A Fight for The Right, to, Become a Demon Lord

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The entire room expanded further into a large colosseum with each chair of a Demon Lord being like a mini Emperor box. Silks and various beautiful tapestries were displayed around the entire arena with Yuna standing to one side of the colosseum and Clayman on the other. Their retainers were with them but placed within a see-through cage. 

"Are the cages really necessary?"

My voice projected towards Guy who simply smirked at me, his eyes practically aglow in amusement. It seemed the prospect of watching people fight was enjoyable to him. No answer was given to me despite the interest he showed as he simply waved his hand out. Moments passed in eerie silence until a rumble tossed through the arena, the previous sand floor being marred by various forms of terrain. New heightened terrain generated and even subterranean areas were created. 

'This is all a bit much, isn't it?'

|Just watch. There is nothing you can really do now, you just need to trust in Yuna.| 

Shields sprung up around the seated areas of the arena as Guy's voice boomed down into the area, magical screens appearing before us with options to switch to different 'camera' angles. 

"You will fight to the death. The victor takes all, including the bodies of their opponents."

Yuna nodded as her power started to billow out biliously, her holy and demonic sides fighting to outshine the other. Her horns and halo was radiant with magicules as elemental concepts swirled around her limbs chaotically. She was in a full obsidian trench coat that seemed to glow with black light that managed to be brighter than the silvers that adorned the clothing itself.

Clayman projected his power also, a crimson-maroon viscous aura pouring through his surroundings. He was much weaker than Yuna in magicules but his intelligence was certainly still concerning. No man, no matter how much of an asshole, that gets to his position is stupid or unintelligent. He had cunning and intelligence, they were just held within the vices of avarice, greed and arrogance. Fangs extended from his face as multiple different soul forms emerged behind his back, their hands grasping the edges of his garments. Silent screaming faces peaked out as their fingers slithered down his clothes and up into the air, pointing towards Yuna.

'He didn't have this in the anime... Or the light novel...'

|May have been a gift by Yuuki? Perhaps this is even more of an alternate universe than you thought?|

'Conjecture. Before we surmise that it is beyond our comprehension I would prefer to see if this in fact given to him by Yuuki.'

|How will you get this information?|

'I have Speak with Dead... It's easy enough, just gotta ask Yuna.'

Massive shifting noises resounded as a large hour glass dropped from seemingly nowhere into the middle of the arena, the sand not falling immediately as if waiting for permission.

"On the count of three..."

Yuna pulled out her large broadsword, its blade gleaming in metallic sheen as light dappled down onto her face. Jaune turned her head in the direction of Guy before sighing and touching the cage, shredding it in an instant. She may not be as powerful as Guy one on one, but she wasn't inept at magical interference and manipulation it seemed. Yuna didn't even react and instead was just staring at Clayman, like he was a dead man walking, a funny comparison since he was technically.


Clayman glared at Yuna with hatred so thick that it was almost physically visible to me in his Magicule aura. Ghosts of varying kinds slipped out from shadows and emerged as an army for himself. Blood-red eyes were now piercing orbs of sun-like rage as their light scorched down onto the sand before him.


Both sides tensed as more puppets emerged on Clayman's side. On Yuna's side Jaune clapped her hands and summoned her 'children', many greater and lesser demons. Abyssal flames cackled and crackled around her side as the Hour glass in the middle slowly rotated. When the time-turner was on the precipice of flipping over and starting the fight Guy's voice thunderously cracked out.



Lava spewed out from multiple locations in the arena as the two sides began to clash. Hundreds of demons and ghosts clawed at one another, ghostly spectres vanishing into walls only to slip steel-like fingers through the throats of rather decrepit demonic figures. Siren screams seemed to usher out from some of the ghosts stunning the demons but this didn't last long.

Swords of hand held lighting bolts crashed into the undead opponents as they screeched for a final time. Ozone flushed out into the arena as the remnant ashes of the undead forms were vaporised. Explosions and spells flew through the arena's varying levels, demons and ghosts clashing in the skies, in caves beneath the feet of Yuna and Clayman. Inky-white whight claws clashed against Demonic Talons and strength as in the middle Jaune and Clayman's offsider stood off against one another.

Clayman's said supporter was a doll-like construct that was coated in blood, raw, innocent, blood. Golden eyes that were adjacent to a cat's peaked out from the construct as from its hands spears of blood began to formulate, the liquid spinning and vertexing rapidly to such a speed that it was close to a water-cutter's power.

"Heh, you're fucking weak... You expect to beat me? Carrera, Primordial of Yellow, with this pathetic display!? Fucking disappointing."

Her finger raised upwards and started to glow an atomic white. Light soon exploded outwards and consumed all eyes within range as atoms were split directly in front of her, their power projecting forwards and plunge her opponent in waves of pure plasma. So potent was her magic that it was as if she had summoned a small sun to just sit on the tip of her finger and hatefully glare at her enemies.

There was nothing else to be said, Clayman's puppet was turned into motes of base elements. Carbon, Carbon Dioxide, Hydrogen, Magicules... Those were all that was left. Soon after she simply sustained the spell and redirected it towards Clayman who shivered and blocked it with a magic shield. His attempt reflected it back at her for enough time that ghosts started to crowd around her, hundreds and hundreds of them. 

