Chapter 25: Abrupt Meeting, Arrival, & Shouko's Ascension

(Explain Jibril! Is she okay!?)

Shit shit, normally they awaken when in distress right, is she okay? Dammit, I should've placed a danger signal button on her or something, I'll probably do that from now on. Stupid lack of foresight and a huge blunder on my part. I didn't want to because it seemed relatively safe, from what I've gathered on Jibril's outings- no other supernatural have poked their noses after those attacks but dammit!! Still, if I had placed that alert system, it would've been weird since who does that!?

Stop, this isn't helping. Focus. I calm my emotions so as not to disturb the relaxing mood around me though Ima have to make it end soon enough.

(Breath, master. All is well, the little girl is shaken, but otherwise fine. She calmed down as soon as I said your name. I had no idea how to, but I was able to. Downright adorable, a first for me, perhaps her hidden race has something to do with it?)

(Perhaps, but yes, I'm glad she's okay. Damn, we're gonna have to fast-forward this then.... alright Jibril what was it that happened?)

(I felt a slight disturbance a distance away, and when I went off to investigate I was surprised it was inside the room of one of the girls you know! I obliterated the worm into oblivion because of how hysterical she was. You should've seen her! With her awakened power she was able to send out blasts of light! I'm sure she didn't notice because of how paralyzed with fear she was. They, of course, missed but she would've defeated the damn thing! I wasn't able to analyze it though... pity.)

(No, Shouko-chan's safety is a priority, we can investigate later. If this could happen to someone who wasn't even remotely leaking out an aura then I'm sure the rest are in danger, Aya-chan is the one who has magic power leaking, so I'll send some of our guys to go pick them up. Bring her now though.)

(You got it, master!)

Thinking more clearly and about efficiency, I sent a telepathic link to my dad and I was able to tell him the situation and he agreed to shepherd them here. I thank him and cut the link. 

Taking a deep breath, which they notice, I prepare myself to inform them of what has happened though I gotta make sure to alter the events. I then sent a quick message to let Jibril know that Shouko-chan mustn't talk about how and by whom she was saved.

"I'm sorry to cut this off, but I think it's best to fast-forward a plan I had in the making. An incident took place and I would feel better if safety measures were in place," I said struggling to hide my urgency. 

They all looked confused, Mamako fretting over my expression and Miyu looking particularly worried. Akeno, Rias, Sona, Tsubaki, and Shuri are more so, but Grayfia and Serafall catch onto my tone, more so Grayfia since she remembers that one time in the meeting. 

Holding a bit back I begin my explanation. "I got contacted by one of my subordinates who protected one of my friends against something they couldn't identify. I say this because I detected some power hidden inside them, so my plan was to ease them into the supernatural, but now..." I trail off and Grayfia is quick to interject.

"You're thinking of bringing them into the fold right now? I see, there is merit in beginning this introduction at this age. But also demerits. I'm sure you know that already though, so I stand by your decision, Ryu-sama," she says smoothly. 

"I do have some concerns about this, especially since we know their parents, but if they do have power, we do have some responsibility to ensure their safety. There are no problems with me, Ryu-kun. I'll rally up some defense and coordinate with my husband," Miyu says holding her chin in contemplation, perhaps already running the logistics of it.

"Thanks, Grayfia-nee, Mom, I've already sent a message to Dad about it and they'll be here shortly."

"Don't worry Ryu-chan, I'll be sure to help in any way I can! I do have some contacts I can call in for some hands-on training, oh oh! Maybe I can ask some of the Goddesses to bless them! It'll jump-start their power and I can train them. How about..." Mamako kept going on and on, I didn't want to interrupt so I made sure to listen attentively. Luckily a savior arrived just in time.

"Mamako-sama, let's leave it at that. I'm sure we can find time for all these ideas another day. Their lives are about to change dramatically, let's let them adjust and support them along with Ryu-sama," Grayfia said as she oh so gently placed a hand on Mamako's shoulder. She dearly wanted to continue but only puffed her cheeks and relented. I thanked her of course as well as Grayfia who sent a subtle wink my way. 

(Master, I have dropped off little Shouko near your home and was able to sneakily lead one of your yakuza friends to her. She was scared but will be arriving shortly along with the others.)

With that abrupt mental message, I sigh in relief. Thankfully she knew it wouldn't be a good to show up here, I forgot to tell her about that... I was way too focused on ensuring her safety, which is understandable of course, but would've also caused problems. 

