Plots within Wheels, Wheels within Plots

My wives and I were seated in the range rover once more as we followed behind the trade caravan. My request had at first been ignored from precipitance in the situation. Eventually we were able to communicate, with their response being given after some deliberation between themselves. One specific Dwarf man took as many chances as he could to look at me, a touch creepy, if I didn't understand that I was obnoxiously attractive to normal people.

On the topic of my wives though, well, they were rather grouchy after being tumbled through the car amidst my drifting. They weren't necessarily angered, just grumpy that they didn't get any action or even see me do my thing. Currently they were both having a chat openly between our mental connection. Supposedly it was to stop anyone from overhearing what they didn't want known... Not that they were speaking about anything important.

~Milim, what do you think about Silvi's new body?~

~MMM! Good question sis! Ummm... It's good! I think I just like whatever form she is in though...~

Shuna frowned as I dedicated a small fragment of mental power to listening in, most of my attention expanding outwards to focus on our travel and my driving. Neither of them noticed this, nor did they note the small smile that crept onto my face as they talked about me.

~Cool... I just thought it may be slightly jarring is all...~

~Nah! Honey is honey! Her body might change but her soul and heart will never, when it comes to us, and that's all that matters!!!~ 

Milim struck her chest as if she was an impressed father cheering on his son in a football game. Her cheeks were puffed out and pride was easily noticeable in how she gazed at Shuna happily. Meanwhile, my little woman of insecurity and lacking confidence looked at the ground as if in moral defeat. There was something going on there... Deep within her, and I wanted to know what it was that had begun to infect her thoughts.

~You're right Mili- Sis... I don't know why I am being like this...?~

~Maybe you are just hungry! I know...! HONEY! We need Honey!~

After honey was mentioned all hopes of deciphering any form of conversation faded, my draconic wife falling into her baser desires for candies and sugar. To be honest, it was cute... Also very frustrating on the other hand. She ate almost the entire pantry full of sweets when we were at home and she expected no difference in quantity whilst travelling either.

"Honey...!? Could we get-" I cut her off whilst holding out a jar filled with honey, two spoons hanging out of the top as my left hand stayed on the steering wheel. 

"YEEES!!! You are the best!!!" 

Milim dove towards me quickly, giving a sloppy kiss on the side of my cheek before snatching the unprotected nectar within my right hand, the clinking of spoons following thereafter. Shuna was taken off-guard at first but soon joined in on the feast. Meanwhile my mind turned to the deeper matter at hand.

'Is she affected by some form of magic? A curse? Or is she simply like this...?' Yes, i wasn't over the conversation they had just finished and the seeming confusion that she displayed after a while. In the past she hadn't been this worried or unsure. The timing was odd and a slimy feeling was gripping at my heart. Was something messing with my wife?


In the throne room of Nazerick

"Ainz-sama! The curse is slowly taking affect... as you have requested." A new figure in the middle of Nazerick stood before the golden throne of the Overlord. Dressed in butler-like clothing but bright red and white he stood with a white moustache, bowed. A monocle was placed over his right eye, golden trimmed, with a chain that hung down to his lapel.

"Good. Now that the curse is taking effect, we can now slowly start chipping away at her sanity... Turning her away from Silviana." 

Albedo stood off to the side of the new butler alongside Demiurge. They both maintained neutral faces, observing the conversation from the side as they no doubt planned to intervene with their own beliefs of how the plan should proceed. 

The majority of the floor guardians were not present today, many constructing fortifications and enhancements based off of the Origin skills they received from the reality shift. Currently there were only these three 'NPCS' within the throne room.

"Ainz-sama... Perhaps it would be better for us to instead leverage this connection to syphon information from Tempest?"

Ainz shifted on the top of his throne ever so slightly, the red in his eyes shining brightly at the suggestion. He glanced over at Demiurge and Albedo, the two getting an inkling that he wished for them to weigh in.

"Ainz-sama, I have no doubt that your plans are beyond my trivial understanding of the situation... But, I would like to add on something to your plan...if I may?"

"Ohh...? Go ahead..."

"Thank you for your generosity Ainz-sama... Using this curse and connection, as Yulvis-san has mentioned, to siphon information is too small of an idea. Instead, if we were to change this curse into a disease and spread it throughout the leadership of Tempest? Assuming that Yulvis-san had been transparent with his capabilities, we could slowly start manipulating everything and everyone to slowly become a shadow government."

Albedo stepped up right after the speech spoken by Demiurge.

"I believe that it is also an opportunity to potentially scout their capabilities, skill-wise. If we were to manipulate them into fights, we could understand what they have and potentially discover a magic or power that could transfer them to us, or more specifically, you, Ainz-sama..."

