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"Anyway... I'll be resting in Rimuru, ahem, I mean... Tempestus, until we make our inevitable retreat."

Before word could leave my lips the green gas-spewing man had already popped out of existence in front of me, the only reminder of his presence being a dragging green noxious cloud of gas in the sky. My lips quivered as frustration welled up inside of me, a frown graced my face as my skin was flushed red, my fists clenching until you could see the white of my knuckles.

'Warhammer 40k... There is no chance for us to survive Warp contact. Not to mention the fact that this is supposedly the 'deep warp' which is only mentioned by the chaos gods in stories at the tone of fear.'

|We have to flee. Even if you become a god, there is no way to verse the gods of pure chaos and madness...|

'I agree. We have to run away. No survival could be scrounged from that insanity.'

|Good well we-|

'The issue is that we most likely will be incapable of convincing Guy, Ainz and the Emperor to work with us to pull the world away.'

|Paradox said that Rimuru, Yuna and you were enough though?|

'Heh, he didn't mean the world's retreat. He meant our nation's. All of the Jura Forest could be shunted to another universe/world if we pooled the magicules of our entire nation into one place and ritual.'

'The world would have to be sacrificed...'

No words were spoken between us as I began to do calculations in my mind. Assuming his information was correct and truthful, something that I couldn't risk to question, we could pool our entire nation's magic to induce a ritual that could possibly work to shunt us away. The only issue I could see would be choosing a world and having a stable connection. My mind made some connections with people that I had met in the Liminal Space but I decided to remain practical to what I could so at this moment.


Projections of my voice echoed from every shadow clone of me as they all ceased doing what they had been ordered to do. Hundreds of people were stunned by this display as some began to search for Souei instantly. Never had I done this to people and if I was asking like this it meant something important was going on. As people searched I sent message spells off to Rimuru, Yuna, Milim, Shuna, Shion, Benimaru, Gazel Dwargo. My communication was very simple.

~I apologise for the abruptness. Meet me in the war room of Tempestus within the day please...~

No responses came but the feeling of recognition from the spell set in. They had gotten my message and would no doubt be coming at my request. My message to Gazel was more official, asking for his presence, but it essentially had the same tone as I teleported down from the orchids, emerging in the middle of the capital.

Raising my arms I hastily assembled a massive barrier that excluded all sensory magic or skills, powered by my Mammon Morgoth Ultimate. Ancalagon had joined this shield as it's figure hovered above the city itself, laying down as it's eyes scanned the distant horizon. Several attempts at piercing the shield emerged but these were quickly ceased as my spell rebounded against them and sent their minds reeling. I had no time to care about potential issues arising in future as I sent more messages to Luminous, Ainz and Carrion.

~It is Silviana. I wish to meet you three at the entrance to Tempestus tomorrow. All will be explained when you get there.~

With my hasty actions completed I began to search my mind, hundreds of technologies and information zooming through my neurons. Infinite mind aided me as well, the instant searching feature being a massive boon for me as I found beautiful designs of the most prominent technology of my last world, the pinnacle of my age's tech. 

'Plasma Rifles, Plasma Cannons, Advanced AI Computer Terminals, Holographic technology... Nope none of them are useful... Ah! Here we go!'

My mind grasped onto a singular piece of technology that was masterfully close to being complete, a warp drive. Conceptually it was impossible with previous understandings of scientific knowledge, the energy required being literally impossible to successfully leverage... But, here? It was a possibility and could be used as the focus of the ritual. The only issue would be the resources and level of crafting and engineering needed to craft it. The processes for the internals and externals were beyond complexity, you needed to be perfect almost. Robots had been used in my past world to attempt to manufacture this, before the apocalypse began.

'I could create it straight up...'

|Possible, but you would not be able to make it function. The energy requirements are still there and even you do not have that level of energy. Technically you have infinite but your body would die instantly if you even attempted to power it.|

'Could it be used as the focus of a magical ritual that wished to leverage the concepts it represents?'

|Possibly... Dangerous, but possible. The concepts themselves do not require massive amounts of power, it is just the physical requirements of the design and tech that require it.|

'Powered by me and three other Demon Lords, possibly even more, there should be very little issues.'

'I will create the design to the point that it is theoretically usable.'

|I am here to help if you have any issues!|

Quickly but accurately I started to implement my influence over creation, transmutation, Dunamancy, chronomancy and enchantment to fully manifest the materials and proper components for this technology... Not realising that the people who I had asked to come were waiting for me, except for Dwargo; he was on his way here already.

Sweat marred my brow as the very fabric of the cobbles before me was sundered as fuel to make this contraption. A hole started to manifest as the material flew upwards into my design, consumed. Weird patterns of advanced super conductive materials spiralled out into tubes and various striated panels as a arcane thrum began to croon out amidst the sparks of intense transmutation. The hole was looking more akin to a crater now, the road falling inwards before gravity tore it away from its downwards descent and sucked it into the space between my hands.

The Wind's pace picked up and dropped constantly as a despotic hymn of pure atmospheric crackling followed. Fire, Earth, Water and Air was churned and swallowed in a slowly growing consumption-filled tornado. Crater turned into chasm as the very road below me was fading, earth greedily being shred away until the noise ceased... A truly odd amalgam of pipes and differing metallic constructs, interwoven into a triangular machine that lightly hummed and floated. It wasn't activated, this was just the interaction it had with nature, apparently. Frowning at the construct I waved my hand below me and started to create earth and water, replacing that which had been eaten by my magic.

|It is complete. It can be used as a focus for whatever ritual you are preparing... Now, not to be nagging... You may need to establish a coordinate connection between this world and whatever universe you wish to traverse to, preferably to a world with breathable atmosphere?|

'I have that covered, I just need to speak with those two intriguing wizards.'


'Don't worry, it's a surprise.'

With the item completed I summoned my horde entrance and stored it away safely, my power surging as the mere capability of this item, the potential of it, was of a massive value. Still, it was a meagre happiness amidst the revelation that I had received...

|Mmm, okay. Well may I ask a question?|


|Why are you taking this so well and immediately running away?|

'Some would think me crazy for immediately fleeing from the threat... But my 'mothers' had warned you to save me if anything like this appeared. Not only that, I understand Warhammer 40k lore, it is beyond what we can achieve here. Especially since Rimuru is not a god yet and neither am I. Even gazing upon the warp corrupts, all it takes is Guy to become corrupted and we're all fucked.'

|Logical, but still, why are you immediately fleeing?|

'Why should I fight for a universe that i have very little connection with? If I can avoid conflict with an overwhelming adversary and have all of those I care about or have semi-friendly ties with survive, than I will choose that option. I am not a hero that will go out of her way to save a world because it is 'right'...'

Morgan was silent so I simply teleported away once more, appearing at the door leading to the war room. Silence was not a theme inside as everyone was rather cordially conversing. Shuna's and Milim's voices were amongst the din, their presence at this moment being a huge comfort for me.

|You do know that this will mean abandoning a large amount of your power, potentially...?|

'Better to lose power and live to see another day. Power can be gained, life is very rarely able to be brought back from death.'

|The Phoenix Magic you have could allow you to?|

'Yes, but how many times will that work before I lose myself and go insane? Not to mention the perverse pleasure that Chaos entities would have in knowing i can't fully die unless I choose to...'

Silence once again reigned within my mind as I opened the doors before me, several pairs of eyes jumping to me and analysing me inch by inch. Looks of concern, smiles and blown kisses, all interrupted by a single question that Rimuru asked.

"What has happened?"


Woof, hope you enjoyed! It is fun to increase the pace a little, sorry if this is odd to some but she would really start working at this speed.