Yuna used this moment of distraction to kick him in the balls and launch him upwards into the air. All air was propelled from his lungs as he hunched forwards despite being launched upwards. Little did he know that this position was a bad choice as Yuna swung her sword down and carved into his shoulder, almost slicing off his right arm. The pain smacked him out of his stun as an evil grin coalesced on his face.

"I said you should make your peace BITCH!"

His hands flashed and a small explosion of Magicules consumed Yuna, her body tumbling over itself as it slammed down into the ground. A crater surrounded her body as one third of the entire arena was in a similar state with that landing. Clayman dropped down at terminal velocity in hopes of curb stomping Yuna but only hit compacted earth as Yuna flipped out of the crater, her eyes turning a bright red with spiralling geometric shapes emerging from them.

"Automatic Combat Mode has Initiated."

Multiple magic circles flared out before her as they made a lattice of complex runic symbols. Then, with the might of an entire sun, a beam of magicules instantly zoomed into the world before her. 


Clayman screamed out as his already dangling right arm was incinerated, the rest of his form not doing the best as he collapsed backwards. The fight wasn't over however as Yuna's automated attack was not yet finished. From the dust of the entire display a sword cleaved through, the point of the blade going after his face only to fall short as he dropped onto his back and used the momentum of his intentional dodge to rebound back up onto his feet. Wounds that had previously seemed life threatening were healing rapidly despite the sunlight and his possible weakness to it. Yuna's sword redirected, aiming at the side of his torso. It failed however as he got a spell up and simply shunted it away from himself, the sword being blasted out of her hands.

"AGH, BITCH, just fucking DIE!"

Ominous green fog began to seep out from his hands as he reached out to grab her. Unfortunately for him his hands missed by a few centimetres, giving Yuna's automated responses the opportunity to do more damage. There was no sword this time, but Yuna didn't need it as she simply dropped her fist into his kidney and boosted it with her Ultimate Skill's super strength. 


A sickly sound of organs imploding slopped into the air as Yuna followed the first punch up with a second that took out another on of his internal organs, this time his stomach. Blood scuttled out from his mouth and orifices as faint disbelief flashed through his expression. The force didn't allow him to stay there however as he was launched through half of the arena, piercing into and out of stone blocks and jutting rocks. With each successive block destroyed more blood was left behind until he eventually stopped on the side Yuna had originally started from.

He coughed a couple times before standing up again, his form dirtied, bloodied and torn. Reaching down to clean his clothing he found the venture to of no avail. His outfit was ruined and the 'bitch' was still alive.

"HAHA! Ghosts are fucking fun! Oi, Vampire Fucker, I am gonna get some hits in with you as well! HAHAHA"

Jaune leaped off of a nearby stone outcropping and brought her fist up into a superman punch. A force swept into her from the side as a telekinetic energy slapped her away. Several explosions resulted but was soon forgotten as Yuna hungrily leapt through the holes which his trajectory had left. Her form was three times larger than her previous one as demonic energy corrupted everything it touched. Tidal waves of corrupting and invasive bile washed out towards Clayman who flinched and attempted to cast a spell, only to find that the aura was corrupting his Magicules as well.

"Now, now, we can't have you running can we!?"

Yuna's voice was brassier and deeper, her words echoing onto themselves as heat waves flitted out of her form. She now physically embodied hell, the heat, the hatred, the sin... Every element of it.

"Fuck off."

He let go of the spell only to regret the decision as the magic blew up in his face and severed an eye from his socket. Summoned shrapnel had perforated into him at the same time another fist landed into him, his heart shredding into a million pieces before clasping back together with an undead strength yet tapped into.


His form started to stretch and bend as he grew taller, his muscles shredding outwards and then healing over. His teeth morphed to something more natural, their forms elongating into sabre-length incisors; all of them. A pallid moonlight began to form behind him as a full-moon began to glimmer and emerge. He was manifesting his own personal moon to boost his powers.

This was when Yuna's form began to recede from its demonic form and began to shine in bright white and gold. Angelic wings emerged from her back and bloomed out fifteen feet to her right and left. Golden Halo hovered above her horns as her eyes became burning suns, white suns. Her form became more beautiful as her hair transformed, blonde claiming her former red and blue hair. The perfectly connected halo disconnected and became blades of purest light that swirled around her head.

"Checkmate. Now it is just time to cut your dick off and shove it up your ass."

"I'll make sure to kill you and bring you back just for my pleasure..."

"That's fucking disgusting, creepy cunt!"

Chuckles resounded from around the arena as Silviana, Guy, Rimuru, Ainz and Milim couldn't hold back. Guy was enjoying this fight so far, especially the banter between the two Demon Lord level opponents. Yuna was doing a good job at playing with her food for him, thus a grin was permanently affixed to his face. He was starting to like this newcomer and her attitude.

"Oi! Contractor! Don't leave me outta this shit!"

"Then come and fucking help, instead of being slapped away."


You all enjoyed, i am pleased! Leave some comments and power stones, I appreciate them all! 

(PS: I have stopped trying hypnotism, it doesn't work much... Maybe Necromancy would be the better solution? Anyway...!)

Hope you all have a good day and or night!