(Thanks Jibril, keep an eye on the others and report back if you notice any other fluctuations nearby.)

(Of course, master.)

With that done I turn back to the hubbub around me. Rias, Sona, Tsubaki, and Akeno are fretting about what is going on, but they know it will be something big. I went to them and calmed them as best as I could. But I wonder...

Serafall came bouncing over, glomping her busty frame onto my back as I petted her little sister's head. "Ryu-tan! What are you thinking?! What was the plan that you envisioned, but now had to be sped up because of the circumstances!"

I shiver at her icy breath hitting my ears, causing my ears to blush slightly, but I warmed myself up with the fire in my belly. I narrow my eyes a bit though. What is the plan? I eye Sona and Rias in turn. Before I could dismiss the idea, another thought surfaced. Would they really be against the idea? Knowing the headstrong personalities of two particular girls they might jump at the chance to be reincarnated...

But something has been bothering me. 

I turn to face the pouting Serafall, who continues to cling to me and poke me then at Grayfia who stands stoically behind the miffed Mamako. My eyes subtly turn to Miyu who appears to be having a discussion on her phone and some slight traces of mana also reinforce the idea she's talking telepathically. These powerhouses didn't feel the disturbance? Is Jibril far more sensitive? Impossible. Though the gap in power is huge since they can't detect her, it still shouldn't be that far-fetched that they would notice it. Maybe something else is at play? 

Shaking away those stray thoughts that can be gleamed over another day, I respond to the awaiting Serafall. "It will largely fall onto their own decision, but I will ensure their safety and have them protected if they choose to not involve themselves. I was thinking they could either join me or the two devil princesses here. But they also might be interested in being taken under both my mother's wings... The particulars weren't hashed out because it was on the back burner but this is the basic plan."

She stops her movement, and for a moment seriousness is written all over her face, no longer radiating that careless chipper mood. What an insane change. "Basic is correct, but I suppose it's to be expected especially since they are your friends and humans. I won't speak of this, but you'll have my support, Ryu. Grayfia places much trust in you, so I'll do the same," she firmly says and then her cheerfulness snaps back, "Either way, you have lots of training with me ahead of you! Hope you're prepared!"

I nod dumbfoundedly. And before we could prepare ourselves we heard the knock. 

Looks like they have arrived. 

Grayfia bows and teleports over to open the door. I nod at her silently as I begin to see the anxious and excited-looking figures walking in. 

Saki and Shouko tremble at everything, but Yurika appears to be in her element, gazing at everything with a soft smile on her face. Perhaps appreciating the work that was done to this? Both Ayaka and Kaori ran inside, tripping over each other as they gazed at everything. I laugh at their antics but make my way over to them hurriedly.

I jog and before they could get a word in, I wrap my arms around both Shouko and Saki. Their faces turn a dark shade of red, but it ceases their trembling. I let go, but I made sure to also pat them on the head, and though they were reluctant to part, they blissfully enjoyed the head pats.

After a bit, I cease the movement of my hand and look at them. Saki is still a bit jittery but appears fine, but when I look at Shouko's eyes there's a smoldering flame burning brightly. I see the traces of the leftover anxiety, but it's being smothered completely by the flame. 

Then I feel the pulse flow through me.

A beat echoed and thumped within the area. 

Reverberating my heart and stirring the pseudo-divinity within me. 

As I try to gather my thoughts, the pulse disappears as a smidgen of an aura of an angel appears to brush against me. I hide it, not from the people here, but from escaping this room. 

Gasps of surprise burst out, but I don't give them a second to clamor when I reach out with my aura and prod at the angel blood flowing within Shouko with my pseudo-divinity. 

In a flash of brilliant golden light that engulfs the confused-looking Shouko, I telepathically tell her not to be scared and to brace herself. She nods with determination burning, damn what the hell did she go through? I teleported Saki to a safe distance, with difficulty that was solved by Grayfia, but soon I began to see sparks of light and life energy emanate from Shouko's position in front of me. 

The pillar of light engulfing her is going from the bottom of her shoes to the top of the room, crackles of some sort of light electricity are bursting out, but they don't damage anything if anything they make the ground erupt in blooming flowers, at least the spots where it touched the ground. 

The light diminishes as I squint my eyes, though it isn't necessary and it was just a reflex, as I look at the changes happening to her. 

