R.I.P Bed-san.

Evan lay with Celestina on the bed, he wasn't tired at all but still decided to be with her for the time being.

He didn't feel sleepy at all, so he decided to ask something with system that he thought in between their battle just now.

'Hey, system. If I were to use a dual cultivation technique right now, would I benefit from it in the future?'

The system was quick to reply and responded,

[No, host. Your body won't be able to take any spiritual energy at all. It's just because of the system that is helping the mana to flow inside you that you are even able to have mana, otherwise, it wouldn't have been possible as well.]

'As I thought, so she can't benefit from it as well, right?'

[She can't as well. But once you obtain your physique, then she will.]

'Hmm... can I ask you one thing, if you don't mind?' Evan said trying to be modest.

[I have no emotions, host. You can ask me anything.]