A Paradoxical Moment

Standing on top of a cloud a man with a gas mask and green gas leaking from the edges of it looked at space that looked as if but a hands' span away from him. On his shoulder was a green bird with an almost bubbly exterior, it's golden eyes glowing as it too looked up. The wind whipped the vibrant green hair of the man. 

Clouds segmented and merged one after another. Each of these events leaving some puffs behind that soon faded, rain dropping down a few metres before heating up immediately and turning back into clouds. This part of the rain cycle would soon fall to become rain once more. The man seemingly cared little for this as he turned his head to the side. Space was full of interesting spectacles, asteroids, the star that gave life, the various uninhabitable planets that hung in the same system... And one particular oddity that drew the man's attention. 

It looked like a broken mirror, a miniscule oddity amongst the immensity of space. This fractured mirror sparkled with an ominous maroon, the light hitting debris of the said mirror and reflecting through space.

"This isn't good... I will have to seal this for as long as I can..."

He spoke aloud to no one in particular, his hands reaching forwards as green gas exploded out from his mask once more. Said gas didn't escape as usual however as it slithered through the air in tendrils down towards his wrists, wrapping around them and covering his hands like gloves. With gas swirling raucously around his fingers and wrists he raised his hands and started to gesticulate each separate finger in certain positions. Dark green lines of energy soon formed, a delicate blue glow sloughing off the faint lines. Each finger moved created a new line, a small rune that was reminiscent of a star pattern connecting and aligning before cementing and floating forwards, a faint thread of green gas connecting the man and this 'construct'. Then he began again, the gas exploding out once more before being turned into new star patterns... Minutes passed like this until the amount of gas escaping his mask was like a faint fart amidst a tempest. 

"It will have to do... I am afraid we-" 

He stopped speaking as he saw the crimson in space pulse, as if a vein receiving blood. Light refracted further, more spaces slowly morphing into a cracking mirror. The breathing through the gasmask ceased for a few moments as the star pattern quickly were manipulated and then rotated, their forms merging into a singular massive rune that was shaped like the molecular pattern for Silver. As the star patterns merged into this rune it flew off at speeds beyond mortal comprehension, the wake of such a magic creating a massive pressure that dispersed all of the local clouds. Even the cloud beneath the man's feet broke apart, his body starting to free-fall as he remained calm and simply looked up at the crimson speck of light. 

"Silviana and I need to speak..."

A golden spear of light blistered from seemingly nowhere and began to pierce through space and time itself, striving to puncture the man's defences. The remnants of green gas left in his mask sprayed out and formed a swirling blackhole pattern made of star signs. Like metal scraping along glass the golden spear ground against the hectically made star-shield.


The Golden Spear pierced through and circumvented the meagre defences that the man had left...


In a golden throne room covered with opulent tapestries of stories from thousands of years ago, there sat a tall masculine man. His striking gold hair waving in the winds that were so prevalent at the heights that his castle was placed, his fingers slowly tapping on the edge of his throne as below him his servants cowered in kneeling positions. Currently he was staring off into the distance, his steel-grey eyes taking in the sight of distant clouds, a green haired man falling from the pinnacle-height of the world's atmosphere down to the hardened earth that made the planet, or possibly the deep and ominous oceans.

No smile, no fluctuation of emotion could be seen on the man. There was simply silence, a cold and harsh silence that carried for several minutes. An Imposing figure stood beside the gold-haired ruler, his broad-shouldered frame rippling with muscles. Scars ran down the sides of his face and disappeared underneath shiny platinum-like armour. A scowl permanently affixed itself to his face as he simply stayed as still as a statue, his sword pressed into the floor between his legs, the tip grinding into the marble beneath him. Beside the ruler was also a woman of stunning beauty, her fire-wreathed hair wavily gliding down her perfectly proportioned back and down to the top of her ass. She wore armour covered with elements of dresses. Silks slid over stark silver armour that was engraved with powerful-looking runes that illuminated every now and then. Her eyes were like the coals of a fire, frighteningly red and orange. She was like the embodiment of a dragon's flames, doom and dread wrapped all into one resplendent package of a woman. 

"S-s-s-sire... W-we haven't been able to find the Natherthick... I-i apologise!"

Silence disturbed, there was no response, simply a shifting of robes as the man who spoke nervously twitched under the superb pressure of the figures in the throne room. No coughs, no deep breaths, no exhales... It was deathly quiet as the ruler slowly panned his head from the window towards the men who had been kneeling there for over an hour as of this point.

"The name is Nazerick. Inefficient. You are too inefficient. Order is needed to maintain existence. From the smallest speck of dust to the largest social construct that we call Empires or Kingdoms. These people do not represent ORDER, they are anathema to us, they are enemies of existence, enemies of me... They must be purged from their sin of existence. Razul, kill them, their inability to follow orders is destabilizing order."

The scowling man lifted his sword from the floor and spun it so that the flat of the blade hung before his face, his scars and eyes reflecting back from the sword as the various citizens of the Empire before the ruler stood up and started to flee. 




