An Overlord's Rage

Sitting upon his golden throne Ainz was within deep contemplation his skeletal fingers clacking against the exterior of his cheek bone as his pallid red glowed creepily as all of the floor guardians knelt before him. 

"Ainz-sama, we have infiltrated the Kingdom of Falmuth and the Western Holy Church as per your instructions. Thus far we have received intelligence that suggests that war shall begin within a week with the newly formed country of Tempest." 

The clacking of his fingers remained a constant unchanging tempo within the atmosphere of the room as Albedo took over from Demiurge, her expression solemn and controlled. The remaining guardians were all reticent to speak due to the presence of a new companion that stood at the side of the room.

"Ainz-sama, alongside this we have also made increasingly more progress on the plan to infiltrate Tempest's populous. Currently we have 50-60% of the population converted to hatred of their main leader, soon, we should be able to conduct a coup." Her words seemed to have an effect on Ainz as he soon looked at her, the lights in his eyes intensifying as he nodded deeply, the aura around him showing the rage he held for the nation of Tempest.

"Good. We do not wish for the leadership to realise. Once we reach 100% we shall then move the people to our whims and commands." The guardians smiled at the renewed vigour their supreme being had, his aura wafting around and cloaking the throne room in shades of purple and black. Ever since he had been working on new forms of magic he had been sequestered away inside pocket dimensions within Nazerick, his efforts directed towards personal power. Now, he had finally stepped out of his training and was showing himself to his followers. The new presence at the side of the room gazing on with black wings lightly flapping along with the slight movements of the flags in the upper rafters of the throne room, lightly hummed in agreeance a rapier lightly dangling at the waist.

"It shall be as the Supreme One commands!" The guardians intoned at the same time, a pious righteousness flowing out from each of their expressions. Silence was maintained for several seconds until Ainz stood up, his expression softened till the point that one could see his humanity for a few seconds. Mare was practically glowing with this subtle change as he got up and gracefully stepped down the stairs, his posture showing that he did not wish for them to move. Looking like he was hovering instead of stepping, he stopped in front of the guardians with all of them looking at him in reverence. Thinking to himself Ainz soon remembered each of his friends and how these NPCs were like children to his comrades, in a way. He had been thinking of finding fellow people from Yggdrasil, the quest constantly being reinforced as he began to feel the weight of fully leading Nazerick.

"I-" In an instant the mood of Ainz changed, a distant connection snapping as if it were loose threads of a once perfect dress, snapping and popping from both sides. A guardian had been slain... And the only one who was currently not in Nazerick was Shalltear, who was in the enemy's capital. Devastating primal urges of death began to exude from Ainz, his undead aura peaking to an entirely new level. Red mixed with black soon after as the connection fully severed moments later, the thin molecule thick thread finally snapping and vanishing. The entire throne room was utterly silent despite the malicious and maleficent aura being flooded outwards from Ainz.


She gulped deeply as her entire expression was deadly, like that of a demon's if they had found a free soul to consume. Demiurge, Mare, Aura, Cocytus, Victim, Gargantua and Pandora's Actor all turned utterly serious, their expressions freezing. Looking between eachother secretly they understood something had just occurred, something that could influence their master to such an extent... It would have to be serious. Demiurge immediately had a mood change as he gazed at Ainz with enraged eyes.

"Use all means necessary to advance the power of Nazerick. Whatever the means, I allow them. Demiurge, you are as perceptive as usual. Shalltear has fallen. All guardians are to stay within Nazerick unless specifically needed or allowed. I will immediately begin the resurrection ritual for Shalltear." He turned on the spot, his robes fluttering around his undead limbs, the very colour of his eyes a rageful crimson ball of hatred. The throne shone as he quickly stepped up into it, his emotions slightly affecting his pace as he sat immediately when he reached said throne. This throne wasn't just a normal throne however, it was a world item, an item of untold power that allowed the ruler of Nazerick to overlook all of the NPCs and forces below them. Their status, level, health and MP would all appear for the ruler to see, in detailed explanations.

The noise in the throne room turned into a buzz to Ainz as he quickly searched through the list of NPCs quickly finding Shalltear. It was completely blacked out, a single sentence confirming her status causing his previous aura to become a mere imitation of his hatred. White and black soon smothered every colour in the room, the gold and silver becoming non-existent amidst the colour grading his aura was pouring out. Demiurge became devastated as small drops of bloody tears dripped down his face. Albedo also become sombre, secretly happy that the whore was dead whilst also being utterly concerned about a power that could defeat Shalltear, one of the most powerful NPCs of Nazerick, well, before the newcomer emerged. A flutter of wings in the background played out as the aura still barrelled into the space around all of the guardians and even the entirety of Nazerick.

