Finishing the Party

Once the party commenced many people dug into the delectable food, many of them drooling even whilst eating it. Rimuru was even surprised by the quality and was heartily munching away on meats, salads and other food stuff. Milim was perhaps the one person to love this as she was downing entire jars of honey without an issue, her expression looking rather content. I myself enjoyed the food and found myself picking at some of the steaks and pork. Unfortunately my eyes weren't aiding in my appetite as I continued to see each animal as it was, a living animal. 

I had tried to will the power off or at least shun it but it just continued to peruse every little fragment of useless views of time. Who wanted to see a deer being killed and then feel the texture of the divinely flavoured meat on your tongue at the same moment? Not me, I was over it!

'Rip-off, please, help me... I need to turn these eyes of mine off... I don't want to see the past or future currently!' Shuna had begun to notice something was wrong but was stopped by Rimuru who was asking if there was any sake.

|Unfortunately you will have to find that out for yourself... I am sorry, my metaphorical hands are tied.|

I sunk my teeth deeper into the meat in frustration as my eyes scanned across everyone in the room, finding many of them as skeletons, including Iralia. It was like seeing the very people you cared for, loved, had connections for dying before your eyes over and over again. Each vision was different no matter how many previous times you had seen the same scenes over again. I was finally starting to understand why Vampires and such beings with Immortality called it a curse after a while. 

Blinking once again my vision returned to normal, my tattoos lightly flashing on my wrists as the dust-like material inside was glittering, disappearing seconds later. One of my eyebrows rose as my sixth sense was twitching, as if I had seen something in relation to it. Unfortunately no matter how much I thought about the tattoo or turning it off, nothing changed. Used to situations such as this though I still maintained my 'happy' mood and interacted with people, ensuring that none of them saw how much my abilities were affecting me. In anime and fantasy most negatives are small or easily solvable but it felt more and more as if this wasn't going to fix or fully go away, it was just my new reality.

With that acceptance I began to enjoy myself, reminding myself that the future can change and that nothing is set in stone. I may see them as skeletons or corpses, but that could all vanish and become a bright future if they or I did something about it soon. Not having released the technology I knew of may have influenced the visions as well.

The feast continued as I started to lightly play music through my TV projection spell, deactivating the screen and just transmitting the music. Rimuru was instantly intrigued and looked around, the song being the opening for the first season of Reincarnated as a Slime. Everyone was instantly drawn into it and enjoyed the upbeat sound to it, I also smiled at the words and track as I had very fond memories connected to this soundtrack. 

It was at this time that Yuna suddenly appeared from one of the windows near to the kitchen, her body collapsing through the window as she stood and up dusted herself off, my eyes twitching as she easily joined in on the party, shooting me a little teasing expression before joining Milim in her feasting. She too enjoyed the music and gave me a thumbs up from the other side of the room. Shaking my head I just returned to deciding the next songs. On the list I chose some anime openings and then mixed in some classical Rock and Metal. Stairway to Heaven, Immigrant Song, Poison by Alice Cooper, Dio's Holy Diver... Yeah, I had quite a few selected.

The night carried on like this as I used some magic to bring some booze to the party, Rimuru and Shion getting blackout drunk and disappearing into a guest room together. I didn't even want to know what was going on there or how it was working with them two so I just focussed on entertaining the sober members of the party. Most of them were the Goblin Elders who considered themselves too old to drink and preferred to have full control of their faculties. I too wasn't that big on booze as I was sipping a coffee and watching Milim try and get drunk but failing miserably. A dragon's constitution was just too much for normal alcohol to actually do anything. Shuna was actually talking to the two women which Hakuro had brought over, exchanging talking points on clothe making and the finer points of manners. 

I lost interest as soon as I tuned in and quickly found myself drawn towards Kaijin, Kurobe and Iralia who were discussing forging, bar maintenance and some other topics of a light hearted nature. 

"Running a bar ain't that difficult, ye just got to make sure ye pay attention to ye regulars and throw out the assholes that be ruining their experience." Kurobe nodded and laughed as he began speaking on a bar that the Ogres had run for a month and how it collapsed soon after.

