Chapter 36: Sirzechs Lucifer

I woke up with a start. When I did, I clutched my throbbing head and winced at the sudden ache within myself. Shit, my soul looked like it could've seen better days. 

"W-where am I..?"

I was enveloped in silky sheets within a grand bed, way more grand than my own back home. It didn't look familiar and when I wanted to use my aura, I failed. I scowled and panic spread in but as I took stock of the situation it didn't appear as if I was being suppressed. No, I took a look within me and my system was in place, the echoes of Ddraig's and Eve's cries were a welcome surprise. It made warmth spread within me as they asked if I was okay, and when I reassured them about it I turned my attention to the system. 

It appeared like my wrath skill overloaded me, and then gave me a debuff. I could use my aura of infinity, but my weary soul protested against it, so I refrained and brought back my attention to what was around me. 

It looked like it was some rich guy's room, and I suppose it's correct. A wave of memories crashed into me and I finally remembered or at least remembered being smothered by an immense amount of pressure, and it wasn't just from one being. I caught two unfamiliar faces, Serafall and a flash of red. 

I sighed.

Sirzechs Lucifer, huh?

Yeah, turns out he was on the scene together with the other Satans as soon as possible, but by then I was only rampaging haphazardly at the remains of the demon's vanishing body. My attacks had purged it and purified the weary but thankful souls of the fallen. 

A sorrowful smile unconsciously came to me. I did it. I did it but with me being consumed with wrath, I was in control, but I also wasn't and had to suffer the backlash. It's still me just with an immense amount of weight added onto the fury, being a dragon also fueled it to a higher level. It could've ended worse, but with the added sorrow and my pseudo-demi-god race helping soothe me, I made it. Still, though, the fact that it was so devastating and dangerous in battle was an understatement. But I had to use it and I don't regret it, even at the cost of dulling my stats and skills. 

I checked the time limit for it and I was surprised and terrified that I was out of it for two days and that only a few hours remained. I shuddered at the consequences awaiting me back home. Wait, what if they had already visited and witnessed my state? Shit, I'm in deeper than I thought, because no amount of talking could dissuade my mothers or the others from checking on me from The Lucifer's home. I wonder why they didn't take me away.

I narrowed my eyes at the thought. Perhaps he wants to speak to me privately? 

I shook my head to not think about it and a sort of tingle went through me. Someone was announcing their presence, so I calmed myself and checked to see if I could walk. I nodded when I got a response and then got up and got some clothes from my inventory. I did keep on what they put me in, but my own feel far more comfortable. 

I sighed and then went to open the door. 

Outside stood a tall handsome dude that towered over me, but was wearing a gentle smile. He was worried, I could tell it was no trick. He was genuinely checking up on me. His red hair cascaded down his noble/armor attire and as his blue eyes looked me over in concern, his voice cut into my thoughts. "Ryu, are you well? I felt a stirring in your room and came as quickly as could."

I stood up a bit straighter as a bit of his aura washed over me, but otherwise responded politely. "Yes, I feel alright, though I think the exhaustion is going to remain for a bit longer. Thank you Sirzechs-san, I appreciate you providing me a place to rest."

"Think nothing of it, as my little sister's betrothed it is only natural to provide you all that you need as my brother-in-law. As odd as it may be in the human world about marrying early, devils are a bit more free in thinking, as you may know."

I nod my head in understanding. "Every race does have their customs and own morals. But please come in," I said as I ushered him to take a seat next to the open window overlooking a garden. Huh, normal violet and red roses, though I did see a couple of carnivorous ones snatch up a bird-looking thing. 

"Thank you, I hope you don't mind me introducing to your rest, but your mother(s) is a bit... on edge so you'll be teleported home soon," he said with a bit of a twitch in his smile and nervous laughter. 

"Though I hoped to stay longer," He stiffens as his eyes emit a sense of overwhelming fear, but I immediately follow up, "But I wouldn't want to trouble you further, I do have to face the music soon."

He visibly relaxes, and when I chuckle at his expense we laugh together about the circumstances. This dude is cool when he chills out some. 

A maid knocks at the door, and when Sirzechs tells them to come in we are greeted by a plethora of snacks and some tea. I happily dig in together with him as we talk about his sister mostly, but also about how his parents wish to meet me. We also talk about magic, the intricate ways to use demonic energy, and his curiosity over my powers. Of course, we don't go into specifics, but he seems understanding about refraining from sharing too much info since he openly tells me to be wary and keep trump cards close. I nod along, taking his advice seriously. 

He coughs abruptly, taking a bit of my attention, he continues, "Ryu, as a brother-in-law, I think it is my duty to inform you about the backlash and predictions about your announcement to marry Rias."

I look at him seriously, nodding for him to continue. 

"Truthfully, there will be openly challenging you on that day, and there will be many sending you letters to accept their challenge on a rating game," he shakes his head with a grimace, "My father and another prominent household have an agreement over marrying their kids, this being Rias and the child of said figure. I was opposed, but since he is the head, he will have the final say on things. So expect things to be incredibly difficult and prepare yourself for what's to come, I'm not too worried considering your remarkable growth and the arrogance of devils now," He says with fits of laughter and mutters to himself, 'the poor fools.'