"My god. I believe we must hold ourselves back at this stage. I understand that you are grieving for the loss of Shalltear but we must keep our calm and do as you said, achieve power." Her voice was silky smooth as her black wings fluttered uncaringly, unphased by the gravity of the situation or the concept itself. Silver hair dripped down from a bowed head as pure silver armour adorned her limbs, her appearance matching that of an angel but with a more sombre and deadly mix. Albedo scoffed and seemed pissed by the woman's words, or was it the fact that she said it first? Either way, she wasn't happy at this intrusion on her station and quickly stepped forwards.

"Indeed! Ainz-sama, as the leader of the Floor Guardians I suggest we hunt down scum in Human societies until such a point that we have filled out undead armies and floors that require such sacrifices!" Demiurge stepped up behind her and began speaking as well.

"I will search for a way that we may bring back Shalltear Ainz-sama! If there is something that can kill her it is highly likely that someone or something could bring her back." Ainz instantly gazed over at Demiurge, his movements very primal and firm. No words needed to be spoken, merely a deep look into each other's eyes conveying the orders for Demiurge. 

"It will be done Ainz-sama!" Demiurge immediately slipped into a portal, one made from powers of this new realm they found themselves within. Albedo quickly began to organise countless ventures, the Pleiades being sent out as scouts and informants in several nations, including the Empire. Liches and sneaky undead were dispatched as chaos weavers amongst the conflict brewing in Tempest, their purpose to sow as much discord as possible between the multiple nations engaging in the conflict. At the same time Victim was constantly awake within Nazerick, the new NPC taking up Guardianship of the levels which Shalltear looked over. Things moved rapidly, numerous schemes that were put aside before because of their outrageous needs for secrecy now going ahead with all Guardians taking lead on their own projects or schemes. 

Demiurge, a demon massively affected by the wench of Tempest was among the first to initiate his schemes. He had been waiting a while for this and had been talking to interesting figured from all over. One such person sat within a tall concrete-like building with glass adorning its window-sections. A self opening door that lead into a main lobby expanded out before him as his form was that of a snazzy merchant in orange and black clothing, ones that could be found in any clothing store across this country.

"Ah! Demios-sama! Yuuki-sama is busy in a meeting currently... Would you perhaps like a refreshment whilst you wait?"

"Unfortunately I am on a short time schedule and need to speak to him immediately. I will just go up." His eyes flashed as the woman then nodded, her body language all but muted as the magic took over her sense of self for a moment, convincing her of the validity of his suggestion. The elevator appeared, the runes glowing a bright blue as a woman in a white mask with a red gem in the centre stepped out. Demiurge detected no signs of magic from the woman and hurriedly stepped into the elevator after she left, the desk woman blinking for a few moments until she saw the woman stepping up to her desk.

"A-ah, sorry Shizu-sama! I was just greeting another guest. Wo-" The conversation cut out as Demiurge quickly transported up the various levels, emerging at the highest level. A man sitting behind a desk, his golden-yellow eyes reading a strange novel of pictures and various other meaningless words as he stood.

"Demios-san, good to see you again!" He was cheerful, but Demiurge could see through that façade. He was a monster in human skin, a psychotic sociopath that used and abused those he wished to use. Many atimes Demiurge had dealt with humans such as these and it was always easy to understand what they wanted.

"Yuuki-san, it is good to see you again..."


At the same time Rimuru arrived at the entrance to Dwargon, a massive ceremony being held to behold the leader of another nation, no matter the manner of his arrival.

"Rimuru-sama, you must greet him graciously, or he might consider it a slight..."

"I know that Shion, I am inexperienced not stupid... Thanks for the help though." Shion nodded with her big toothy grin prominent on her face. Ranga was off to the side as Rimuru quickly changed his clothing to match his station, just before they could see him fully. Along with Rimuru there was a small amount of soldiers intended for his protection and several scribes in case of an agreement needing to be agreed upon. They had all taken Dire Wolves, which were included amongst the security force.

"Wish me luck..."

"We can do it Rimuru-sama!"



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