"In my past life bars were some of the only places where you could wind down for a day. Let me tell you Iralia, we really do appreciate your presence." Entering the conversation they all turned to me and nodded, Iralia laughing as she patted my shoulder.

"I fuckin know I am important Silviana, ye don't have to butter me up like that... Ye just want coffee discounts don't you?" My eyes shined at the mention of the sacred deal. Seeing me she rolled her eyes and took a huge drink of her sake.

"Fine! Ye can have a 20% discount, but only for two drinks, got it? I have a business to be runnin." I was beaming in happiness as I took a large slurp of my coffee, Kurobe laughing his ass off as Kaijin also laughed, his moustache picking up stray remnants from his beer. 


"Silviana, when I get off work I am just me."

"Ah, Silviana-san, what did you do in bars in your last life?" 

Kurobe's tone was lined with curiosity, the conversation leaning in my direction because of it as Iralia and Kaijin were genuinely interested. Sighing in my mind I resolved to let them know, I wasn't the type to lie just to suit a mood.

"It was a place where my mercenary company in my past life cooled down. Most would drink away their woes or pay for women to take away their pains. I, well, I searched for more people to kill, usually taking new contracts independent of my company. It was just how our world was at that point." The atmosphere turned a little odd but Iralia being who she was quickly focussed on the nicer sides of my story.

"See, what did I tell ye!? The bar is a place that is meant for calmin ye self down, no matter who ye are!" She took a large swig of her sake and momentarily swayed, her eyes beginning to gradually refocus on me before she finally snapped out of the small drunkenness she had achieved. Kaijin rubbed her back and looked like he was about to cough-laugh as Kurobe grinned and sipped on his drink.


An hour later the entire party was slowly dying out as many people went outside completely drunk, stumbling their way home with companions. Shuna, Milim and me were all watching this as we said goodbye to those that would be leaving, Geld, Rimuru, Shion, Benimaru and Benimaru's Companion all staying for the night. Yeah, Rimuru and Shion was a thing and so was Benimaru and his woman... Only reason I knew was the sounds that my spells were dampening, that I could still hear perfectly. It was another level of torture, especially when I heard Shion crying out in that way... I shook my head and dropped onto the couch, turning off the music and popping up the TV, my magic automatically cleaning the entire house as I 'relaxed' on the couch.

Both Shuna and Milim were looking at me with rather lusty expressions but every time I looked at them all I could see was walking skeletons. It was a torture I would not wish on anyone, even Ainz or his cronies. Shuna must have noticed this as she sat down next to me and was worried.

"What is it Silvi?"

"Mhm! Honey, what is wrong?"

I was tempted to not answer or lie to them and say I was fine, but they both attacked me with cuteness, it was super affective.

"It's my changes from earlier today... I can see the future and past, with every blink of my eyes I can see you from now and the possible future versions of you." Shuna seemed confused and spoke up about it.

"What's wrong then? Its just us but older...?"

Milim chimed in before I could, her eyes gaining seriousness as she moved over and knelt in front of me, checking my wrists.

"Shuna, she doesn't mean that she is seeing older us. She is seeing 'dead' us." Shuna gasped and looked at me in sorrow, her hugs getting tighter as Milim checked my tattoos. Unfortunately she couldn't see anything as she shook her heads moments later.

"I can't see anything honey. Maybe I could ask Ramiris?" I shook my head and sighed loudly, my vision seeing Milim alive before being skewered by a bone and sword at the same time, a white skull looming in the background and a creepy smiling man beside him. I stood up instantly, my magic flaring as all 1.8 million MP awakened in response to the threat I had just seen. The scary thing? Both figures turned to me and looked shocked, as if they could see that I had seen. The human figure tried to skewer me but my eye powers disappeared.

"FUCKERS!!!" My aura changed to a deep black and red as my muderous instinct from my past life leaked out, Milim gazing at me in extreme weariness and worry. Shuna was just stunned stiff, her entire body frozen in that moment. Silence covered the entire house as Rimuru and Shion quickly put on clothes and exited their room, blushes covering their faces.

"What's going on!?"


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