"No way am I going to bend over backward for them, especially if they disrespect her special day by openly disregarding her feelings. Don't worry, I'll be ready for anything, Rias is important to me and I will do everything to make her happy," I say with burning conviction. 

His eyes widen at my declaration. He chuckles and with a sigh drinks some tea and stares forlornly at the wall as he throws out a question. "Do you remember the day Rias was lost?"

"Yes," I replied curiosity and confusion seeping into my voice. 

He grimaced as if the particular memory physically hurt him and honestly, I believed it after he explained himself. "That was the plan, it was a risky and horrifying one, but a plan all the same. Grayfia did not know if it of course, but I was there a bit away on top of a building watching, your father was there too, though I called him because I needed someone to stop me from teleporting before Rias," he laughed with a sheepish smile, but sighed once more. "Your father and I made a little bet, I was doubtful of you so the bet involved your father joining my peerage if you made my sister uncomfortable, and if your father won he told me to follow your plans and whims. I hardly trusted anyone with my dear sister, mostly because of how devils are, but he insisted and told me 'That boy has an ambition; a desire, so humor him, don't get me wrong, I'll be by his side but he'll need all the help he can get.'

I fidgeted in my seat at his impressive impression of my father, but also because of the embarrassment of how he thought of me so highly. I knew he did, but hearing from someone else just hammers it home. I let him continue since he smirked at me. 

"Ahem, well, it turned into a whole debacle because Rias ended up liking you so much but turns out the legendary Issei and I had no problem with how things turned out. It only solidified his theory and my doubts vanished," he turned to me and with a smile continued, "Sure it may not even be an ambition, perhaps just an ideal, but you're taking steps and that's enough."

My eyes widened, and I stared incredulously at him. The gears within me spun and my mind reeled at it all being a part of their plan, it was a lot to take in. On the one hand, I am angry at how they did this at Rias' expense, but it did let me meet her. I'm grateful I did, but I also know getting angry at this siscon will do me no good.

I sighed. What's done is done.

"A plan huh, is that so? Well, I suppose that did catch me off guard. Doesn't really change much though," I replied. 

It was his turn to stare at me in disbelief. "Y-you're not angry? I for sure thought you were going to yell, it's why I put in a ward around the room, so we couldn't be heard."

"Whaaa- is that what that was? No wonder I felt something at the edge of myself, I was getting antsy about it since it was just out of reach and hidden so well, impressive stuff," I said as I eyed the room for anything out of place, hmm I suppose runes won't just be out in the open. "But I am angry, just it would do me no good to shout, besides, I've run myself ragged with anger already."

He smiles ruefully, "I suppose not all is forgiven, but I'll take it all the same. Thank you for listening Ryu."

I shake my head. "Don't worry so much about it, as far as I can tell you're gonna be doing a lot to make up for it, no?" He nods in affirmation so I smile.

I soon broach the true subject as we sit in silence, enjoying the refreshments. "Sirzechs-san, is there anything else you wish to speak to me about?"

His demeanor and aura change in a flash. I sit up straighter and listen. 

"I will not ask you for the details, I'm sure you had your reasons for the recent event that transpired, but please do tell me when you're ready. It's not pertaining to that though, perhaps a bit, but it is something for far in the future, or at least you should actively begin this search for me," He answered.

"I will," I then tilt my head. "Search?" I thought he would push for information pertaining to that transformation, but I suppose he's respecting my privacy for a bit. I winced when that stray thought led me to the other person who was there, Serafall. Hopefully, things are fine. Either way, phantom pain within me follows whenever I think about what happened, I rather... I rather not get into it. At least, not yet.

I shake off the thoughts and turn my attention back to him.

He nods, "Yes, a bit of a mission on behalf of myself. It is not something I myself can get involved in, many would demand answers about devils snooping around their territories. I ask you this because you are neutral and because this needs to be secured and discreet."

I nod along, hanging onto his every word, so he continues once he opens his eyes and sees me paying attention. "This involves the demons you've encountered. Or at least it pertains to them, I need you to either find and befriend two brothers." I grow confused, but the memories stream into me as the anime flashes before my eyes, Sirzechs thinks I connected the nods because he solemnly nods and finishes his statement. "They are the spawns of Satan, born of a human woman. They're in hiding at the moment, we have no way of knowing where they might reveal themselves, but we do not know when or where and we cannot just constantly have surveillance everywhere, so I would like for you to be ready. 

I'm confused by his motivation in finding them, but I can kinda see the correlation. They'd make powerful allies and would be indispensable in the fight against their father. 

After that revelation and mission, there wasn't much else to do other than finish up our remaining tea and bid goodbye to each other. He informed me that he would teleport me soon and to rest the remainder of the time. I was told that Rias and Akeno wanted to visit me after finding out I was here, but they told them to wait until I got home to talk. 

In my peripheral vision, I saw countless unread system messages, but I put it off for a bit longer. I think it's best I just get home to look them over, the debuff is over already but I gotta go already. After I bid farewell to Sirzechs and the maids I befriended, I took a breath and with a flash of a red magic circle appearing beneath me I was swept away and manifested inside my room. 

I'm back. 

Feels like forever.