Shouko now appears to be wrapped in a somewhat temporary golden-yellow glow with a whitish-yellow halo hovering over her head and a beautiful pair of fluffy white wings. Her eyes which were tightly shut, now flutter open in confusion and I can take a glimpse at her pupils that take the form of small stars that accentuate her now gold eyes, though there are traces of brown. Her dusty rose-colored hair now appears to be a shade of brighter pink.

I stare in awe at her form, muttering and signing, "*pretty,*" unconsciously. A habit of speaking I adapted whenever I was in front of her, to be honest.

As the light show finishes, she now stands there fidgeting under my gaze and that's when I snap out of it as I begin to speak, though I am beaten to the punch as a flurry of voices cut in.

"*Shouko!? What the heck was that?! Were you actually a super famous actress and I didn't know about it? That was such a cool transformation, they look... so... real...*" Kaori sprinted to Shouko, practically teleporting and gushing over Shouko's new form but as she began to inspect with her hands, she noticed the reality of the situation, but it looks like her eyes glazed over in shock and excitement. 

"*What's wrong Kaori!? Bah, never mind that gorilla, but Shouko-chan you look so adorable! Ahhhh! These fluffy wings are so soft! They practically feel so real and omg that rotating halo... huh... There are no strings... That can't be right...*" Ayaka trailed off. Her arms dropped as her brain short-circuited as she pondered the information she received over her thorough investigation. 

That's right you two, those are real. 

"R-Ryu-kun? Are they okay, is Shouko-chan okay? Are those actually real...?" Natsume says from behind me in shock and with curiosity seeping into her voice.

"Yup, Kaori and Ayaka figured it out once they got over the flashy transformation, but you appear rather calm, Nat-chan, all things considered," I say with a bit of intrigue plaguing my voice. 

"Y-yeah, though it is hard to believe, it's not as impossible as it seems. Throughout the years I was able to feel something in the air, something inside of me, but I never thought much about it... I'm not sure how to explain it..." She says as she loses her train of thought and gazes at Shouko in admiration, who appears to be rather worried about the state of the other two girls. I mean, they did sort of faint while standing up and haven't let go. 

"I see, you're probably sensitive to the mana, which is a good thing, perhaps a little detail having to do with your Sacred Gear. It is independent so perhaps it might've wanted to stretch its legs... maybe it gave you sensitivity to air mana... hmm..." I pondered at that. It is a possibility, but Natsume has no idea what I'm on about so I don't continue. 

"*Right, well, help me lay them down Nat-chan. Shouko-chan, not to worry they just got excited and fainted. Breathe in and out and we'll explain this. Remember when I told you about the wonderful news that one day?*" I let her know to jog her memory.

Her eyes brighten at that and she nods vigorously. I laugh and continue. "*Well, it seems the day can't wait anymore, so we'll explain everything properly as soon as everyone is situated.*"

She nods once more, peaking at the faces of Kaori and Ayaka, who we are carrying over to the others. 

In front of us, I see Saki fidgeting in place and begin jogging toward us. I smile at her furrowed brows, her eyes darting at us all, a trace of worry lingering in them though she tries to hide it by talking to us. "*Ryu-san! Are they o-okay? I was right next to Shouko-san and then the bright light and then I was standing next to a p-pretty silver-haired l-lady... Ah! B-but are you okay, Shouko-san?! T-those wings and that h-halo, you look so different, so pretty...*"

Adorable, they all learned sign language for Shouko's sake. "*Not to worry, Saki-chan. I'll explain everything. Shouko-chan is not in any pain, it will actually help ease you guys into the talks I'm about to include you in," I said as I extended a hand out from underneath the legs of Ayaka to pat Saki's head. Thankfully I had the foresight to change my appearance, but I'll be able to freely take them out bit by bit. Of course, I'll hide myself from other humans, but there would be no point for those who know about the supernatural. 

"O-okay... if you say so...," she whispered but with renewed vigor said, "B-but uhm, I'll make sure to hold onto Shouko-chan, s-she needs support, but I trust you, Ryu-san!" So saying, she went up to the still-walking Shouko and held her hand. Shouko appeared a bit taken aback but smiled cheerfully and carefully angeled her wings as she walked side by side with the softly smiling Saki. 

Ah, two angels holding hands! One of them is a literal angel, but the other is also a mythic race so it counts! Ah, how wonderful, it gives me a warm and fluffy feeling in my heart. 

I refocused and looked forward once again. The adults were perfectly calm, a bit excited, but the four young girls waiting for us were curious and a bit miffed at the moment. Right, still have to introduce them... Serafall, Shuri, and Grayfia probably held them back. 

Ah, nards.