Heads dropped to the ground as Razul cleaned his blooded blade with curtains that adorned the far end section of the Throne Room. More thuds followed the heads as the bodies fell, gravity assisting the fall and causing a morbid plopping noise to resound through the throne room. Several heads rolled towards the first steps of the throne. The ruler looked down without an inch of disgust or care, his face completely lacking emotion as he simply arched his head back towards the window.

Seconds passed as servants came to clean the mess up the ruler's mouth tensing as he began to scowl towards the distance where that man had been falling before. Never had he expected someone to figure out the dangers that were soon to come... This made it even more important for his Order to be in place, if the planet was to weather the advent of something new...

"Velgrynd, you will be coming with me to Walpurgis. It is time that we made our rules known to all sides and divide the chaff from the grain."

"Very well, I will inform my brethren of my appearance at this meeting."

"No. We will simply be going. I do not wish for them to have any preparations."

The woman frowned before nodding, her burning eyes pulsing into blue for a while until she settled her mood down, the colouration returning to normal.


"Chloe... You must understand that my vision, our vision, does not align with the Empire. They have had their chance to enforce their vision but it has come up short. Their Emperor is merely a vessel for some force that I cannot currently comprehend... Thus we need to separate from them and attempt to forge our own path."

"I trust you. But where will we gain the power and funding? I am sure that Clayman will soon fall on his own sword with how he is acting around the Demon Lords... I think we should pull him away from Walpurgis..."

"No, we can't do that. It is too obvious. We must let him act his play out, only then can we gain an observation on Tempest."

"Is it really worth it? Rimuru is there and he is not a stupid man. Plus there is a woman there that is rumoured to have a significant amount of power, what if we are caught?"

"Then our observation is caught, but, they cannot trace us back. It would be nearly impossible using Kagali's powers. Plus, those rumours could merely be misinformation from battlefields where stories often run rampant."

A knock from the entrance to the office resounded, Chloe fading into the shadows as her figure soon vanished, not even an outline remaining.

"Yuuki, I came to tell you that I am wanting to head to Tempest. I was wondering if you could look after the children?"

Yuuki's brown hair sat comfortably on his head, his hair barely reaching the top of his eyebrows. His head turned to face Shizu, the mask cleanly pressing into her face as her sword dangled on her side, tapping into her armoured leggings. 

"Of course I could look after the children... But I think it will sadden them to see you go. Is there any reason you are wanting to go to Tempest?"

"I have, personal, reasons to go there... It is important to me."

He smiled even wider as his eyes gained a hardness that erred on the side of malevolent. Still he maintained his positive expression, striding over to Shizu with no intent to harm her present in any part of his body. Like a fish struggling against the current Shizu stood still, her expression hidden behind her mask, although it was obvious to see she was comfortable with the man. Placing his hand on her shoulder his smile slowly fell to a dire expression of 'heartfelt' worry. 

"It's way too dangerous to go to Tempest now, they just finished a war and they are now facing the ire of the demon lords... Perhaps you should stay... I'll send Rimuru a message and see if he can come over?"

Shizu didn't move for several moments as a soft black-purple glow surrounded her for a microsecond. She nodded soon after and stepped back, her sword clacking against the side of her leggings. Then she turned and walked out of the office, closing the door behind herself.

"I don't like you using that ability..."

"Yes, well, everything requires sacrifice... Especially change."

"As I said, I trust you. But please refrain from using Mammon around me in future."

"Hahaha, sure!"


Somewhere in the world, on a throne made of gold and various gems, sat an Overlord. A skeleton of immense power and with his new-found ascension, a greater sense of what this world was all about. Tomes of varying sizes hovered around him as they all slowly flicked pages, as if he were reading from all twenty of them at once. Before him a portal apparated, the purple hues shadowing the slender but tall figure of Sebas Tian and the small but perfect looking Shalltear.


Shalltear dropped to her knees and started to fully grovel before her Overlord, her Master, her Crush. Sebas in similar form also bowed, his form done with more poise and discipline but still holding the same fervour that Shalltear's did.

"Hmmm... Shalltear, how are you alive? AND, Sebas... What has happened and what am I not privy to at this moment?"

"Firstly Ainz-sama I am here to relay a meeting offering from Silviana of Tempest. She wishes to speak to you..."

"THAT, is the first thing you mention to me!?"

"Ainz-sama... She brought me back to life... I was fully gone, a speck amongst the souls she had consumed..."

Ainz paused his words and looked to Sebas.

"She brought her back because of a Man that has been threatening Nazerick since we first arrived in this world... Michael... She considers him a threat, she seemed, to my eyes, to be afraid of him in some way."

Ainz brought his skeletal right hand to his chin and stared off, pondering the information. At the same time Albedo, Demiurge, The Fallen Angel, Cocytus, Mare, Aura and Victim all strutted into the room. World Items adorned almost all of them as newly forged equipment was also strung around them. Magicules seeped off of them like a flood, the 'data' stored within them being equal to Holy Artefacts from Yggdrasil.

"Where does she want to meet?" 


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