and fallen angels in negotiations with their respective leaders in the future too. I might need to shelter the kids from the Excalibur project too, so contact with heaven will also be included in my list. For now, I gotta scout out where they're hiding together with Jibril. And then there's the disclosure of the unconscious clan members to the Himejima clan. This might just expose me to the Shinto gods and the Himejima clan, but I'm sure Suzaku and Amaterasu will keep it a secret. There is also a pending rescue in the underworld, but I have no idea where to start looking. Perhaps a mission for Jibril?

With those thoughts and plans swirling around in my head, I guide the sleepwalking Akeno towards my room while the already asleep Rias is clinging tightly to my back.

  1. Alright, I need a nickname/ known title for his dad, or is the one I have for him fine? It fits sure, but is there a better one?