The overlord himself sat there, his skeletal hand resting upon his thick-boned chin. The flames within his eyes flared every now and then as considerations and thoughts swirled unendingly. Albedo, Demiurge and Yulvis all stood completely silent, watching their Overlord deliberate upon their suggestions. His hand dropped from his chin and softly rested down upon the armrest of his throne once more.

"We will do all of them. Demiurge, with Yulvis's aid, will find weaknesses in their government to attach curses to them without notice. Albedo... I will place you in the leadership of this initiative, find out each of their Origin Skills."

"""Hai! Ainz-sama!"""

"Very good! Now, please allow Shalltear in on your way out..."

The three nodded before gracefully stepping out of the massive hall, the flags of Nazerick flapping with a source-less breeze all the while. A minute past as Ainz sat upon his throne, staring up at the flags, thinking upon his past comrades and the possibility to find them once again through a larger power-base.

"Ainz-sama!" Shalltear rushed into the chamber and immediately curtsied a few metres away from the steps leading to his throne.

"Shalltear. It is good to see you... What news do you have for me?"

The vampire blushed brightly at his comment, that vanishing immediately as he asked a serious question. Fixing her dress and pressing the cups up to fully present her 'assets' she stood up and regarded Ainz evenly. 

"Luminous has two Vampire lackies that run her nation for her. They are currently set up across the river of Jura. Hinata, the paladin, is currently the military commander for the Luminous religion and has set a constant patrol on the outskirts of their territory's borders."


"Any chance of infiltration?"

She grinned broadly, her teeth showing a little more than she intended before she went back to her usual expression. 

"I have already assumed you would ask that of me... Some of my servants have been hidden in the shadows of some paladin guards. They have already informed me that Silviana is currently out on a mission for Tempest, on a separate continent."

"Is that so...? That is good news..."

Shalltear looked on the edge of, 'something', as Ainz looked down upon her. She shifted awkwardly, her finger holding out her dress slightly amidst the blush that could no longer hide itself on her face.

"Shalltear, take this ring." Her eyes instantly widened when she saw a ring manifest in his hands, her undead heart beating several times in rapid succession directly after the reveal.

"It will allow you to teleport within Nazerick freely. This will serve you in leaving when you need to meet with your informants." Excitement somewhat died out, but was instantly quenched when she realised that she would be receiving the guild ring... An object that only the Creator's could wear.

"FUCK YES...!!!"


In the throne room of Luminous

"So you have detected spies in our midst Hinata?"

"Yes Luminous... They are attempting to gather information from us."

Luminous sat on a human-sized throne as her heterochromatic eyes languidly blinked under the drifting segments of hair that dangled over her face. Fingers tapped on the throne as she regarded the stalwart figure of Hinata, her black hair and blue eyes being all that one could see amidst the tangle of armour and cloth that she wore.

"Then you will feed them wrong information... Those that are identified will not be harmed, instead, they will be let into very specific conversations. We will focus on misinforming them about Silviana and our own efforts."

"What do you suggest?"

"Hmm, perhaps... A misdirection. Have a 'conversation' with one of the paladins under the observation of these 'agents'... Tell said paladin, in faith, that Silviana will be away for her continental mission for several months at the very least. Then also misinform them about our relation with Tempest."

"That is easily done. Don't we wish to know who they are though?"

"Not necessary. I have my, theories... But it is worthless to sprout them now. First, accomplish this, then we will see to any other actions. With any luck they will expose themselves as brashly as I believe they will..."

Hinata nodded before turning and walking off. Her mission was just given, now to make it inconspicuous and as believable as possible. Luminous trusted her to that much by herself.


Back in the car...

"Is that Kraghammer!?"

"Yes Shuna, that is the homeland of the Dwarves within Exandria."

"That's crazy!!!"

Milim and Shuna pulled their heads out of the car as we drove through the last segment of the mountain roads. Before us stood a massive carved entry way, etched into the side of a mountain itself. Double doors half as large as the mountain were protected either flank by massive fortress towers. Walls of a fortress and castle merged lay around the base of the doorway as massive dwarven statues were carved into the sides of the towers, small arrow slits poking out almost imperceptibly from the beards and eyes of these statues.

The caravan ahead sped up at first sight of this entry, their pace fervoured and almost grateful as I noted several thousands guards patrolling the walls and towers of the entryway. Siege engines designed for powerful beasts were layed out in the open on the tops of towers or simply on carved platforms hanging far above the battlements below. Lights both natural and candle in nature framed this entire vista, the shadows emboldening every minute detail strewn across the structure... We had made it to Kraghammer alright, and it was much more comprehensive than I remember it being. 


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